Exemple #1
 def _addAuthor(self, **kwargs):
     if 'name' not in kwargs:
         self.data = 'Missing parameter: name'
         self.id = kwargs['name']
         self.data = addAuthorNameToDB(author=self.id, refresh=False)
     except Exception as e:
         self.data = "%s %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e))
Exemple #2
def import_CSV(search_dir=None):
    """ Find a csv file in the search_dir and process all the books in it,
        adding authors to the database if not found
        and marking the books as "Wanted"
        if not search_dir:
            msg = "Alternate Directory not configured"
            return msg
        elif not os.path.isdir(search_dir):
            msg = "Alternate Directory [%s] not found" % search_dir
            return msg

        csvFile = csv_file(search_dir)

        headers = None
        content = {}

        if not csvFile:
            msg = "No CSV file found in %s" % search_dir
            return msg
            logger.debug(u'Reading file %s' % csvFile)
            reader = csv.reader(open(csvFile))
            for row in reader:
                if reader.line_num == 1:
                    # If we are on the first line, create the headers list from the first row
                    headers = row
                    # Otherwise, the key in the content dictionary is the first item in the
                    # row and we can create the sub-dictionary by using the zip() function.
                    # we include the key in the dictionary as our exported csv files use
                    # bookid as the key
                    content[row[0]] = dict(zip(headers, row))

            # We can now get to the content by using the resulting dictionary, so to see
            # the list of lines, we can do: print content.keys()  to get a list of keys
            # To see the list of fields available for each book:  print headers

            if 'Author' not in headers or 'Title' not in headers:
                msg = 'Invalid CSV file found %s' % csvFile
                return msg

            myDB = database.DBConnection()
            bookcount = 0
            authcount = 0
            skipcount = 0
            logger.debug(u"CSV: Found %s book%s in csv file" % (len(content.keys()), plural(len(content.keys()))))
            for item in content.keys():
                authorname = content[item]['Author']
                if isinstance(authorname, str) and hasattr(authorname, "decode"):
                    authorname = authorname.decode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
                authorname = formatAuthorName(authorname)
                title = content[item]['Title']
                if isinstance(title, str) and hasattr(title, "decode"):
                    title = title.decode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

                authmatch = myDB.match('SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName=?', (authorname,))

                if authmatch:
                    logger.debug(u"CSV: Author %s found in database" % authorname)
                    logger.debug(u"CSV: Author %s not found" % authorname)
                    newauthor, authorid, new = addAuthorNameToDB(author=authorname,
                    if len(newauthor) and newauthor != authorname:
                        logger.debug("Preferred authorname changed from [%s] to [%s]" % (authorname, newauthor))
                        authorname = newauthor
                    if new:
                        authcount += 1

                bookmatch = finditem(content[item], authorname, headers)
                result = ''
                if bookmatch:
                    authorname = bookmatch['AuthorName']
                    bookname = bookmatch['BookName']
                    bookid = bookmatch['BookID']
                    bookstatus = bookmatch['Status']
                    if bookstatus in ['Open', 'Wanted', 'Have']:
                        logger.info(u'Found book %s by %s, already marked as "%s"' % (bookname, authorname, bookstatus))
                    else:  # skipped/ignored
                        logger.info(u'Found book %s by %s, marking as "Wanted"' % (bookname, authorname))
                        controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                        newValueDict = {"Status": "Wanted"}
                        myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                        bookcount += 1
                    searchterm = "%s <ll> %s" % (title, authorname)
                    results = search_for(unaccented(searchterm))
                    if results:
                        result = results[0]
                        if result['author_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO'] \
                                and result['book_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO']:
                            logger.info("Found (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s" % (result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                                                      result['authorname'], result['bookname']))
                            bookcount += 1
                            bookmatch = True

                if not bookmatch:
                    msg = "Skipping book %s by %s" % (title, authorname)
                    if not result:
                        msg += ', No results returned'
                        msg += ', No match found'
                        msg = "Closest match (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s" % (result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                                                    result['authorname'], result['bookname'])
                    skipcount += 1
            msg = "Added %i new author%s, marked %i book%s as 'Wanted', %i book%s not found" % \
                  (authcount, plural(authcount), bookcount, plural(bookcount), skipcount, plural(skipcount))
            return msg
    except Exception:
        msg = 'Unhandled exception in importCSV: %s' % traceback.format_exc()
        return msg
Exemple #3
def import_CSV(search_dir=None, library='eBook'):
    """ Find a csv file in the search_dir and process all the books in it,
        adding authors to the database if not found
        and marking the books as "Wanted"
        Optionally delete the file on successful completion
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        if not search_dir:
            msg = "Alternate Directory not configured"
            return msg
        elif not os.path.isdir(search_dir):
            msg = "Alternate Directory [%s] not found" % search_dir
            return msg

        csvFile = csv_file(search_dir, library=library)

        headers = None

        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        bookcount = 0
        authcount = 0
        skipcount = 0
        total = 0
        existing = 0

        if not csvFile:
            msg = "No %s CSV file found in %s" % (library, search_dir)
            return msg
            logger.debug('Reading file %s' % csvFile)
            csvreader = reader(open(csvFile, 'rU'))
            for row in csvreader:
                if csvreader.line_num == 1:
                    # If we are on the first line, create the headers list from the first row
                    headers = row
                    if 'Author' not in headers or 'Title' not in headers:
                        msg = 'Invalid CSV file found %s' % csvFile
                        return msg
                    total += 1
                    item = dict(list(zip(headers, row)))
                    authorname = formatAuthorName(item['Author'])
                    title = makeUnicode(item['Title'])

                    authmatch = myDB.match('SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName=?', (authorname,))

                    if authmatch:
                        logger.debug("CSV: Author %s found in database" % authorname)
                        logger.debug("CSV: Author %s not found" % authorname)
                        newauthor, authorid, new = addAuthorNameToDB(author=authorname,
                        if len(newauthor) and newauthor != authorname:
                            logger.debug("Preferred authorname changed from [%s] to [%s]" % (authorname, newauthor))
                            authorname = newauthor
                        if new:
                            authcount += 1

