Exemple #1
    def testBasic(self):
        graph = Graph()
        op = OpTiledVolumeReader(graph=graph)

        roi = numpy.array([(10, 150, 100), (30, 550, 550)])
        result_out = op.Output(*roi).wait()

        # We expect a channel dimension to be added automatically...
        assert (result_out.shape == roi[1] - roi[0]).all()

        ref_path_comp = PathComponents(self.data_setup.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH)
        with h5py.File(ref_path_comp.externalPath, "r") as f:
            ref_data = f[ref_path_comp.internalPath][:]

        expected = ref_data[roiToSlice(*roi)]

        # numpy.save('/tmp/expected.npy', expected)
        # numpy.save('/tmp/result_out.npy', result_out)

        # We can't expect the pixels to match exactly because compression was used to create the tiles...
        assert (expected == result_out).all()
Exemple #2
    def test_5_TestExportRoi(self):
        roi = ((0, 25, 25, 25, 0), (1, 75, 75, 75, 1))
        exportDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        datasetPath = self.bfs.exportRoiToHdf5(roi, exportDir)
        path_parts = PathComponents(datasetPath)

            assert path_parts.externalDirectory == exportDir, \
            "Dataset was not exported to the correct directory:\n"\
            "Expected: {}\n"\
            "Got: {}".format( exportDir, path_parts.externalDirectory )

            expected_data = self.data[roiToSlice(*roi)]
            with h5py.File(path_parts.externalPath, 'r') as f:
                read_data = f[path_parts.internalPath][...]

            assert read_data.shape == expected_data.shape, "Exported data had wrong shape"
            assert read_data.dtype == expected_data.dtype, "Exported data had wrong dtype"
            assert (read_data == expected_data
                    ).all(), "Exported data did not match expected data"

    def test_special_z_translation(self):
        This tests the special 
        tiled_volume = TiledVolume( self.data_setup.SPECIAL_Z_VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE )
        tiled_volume.TEST_MODE = True
        reference_roi = numpy.array( [(20, 150, 100), (40, 550, 550)] )
        result_out = numpy.zeros( reference_roi[1] - reference_roi[0], dtype=tiled_volume.description.dtype )

        roi_translated = reference_roi - [11,0,0]
        tiled_volume.read( roi_translated, result_out )
        ref_path_comp = PathComponents(self.data_setup.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH)
        with h5py.File(ref_path_comp.externalPath, 'r') as f:
            ref_data = f[ref_path_comp.internalPath][:]
        expected = ref_data[roiToSlice(*reference_roi)]
        #numpy.save('/tmp/expected.npy', expected)
        #numpy.save('/tmp/result_out.npy', result_out)
        assert (expected == result_out).all()
  def testRemappedTiles(self):
      # The config above specifies that slices 45:47 get their data from slice 44, 
      #  and slice 41 is the same as 40
      tiled_volume = TiledVolume( self.data_setup.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE )
      tiled_volume.TEST_MODE = True
      roi = numpy.array( [(40, 150, 100), (50, 550, 550)] )
      result_out = numpy.zeros( roi[1] - roi[0], dtype=tiled_volume.description.dtype )
      tiled_volume.read( roi, result_out )
      ref_path_comp = PathComponents(self.data_setup.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH)
      with h5py.File(ref_path_comp.externalPath, 'r') as f:
          ref_data = f[ref_path_comp.internalPath][:]
      # Slices 5,6,7 are missing from the server data, and 'filled in' with slice 4
      # Similarly, slice 1 is missing and filled in with slice 0.
      expected = ref_data[roiToSlice(*roi)]
      expected[5:8] = expected[4]
      expected[1] = expected[0]
      #numpy.save('/tmp/expected.npy', expected)
      #numpy.save('/tmp/result_out.npy', result_out)
      assert (expected == result_out).all()
Exemple #5
    def testCustomAxes(self):
        tiled_volume = TiledVolume(
        tiled_volume.TEST_MODE = True
        roi = numpy.array([(10, 150, 100), (30, 550, 550)])
        result_out = numpy.zeros(roi[1] - roi[0],

        roi_t = (tuple(reversed(roi[0])), tuple(reversed(roi[1])))
        result_out_t = result_out.transpose()

        tiled_volume.read(roi_t, result_out_t)

        ref_path_comp = PathComponents(self.data_setup.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH)
        with h5py.File(ref_path_comp.externalPath, 'r') as f:
            ref_data = f[ref_path_comp.internalPath][:]

        expected = ref_data[roiToSlice(*roi)]

        #numpy.save('/tmp/expected.npy', expected)
        #numpy.save('/tmp/result_out.npy', result_out)

        assert (expected == result_out).all()
    def exportRoiToHdf5(self, roi, exportDirectory, use_view_coordinates=True):
        Export an arbitrary roi to a single hdf5 file.
        The file will be placed in the given exportDirectory,
        and will be named according to the exported roi.

        :param roi: The roi to export
        :param exportDirectory: The directory in which the result should be placed.
        :param use_view_coordinates: If True, assume the roi was given relative to the view start.
                                     Otherwise, assume it was given relative to the on-disk coordinates.
        roi = list(map(TinyVector, roi))
        if not use_view_coordinates:
            abs_roi = roi
            assert (
                abs_roi[0] >= self.description.view_origin
            ), "Roi {} is out-of-bounds: must not span lower than the view origin: ".format(
                roi, self.description.origin
            view_roi = roi - self.description.view_origin
            view_roi = roi
            abs_roi = view_roi + self.description.view_origin

        # Always name the file according to the absolute roi
        roiString = "{}".format((list(abs_roi[0]), list(abs_roi[1])))
        datasetPath = self._description.block_file_name_format.format(roiString=roiString)
        fullDatasetPath = os.path.join(exportDirectory, datasetPath)
        path_parts = PathComponents(fullDatasetPath)

        with h5py.File(path_parts.externalPath, "w") as f:
            self._createDatasetInFile(f, path_parts.internalPath, view_roi)
            dataset = f[path_parts.internalPath]
            self.readData(view_roi, dataset)

        return fullDatasetPath
    def _selectFiles(self):
        # Find the directory of the most recently opened image file
        mostRecentStackDirectory = PreferencesManager().get(
            'DataSelection', 'recent stack directory')
        if mostRecentStackDirectory is not None:
            defaultDirectory = os.path.split(mostRecentStackDirectory)[0]
            defaultDirectory = os.path.expanduser('~')

        options = QFileDialog.Options(QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly)
        if ilastik.config.cfg.getboolean("ilastik", "debug"):
            options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog

        h5exts = [x.lstrip('.') for x in OpStreamingHdf5SequenceReaderM.H5EXTS]
        # Launch the "Open File" dialog
        extensions = vigra.impex.listExtensions().split()
        filt = "Image files (" + ' '.join('*.' + x for x in extensions) + ')'
        options = QFileDialog.Options()
        if ilastik.config.cfg.getboolean("ilastik", "debug"):
            options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog
        fileNames = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self,
                                                 "Select Images for Stack",

        fileNames = map(encode_from_qstring, fileNames)

        msg = ''
        if len(fileNames) == 0:

        if len(fileNames) == 1:
            msg += 'Cannot create stack: You only chose a single file.  '
            msg += 'If your stack is contained in a single file (e.g. a multi-page tiff or '
            msg += 'hdf5 volume), please use the "Add File" button.'
            QMessageBox.warning(self, "Invalid selection", msg)
            return None

        pathComponents = PathComponents(fileNames[0])
        directory = pathComponents.externalPath
        PreferencesManager().set('DataSelection', 'recent stack directory',

        if pathComponents.extension in OpStreamingHdf5SequenceReaderM.H5EXTS:
            # check for internal paths!
            internal_paths = self._findCommonInternal(fileNames)
            if len(internal_paths) == 0:
                msg += 'Could not find a unique common internal path in'
                msg += directory + '\n'
                QMessageBox.warning(self, "Invalid selection", msg)
                return None
            elif len(internal_paths) == 1:
                fileNames = [
                    '{}/{}'.format(fn, internal_paths[0]) for fn in fileNames
                # Ask the user which dataset to choose
                dlg = H5VolumeSelectionDlg(internal_paths, self)
                if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted:
                    selected_index = dlg.combo.currentIndex()
                    selected_dataset = str(internal_paths[selected_index])
                    fileNames = [
                        '{}/{}'.format(fn, selected_dataset)
                        for fn in fileNames
                    msg = 'No valid internal path selected.'
                    QMessageBox.warning(self, "Invalid selection", msg)
                    return None

def generateBatchPredictions(workflow, batchInputPaths, batchExportDir,
                             batchOutputSuffix, exportedDatasetName,
    Compute the predictions for each of the specified batch input files,
    and export them to corresponding h5 files.
    originalBatchInputPaths = list(batchInputPaths)
    batchInputPaths = convertStacksToH5(batchInputPaths, stackVolumeCacheDir)

    batchInputInfos = []
    for p in batchInputPaths:
        info = DatasetInfo()
        info.location = DatasetInfo.Location.FileSystem

