def testBasic(self):
        graph = Graph()
        op = OpCachedTiledVolumeReader(graph=graph)
        op._opReader.tiled_volume.TEST_MODE = True

        roi = numpy.array([(10, 150, 100), (30, 550, 550)])
        cached_result_out = op.CachedOutput(*roi).wait()
        uncached_result_out = op.UncachedOutput(*roi).wait()
        specified_result_out = op.CachedOutput(*roi).wait()

        # We expect a channel dimension to be added automatically...
        assert (cached_result_out.shape == roi[1] - roi[0]).all()

        ref_path_comp = PathComponents(self.data_setup.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH)
        with h5py.File(ref_path_comp.externalPath, 'r') as f:
            ref_data = f[ref_path_comp.internalPath][:]

        expected = ref_data[roiToSlice(*roi)]'/tmp/expected.npy', expected)'/tmp/result_out.npy', result_out)

        # We can't expect the pixels to match exactly because compression was used to create the tiles...
        assert (expected == cached_result_out).all()
        assert (expected == uncached_result_out).all()
        assert (expected == specified_result_out).all()
    def _attemptOpenAsTiledVolume(self, filePath):
        fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filePath)[1].lower()
        fileExtension = fileExtension.lstrip('.') # Remove leading dot

        if fileExtension in OpInputDataReader.tiledExts:
            opReader = OpCachedTiledVolumeReader(parent=self)
                # This will raise a SchemaError if this is the wrong type of json config.
                opReader.DescriptionFilePath.setValue( filePath )
                return ([opReader], opReader.SpecifiedOutput)
            except JsonConfigParser.SchemaError:
        return ([], None)
    def _attemptOpenAsTiledVolume(self, filePath):
        fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filePath)[1].lower()
        fileExtension = fileExtension.lstrip('.')  # Remove leading dot

        if fileExtension in OpInputDataReader.tiledExts:
            opReader = OpCachedTiledVolumeReader(parent=self)
                # This will raise a SchemaError if this is the wrong type of json config.
                return ([opReader], opReader.SpecifiedOutput)
            except JsonConfigParser.SchemaError:
        return ([], None)