                    bookmatch = finditem(item, authorname, library=library)
                    result = ''
                    imported = ''
                    if bookmatch:
                        authorname = bookmatch['AuthorName']
                        bookname = bookmatch['BookName']
                        bookid = bookmatch['BookID']
                        if library == 'eBook':
                            bookstatus = bookmatch['Status']
                            bookstatus = bookmatch['AudioStatus']
                        if bookstatus in ['Open', 'Wanted', 'Have']:
                            existing += 1
                            logger.info('Found %s %s by %s, already marked as "%s"' %
                                        (library, bookname, authorname, bookstatus))
                        else:  # skipped/ignored
                            logger.info('Found %s %s by %s, marking as "Wanted"' % (library, bookname, authorname))
                            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                            if library == 'eBook':
                                newValueDict = {"Status": "Wanted"}
                                newValueDict = {"AudioStatus": "Wanted"}
                            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                            bookcount += 1
                        searchterm = "%s <ll> %s" % (title, authorname)
                        results = search_for(unaccented(searchterm))
                        if results:
                            result = results[0]
                            if result['author_fuzz'] >= lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO'] \
                                    and result['book_fuzz'] >= lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO']:
                                bookmatch = True
                        if not bookmatch:  # no match on full searchterm, try splitting out subtitle
                            newtitle, _ = split_title(authorname, title)
                            if newtitle != title:
                                title = newtitle
                                searchterm = "%s <ll> %s" % (title, authorname)
                                results = search_for(unaccented(searchterm))
                                if results:
                                    result = results[0]
                                    if result['author_fuzz'] >= lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO'] \
                                            and result['book_fuzz'] >= lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO']:
                                        bookmatch = True
                        if bookmatch:
                            logger.info("Found (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s for %s: %s" %
                                        (result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                         result['authorname'], result['bookname'],
                                         authorname, title))
                            if library == 'eBook':
                                import_book(result['bookid'], ebook="Wanted", wait=True)
                                import_book(result['bookid'], audio="Wanted", wait=True)
                            imported = myDB.match('select * from books where BookID=?', (result['bookid'],))
                            if imported:
                                bookcount += 1
                                bookmatch = False

                    if not bookmatch:
                        msg = "Skipping book %s by %s" % (title, authorname)
                        if not result:
                            msg += ', No results found'
                        elif not imported:
                            msg += ', Failed to import %s' % result['bookid']
                            msg += ', No match found'
                            msg = "Closest match (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s" % (result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                                                        result['authorname'], result['bookname'])
                        skipcount += 1

            msg = "Found %i %s%s in csv file, %i already existing or wanted" % (total, library,
                                                                                plural(total), existing)
            msg = "Added %i new author%s, marked %i %s%s as 'Wanted', %i %s%s not found" % \
                  (authcount, plural(authcount), bookcount, library, plural(bookcount),
                   skipcount, plural(skipcount), library)
            if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['DELETE_CSV']:
                if skipcount == 0:
                    logger.info("Deleting %s on successful completion" % csvFile)
                    except OSError as why:
                        logger.warn('Unable to delete %s: %s' % (csvFile, why.strerror))
                    logger.warn("Not deleting %s as not all books found" % csvFile)
                    if os.path.isdir(csvFile + '.fail'):
                            shutil.rmtree(csvFile + '.fail')
                        except Exception as why:
                            logger.warn("Unable to remove %s, %s %s" % (csvFile + '.fail',
                                                                        type(why).__name__, str(why)))
                        _ = safe_move(csvFile, csvFile + '.fail')
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.error("Unable to rename %s, %s %s" %
                                     (csvFile, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
                        if not os.access(csvFile, os.R_OK):
                            logger.error("%s is not readable" % csvFile)
                        if not os.access(csvFile, os.W_OK):
                            logger.error("%s is not writeable" % csvFile)
                        parent = os.path.dirname(csvFile)
                            with open(os.path.join(parent, 'll_temp'), 'w') as f:
                            os.remove(os.path.join(parent, 'll_temp'))
                        except Exception as why:
                            logger.error("Directory %s is not writeable: %s" % (parent, why))
            return msg
    except Exception:
        msg = 'Unhandled exception in importCSV: %s' % traceback.format_exc()
        return msg
Exemple #4
def syncCalibreList(col_read=None, col_toread=None, userid=None):
    """ Get the lazylibrarian bookid for each read/toread calibre book so we can map our id to theirs,
        and sync current/supplied user's read/toread or supplied read/toread columns to calibre database.
        Return message giving totals """

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    if not userid:
        cookie = cherrypy.request.cookie
        if cookie and 'll_uid' in cookie.keys():
            userid = cookie['ll_uid'].value
    if userid:
        res = myDB.match(
            'SELECT UserName,ToRead,HaveRead,CalibreRead,CalibreToRead,Perms from users where UserID=?',
            (userid, ))
        if res:
            username = res['UserName']
            if not col_read:
                col_read = res['CalibreRead']
            if not col_toread:
                col_toread = res['CalibreToRead']
            toreadlist = getList(res['ToRead'])
            readlist = getList(res['HaveRead'])
            # suppress duplicates (just in case)
            toreadlist = list(set(toreadlist))
            readlist = list(set(readlist))
            return "Error: Unable to get user column settings for %s" % userid

    if not userid:
        return "Error: Unable to find current userid"

    if not col_read and not col_toread:
        return "User %s has no calibre columns set" % username

    # check user columns exist in calibre and create if not
    res = calibredb('custom_columns')
    columns = res[0].split('\n')
    custom_columns = []
    for column in columns:
        if column:
            custom_columns.append(column.split(' (')[0])

    if col_read not in custom_columns:
        added = calibredb('add_custom_column', [col_read, col_read, 'bool'])
        if "column created" not in added[0]:
            return added
    if col_toread not in custom_columns:
        added = calibredb('add_custom_column',
                          [col_toread, col_toread, 'bool'])
        if "column created" not in added[0]:
            return added

    nomatch = 0
    readcol = ''
    toreadcol = ''
    map_ctol = {}
    map_ltoc = {}
    if col_read:
        readcol = '*' + col_read
    if col_toread:
        toreadcol = '*' + col_toread

    calibre_list = calibreList(col_read, col_toread)
    if not isinstance(calibre_list, list):
        # got an error message from calibredb
        return '"%s"' % calibre_list

    for item in calibre_list:
        if toreadcol and toreadcol in item or readcol and readcol in item:
            authorname, authorid, added = addAuthorNameToDB(item['authors'],
            if authorname:
                if authorname != item['authors']:
                        "Changed authorname for [%s] from [%s] to [%s]" %
                        (item['title'], item['authors'], authorname))
                    item['authors'] = authorname
                bookid = find_book_in_db(authorname, item['title'])
                if not bookid:
                    searchterm = "%s <ll> %s" % (item['title'], authorname)
                    results = search_for(unaccented(searchterm))
                    if results:
                        result = results[0]
                        if result['author_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO'] \
                                and result['book_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO']:
                                "Found (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s" %
                                (result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                 result['authorname'], result['bookname']))
                            bookid = result['bookid']
                if bookid:
                    # NOTE: calibre bookid is always an integer, lazylibrarian bookid is a string
                    # (goodreads could be used as an int, but googlebooks can't as it's alphanumeric)
                    # so convert all dict items to strings for ease of matching.
                    map_ctol[str(item['id'])] = str(bookid)
                    map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(item['id'])
                        'Calibre Book [%s] by [%s] is not in lazylibrarian database'
                        % (item['title'], authorname))
                    nomatch += 1
                    'Calibre Author [%s] not matched in lazylibrarian database'
                    % (item['authors']))
                nomatch += 1

