Exemple #1
 def test_X(self, entry=entry):
     action = get_value(entry, MF.action)
     patch = urlopen(action).read()
     parser = Parser(DummyProcessor(), action, True)
     except ParserError, ex:
         assert False, "{} in <{}>".format(ex, action)
Exemple #2
class TestStrictParser(object):
    def setUp(self):
        self.e = DummyProcessor()
        self.p = Parser(self.e, EX[''], True)

    def test_prefix_in_the_middle(self):
        with assert_raises(ParserError):
            Add  { <http://example.org/a> <http://example.org/b>
                   <http://example.org/c> } .
            @prefix ex: <http://exammple.org/> .
    def test_prefix_sparql(self):
        with assert_raises(ParserError):
            PrEfIx ex: <http://exammple.org/>
Exemple #3
 def test_X(self, entry=entry):
     action = get_value(entry, MF.action)
     data_iri = get_value(action, NS.data)
     patch_iri = get_value(action, NS.patch)
     base_iri = URIRef(get_value(action, NS.base) or data_iri)
     result_iri = get_value(entry, MF.result)
     data = Graph(); data.load(data_iri, publicID=base_iri, format="turtle")
     patch = urlopen(patch_iri).read()
     result = Graph(); result.load(result_iri, publicID=base_iri, format="turtle")
     processor = PatchProcessor(data)
     parser = Parser(processor, base_iri, True)
     except ParserError, ex:
         raise Exception("ParseError: {}\n  in <{}>".format(
Exemple #4
 def test_X(self, entry=entry):
     action = get_value(entry, MF.action)
     data_iri = get_value(action, NS.data)
     patch_iri = get_value(action, NS.patch)
     base_iri = URIRef(get_value(action, NS.base) or data_iri)
     statusCode = int(get_value(entry, NS.statusCode))
     data = Graph(); data.load(data_iri, publicID=base_iri, format="turtle")
     patch = urlopen(patch_iri).read()
     processor = PatchProcessor(data)
     parser = Parser(processor, base_iri, True)
         assert False, 'expected PatchEvalError in <{}>'.format(
     except PatchEvalError, ex:
         assert ex.statusCode == statusCode, \
             "Expected statusCode {}, got {}".format(
                 statusCode, ex.statusCode)
Exemple #5
 def setUp(self):
     self.e = DummyProcessor()
     self.p = Parser(self.e, EX[''])
Exemple #6
class TestParser(object):
    def setUp(self):
        self.e = DummyProcessor()
        self.p = Parser(self.e, EX[''])

    def tearDown(self):
        self.p = None
        self.e = None

    def test_prefix(self):
        self.p.parseString("@prefix foo: <http://ex.co/> .")
        eq_(("prefix", "foo", URIRef("http://ex.co/")), self.e.pop())

    def test_prefix_unicode(self):
        self.p.parseString("@prefix Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn: <http://ex.co/> .")
        eq_(("prefix", "Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn", URIRef("http://ex.co/")),

    def test_prefix_empty(self):
        self.p.parseString("@prefix : <http://ex.co/> .")
        eq_(("prefix", "", URIRef("http://ex.co/")), self.e.pop())

    def test_prefix_sparql(self):
        self.p.parseString("PrEfIx ex: <http://ex.co/>")
        eq_(("prefix", "ex", URIRef("http://ex.co/")), self.e.pop())
    def test_bind(self):
        self.p.parseString("Bind ?x <http://ex.co/a> .")
        eq_(("bind", V("x"), EX.a, []), self.e.pop())

    def test_bind_relative(self):
        self.p.parseString("Bind ?x <a> .")
        eq_(("bind", V("x"), EX.a, []), self.e.pop())

    def test_bind_abbr(self):
        self.p.parseString("B ?x <http://ex.co/a> .")
        eq_(("bind", V("x"), EX.a, []), self.e.pop())

    def test_bind_path(self):
        self.p.parseString("Bind ?x <http://ex.co/a>/ex:b/^ex:c/42 .")
        eq_(("bind", V("x"), EX.a, [EX.b, InvIRI(EX.c), 42]), self.e.pop())

    def test_bind_constrained_path(self):
        self.p.parseString("Bind ?x <http://ex.co/a> /ex:b!/^ex:c[/ex:b!/^ex:c/42=0]!/42 .")
        eq_(("bind", V("x"), EX.a, [
            EX.b, UNICITY_CONSTRAINT, InvIRI(EX.c),
                EX.b, UNICITY_CONSTRAINT,
                InvIRI(EX.c), 42
                ], Literal(0) ),
            UNICITY_CONSTRAINT, 42,

    def test_bind_unicode(self):
        self.p.parseString("Bind ?Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn <http://ex.co/a> .")
        eq_(("bind", V("Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn"), URIRef("http://ex.co/a"), []), self.e.pop())

    def test_cut(self):
        self.p.parseString("Cut ?x .")
        eq_(("cut", V("x")), self.e.pop())