        # Convert all paths to absolute
        # (otherwise they are relative to the project file, which probably isn't what the user meant)
        comp = PathComponents(p)
        comp.externalPath = os.path.abspath(comp.externalPath)

        info.filePath = comp.totalPath()

    # Also convert the export dir to absolute (for the same reason)
    if batchExportDir != '':
        batchExportDir = os.path.abspath(batchExportDir)

    # Configure batch input operator
    opBatchInputs = workflow.batchInputApplet.topLevelOperator
    for info, multislot in zip(batchInputInfos, opBatchInputs.DatasetGroup):
        # FIXME: This assumes that the workflow has exactly one dataset role.

    # Configure batch export operator
    opBatchResults = workflow.batchResultsApplet.topLevelOperator

    # By default, the output files from the batch export operator
    #  are named using the input file name.
    # If we converted any stacks to hdf5, then the user won't recognize the input file name.
    # Let's override the output file name using the *original* input file names.
    outputFileNameBases = []
    for origPath in originalBatchInputPaths:
        outputFileNameBases.append(origPath.replace('*', 'STACKED'))


    logger.info("Exporting data to " + opBatchResults.OutputDataPath[0].value)

    # Set up progress display handling (just logging for now)
    currentProgress = [None]

    def handleProgress(percentComplete):
        if currentProgress[0] != percentComplete:
            currentProgress[0] = percentComplete
            logger.info("Batch job: {}% complete.".format(percentComplete))

    progressSignal = opBatchResults.ProgressSignal[0].value

    # Make it happen!
    result = opBatchResults.ExportResult[0].value
    return result
    def setup(self):
        Generate a directory with all the files needed for this test.
        We use the same temporary directory every time, so we don't 
        waste time regenerating the data if the test has already been run recently.
        The directory consists of the following files:
        - reference_volume.h5
        - volume_description.json
        - transposed_volume_description.json
        - [lots of png tiles..]
        global volume_description_text
        global port
            with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
                # allow the socket port to be reused if in TIME_WAIT state
                sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
                sock.bind(('localhost', port))  # try default/previous port
        except Exception as e:
            with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
                # allow the socket port to be reused if in TIME_WAIT state
                sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
                sock.bind(('localhost', 0))  # find free port
                port = sock.getsockname()[1]

        volume_description_text = volume_description_text.replace(
            '{port}', str(port))

        tmp = tempfile.gettempdir()
        self.TILE_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(tmp, 'testTiledVolume_data')
        logger.debug("Using test directory: {}".format(self.TILE_DIRECTORY))
        self.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH = os.path.join(self.TILE_DIRECTORY,
        ref_vol_path_comp = PathComponents(self.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH)
        self.REFERENCE_VOL_FILE = ref_vol_path_comp.externalPath
        self.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE = os.path.join(self.TILE_DIRECTORY,
        self.LOCAL_VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE = os.path.join(
            self.TILE_DIRECTORY, 'local_volume_description.json')
        self.TRANSPOSED_VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE = os.path.join(
            self.TILE_DIRECTORY, 'transposed_volume_description.json')
        self.TRANSLATED_VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE = os.path.join(
            self.TILE_DIRECTORY, 'translated_volume_description.json')
        self.SPECIAL_Z_VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE = os.path.join(
            self.TILE_DIRECTORY, 'special_z_volume_description.json')

        if not os.path.exists(self.TILE_DIRECTORY):
            print("Creating new tile directory: {}".format(

        if not os.path.exists(self.REFERENCE_VOL_FILE):
            ref_vol = numpy.random.randint(0, 255,
                                           (100, 600, 600)).astype(numpy.uint8)
            with h5py.File(self.REFERENCE_VOL_FILE, 'w') as ref_file:
                ref_file[ref_vol_path_comp.internalPath] = ref_vol
            with h5py.File(self.REFERENCE_VOL_FILE, 'r') as ref_file:
                ref_vol = ref_file[ref_vol_path_comp.internalPath][:]

        need_rewrite = False
        if not os.path.exists(self.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE):
            need_rewrite = True
            with open(self.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE, 'r') as f:
                if f.read() != volume_description_text:
                    need_rewrite = True

        if need_rewrite:
            with open(self.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE, 'w') as f:

            # Read the volume description as a JsonConfig Namespace
            volume_description = TiledVolume.readDescription(

            # Write out a copy of the description, but with a local tile path instead of a URL
            config_helper = JsonConfigParser(TiledVolume.DescriptionFields)
            local_description = copy.copy(volume_description)
            local_description.tile_url_format = self.TILE_DIRECTORY + "/tile_z{z_start:05}_y{y_start:05}_x{x_start:05}.png"

            # Write out a copy of the description, but with custom output axes
            config_helper = JsonConfigParser(TiledVolume.DescriptionFields)
            transposed_description = copy.copy(volume_description)
            transposed_description.output_axes = "xyz"

            # Write out another copy of the description, but with an origin translation
            config_helper = JsonConfigParser(TiledVolume.DescriptionFields)
            translated_description = copy.copy(volume_description)
            translated_description.view_origin_zyx = [10, 20, 30]
            translated_description.shape_zyx = None

            # Write out another copy of the description, but with a special function for translating z-coordinates.
            config_helper = JsonConfigParser(TiledVolume.DescriptionFields)
            special_z_description = copy.copy(volume_description)
            special_z_description.z_translation_function = "lambda z: z+11"
                self.SPECIAL_Z_VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE, special_z_description)

            # Remove all old image tiles in the tile directory
            files = os.listdir(self.TILE_DIRECTORY)
            for name in files:
                if os.path.splitext(
                        name)[1] == '.' + volume_description.format:
                    os.remove(os.path.join(self.TILE_DIRECTORY, name))

            # Write the new tiles

            # To support testMissingTiles (below), remove slice 2
            files = os.listdir(self.TILE_DIRECTORY)
            for name in files:
                if name.startswith("tile_z00002"):
                    p = os.path.join(self.TILE_DIRECTORY, name)
                    print("removing:", p)

        # lastly, start the server
    import argparse

    # sys.argv += "/tmp/example_slice.h5/data /tmp/example_slice2.h5/data --export_drange=(0,255) --output_format=png --pipeline_result_drange=(1,2)".split()

    # Construct a parser with all the 'normal' export options, and add arg for prediction_image_paths.
    parser = DataExportApplet.make_cmdline_parser(argparse.ArgumentParser())
                        help="Path(s) to your exported predictions.")
    parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
    parsed_args, unused_args = DataExportApplet.parse_known_cmdline_args(
        sys.argv[1:], parsed_args)