    # Now check current users lazylibrarian read/toread against the calibre library, warn about missing ones
    # which might be books calibre doesn't have, or might be minor differences in author or title

    for idlist in [("Read", readlist), ("To_Read", toreadlist)]:
        booklist = idlist[1]
        for bookid in booklist:
            cmd = "SELECT AuthorID,BookName from books where BookID=?"
            book = myDB.match(cmd, (bookid, ))
            if not book:
                logger.error('Error finding bookid %s' % bookid)
                cmd = "SELECT AuthorName from authors where AuthorID=?"
                author = myDB.match(cmd, (book['AuthorID'], ))
                if not author:
                    logger.error('Error finding authorid %s' %
                    match = False
                    for item in calibre_list:
                        if item['authors'] == author['AuthorName'] and item[
                                'title'] == book['BookName']:
                            logger.debug("Exact match for %s [%s]" %
                                         (idlist[0], book['BookName']))
                            map_ctol[str(item['id'])] = str(bookid)
                            map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(item['id'])
                            match = True
                    if not match:
                        high = 0
                        highname = ''
                        highid = ''
                        for item in calibre_list:
                            if item['authors'] == author['AuthorName']:
                                n = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(
                                    item['title'], book['BookName'])
                                if n > high:
                                    high = n
                                    highname = item['title']
                                    highid = item['id']

                        if high > 95:
                                "Found ratio match %s%% [%s] for %s [%s]" %
                                (high, highname, idlist[0], book['BookName']))
                            map_ctol[str(highid)] = str(bookid)
                            map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(highid)
                            match = True

                    if not match:
                            "No match for %s %s by %s in calibre database, closest match %s%% [%s]"
                            % (idlist[0], book['BookName'],
                               author['AuthorName'], high, highname))
                        nomatch += 1

    logger.debug("BookID mapping complete, %s match %s, nomatch %s" %
                 (username, len(map_ctol), nomatch))

    # now sync the lists
    if userid:
        last_read = []
        last_toread = []
        calibre_read = []
        calibre_toread = []

        cmd = 'select SyncList from sync where UserID=? and Label=?'
        res = myDB.match(cmd, (userid, col_read))
        if res:
            last_read = getList(res['SyncList'])
        res = myDB.match(cmd, (userid, col_toread))
        if res:
            last_toread = getList(res['SyncList'])

        for item in calibre_list:
            if toreadcol and toreadcol in item and item[
                    toreadcol]:  # only if True
                if str(item['id']) in map_ctol:
                        "Calibre to_read book %s:%s has no lazylibrarian bookid"
                        % (item['authors'], item['title']))
            if readcol and readcol in item and item[readcol]:  # only if True
                if str(item['id']) in map_ctol:
                        "Calibre read book %s:%s has no lazylibrarian bookid" %
                        (item['authors'], item['title']))

        logger.debug("Found %s calibre read, %s calibre toread" %
                     (len(calibre_read), len(calibre_toread)))
        logger.debug("Found %s lazylib read, %s lazylib toread" %
                     (len(readlist), len(toreadlist)))

        added_to_ll_toread = list(set(toreadlist) - set(last_toread))
        removed_from_ll_toread = list(set(last_toread) - set(toreadlist))
        added_to_ll_read = list(set(readlist) - set(last_read))
        removed_from_ll_read = list(set(last_read) - set(readlist))
        logger.debug("lazylibrarian changes to copy to calibre: %s %s %s %s" %
                     (len(added_to_ll_toread), len(removed_from_ll_toread),
                      len(added_to_ll_read), len(removed_from_ll_read)))

        added_to_calibre_toread = list(set(calibre_toread) - set(last_toread))
        removed_from_calibre_toread = list(
            set(last_toread) - set(calibre_toread))
        added_to_calibre_read = list(set(calibre_read) - set(last_read))
        removed_from_calibre_read = list(set(last_read) - set(calibre_read))
            "calibre changes to copy to lazylibrarian: %s %s %s %s" %
            (len(added_to_calibre_toread), len(removed_from_calibre_toread),
             len(added_to_calibre_read), len(removed_from_calibre_read)))

        calibre_changes = 0
        for item in added_to_calibre_read:
            if item not in readlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian marked %s as read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in added_to_calibre_toread:
            if item not in toreadlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian marked %s as to_read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in removed_from_calibre_read:
            if item in readlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian removed %s from read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in removed_from_calibre_toread:
            if item in toreadlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian removed %s from to_read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        if calibre_changes:
            myDB.action('UPDATE users SET ToRead=?,HaveRead=? WHERE UserID=?',
                        (', '.join(toreadlist), ', '.join(readlist), userid))
        ll_changes = 0
        for item in added_to_ll_toread:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom',
                                         [col_toread, map_ltoc[item], 'true'],
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to set calibre %s true for %s" %
                            (col_toread, item))
        for item in removed_from_ll_toread:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom',
                                         [col_toread, map_ltoc[item], ''], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to clear calibre %s for %s" %
                            (col_toread, item))

        for item in added_to_ll_read:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom',
                                         [col_read, map_ltoc[item], 'true'],
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to set calibre %s true for %s" %
                            (col_read, item))

        for item in removed_from_ll_read:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom',
                                         [col_read, map_ltoc[item], ''], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to clear calibre %s for %s" %
                            (col_read, item))

        # store current sync list as comparison for next sync
        controlValueDict = {"UserID": userid, "Label": col_read}
        newValueDict = {
            "Date": str(time.time()),
            "Synclist": ', '.join(readlist)
        myDB.upsert("sync", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        controlValueDict = {"UserID": userid, "Label": col_toread}
        newValueDict = {
            "Date": str(time.time()),
            "Synclist": ', '.join(toreadlist)
        myDB.upsert("sync", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        msg = "%s sync updated: %s calibre, %s lazylibrarian" % (
            username, ll_changes, calibre_changes)
    return msg
Exemple #5
def import_CSV(search_dir=None):
    """ Find a csv file in the search_dir and process all the books in it,
        adding authors to the database if not found
        and marking the books as "Wanted"
        Optionally delete the file on successful completion
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        if not search_dir:
            msg = "Alternate Directory not configured"
            return msg
        elif not os.path.isdir(search_dir):
            msg = "Alternate Directory [%s] not found" % search_dir
            return msg

        csvFile = csv_file(search_dir)

        headers = None

        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        bookcount = 0
        authcount = 0
        skipcount = 0
        total = 0
        existing = 0