    # As a convenience, auto-determine the internal dataset path if possible.
    for index, input_path in enumerate(parsed_args.prediction_image_paths):
        path_comp = PathComponents(input_path, os.getcwd())
        if not parsed_args.output_internal_path:
            parsed_args.output_internal_path = "segmentation"
        if path_comp.extension in PathComponents.HDF5_EXTS and path_comp.internalDatasetName == "":
            with h5py.File(path_comp.externalPath, "r") as f:
                all_internal_paths = all_dataset_internal_paths(f)

            if len(all_internal_paths) == 1:
                path_comp.internalPath = all_internal_paths[0]
                    index] = path_comp.totalPath()
            elif len(all_internal_paths) == 0:
                    "Could not find any datasets in your input file:\n{}\n".
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        'A path to the hdf5 volume, with internal dataset name, e.g. /tmp/myfile.h5/myvolume'
        help='The label value of the first object for comparison')
        help='The label value of the second object for comparison')

    parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
    h5_path_comp = PathComponents(parsed_args.h5_volume_path)
    object_label_1 = int(parsed_args.object_label_1)
    object_label_2 = int(parsed_args.object_label_2)

    with h5py.File(h5_path_comp.externalPath, 'r') as f:
        volume = f[h5_path_comp.internalPath][:]

    contact_area = measure_surface_contact_A(volume,

    # Alternative implementation:
    #contact_area = measure_surface_contact_B(volume, object_label_1, object_label_2, contact_distance=1)

    print contact_area
Exemple #12
    def setupOutputs(self):

        # FIXME: If RawData becomes unready() at the same time as RawDatasetInfo(), then 
        #          we have no guarantees about which one will trigger setupOutputs() first.
        #        It is therefore possible for 'RawDatasetInfo' to appear ready() to us, 
        #          even though it's upstream partner is UNready.  We are about to get the 
        #          unready() notification, but it will come too late to prevent our 
        #          setupOutputs method from being called.
        #        Without proper graph setup transaction semantics, we have to use this 
        #          hack as a workaround.
            rawInfo = self.RawDatasetInfo.value
            for oslot in list(self.outputs.values()):
                if oslot.partner is None:
                    oslot.meta.NOTREADY = True

        selection_index = self.InputSelection.value
        if not self.Inputs[selection_index].ready():
            for oslot in list(self.outputs.values()):
                if oslot.partner is None:
                    oslot.meta.NOTREADY = True
        self._opFormattedExport.Input.connect( self.Inputs[selection_index] )

        if os.path.pathsep in rawInfo.filePath:
            first_dataset = rawInfo.filePath.split(os.path.pathsep)[0]
            dataset_dir = PathComponents(first_dataset).externalDirectory
            dataset_dir = PathComponents(rawInfo.filePath).externalDirectory
        abs_dataset_dir, _ = getPathVariants(dataset_dir, self.WorkingDirectory.value)
        known_keys = {}        
        known_keys['dataset_dir'] = abs_dataset_dir
        nickname = rawInfo.nickname.replace('*', '')
        if os.path.pathsep in nickname:
            nickname = PathComponents(nickname.split(os.path.pathsep)[0]).fileNameBase
        known_keys['nickname'] = nickname
        result_types = self.SelectionNames.value
        known_keys['result_type'] = result_types[selection_index]

        # Disconnect to open the 'transaction'
        if self._opImageOnDiskProvider is not None:

        # Blank the internal path while we manipulate the external path
        #  to avoid invalid intermediate states of ExportPath
        self._opFormattedExport.OutputInternalPath.setValue( "" )

        # use partial formatting to fill in non-coordinate name fields
        name_format = self.OutputFilenameFormat.value
        partially_formatted_name = format_known_keys( name_format, known_keys )
        # Convert to absolute path before configuring the internal op
        abs_path, _ = getPathVariants( partially_formatted_name, self.WorkingDirectory.value )
        self._opFormattedExport.OutputFilenameFormat.setValue( abs_path )

        # use partial formatting on the internal dataset name, too
        internal_dataset_format = self.OutputInternalPath.value 
        partially_formatted_dataset_name = format_known_keys( internal_dataset_format, known_keys )
        self._opFormattedExport.OutputInternalPath.setValue( partially_formatted_dataset_name )

        # Re-connect to finish the 'transaction'
        self._opFormattedExport.TransactionSlot.connect( self.TransactionSlot )
        if self._opImageOnDiskProvider is not None:
            self._opImageOnDiskProvider.TransactionSlot.connect( self.TransactionSlot )
    def importStackAsLocalDataset(self, info, sequence_axis='t'):
        Add the given stack data to the project file as a local dataset.
        Does not update the topLevelOperator.
        :param info: A DatasetInfo object.
                     Note: info.filePath must be a str which lists the stack files, delimited with os.path.pathsep
                     Note: info will be MODIFIED by this function.  Use the modified info when assigning it to a dataset.
        projectFileHdf5 = self.topLevelOperator.ProjectFile.value

        globstring = info.filePath
        info.location = DatasetInfo.Location.ProjectInternal
        firstPathParts = PathComponents(info.filePath.split(os.path.pathsep)[0])
        info.filePath = firstPathParts.externalDirectory + '/??' + firstPathParts.extension
        info.fromstack = True

        # Use absolute path
        cwd = self.topLevelOperator.WorkingDirectory
        if os.path.pathsep not in globstring and not os.path.isabs(globstring):
            globstring = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(cwd, globstring) )

        if firstPathParts.extension.lower() in OpTiffReader.TIFF_EXTS:
            # Special loader for TIFFs
            opLoader = OpTiffSequenceReader( parent=self.topLevelOperator.parent )
            data_slot = opLoader.Output
        elif firstPathParts.extension.lower() in OpStreamingHdf5SequenceReaderM.H5EXTS:
            # Now use the .checkGlobString method of the stack readers
            isSingleFile = True
            except (OpStreamingHdf5SequenceReaderS.NoInternalPlaceholderError,
                isSingleFile = False

            isMultiFile = True
            except (OpStreamingHdf5SequenceReaderM.NoExternalPlaceholderError,
                isMultiFile = False

            assert (not(isMultiFile and isSingleFile)), (
                "Something is wrong, glob string shouldn't allow both")
            assert (isMultiFile or isSingleFile), (
                "Glob string doesn't conform to h5 stack glob string rules")

            if isSingleFile:
                opLoader = OpStreamingHdf5SequenceReaderS(parent=self.topLevelOperator.parent)
            elif isMultiFile:
                opLoader = OpStreamingHdf5SequenceReaderM(parent=self.topLevelOperator.parent)

            data_slot = opLoader.OutputImage
            # All other sequences (e.g. pngs, jpegs, etc.)
            opLoader = OpStackLoader( parent=self.topLevelOperator.parent )
            data_slot = opLoader.stack

            opWriter = OpH5WriterBigDataset(parent=self.topLevelOperator.parent)
            opWriter.hdf5Path.setValue(self.topGroupName + '/local_data/' + info.datasetId)
            # We assume that the main bottleneck is the hard disk, 
            #  so adding lots of threads to access it at once seems like a bad idea.
            opWriter.Image.connect( data_slot )
            # Forward progress from the writer directly to our applet                
            opWriter.progressSignal.subscribe( self.progressSignal.emit )

            success = opWriter.WriteImage.value

        return success
def get_settings_and_export_layer(layer, parent_widget=None):
    Prompt the user for layer export settings, and perform the layer export.
    sourceTags = [True for l in layer.datasources]
    for i, source in enumerate(layer.datasources):
        if not hasattr(source, "dataSlot"):
            sourceTags[i] = False
    if not any(sourceTags):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "can not export from a non-lazyflow data source (layer=%r, datasource=%r)"
            % (type(layer), type(layer.datasources[0])))

    if not _has_lazyflow:
        raise RuntimeError("lazyflow not installed")
    import lazyflow
    dataSlots = [
        slot.dataSlot for (slot, isSlot) in zip(layer.datasources, sourceTags)
        if isSlot is True

    opStackChannels = lazyflow.operators.OpMultiArrayStacker(
    for slot in dataSlots:
        assert isinstance(
            slot, lazyflow.graph.Slot), "slot is of type %r" % (type(slot))
        assert isinstance(
            lazyflow.graph.Operator), "slot's operator is of type %r" % (type(
    for i, islot in enumerate(opStackChannels.Images):

    export_dir = PreferencesManager().get("layer",

    # Create an operator to do the work
    from lazyflow.operators.ioOperators import OpFormattedDataExport
    opExport = OpFormattedDataExport(parent=opStackChannels.parent)
        export_dir, layer.name))

    # Use this dialog to populate the operator's slot settings
    settingsDlg = DataExportOptionsDlg(parent_widget, opExport)

    # If user didn't cancel, run the export now.
    if (settingsDlg.exec_() == DataExportOptionsDlg.Accepted):
        export_dir = PathComponents(
        PreferencesManager().set("layer", "export-dir", export_dir)

        helper = ExportHelper(parent_widget)

    # Clean up our temporary operators
    def setup(self):
        Generate a directory with all the files needed for this test.
        We use the same temporary directory every time, so we don't 
        waste time regenerating the data if the test has already been run recently.
        The directory consists of the following files:
        - reference_volume.h5
        - volume_description.json
        - transposed_volume_description.json
        - [lots of png tiles..]
        tmp = tempfile.gettempdir()
        self.TILE_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(tmp, 'testTiledVolume_data')
        logger.debug("Using test directory: {}".format(self.TILE_DIRECTORY))
        self.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH = os.path.join(self.TILE_DIRECTORY,
        ref_vol_path_comp = PathComponents(self.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH)
        self.REFERENCE_VOL_FILE = ref_vol_path_comp.externalPath
        self.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE = os.path.join(self.TILE_DIRECTORY,
        self.TRANSPOSED_VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE = os.path.join(
            self.TILE_DIRECTORY, 'transposed_volume_description.json')

        if not os.path.exists(self.TILE_DIRECTORY):
            print "Creating new tile directory: {}".format(self.TILE_DIRECTORY)

        if not os.path.exists(self.REFERENCE_VOL_FILE):
            ref_vol = numpy.random.randint(0, 255,
                                           (100, 600, 600)).astype(numpy.uint8)
            with h5py.File(self.REFERENCE_VOL_FILE, 'w') as ref_file:
                ref_file[ref_vol_path_comp.internalPath] = ref_vol
            with h5py.File(self.REFERENCE_VOL_FILE, 'r') as ref_file:
                ref_vol = ref_file[ref_vol_path_comp.internalPath][:]

        need_rewrite = False
        if not os.path.exists(self.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE):
            need_rewrite = True
            with open(self.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE, 'r') as f:
                if f.read() != volume_description_text:
                    need_rewrite = True

        if need_rewrite:
            with open(self.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE, 'w') as f:

            # Read the volume description as a JsonConfig Namespace
            volume_description = TiledVolume.readDescription(

            # Write out a copy of the description, but with custom output axes
            config_helper = JsonConfigParser(TiledVolume.DescriptionFields)
            transposed_description = copy.copy(volume_description)
            transposed_description.output_axes = "xyz"

            # Remove all old image tiles in the tile directory
            files = os.listdir(self.TILE_DIRECTORY)
            for name in files:
                if os.path.splitext(
                        name)[1] == '.' + volume_description.format:
                    os.remove(os.path.join(self.TILE_DIRECTORY, name))

            # Write the new tiles

            # To support testMissingTiles (below), remove slice 2
            files = os.listdir(self.TILE_DIRECTORY)
            for name in files:
                if name.startswith("tile_z00002"):
                    p = os.path.join(self.TILE_DIRECTORY, name)
                    print "removing:", p

        # lastly, start the server
Exemple #16
(This script is not generally useful for most ilastik users or developers.)

Input: hdf5 volume
Output: directory of .png tiles representing the volume.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import h5py

    import logging
    import argparse
    from lazyflow.utility import PathComponents, export_to_tiles

    logger = logging.getLogger()

    # Usage: python make_tiles.py --tile_size=250 /path/to/my_vol.h5/some/dataset /path/to/output_dir
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--tile_size", type=int)

    parsed_args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    path_comp = PathComponents(parsed_args.hdf5_dataset_path)
    with h5py.File(path_comp.externalPath) as input_file:
        vol_dset = input_file[path_comp.internalPath]
        export_to_tiles(vol_dset, parsed_args.tile_size,
    def parse_known_cmdline_args(cls, cmdline_args, role_names):
        Helper function for headless workflows.
        Parses command-line args that can be used to configure the ``DataSelectionApplet`` top-level operator
        and returns ``(parsed_args, unused_args)``, similar to ``argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_known_args()``

        Relative paths are converted to absolute paths **according to ``os.getcwd()``**,
        not according to the project file location, since this more likely to be what headless users expect.

        .. note: If the top-level operator was configured with multiple 'roles', then the input files for
                 each role can be configured separately:
                 $ python ilastik.py [other workflow options] --my-role-A inputA1.png inputA2.png --my-role-B
                    inputB1.png, inputB2.png
                 If the workflow has only one role (or only one required role), then the role-name flag can be omitted:
                 # python ilastik.py [other workflow options] input1.png input2.png

        See also: :py:meth:`configure_operator_with_parsed_args()`.
        arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        if role_names:
            for role_name in role_names:
                arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
                    '--' + arg_name,
                    help='List of input files for the {} role'.format(

        # Finally, a catch-all for role 0 (if the workflow only has one role, there's no need to provide role names
                                help='List of input files to process.')

            "Convert image stacks to temporary hdf5 files before loading them.",
            help="Explicitly specify the axes of your dataset.",
                                help="Sequence axis along which to stack",

        parsed_args, unused_args = arg_parser.parse_known_args(cmdline_args)

        if parsed_args.unspecified_input_files:
            # We allow the file list to go to the 'default' role,
            # but only if no other roles were explicitly configured.
            arg_names = list(map(cls._role_name_to_arg_name, role_names))
            for arg_name in arg_names:
                if getattr(parsed_args, arg_name):
                    # FIXME: This error message could be more helpful.
                    role_args = list(
                        map(cls._role_name_to_arg_name, role_names))
                    role_args = ['--' + s for s in role_args]
                    role_args_str = ", ".join(role_args)
                    raise Exception(
                        "Invalid command line arguments: All roles must be configured explicitly.\n"
                        "Use the following flags to specify which files are matched with which inputs:\n"
                        "" + role_args_str)

            # Relocate to the 'default' role
            arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_names[0])
            setattr(parsed_args, arg_name, parsed_args.unspecified_input_files)
            parsed_args.unspecified_input_files = None

        # Replace '~' with home dir
        for role_name in role_names:
            arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
            paths_for_role = getattr(parsed_args, arg_name)
            if paths_for_role:
                for i, path in enumerate(paths_for_role):
                    paths_for_role[i] = os.path.expanduser(path)

        # Check for errors: Do all input files exist?
        all_input_paths = []
        for role_name in role_names:
            arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
            role_paths = getattr(parsed_args, arg_name)
            if role_paths:
                all_input_paths += role_paths
        error = False
        for p in all_input_paths:
            if isUrl(p):
                # Don't error-check urls in advance.
            p = PathComponents(p).externalPath
            if '*' in p:
                if len(glob.glob(p)) == 0:
                        "Could not find any files for globstring: {}".format(
                    logger.error("Check your quotes!")
                    error = True
            elif not os.path.exists(p):
                logger.error("Input file does not exist: " + p)
                error = True
        if error:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Could not find one or more input files.  See logged errors.")