        if not csvFile:
            msg = "No CSV file found in %s" % search_dir
            return msg
            logger.debug('Reading file %s' % csvFile)
            csvreader = reader(open(csvFile, 'rU'))
            for row in csvreader:
                if csvreader.line_num == 1:
                    # If we are on the first line, create the headers list from the first row
                    headers = row
                    if 'Author' not in headers or 'Title' not in headers:
                        msg = 'Invalid CSV file found %s' % csvFile
                        return msg
                    total += 1
                    item = dict(list(zip(headers, row)))
                    authorname = formatAuthorName(item['Author'])
                    title = makeUnicode(item['Title'])

                    authmatch = myDB.match(
                        'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName=?',
                        (authorname, ))

                    if authmatch:
                        logger.debug("CSV: Author %s found in database" %
                        logger.debug("CSV: Author %s not found" % authorname)
                        newauthor, authorid, new = addAuthorNameToDB(
                        if len(newauthor) and newauthor != authorname:
                                "Preferred authorname changed from [%s] to [%s]"
                                % (authorname, newauthor))
                            authorname = newauthor
                        if new:
                            authcount += 1

                    bookmatch = finditem(item, authorname)
                    result = ''
                    imported = ''
                    if bookmatch:
                        authorname = bookmatch['AuthorName']
                        bookname = bookmatch['BookName']
                        bookid = bookmatch['BookID']
                        bookstatus = bookmatch['Status']
                        if bookstatus in ['Open', 'Wanted', 'Have']:
                            existing += 1
                                'Found book %s by %s, already marked as "%s"' %
                                (bookname, authorname, bookstatus))
                        else:  # skipped/ignored
                                'Found book %s by %s, marking as "Wanted"' %
                                (bookname, authorname))
                            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                            newValueDict = {"Status": "Wanted"}
                            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,
                            bookcount += 1
                        searchterm = "%s <ll> %s" % (title, authorname)
                        results = search_for(unaccented(searchterm))
                        if results:
                            result = results[0]
                            if result['author_fuzz'] >= lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO'] \
                                    and result['book_fuzz'] >= lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO']:
                                bookmatch = True
                        if not bookmatch:  # no match on full searchterm, try splitting out subtitle
                            newtitle, _ = split_title(authorname, title)
                            if newtitle != title:
                                title = newtitle
                                searchterm = "%s <ll> %s" % (title, authorname)
                                results = search_for(unaccented(searchterm))
                                if results:
                                    result = results[0]
                                    if result['author_fuzz'] >= lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO'] \
                                            and result['book_fuzz'] >= lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO']:
                                        bookmatch = True
                        if bookmatch:
                                "Found (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s for %s: %s" %
                                (result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                 result['authorname'], result['bookname'],
                                 authorname, title))
                            import_book(result['bookid'], wait=True)
                            imported = myDB.match(
                                'select * from books where BookID=?',
                                (result['bookid'], ))
                            if imported:
                                bookcount += 1
                                bookmatch = False

                    if not bookmatch:
                        msg = "Skipping book %s by %s" % (title, authorname)
                        if not result:
                            msg += ', No results found'
                        elif not imported:
                            msg += ', Failed to import %s' % result['bookid']
                            msg += ', No match found'
                            msg = "Closest match (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s" % (
                                result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                result['authorname'], result['bookname'])
                        skipcount += 1

            msg = "Found %i book%s in csv file, %i already existing or wanted" % (
                total, plural(total), existing)
            msg = "Added %i new author%s, marked %i book%s as 'Wanted', %i book%s not found" % \
                  (authcount, plural(authcount), bookcount, plural(bookcount), skipcount, plural(skipcount))
            if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['DELETE_CSV']:
                if skipcount == 0:
                    logger.info("Deleting %s on successful completion" %
                    except OSError as why:
                        logger.warn('Unable to delete %s: %s' %
                                    (csvFile, why.strerror))
                    logger.warn("Not deleting %s as not all books found" %
            return msg
    except Exception:
        msg = 'Unhandled exception in importCSV: %s' % traceback.format_exc()
        return msg
Exemple #6
def syncCalibreList(col_read=None, col_toread=None, userid=None):
    """ Get the lazylibrarian bookid for each read/toread calibre book so we can map our id to theirs,
        and sync current/supplied user's read/toread or supplied read/toread columns to calibre database.
        Return message giving totals """

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    username = ''
    readlist = []
    toreadlist = []
    if not userid:
        cookie = cherrypy.request.cookie
        if cookie and 'll_uid' in list(cookie.keys()):
            userid = cookie['ll_uid'].value
    if userid:
        res = myDB.match('SELECT UserName,ToRead,HaveRead,CalibreRead,CalibreToRead,Perms from users where UserID=?',
        if res:
            username = res['UserName']
            if not col_read:
                col_read = res['CalibreRead']
            if not col_toread:
                col_toread = res['CalibreToRead']
            toreadlist = getList(res['ToRead'])
            readlist = getList(res['HaveRead'])
            # suppress duplicates (just in case)
            toreadlist = list(set(toreadlist))
            readlist = list(set(readlist))
            return "Error: Unable to get user column settings for %s" % userid

    if not userid:
        return "Error: Unable to find current userid"

    if not col_read and not col_toread:
        return "User %s has no calibre columns set" % username

    # check user columns exist in calibre and create if not
    res = calibredb('custom_columns')
    columns = res[0].split('\n')
    custom_columns = []
    for column in columns:
        if column:
            custom_columns.append(column.split(' (')[0])

    if col_read not in custom_columns:
        added = calibredb('add_custom_column', [col_read, col_read, 'bool'])
        if "column created" not in added[0]:
            return added
    if col_toread not in custom_columns:
        added = calibredb('add_custom_column', [col_toread, col_toread, 'bool'])
        if "column created" not in added[0]:
            return added

    nomatch = 0
    readcol = ''
    toreadcol = ''
    map_ctol = {}
    map_ltoc = {}
    if col_read:
        readcol = '*' + col_read
    if col_toread:
        toreadcol = '*' + col_toread

    calibre_list = calibreList(col_read, col_toread)
    if not isinstance(calibre_list, list):
        # got an error message from calibredb
        return '"%s"' % calibre_list