        return parsed_args, unused_args
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self, filepath=None, jsonNamespace=None, cwd=None, preloaded_array=None):
        filepath: may be a globstring or a full hdf5 path+dataset
        jsonNamespace: If provided, overrides default settings after filepath is applied
        cwd: The working directory for interpeting relative paths.  If not provided, os.getcwd() is used.
        preloaded_array: Instead of providing a filePath to read from, a pre-loaded array can be directly provided.
                         In that case, you'll probably want to configure the axistags member, or provide a tagged vigra.VigraArray.
        assert preloaded_array is None or not filepath, "You can't provide filepath and a preloaded_array"
        cwd = cwd or os.getcwd()
        self.preloaded_array = preloaded_array # See description above.
        Location = DatasetInfo.Location
        self._filePath = ""                 # The original path to the data (also used as a fallback if the data isn't in the project yet)
        self._datasetId = ""                # The name of the data within the project file (if it is stored locally)
        self.allowLabels = True             # OBSOLETE: Whether or not this dataset should be used for training a classifier.
        self.drange = None
        self.normalizeDisplay = True
        self.fromstack = False
        self.nickname = ""
        self.axistags = None
        self.subvolume_roi = None
        self.location = Location.FileSystem
        self.display_mode = 'default' # choices: default, grayscale, rgba, random-colortable, binary-mask.

        if self.preloaded_array is not None:
            self.filePath = "" # set property to ensure unique _datasetId
            self.location = Location.PreloadedArray
            self.fromstack = False
            self.nickname = "preloaded-{}-array".format( self.preloaded_array.dtype.name )
            if hasattr(self.preloaded_array, 'axistags'):
                self.axistags = self.preloaded_array.axistags

        # Set defaults for location, nickname, filepath, and fromstack
        if filepath:
            # Check for sequences (either globstring or separated paths),
            file_list = None

            # To support h5 sequences, filepath may contain external and
            # internal path components
            if not isUrl(filepath):
                file_list = filepath.split(os.path.pathsep)

                pathComponents = [PathComponents(x) for x in file_list]
                externalPaths = [pc.externalPath for pc in pathComponents]
                internalPaths = [pc.internalPath for pc in pathComponents]

                if len(file_list) > 0:
                    if len(externalPaths) == 1:
                        if '*' in externalPaths[0]:
                            if internalPaths[0] is not None:
                                assert ('*' not in internalPaths[0]), (
                                    "Only internal OR external glob placeholder supported"
                            file_list = sorted(glob.glob(filepath))
                            file_list = [externalPaths[0]]
                            if internalPaths[0] is not None:
                                if '*' in internalPaths[0]:
                                    # TODO single hdf5 file stacks
                                    raise NotImplementedError(
                                        'Single file h5Stack import is not implemented in the GUI yet.')
                        assert (not any('*' in ep for ep in externalPaths)), (
                            "Multiple glob paths shouldn't be happening"
                        file_list = [ex for ex in externalPaths]

                    assert all(pc.extension == pathComponents[0].extension
                               for pc in pathComponents[1::]), (
                        "Supplied multiple files with multiple extensions"
                    # The following is necessary for h5 as well as npz-files
                    internalPathExts = (
                        OpInputDataReader.h5Exts +
                    internalPathExts = [".{}".format(ipx) for ipx in internalPathExts]
                    if pathComponents[0].extension in internalPathExts and internalPaths[0]:
                        for i in xrange(len(file_list)):
                            file_list[i] += '/' + internalPaths[0]

            # For stacks, choose nickname based on a common prefix
            if file_list:
                fromstack = True
                # Convert all paths to absolute 
                file_list = map(lambda f: make_absolute(f, cwd), file_list)
                if '*' in filepath:
                    filepath = make_absolute(filepath, cwd)
                    filepath = os.path.pathsep.join( file_list )
                # Add an underscore for each wildcard digit
                prefix = os.path.commonprefix(file_list)
                num_wildcards = len(file_list[-1]) - len(prefix) - len( os.path.splitext(file_list[-1])[1] )
                nickname = PathComponents(prefix).filenameBase + ("_"*num_wildcards)
                fromstack = False
                if not isUrl(filepath):
                    # Convert all (non-url) paths to absolute 
                    filepath = make_absolute(filepath, cwd)
                nickname = PathComponents(filepath).filenameBase

            self.location = DatasetInfo.Location.FileSystem
            self.nickname = nickname
            self.filePath = filepath
            self.fromstack = fromstack

        if jsonNamespace is not None:
            self.updateFromJson( jsonNamespace )
Exemple #19
    def parse_known_cmdline_args(cls, cmdline_args, role_names):
        Helper function for headless workflows.
        Parses command-line args that can be used to configure the ``DataSelectionApplet`` top-level operator 
        and returns ``(parsed_args, unused_args)``, similar to ``argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_known_args()``
        Relative paths are converted to absolute paths **according to ``os.getcwd()``**, 
        not according to the project file location, since this more likely to be what headless users expect.

        .. note: If the top-level operator was configured with multiple 'roles', then the input files for 
                 each role can be configured separately:
                 $ python ilastik.py [other workflow options] --my-role-A inputA1.png inputA2.png --my-role-B inputB1.png, inputB2.png
                 If the workflow has only one role (or only one required role), then the role-name flag can be omitted:
                 # python ilastik.py [other workflow options] input1.png input2.png

        See also: :py:meth:`configure_operator_with_parsed_args()`.
        arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        if role_names:
            for role_name in role_names:
                arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
                    '--' + arg_name,
                    help='List of input files for the {} role'.format(

        # Finally, a catch-all for role 0 (if the workflow only has one role, there's no need to provide role names
                                help='List of input files to process.')

            "Convert image stacks to temporary hdf5 files before loading them.",
        parsed_args, unused_args = arg_parser.parse_known_args(cmdline_args)

        for i, path in enumerate(parsed_args.input_files):
            # Replace '~' with home dir
            parsed_args.input_files[i] = os.path.expanduser(path)

        # Check for errors: Do all input files exist?
        all_input_paths = list(parsed_args.input_files)
        for role_name in role_names:
            arg_name = cls._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
            role_paths = getattr(parsed_args, arg_name)
            if role_paths:
                all_input_paths += role_paths
        error = False
        for p in all_input_paths:
            if isUrl(p):
                # Don't error-check urls in advance.
            p = PathComponents(p).externalPath
            if '*' in p:
                if len(glob.glob(p)) == 0:
                        "Could not find any files for globstring: {}".format(
                    logger.error("Check your quotes!")
                    error = True
            elif not os.path.exists(p):
                logger.error("Input file does not exist: " + p)
                error = True
        if error:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Could not find one or more input files.  See logged errors.")

        return parsed_args, unused_args
    def configure_operator_with_parsed_args(self, parsed_args):
        Helper function for headless workflows.
        Configures this applet's top-level operator according to the settings provided in ``parsed_args``.
        :param parsed_args: Must be an ``argparse.Namespace`` as returned by :py:meth:`parse_known_cmdline_args()`.
        role_names = self.topLevelOperator.DatasetRoles.value
        role_paths = collections.OrderedDict()
        if role_names:
            for role_index, role_name in enumerate(role_names):
                arg_name = self._role_name_to_arg_name(role_name)
                input_paths = getattr(parsed_args, arg_name)
                role_paths[role_index] = input_paths

        if parsed_args.input_files:
            # We allow the file list to go to the 'default' role, but only if no other roles were explicitly configured.
            for role_index, input_paths in role_paths.items():
                if input_paths:
                    # FIXME: This error message could be more helpful.
                    role_args = map(self._role_name_to_arg_name, role_names)
                    role_args = map(lambda s: '--' + s, role_args)
                    role_args_str = ", ".join(role_args)
                    raise Exception(
                        "Invalid command line arguments: All roles must be configured explicitly.\n"
                        "Use the following flags to specify which files are matched with which inputs:\n"
                        + role_args_str)
            role_paths = {0: parsed_args.input_files}

        for role_index, input_paths in role_paths.items():
            # If the user doesn't want image stacks to be copied into the project file,
            #  we generate hdf5 volumes in a temporary directory and use those files instead.
            if parsed_args.preconvert_stacks:
                import tempfile
                input_paths = self.convertStacksToH5(input_paths,

            input_infos = []
            for p in input_paths:
                info = DatasetInfo()
                info.location = DatasetInfo.Location.FileSystem
                info.filePath = p

                comp = PathComponents(p)

                # Convert all (non-url) paths to absolute
                # (otherwise they are relative to the project file, which probably isn't what the user meant)
                if not isUrl(p):
                    comp.externalPath = os.path.abspath(comp.externalPath)
                    info.filePath = comp.totalPath()
                info.nickname = comp.filenameBase

                # Remove globstring syntax.
                if '*' in info.nickname:
                    info.nickname = info.nickname.replace('*', '')
                if os.path.pathsep in info.nickname:
                    info.nickname = PathComponents(

            opDataSelection = self.topLevelOperator
            existing_lanes = len(opDataSelection.DatasetGroup)
                max(len(input_infos), existing_lanes))
            for lane_index, info in enumerate(input_infos):

            need_warning = False
            for lane_index in range(len(input_infos)):
                output_slot = opDataSelection.ImageGroup[lane_index][
                if output_slot.meta.prefer_2d:
                    need_warning = True

            if need_warning:
                    "Some of your input data is stored in a format that is not efficient for 3D access patterns."
                    "Performance may suffer as a result.  For best performance, use a chunked HDF5 volume."
    def _readDatasetInfo(self, infoGroup, localDataGroup, projectFilePath, headless):
        # Unready datasets are represented with an empty group.
        if len( infoGroup ) == 0:
            return None, False
        datasetInfo = DatasetInfo()

        # Make a reverse-lookup of the location storage strings
        LocationLookup = { v:k for k,v in self.LocationStrings.items() }
        datasetInfo.location = LocationLookup[ str(infoGroup['location'].value) ]
        # Write to the 'private' members to avoid resetting the dataset id
        datasetInfo._filePath = infoGroup['filePath'].value
        datasetInfo._datasetId = infoGroup['datasetId'].value

            datasetInfo.allowLabels = infoGroup['allowLabels'].value
        except KeyError:
            datasetInfo.drange = tuple( infoGroup['drange'].value )
        except KeyError:
            datasetInfo.nickname = infoGroup['nickname'].value
        except KeyError:
            datasetInfo.nickname = PathComponents(datasetInfo.filePath).filenameBase
            datasetInfo.fromstack = infoGroup['fromstack'].value
        except KeyError:
            # Guess based on the storage setting and original filepath
            datasetInfo.fromstack = ( datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.ProjectInternal
                                      and ( ('?' in datasetInfo._filePath) or (os.path.pathsep in datasetInfo._filePath) ) )

            tags = vigra.AxisTags.fromJSON( infoGroup['axistags'].value )
            datasetInfo.axistags = tags
        except KeyError:
            # Old projects just have an 'axisorder' field instead of full axistags
                axisorder = infoGroup['axisorder'].value
                datasetInfo.axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(axisorder)
            except KeyError:
            start, stop = map( tuple, infoGroup['subvolume_roi'].value )
            datasetInfo.subvolume_roi = (start, stop)
        except KeyError:
        # If the data is supposed to be in the project,
        #  check for it now.
        if datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.ProjectInternal:
            if not datasetInfo.datasetId in localDataGroup.keys():
                raise RuntimeError("Corrupt project file.  Could not find data for " + infoGroup.name)

        dirty = False
        # If the data is supposed to exist outside the project, make sure it really does.
        if datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.FileSystem and not isUrl(datasetInfo.filePath):
            pathData = PathComponents( datasetInfo.filePath, os.path.split(projectFilePath)[0])
            filePath = pathData.externalPath
            if not os.path.exists(filePath):
                if headless:
                    raise RuntimeError("Could not find data at " + filePath)
                filt = "Image files (" + ' '.join('*.' + x for x in OpDataSelection.SupportedExtensions) + ')'
                newpath = self.repairFile(filePath, filt)
                if pathData.internalPath is not None:
                    newpath += pathData.internalPath
                datasetInfo._filePath = getPathVariants(newpath , os.path.split(projectFilePath)[0])[0]
                dirty = True
        return datasetInfo, dirty
Exemple #22
    def _selectFiles(self):
        # Find the directory of the most recently opened image file
        mostRecentStackDirectory = PreferencesManager().get(
            'DataSelection', 'recent stack directory')
        if mostRecentStackDirectory is not None:
            defaultDirectory = os.path.split(mostRecentStackDirectory)[0]
            defaultDirectory = os.path.expanduser('~')

        options = QFileDialog.Options(QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly)
        if ilastik.config.cfg.getboolean("ilastik", "debug"):
            options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog

        h5exts = [x.lstrip('.') for x in OpStreamingH5N5SequenceReaderM.H5EXTS]
        # Launch the "Open File" dialog
        extensions = vigra.impex.listExtensions().split()
        filt = "Image files (" + ' '.join('*.' + x for x in extensions) + ')'
        options = QFileDialog.Options()
        if ilastik.config.cfg.getboolean("ilastik", "debug"):
            options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog
        fileNames, _filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(
            "Select Images for Stack",

        # For the n5 extension, the attributes.json file has to be selected in the file dialog.
        # However we need just the n5 directory-file.
        for i in range(len(fileNames)):
            if os.path.join("n5", "attributes.json") in fileNames[i]:
                fileNames[i] = fileNames[i].replace(
                    os.path.sep + "attributes.json", "")

        msg = ''
        if len(fileNames) == 0:

        pathComponents = PathComponents(fileNames[0])

        if (len(fileNames) == 1) and pathComponents.extension not in OpStreamingH5N5SequenceReaderM.H5EXTS \
                + OpStreamingH5N5SequenceReaderM.N5EXTS:
            msg += 'Cannot create stack: You only chose a single file.  '
            msg += 'If your stack is contained in a single file (e.g. a multi-page tiff) '
            msg += 'please use the "Add File" button.'
            QMessageBox.warning(self, "Invalid selection", msg)
            return None

        directory = pathComponents.externalPath
        PreferencesManager().set('DataSelection', 'recent stack directory',

        if pathComponents.extension in OpStreamingH5N5SequenceReaderM.H5EXTS or \
                pathComponents.extension in OpStreamingH5N5SequenceReaderM.N5EXTS:
            if len(fileNames) == 1:
                # open the dialog for globbing:
                file_name = fileNames[0]
                dlg = H5N5StackingDlg(
                if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted:
                    globstring = '{}/{}'.format(file_name,
                    return None
                    return None
                # check for internal paths
                internal_paths = self._h5N5FindCommonInternal(fileNames)

                if len(internal_paths) == 0:
                    msg += 'Could not find a unique common internal path in'
                    msg += directory + '\n'
                    QMessageBox.warning(self, "Invalid selection", msg)
                    return None
                elif len(internal_paths) == 1:
                    fileNames = [
                        '{}/{}'.format(fn, internal_paths[0])
                        for fn in fileNames
                    # Ask the user which dataset to choose
                    dlg = H5N5VolumeSelectionDlg(internal_paths, self)
                    if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted:
                        selected_index = dlg.combo.currentIndex()
                        selected_dataset = str(internal_paths[selected_index])
                        fileNames = [
                            '{}/{}'.format(fn, selected_dataset)
                            for fn in fileNames
                        msg = 'No valid internal path selected.'
                        QMessageBox.warning(self, "Invalid selection", msg)
                        return None
    dataset_keys = [key for key in allkeys if isinstance(f[key], h5py.Dataset)]
    return dataset_keys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import argparse

    # Construct a parser with all the 'normal' export options, and add arg for input_path.
    parser = DataExportApplet.make_cmdline_parser(argparse.ArgumentParser())
                        help="Path to your exported predictions.")
    parsed_args = parser.parse_args()