    for item in calibre_list:
        if toreadcol and toreadcol in item or readcol and readcol in item:
            authorname, authorid, added = addAuthorNameToDB(item['authors'], refresh=False, addbooks=False)
            if authorname:
                if authorname != item['authors']:
                    logger.debug("Changed authorname for [%s] from [%s] to [%s]" %
                                 (item['title'], item['authors'], authorname))
                    item['authors'] = authorname
                bookid, mtype = find_book_in_db(authorname, item['title'], ignored=False, library='eBook')
                if bookid and mtype == "Ignored":
                    logger.warn("Book %s by %s is marked Ignored in database, importing anyway" %
                                (item['title'], authorname))
                if not bookid:
                    searchterm = "%s <ll> %s" % (item['title'], authorname)
                    results = search_for(unaccented(searchterm))
                    if results:
                        result = results[0]
                        if result['author_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO'] \
                                and result['book_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO']:
                            logger.debug("Found (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s" % (result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                                                       result['authorname'], result['bookname']))
                            bookid = result['bookid']
                if bookid:
                    # NOTE: calibre bookid is always an integer, lazylibrarian bookid is a string
                    # (goodreads could be used as an int, but googlebooks can't as it's alphanumeric)
                    # so convert all dict items to strings for ease of matching.
                    map_ctol[str(item['id'])] = str(bookid)
                    map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(item['id'])
                    logger.warn('Calibre Book [%s] by [%s] is not in lazylibrarian database' %
                                (item['title'], authorname))
                    nomatch += 1
                logger.warn('Calibre Author [%s] not matched in lazylibrarian database' % (item['authors']))
                nomatch += 1

    # Now check current users lazylibrarian read/toread against the calibre library, warn about missing ones
    # which might be books calibre doesn't have, or might be minor differences in author or title

    for idlist in [("Read", readlist), ("To_Read", toreadlist)]:
        booklist = idlist[1]
        for bookid in booklist:
            cmd = "SELECT AuthorID,BookName from books where BookID=?"
            book = myDB.match(cmd, (bookid,))
            if not book:
                logger.error('Error finding bookid %s' % bookid)
                cmd = "SELECT AuthorName from authors where AuthorID=?"
                author = myDB.match(cmd, (book['AuthorID'],))
                if not author:
                    logger.error('Error finding authorid %s' % book['AuthorID'])
                    match = False
                    high = 0
                    highname = ''
                    for item in calibre_list:
                        if item['authors'] == author['AuthorName'] and item['title'] == book['BookName']:
                            logger.debug("Exact match for %s [%s]" % (idlist[0], book['BookName']))
                            map_ctol[str(item['id'])] = str(bookid)
                            map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(item['id'])
                            match = True
                    if not match:
                        highid = ''
                        for item in calibre_list:
                            if item['authors'] == author['AuthorName']:
                                n = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(item['title'], book['BookName'])
                                if n > high:
                                    high = n
                                    highname = item['title']
                                    highid = item['id']

                        if high > 95:
                            logger.debug("Found ratio match %s%% [%s] for %s [%s]" %
                                         (high, highname, idlist[0], book['BookName']))
                            map_ctol[str(highid)] = str(bookid)
                            map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(highid)
                            match = True

                    if not match:
                        logger.warn("No match for %s %s by %s in calibre database, closest match %s%% [%s]" %
                                    (idlist[0], book['BookName'], author['AuthorName'], high, highname))
                        nomatch += 1

    logger.debug("BookID mapping complete, %s match %s, nomatch %s" % (username, len(map_ctol), nomatch))

    # now sync the lists
    if not userid:
        msg = "No userid found"
        last_read = []
        last_toread = []
        calibre_read = []
        calibre_toread = []

        cmd = 'select SyncList from sync where UserID=? and Label=?'
        res = myDB.match(cmd, (userid, col_read))
        if res:
            last_read = getList(res['SyncList'])
        res = myDB.match(cmd, (userid, col_toread))
        if res:
            last_toread = getList(res['SyncList'])

        for item in calibre_list:
            if toreadcol and toreadcol in item and item[toreadcol]:  # only if True
                if str(item['id']) in map_ctol:
                    logger.warn("Calibre to_read book %s:%s has no lazylibrarian bookid" %
                                (item['authors'], item['title']))
            if readcol and readcol in item and item[readcol]:  # only if True
                if str(item['id']) in map_ctol:
                    logger.warn("Calibre read book %s:%s has no lazylibrarian bookid" %
                                (item['authors'], item['title']))

        logger.debug("Found %s calibre read, %s calibre toread" % (len(calibre_read), len(calibre_toread)))
        logger.debug("Found %s lazylib read, %s lazylib toread" % (len(readlist), len(toreadlist)))

        added_to_ll_toread = list(set(toreadlist) - set(last_toread))
        removed_from_ll_toread = list(set(last_toread) - set(toreadlist))
        added_to_ll_read = list(set(readlist) - set(last_read))
        removed_from_ll_read = list(set(last_read) - set(readlist))
        logger.debug("lazylibrarian changes to copy to calibre: %s %s %s %s" % (len(added_to_ll_toread),
                     len(removed_from_ll_toread), len(added_to_ll_read), len(removed_from_ll_read)))

        added_to_calibre_toread = list(set(calibre_toread) - set(last_toread))
        removed_from_calibre_toread = list(set(last_toread) - set(calibre_toread))
        added_to_calibre_read = list(set(calibre_read) - set(last_read))
        removed_from_calibre_read = list(set(last_read) - set(calibre_read))
        logger.debug("calibre changes to copy to lazylibrarian: %s %s %s %s" % (len(added_to_calibre_toread),
                     len(removed_from_calibre_toread), len(added_to_calibre_read), len(removed_from_calibre_read)))

        calibre_changes = 0
        for item in added_to_calibre_read:
            if item not in readlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian marked %s as read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in added_to_calibre_toread:
            if item not in toreadlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian marked %s as to_read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in removed_from_calibre_read:
            if item in readlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian removed %s from read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in removed_from_calibre_toread:
            if item in toreadlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian removed %s from to_read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        if calibre_changes:
            myDB.action('UPDATE users SET ToRead=?,HaveRead=? WHERE UserID=?',
                        (', '.join(toreadlist), ', '.join(readlist), userid))
        ll_changes = 0
        for item in added_to_ll_toread:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom', [col_toread, map_ltoc[item], 'true'], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to set calibre %s true for %s" % (col_toread, item))
        for item in removed_from_ll_toread:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom', [col_toread, map_ltoc[item], ''], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to clear calibre %s for %s" % (col_toread, item))

        for item in added_to_ll_read:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom', [col_read, map_ltoc[item], 'true'], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to set calibre %s true for %s" % (col_read, item))

        for item in removed_from_ll_read:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom', [col_read, map_ltoc[item], ''], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to clear calibre %s for %s" % (col_read, item))