    # As a convenience, auto-determine the internal dataset path if possible.
    path_comp = PathComponents(parsed_args.input_path, os.getcwd())
    if path_comp.extension in PathComponents.HDF5_EXTS and path_comp.internalDatasetName == "":

        with h5py.File(path_comp.externalPath, "r") as f:
            all_internal_paths = all_dataset_internal_paths(f)

        if len(all_internal_paths) == 1:
            path_comp.internalPath = all_internal_paths[0]
            parsed_args.input_path = path_comp.totalPath()
        elif len(all_internal_paths) == 0:
            sys.stderr.write("Could not find any datasets in your input file.")
                "Found more than one dataset in your input file.\n"
                "Please specify the dataset name, e.g. /path/to/myfile.h5/internal/dataset_name"
Exemple #24
    def __init__(self, filepath=None, jsonNamespace=None, cwd=None, preloaded_array=None):
        filepath: may be a globstring or a full hdf5 path+dataset
        jsonNamespace: If provided, overrides default settings after filepath is applied
        cwd: The working directory for interpeting relative paths.  If not provided, os.getcwd() is used.
        preloaded_array: Instead of providing a filePath to read from, a pre-loaded array can be directly provided.
                         In that case, you'll probably want to configure the axistags member, or provide a tagged vigra.VigraArray.
        assert preloaded_array is None or not filepath, "You can't provide filepath and a preloaded_array"
        cwd = cwd or os.getcwd()
        self.preloaded_array = preloaded_array # See description above.
        Location = DatasetInfo.Location
        self._filePath = ""                 # The original path to the data (also used as a fallback if the data isn't in the project yet)
        self._datasetId = ""                # The name of the data within the project file (if it is stored locally)
        self.allowLabels = True             # OBSOLETE: Whether or not this dataset should be used for training a classifier.
        self.drange = None
        self.normalizeDisplay = True
        self.fromstack = False
        self.nickname = ""
        self.axistags = None
        self.subvolume_roi = None
        self.location = Location.FileSystem
        self.display_mode = 'default' # choices: default, grayscale, rgba, random-colortable, binary-mask.

        if self.preloaded_array is not None:
            self.filePath = "" # set property to ensure unique _datasetId
            self.location = Location.PreloadedArray
            self.fromstack = False
            self.nickname = "preloaded-{}-array".format( self.preloaded_array.dtype.name )
            if hasattr(self.preloaded_array, 'axistags'):
                self.axistags = self.preloaded_array.axistags

        # Set defaults for location, nickname, filepath, and fromstack
        if filepath:
            # Check for sequences (either globstring or separated paths),
            file_list = None
            if '*' in filepath:
                file_list = glob.glob(filepath)
                file_list = sorted(file_list)
            if not isUrl(filepath) and os.path.pathsep in filepath:
                file_list = filepath.split(os.path.pathsep)
            # For stacks, choose nickname based on a common prefix
            if file_list:
                fromstack = True
                # Convert all paths to absolute 
                file_list = map(lambda f: make_absolute(f, cwd), file_list)
                if '*' in filepath:
                    filepath = make_absolute(filepath, cwd)
                    filepath = os.path.pathsep.join( file_list )
                # Add an underscore for each wildcard digit
                prefix = os.path.commonprefix(file_list)
                num_wildcards = len(file_list[-1]) - len(prefix) - len( os.path.splitext(file_list[-1])[1] )
                nickname = PathComponents(prefix).filenameBase + ("_"*num_wildcards)
                fromstack = False
                if not isUrl(filepath):
                    # Convert all (non-url) paths to absolute 
                    filepath = make_absolute(filepath, cwd)
                nickname = PathComponents(filepath).filenameBase

            self.location = DatasetInfo.Location.FileSystem
            self.nickname = nickname
            self.filePath = filepath
            self.fromstack = fromstack

        if jsonNamespace is not None:
            self.updateFromJson( jsonNamespace )
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self,
        filepath: may be a globstring or a full hdf5 path+dataset

        jsonNamespace: If provided, overrides default settings after filepath is applied

        cwd: The working directory for interpeting relative paths.  If not provided, os.getcwd() is used.

        preloaded_array: Instead of providing a filePath to read from, a pre-loaded array can be directly provided.
                         In that case, you'll probably want to configure the axistags member, or provide a tagged

        sequence_axis: Axis along which to stack (only applicable for stacks).
        assert preloaded_array is None or not filepath, "You can't provide filepath and a preloaded_array"
        cwd = cwd or os.getcwd()
        self.preloaded_array = preloaded_array  # See description above.
        Location = DatasetInfo.Location
        # The original path to the data (also used as a fallback if the data isn't in the project yet)
        self._filePath = ""
        self._datasetId = ""  # The name of the data within the project file (if it is stored locally)
        # OBSOLETE: Whether or not this dataset should be used for training a classifier.
        self.allowLabels = True
        self.drange = None
        self.normalizeDisplay = True
        self.sequenceAxis = None
        self.fromstack = False
        self.nickname = ""
        self.axistags = None
        self.original_axistags = None
        # Necessary in headless mode in order to recover the shape of the raw data
        self.laneShape = None
        self.laneDtype = None
        # A flag indicating whether the dataset is backed by a real source (e.g. file)
        # or by the fake provided (e.g. in headless mode when raw data are not necessary)
        self.realDataSource = True
        self.subvolume_roi = None
        self.location = Location.FileSystem
        self.display_mode = 'default'  # choices: default, grayscale, rgba, random-colortable, binary-mask.

        if self.preloaded_array is not None:
            self.filePath = ""  # set property to ensure unique _datasetId
            self.location = Location.PreloadedArray
            self.nickname = "preloaded-{}-array".format(
            if hasattr(self.preloaded_array, 'axistags'):
                self.axistags = self.preloaded_array.axistags

        # Set defaults for location, nickname, filepath, and fromstack
        if filepath:
            # Check for sequences (either globstring or separated paths),
            file_list = None

            # To support h5 sequences, filepath may contain external and
            # internal path components
            if not isUrl(filepath):
                file_list = filepath.split(os.path.pathsep)

                pathComponents = [PathComponents(x) for x in file_list]
                externalPaths = [pc.externalPath for pc in pathComponents]
                internalPaths = [pc.internalPath for pc in pathComponents]

                if len(file_list) > 0:
                    if len(externalPaths) == 1:
                        if '*' in externalPaths[0]:
                            if internalPaths[0] is not None:
                                assert ('*' not in internalPaths[0]), (
                                    "Only internal OR external glob placeholder supported"
                            file_list = sorted(glob.glob(filepath))
                            file_list = [externalPaths[0]]
                            if internalPaths[0] is not None:
                                if '*' in internalPaths[0]:
                                    # overwrite internalPaths, will be assembled further down
                                    glob_string = "{}{}".format(
                                        externalPaths[0], internalPaths[0])
                                    internalPaths = \
                                            externalPaths[0], glob_string)
                                    if internalPaths:
                                        file_list = [externalPaths[0]
                                                     ] * len(internalPaths)
                                        file_list = None

                        assert (not any('*' in ep for ep in externalPaths)), (
                            "Multiple glob paths shouldn't be happening")
                        file_list = [ex for ex in externalPaths]

                    assert all(
                        pc.extension == pathComponents[0].extension
                        for pc in pathComponents[1::]), (
                            "Supplied multiple files with multiple extensions")
                    # The following is necessary for h5 as well as npz-files
                    internalPathExts = (OpInputDataReader.h5_n5_Exts +
                    internalPathExts = [
                        ".{}".format(ipx) for ipx in internalPathExts

                    if pathComponents[
                            0].extension in internalPathExts and internalPaths:
                        if len(file_list) == len(internalPaths):
                            # assuming a matching internal paths to external paths
                            file_list_with_internal = []
                            for external, internal in zip(
                                    file_list, internalPaths):
                                if internal:
                                        '{}/{}'.format(external, internal))
                            file_list = file_list_with_internal
                            # sort of fallback, in case of a mismatch in lengths
                            for i in range(len(file_list)):
                                file_list[i] += '/' + internalPaths[0]

            # For stacks, choose nickname based on a common prefix
            if file_list:
                fromstack = True
                # Convert all paths to absolute
                file_list = [make_absolute(f, cwd) for f in file_list]
                if '*' in filepath:
                    filepath = make_absolute(filepath, cwd)
                    filepath = os.path.pathsep.join(file_list)

                # Add an underscore for each wildcard digit
                prefix = os.path.commonprefix(file_list)
                num_wildcards = len(file_list[-1]) - len(prefix) - len(
                nickname = PathComponents(prefix).filenameBase + (
                    "_" * num_wildcards)
                fromstack = False
                if not isUrl(filepath):
                    # Convert all (non-url) paths to absolute
                    filepath = make_absolute(filepath, cwd)
                nickname = PathComponents(filepath).filenameBase

            self.location = DatasetInfo.Location.FileSystem
            self.nickname = nickname
            self.filePath = filepath
            self.fromstack = fromstack
            self.sequenceAxis = sequence_axis

        if jsonNamespace is not None:
    def post_process_lane_export(self, lane_index, checkOverwriteFiles=False):
        # FIXME: This probably only works for the non-blockwise export slot.
        #        We should assert that the user isn't using the blockwise slot.

        # Plugin export if selected
        logger.info("Export source is: " + self.dataExportTrackingApplet.

        print "in post_process_lane_export"
        if self.dataExportTrackingApplet.topLevelOperator.SelectedExportSource.value == OpTrackingBaseDataExport.PluginOnlyName:
            logger.info("Export source plugin selected!")
            selectedPlugin = self.dataExportTrackingApplet.topLevelOperator.SelectedPlugin.value

            exportPluginInfo = pluginManager.getPluginByName(
                selectedPlugin, category="TrackingExportFormats")
            if exportPluginInfo is None:
                logger.error("Could not find selected plugin %s" %
                exportPlugin = exportPluginInfo.plugin_object
                logger.info("Exporting tracking result using %s" %
                name_format = self.dataExportTrackingApplet.topLevelOperator.getLane(
                partially_formatted_name = self.getPartiallyFormattedName(
                    lane_index, name_format)

                if exportPlugin.exportsToFile:
                    filename = partially_formatted_name
                    if os.path.basename(filename) == '':
                        filename = os.path.join(filename, 'pluginExport.txt')
                    filename = os.path.dirname(partially_formatted_name)

                if filename is None or len(str(filename)) == 0:
                        "Cannot export from plugin with empty output filename")

                exportStatus = self.trackingApplet.topLevelOperator.getLane(
                    lane_index).exportPlugin(filename, exportPlugin,
                if not exportStatus:
                    return False
                logger.info("Export done")


        # CSV Table export (only if plugin was not selected)
        settings, selected_features = self.trackingApplet.topLevelOperator.getLane(
        from lazyflow.utility import PathComponents, make_absolute, format_known_keys

        if settings:
            raw_dataset_info = self.dataSelectionApplet.topLevelOperator.DatasetGroup[

            project_path = self.shell.projectManager.currentProjectPath
            project_dir = os.path.dirname(project_path)
            dataset_dir = PathComponents(
            abs_dataset_dir = make_absolute(dataset_dir, cwd=project_dir)

            known_keys = {}
            known_keys['dataset_dir'] = abs_dataset_dir
            nickname = raw_dataset_info.nickname.replace('*', '')
            if os.path.pathsep in nickname:
                nickname = PathComponents(nickname.split(
            known_keys['nickname'] = nickname

            # use partial formatting to fill in non-coordinate name fields
            name_format = settings['file path']
            partially_formatted_name = format_known_keys(
                name_format, known_keys)
            settings['file path'] = partially_formatted_name

            req = self.trackingApplet.topLevelOperator.getLane(
                # FIXME: Even in non-headless mode, we can't show the gui because we're running in a non-main thread.
                #        That's not a huge deal, because there's still a progress bar for the overall export.

Exemple #27
    def _getDisplayRoleData(self, index):
        laneIndex = index.row()

        UninitializedDisplayData = {
            DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.Nickname: "<empty>",
            DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.Location: "",
            DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.InternalID: "",
            DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.AxisOrder: "",
            DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.Shape: "",
            DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.Range: ""

        if len( self._op.DatasetGroup ) <= laneIndex \
        or len( self._op.DatasetGroup[laneIndex] ) <= self._roleIndex:
            return UninitializedDisplayData[index.column()]

        datasetSlot = self._op.DatasetGroup[laneIndex][self._roleIndex]

        # Default
        if not datasetSlot.ready():
            return UninitializedDisplayData[index.column()]

        datasetInfo = self._op.DatasetGroup[laneIndex][self._roleIndex].value
        filePathComponents = PathComponents(datasetInfo.filePath)

        ## Input meta-data fields

        # Name
        if index.column() == DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.Nickname:
            return datasetInfo.nickname

        # Location
        if index.column() == DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.Location:
            if datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.FileSystem:
                if isUrl(datasetInfo.filePath) or os.path.isabs(
                    text = "Absolute Link: {}".format(
                    return text
                    text = "Relative Link: {}".format(
                    return text
                return "Project File"

        # Internal ID
        if index.column() == DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.InternalID:
            if datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.FileSystem:
                return filePathComponents.internalPath
            return ""

        ## Output meta-data fields

        # Defaults
        imageSlot = self._op.ImageGroup[laneIndex][self._roleIndex]
        if not imageSlot.ready():
            return UninitializedDisplayData[index.column()]

        # Axis order
        if index.column() == DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.AxisOrder:
            if imageSlot.meta.original_axistags is not None:
                return "".join(imageSlot.meta.getOriginalAxisKeys())
                assert imageSlot.meta.original_shape is not None, \
                    'if original axistags are available, original shape has to exist as well'

            if imageSlot.meta.axistags is not None:
                return "".join(imageSlot.meta.getAxisKeys())
            return ""

        # Shape
        if index.column() == DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.Shape:
            original_shape = imageSlot.meta.original_shape
            if original_shape is not None:
                assert imageSlot.meta.original_axistags is not None, \
                    'if original shape is available, original axistags have to exist as well'
                return str(original_shape)
            shape = imageSlot.meta.shape
            if shape is None:
                return ""
            return str(shape)

        # Range
        if index.column() == DatasetDetailedInfoColumn.Range:
            drange = imageSlot.meta.drange
            if drange is None:
                return ""
            return str(drange)

        assert False, "Unknown column: row={}, column={}".format(
            index.row(), index.column())
def runWorkflow(parsed_args):
    args = parsed_args

    # Use a temporary cache dir
    if args.stack_volume_cache_dir is None:
        args.stack_volume_cache_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()

    # Make sure project file exists.
    if not os.path.exists(args.project):
        raise RuntimeError("Project file '" + args.project +
                           "' does not exist.")

    # Make sure batch inputs exist.
    for p in args.batch_inputs:
        error = False
        p = PathComponents(p).externalPath
        if '*' in p:
            if len(glob.glob(p)) == 0:
                    "Could not find any files for globstring: {}".format(p))
                logger.error("Check your quotes!")
                error = True
        elif not os.path.exists(p):
            logger.error("Batch input file does not exist: " + p)
            error = True
        if error:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Could not find one or more batch inputs.  See logged errors.")

    # Instantiate 'shell'
    shell = HeadlessShell(

    if args.assume_old_ilp_axes:
        # Special hack for Janelia:
        # In some old versions of 0.5, the data was stored in tyxzc order.
        # We have no way of inspecting the data to determine this, so we allow
        #  users to specify that their ilp is very old using the
        #  assume_old_ilp_axes command-line flag
        ilastik.utility.globals.ImportOptions.default_axis_order = 'tyxzc'

    # Load project (auto-import it if necessary)
    logger.info("Opening project: '" + args.project + "'")

        if not args.generate_project_predictions and len(
                args.batch_inputs) == 0:
                "Command-line arguments didn't specify any classification jobs."
            # Predictions for project input datasets
            if args.generate_project_predictions:

            # Predictions for other datasets ('batch datasets')
            result = True
            if len(args.batch_inputs) > 0:
                result = generateBatchPredictions(
                    shell.workflow, args.batch_inputs, args.batch_export_dir,
                    args.batch_output_suffix, args.batch_output_dataset_name,
                assert result
        logger.info("Closing project...")