        # store current sync list as comparison for next sync
        controlValueDict = {"UserID": userid, "Label": col_read}
        newValueDict = {"Date": str(time.time()), "Synclist": ', '.join(readlist)}
        myDB.upsert("sync", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        controlValueDict = {"UserID": userid, "Label": col_toread}
        newValueDict = {"Date": str(time.time()), "Synclist": ', '.join(toreadlist)}
        myDB.upsert("sync", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        msg = "%s sync updated: %s calibre, %s lazylibrarian" % (username, ll_changes, calibre_changes)
    return msg
Exemple #7
def LibraryScan(startdir=None):
    """ Scan a directory tree adding new books into database
        Return how many books you added """
        destdir = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Destination')
        if not startdir:
            if not destdir:
                logger.warn('Cannot find destination directory: %s. Not scanning' % destdir)
                return 0
            startdir = destdir

        if not os.path.isdir(startdir):
            logger.warn('Cannot find directory: %s. Not scanning' % startdir)
            return 0

        if not internet():
            logger.warn('Libraryscan: No internet connection')
            return 0

        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # keep statistics of full library scans
        if startdir == destdir:
            myDB.action('DELETE from stats')
            try:  # remove any extra whitespace in authornames
                authors = myDB.select('SELECT AuthorID,AuthorName FROM authors WHERE AuthorName like "%  %"')
                if authors:
                    logger.info('Removing extra spaces from %s authorname%s' % (len(authors), plural(len(authors))))
                    for author in authors:
                        authorid = author["AuthorID"]
                        authorname = ' '.join(author['AuthorName'].split())
                        # Have we got author name both with-and-without extra spaces? If so, merge them
                        duplicate = myDB.match(
                            'Select AuthorID,AuthorName FROM authors WHERE AuthorName="%s"' % authorname)
                        if duplicate:
                            myDB.action('DELETE from authors where authorname="%s"' % author['AuthorName'])
                            if author['AuthorID'] != duplicate['AuthorID']:
                                myDB.action('UPDATE books set AuthorID="%s" WHERE AuthorID="%s"' %
                                            (duplicate['AuthorID'], author['AuthorID']))
                                'UPDATE authors set AuthorName="%s" WHERE AuthorID="%s"' % (authorname, authorid))
            except Exception as e:
                logger.info('Error: ' + str(e))

        logger.info('Scanning ebook directory: %s' % startdir)

        new_book_count = 0
        modified_count = 0
        rescan_count = 0
        rescan_hits = 0
        file_count = 0
        author = ""

        if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['FULL_SCAN']:
            cmd = 'select AuthorName, BookName, BookFile, BookID from books,authors'
            cmd += ' where books.AuthorID = authors.AuthorID and books.Status="Open"'
            if not startdir == destdir:
                cmd += ' and BookFile like "' + startdir + '%"'
            books = myDB.select(cmd)
            status = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['NOTFOUND_STATUS']
            logger.info('Missing books will be marked as %s' % status)
            for book in books:
                bookID = book['BookID']
                bookfile = book['BookFile']

                if not (bookfile and os.path.isfile(bookfile)):
                    myDB.action('update books set Status="%s" where BookID="%s"' % (status, bookID))
                    myDB.action('update books set BookFile="" where BookID="%s"' % bookID)
                    logger.warn('Book %s - %s updated as not found on disk' % (book['AuthorName'], book['BookName']))

        # to save repeat-scans of the same directory if it contains multiple formats of the same book,
        # keep track of which directories we've already looked at
        processed_subdirectories = []
        warned = False  # have we warned about no new authors setting
        matchString = ''
        for char in lazylibrarian.CONFIG['EBOOK_DEST_FILE']:
            matchString = matchString + '\\' + char
        # massage the EBOOK_DEST_FILE config parameter into something we can use
        # with regular expression matching
        booktypes = ''
        count = -1
        booktype_list = getList(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['EBOOK_TYPE'])
        for book_type in booktype_list:
            count += 1
            if count == 0:
                booktypes = book_type
                booktypes = booktypes + '|' + book_type
        matchString = matchString.replace("\\$\\A\\u\\t\\h\\o\\r", "(?P<author>.*?)").replace(
            "\\$\\T\\i\\t\\l\\e", "(?P<book>.*?)") + '\.[' + booktypes + ']'
        pattern = re.compile(matchString, re.VERBOSE)

        for r, d, f in os.walk(startdir):
            for directory in d[:]:
                # prevent magazine being scanned
                if directory.startswith("_") or directory.startswith("."):

            for files in f:
                file_count += 1

                if isinstance(r, str):
                    r = r.decode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

                subdirectory = r.replace(startdir, '')
                # Added new code to skip if we've done this directory before.
                # Made this conditional with a switch in config.ini
                # in case user keeps multiple different books in the same subdirectory
                if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['IMP_SINGLEBOOK'] and (subdirectory in processed_subdirectories):
                    logger.debug("[%s] already scanned" % subdirectory)
                    # If this is a book, try to get author/title/isbn/language
                    # if epub or mobi, read metadata from the book
                    # If metadata.opf exists, use that allowing it to override
                    # embedded metadata. User may have edited metadata.opf
                    # to merge author aliases together
                    # If all else fails, try pattern match for author/title
                    # and look up isbn/lang from LT or GR later
                    match = 0
                    if is_valid_booktype(files):

                        logger.debug("[%s] Now scanning subdirectory %s" % (startdir, subdirectory))

                        language = "Unknown"
                        isbn = ""
                        book = ""
                        author = ""
                        gr_id = ""
                        gb_id = ""
                        extn = os.path.splitext(files)[1]

                        # if it's an epub or a mobi we can try to read metadata from it
                        if (extn == ".epub") or (extn == ".mobi"):
                            book_filename = os.path.join(r, files).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

                                res = get_book_info(book_filename)
                            except Exception as e:
                                logger.debug('get_book_info failed for %s, %s' % (book_filename, str(e)))
                                res = {}
                            # title and creator are the minimum we need
                            if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:
                                book = res['title']
                                author = res['creator']
                                if book and len(book) > 2 and author and len(author) > 2:
                                    match = 1
                                if 'language' in res:
                                    language = res['language']
                                if 'identifier' in res:
                                    isbn = res['identifier']
                                if 'type' in res:
                                    extn = res['type']
                                logger.debug("book meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" %
                                             (isbn, language, author, book, extn))
                            if not match:
                                logger.debug("Book meta incomplete in %s" % book_filename)

                        # calibre uses "metadata.opf", LL uses "bookname - authorname.opf"
                        # just look for any .opf file in the current directory since we don't know
                        # LL preferred authorname/bookname at this point.
                        # Allow metadata in file to override book contents as may be users pref

                        metafile = opf_file(r)
                            res = get_book_info(metafile)
                        except Exception as e:
                            logger.debug('get_book_info failed for %s, %s' % (metafile, str(e)))
                            res = {}
                        # title and creator are the minimum we need
                        if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:
                            book = res['title']
                            author = res['creator']
                            if book and len(book) > 2 and author and len(author) > 2:
                                match = 1
                            if 'language' in res:
                                language = res['language']
                            if 'identifier' in res:
                                isbn = res['identifier']
                            if 'gr_id' in res:
                                gr_id = res['gr_id']
                            logger.debug("file meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" % (isbn, language, author, book, gr_id))
                        if not match:
                            logger.debug("File meta incomplete in %s" % metafile)

                        if not match:  # no author/book from metadata file, and not embedded either
                            match = pattern.match(files)
                            if match:
                                author = match.group("author")
                                book = match.group("book")
                                if len(book) <= 2 or len(author) <= 2:
                                    match = 0
                            if not match:
                                logger.debug("Pattern match failed [%s]" % files)

                        if match:
                            # flag that we found a book in this subdirectory

                            # If we have a valid looking isbn, and language != "Unknown", add it to cache
                            if language != "Unknown" and is_valid_isbn(isbn):
                                logger.debug("Found Language [%s] ISBN [%s]" % (language, isbn))
                                # we need to add it to language cache if not already
                                # there, is_valid_isbn has checked length is 10 or 13
                                if len(isbn) == 10:
                                    isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                                    isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                                match = myDB.match('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' % isbnhead)
                                if not match:
                                    myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' % (isbnhead, language))
                                    logger.debug("Cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" % (language, isbnhead))
                                    logger.debug("Already cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" % (language, isbnhead))

                            author, authorid, new = addAuthorNameToDB(author)  # get the author name as we know it...

                            if author:
                                # author exists, check if this book by this author is in our database
                                # metadata might have quotes in book name
                                # some books might be stored under a different author name
                                # eg books by multiple authors, books where author is "writing as"
                                # or books we moved to "merge" authors
                                book = book.replace("'", "")

                                # First try and find it under author and bookname
                                # as we may have it under a different bookid or isbn to goodreads/googlebooks
                                # which might have several bookid/isbn for the same book
                                bookid = find_book_in_db(myDB, author, book)

                                if not bookid:
                                    # Title or author name might not match or multiple authors
                                    # See if the gr_id, gb_id is already in our database
                                    if gr_id:
                                        bookid = gr_id
                                    elif gb_id:
                                        bookid = gb_id
                                        bookid = ""

                                    if bookid:
                                        match = myDB.match('SELECT BookID FROM books where BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                                        if not match:
                                            msg = 'Unable to find book %s by %s in database, trying to add it using '
                                            if bookid == gr_id:
                                                msg += "GoodReads ID " + gr_id
                                            if bookid == gb_id:
                                                msg += "GoogleBooks ID " + gb_id
                                            logger.debug(msg % (book, author))
                                            if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoodReads" and gr_id:
                                                GR_ID = GoodReads(gr_id)
                                                GR_ID.find_book(gr_id, None)
                                            elif lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoogleBooks" and gb_id:
                                                GB_ID = GoogleBooks(gb_id)
                                                GB_ID.find_book(gb_id, None)
                                            # see if it's there now...
                                            match = myDB.match('SELECT BookID from books where BookID="%s"' % bookid)
                                            if not match:
                                                logger.debug("Unable to add bookid %s to database" % bookid)
                                                bookid = ""

                                if not bookid and isbn:
                                    # See if the isbn is in our database
                                    match = myDB.match('SELECT BookID FROM books where BookIsbn = "%s"' % isbn)
                                    if match:
                                        bookid = match['BookID']

                                if not bookid:
                                    # get author name from parent directory of this book directory
                                    newauthor = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(r))
                                    # calibre replaces trailing periods with _ eg Smith Jr. -> Smith Jr_
                                    if newauthor.endswith('_'):
                                        newauthor = newauthor[:-1] + '.'
                                    if author.lower() != newauthor.lower():
                                        logger.debug("Trying authorname [%s]" % newauthor)
                                        bookid = find_book_in_db(myDB, newauthor, book)
                                        if bookid:
                                            logger.warn("%s not found under [%s], found under [%s]" %
                                                        (book, author, newauthor))

                                # at this point if we still have no bookid, it looks like we
                                # have author and book title but no database entry for it
                                if not bookid:
                                    if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoodReads":
                                        # Either goodreads doesn't have the book or it didn't match language prefs
                                        # Since we have the book anyway, try and reload it ignoring language prefs
                                        rescan_count += 1
                                        base_url = 'http://www.goodreads.com/search.xml?q='
                                        params = {"key": lazylibrarian.CONFIG['GR_API']}
                                        if author[1] in '. ':
                                            surname = author
                                            forename = ''
                                            while surname[1] in '. ':
                                                forename = forename + surname[0] + '.'
                                                surname = surname[2:].strip()
                                            if author != forename + ' ' + surname:
                                                logger.debug('Stripped authorname [%s] to [%s %s]' %
                                                            (author, forename, surname))
                                                author = forename + ' ' + surname

                                        author = ' '.join(author.split())  # ensure no extra whitespace

                                        searchname = author + ' ' + book
                                        searchname = cleanName(unaccented(searchname))
                                        searchterm = urllib.quote_plus(searchname.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING))
                                        set_url = base_url + searchterm + '&' + urllib.urlencode(params)
                                            rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(set_url)
                                            if not len(rootxml):
                                                logger.debug("Error requesting results from GoodReads")
                                                resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('work')
                                                for item in resultxml:
                                                    booktitle = item.find('./best_book/title').text
                                                    book_fuzz = fuzz.token_set_ratio(booktitle, book)
                                                    if book_fuzz >= 98:
                                                        logger.debug("Rescan found %s : %s" % (booktitle, language))
                                                        rescan_hits += 1
                                                        bookid = item.find('./best_book/id').text
                                                        GR_ID = GoodReads(bookid)
                                                        GR_ID.find_book(bookid, None)
                                                        if language and language != "Unknown":
                                                            # set language from book metadata
                                                            logger.debug("Setting language from metadata %s : %s" % (booktitle, language))
                                                            myDB.action('UPDATE books SET BookLang="%s" WHERE BookID="%s"' %
                                                                        (language, bookid))
                                                if not bookid:
                                                    logger.warn("GoodReads doesn't know about %s" % book)
                                        except Exception as e:
                                            logger.error("Error finding rescan results: %s" % str(e))

                                    elif lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoogleBooks":
                                        # if we get here using googlebooks it's because googlebooks
                                        # doesn't have the book. No point in looking for it again.
                                        logger.warn("GoogleBooks doesn't know about %s" % book)

                                # see if it's there now...
                                if bookid:
                                    cmd = 'SELECT books.Status, BookFile, AuthorName, BookName from books,authors '
                                    cmd += 'where books.AuthorID = authors.AuthorID and BookID="%s"' % bookid
                                    check_status = myDB.match(cmd)

                                    if not check_status:
                                        logger.debug('Unable to find bookid %s in database' % bookid)
                                        if check_status['Status'] != 'Open':
                                            # we found a new book
                                            new_book_count += 1
                                                'UPDATE books set Status="Open" where BookID="%s"' % bookid)

                                        # store book location so we can check if it gets removed
                                        book_filename = os.path.join(r, files)
                                        if not check_status['BookFile']:  # no previous location
                                            myDB.action('UPDATE books set BookFile="%s" where BookID="%s"' %
                                                        (book_filename, bookid))
                                        # location may have changed since last scan
                                        elif book_filename != check_status['BookFile']:
                                            modified_count += 1
                                            logger.warn("Updating book location for %s %s from %s to %s" %
                                                        (author, book, check_status['BookFile'], book_filename))
                                            logger.debug("%s %s matched %s BookID %s, [%s][%s]" %
                                                        (author, book, check_status['Status'], bookid,
                                                        check_status['AuthorName'], check_status['BookName']))
                                            myDB.action('UPDATE books set BookFile="%s" where BookID="%s"' %
                                                        (book_filename, bookid))

                                        # update cover file to cover.jpg in book folder (if exists)
                                        bookdir = os.path.dirname(book_filename)
                                        coverimg = os.path.join(bookdir, 'cover.jpg')
                                        if os.path.isfile(coverimg):
                                            cachedir = lazylibrarian.CACHEDIR
                                            cacheimg = os.path.join(cachedir, 'book', bookid + '.jpg')
                                            copyfile(coverimg, cacheimg)
                                        "Failed to match book [%s] by [%s] in database" % (book, author))
                                if not warned and not lazylibrarian.CONFIG['ADD_AUTHOR']:
                                    logger.warn("Add authors to database is disabled")
                                    warned = True

        logger.info("%s/%s new/modified book%s found and added to the database" %
                    (new_book_count, modified_count, plural(new_book_count + modified_count)))
        logger.info("%s file%s processed" % (file_count, plural(file_count)))

        if startdir == destdir:
            # On full library scans, check for missing workpages
            # and books with unknown language
            nolang = myDB.match(
                "select count('BookID') as counter from Books where status='Open' and BookLang='Unknown'")
            nolang = nolang['counter']
            if nolang:
                logger.warn("Found %s book%s in your library with unknown language" % (nolang, plural(nolang)))
                # show stats if new books were added
            stats = myDB.match(
                "SELECT sum(GR_book_hits), sum(GR_lang_hits), sum(LT_lang_hits), sum(GB_lang_change), \
                    sum(cache_hits), sum(bad_lang), sum(bad_char), sum(uncached), sum(duplicates) FROM stats")

            st= {'GR_book_hits': stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'], 'GB_book_hits': stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'],
                 'GR_lang_hits': stats['sum(GR_lang_hits)'], 'LT_lang_hits': stats['sum(LT_lang_hits)'],
                 'GB_lang_change': stats['sum(GB_lang_change)'], 'cache_hits': stats['sum(cache_hits)'],
                 'bad_lang': stats['sum(bad_lang)'], 'bad_char': stats['sum(bad_char)'],
                 'uncached': stats['sum(uncached)'], 'duplicates': stats['sum(duplicates)']}

            for item in st.keys():
                if st[item] is None:
                    st[item] = 0

            if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoogleBooks":
                logger.debug("GoogleBooks was hit %s time%s for books" %
                             (st['GR_book_hits'], plural(st['GR_book_hits'])))
                logger.debug("GoogleBooks language was changed %s time%s" %
                             (st['GB_lang_change'], plural(st['GB_lang_change'])))
            if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoodReads":
                logger.debug("GoodReads was hit %s time%s for books" %
                             (st['GR_book_hits'], plural(st['GR_book_hits'])))
                logger.debug("GoodReads was hit %s time%s for languages" %
                             (st['GR_lang_hits'], plural(st['GR_lang_hits'])))
            logger.debug("LibraryThing was hit %s time%s for languages" %
                         (st['LT_lang_hits'], plural(st['LT_lang_hits'])))
            logger.debug("Language cache was hit %s time%s" %
                         (st['cache_hits'], plural(st['cache_hits'])))
            logger.debug("Unwanted language removed %s book%s" %
                         (st['bad_lang'], plural(st['bad_lang'])))
            logger.debug("Unwanted characters removed %s book%s" %
                         (st['bad_char'], plural(st['bad_char'])))
            logger.debug("Unable to cache language for %s book%s with missing ISBN" %
                         (st['uncached'], plural(st['uncached'])))
            logger.debug("Found %s duplicate book%s" %
                         (st['duplicates'], plural(st['duplicates'])))
            logger.debug("Rescan %s hit%s, %s miss" %
                         (rescan_hits, plural(rescan_hits), rescan_count - rescan_hits))
            logger.debug("Cache %s hit%s, %s miss" %
                         (lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT, plural(lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT), lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS))
            cachesize = myDB.match("select count('ISBN') as counter from languages")
            logger.debug("ISBN Language cache holds %s entries" % cachesize['counter'])

            # Cache any covers and images
            images = myDB.select('select bookid, bookimg, bookname from books where bookimg like "http%"')
            if len(images):
                logger.info("Caching cover%s for %i book%s" % (plural(len(images)), len(images), plural(len(images))))
                for item in images:
                    bookid = item['bookid']
                    bookimg = item['bookimg']
                    # bookname = item['bookname']
                    newimg, success = cache_img("book", bookid, bookimg)
                    if success:
                        myDB.action('update books set BookImg="%s" where BookID="%s"' % (newimg, bookid))

            images = myDB.select('select AuthorID, AuthorImg, AuthorName from authors where AuthorImg like "http%"')
            if len(images):
                logger.info("Caching image%s for %i author%s" % (plural(len(images)), len(images), plural(len(images))))
                for item in images:
                    authorid = item['authorid']
                    authorimg = item['authorimg']
                    # authorname = item['authorname']
                    newimg, success = cache_img("author", authorid, authorimg)
                    if success:
                        myDB.action('update authors set AuthorImg="%s" where AuthorID="%s"' % (newimg, authorid))

            # On full scan, update bookcounts for all authors, not just new ones - refresh may have located
            # new books for existing authors especially if switched provider gb/gr or changed wanted languages
            authors = myDB.select('select AuthorID from authors')
            # On single author/book import, just update bookcount for that author
            authors = myDB.select('select AuthorID from authors where AuthorName = "%s"' % author.replace('"', '""'))

        logger.debug('Updating bookcounts for %i author%s' % (len(authors), plural(len(authors))))
        for author in authors:

        logger.info('Library scan complete')
        return new_book_count

    except Exception:
        logger.error('Unhandled exception in libraryScan: %s' % traceback.format_exc())