    def test_cut_abbr(self):
        self.p.parseString("C ?x .")
        eq_(("cut", V("x")), self.e.pop())

    def test_add_empty(self):
        # NB: only in non-strict mode
        self.p.parseString("Add {}.")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eqg_(graph, [])

    def test_add_iris(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> <http://ex.co/b> "
                           "<http://ex.co/c> }.")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, EX.b, EX.c)])

    def test_add_abbr(self):
        self.p.parseString("A { <http://ex.co/a> <http://ex.co/b> "
                           "<http://ex.co/c> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, EX.c) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_pnames(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { ex:a ex:b ex:cde } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, EX.cde) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_Bs(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { _:a ex:b _:cde } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (B("a"), EX.b, B("cde")) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_Bs_brackets(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { _:a ex:b [] } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        obj = graph.value(B("a"), EX.b)
        assert type(obj) is B, obj

    def test_add_variables(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { ?a ex:b ?cde } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (V("a"), EX.b, V("cde")) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_list(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> ex:b "
                           "      ( <http://ex.co/c> ex:d ) }.")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eqg_(graph, [
            (EX.a, EX.b, B("l0")),
            (B("l0"), RDF.first, EX.c),
            (B("l0"), RDF.rest, B("l1")),
            (B("l1"), RDF.first, EX.d),
            (B("l1"), RDF.rest, RDF.nil),

    def test_add_literal_integer(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> ex:b 42 } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, Literal(42)) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_literal_decimal(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> ex:b 3.14 } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, Literal("3.14", datatype=XSD.decimal)) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_literal_double(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> ex:b 314e-2 } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, Literal("314e-2", datatype=XSD.double)) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_literal_string(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"hello world\" } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, Literal("hello world")) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_literal_langtag(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"hello world\"@en } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, Literal("hello world", "en")) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_literal_datatype_iri(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"hello world\"^^<http://ex.co/foo> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, Literal("hello world", datatype=EX.foo)) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_literal_datatype_pname(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"hello world\"^^ex:foo } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, Literal("hello world", datatype=EX.foo)) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_literal_unicode(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn☃💩\" } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        assert (EX.a, EX.b, Literal("Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn☃💩")) in graph, _s(graph)

    def test_add_2triples(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { ex:a ex:b ex:c . ex:e ex:f ex:g } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (EX.a, EX.b, EX.c),
            (EX.e, EX.f, EX.g),

    def test_add_objectlist_comma(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { ex:a ex:b ex:c, ex:d, ex:e } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (EX.a, EX.b, EX.c),
            (EX.a, EX.b, EX.d),
            (EX.a, EX.b, EX.e),

    def test_add_objectlist_semicolon(self):
        self.p.parseString("""Add {
              ex:b ex:c, ex:d, ex:e ;
              ex:f ex:g ;
              ex:h ex:i, ex:j ;
        } .""")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (EX.a, EX.b, EX.c),
            (EX.a, EX.b, EX.d),
            (EX.a, EX.b, EX.e),
            (EX.a, EX.f, EX.g),
            (EX.a, EX.h, EX.i),
            (EX.a, EX.h, EX.j),

    def test_add_objectlist_mixed(self):
        self.p.parseString("""Add {
              ex:b "txt", 10, true ;
              ex:c [], _:bn1 ;
              ex:d [
                ex:e ( ex:f _:bn1 ?v )
              ] ;
        } .""")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (EX.a,    EX.b,      Literal("txt")),
            (EX.a,    EX.b,      Literal(10)),
            (EX.a,    EX.b,      Literal(True)),
            (EX.a,    EX.c,      B("n0")),
            (EX.a,    EX.c,      B("n1")),
            (EX.a,    EX.d,      B("n3")),
            (B("n3"), EX.e,      B("l1"),),
            (B("l1"), RDF.first, EX.f),
            (B("l1"), RDF.rest,  B("l2")),
            (B("l2"), RDF.first, B("n1")),
            (B("l2"), RDF.rest,  B("l3")),
            (B("l3"), RDF.first, V("v")),
            (B("l3"), RDF.rest,  RDF.nil),

    def test_add_empty_list(self):
        self.p.parseString("""Add {
            ex:a ex:b ()
        } .""")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (EX.a, EX.b, RDF.nil),

    def test_add_empty_bnode(self):
        self.p.parseString("""Add {
            ex:a ex:b []
        } .""")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (EX.a, EX.b, B()),

    def test_add_subject_list(self):
        self.p.parseString("""Add {
            ( ex:a ex:b ) ex:c ex:d
        } .""")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (B("l1"), RDF.first, EX.a),
            (B("l1"), RDF.rest,  B("l2")),
            (B("l2"), RDF.first, EX.b),
            (B("l2"), RDF.rest,  RDF.nil),
            (B("l1"), EX.c,      EX.d),

    def test_add_subject_bnode(self):
        self.p.parseString("""Add {
            [ ex:a ex:b ] ex:c ex:d
        } .""")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (B("b1"), EX.a, EX.b),
            (B("b1"), EX.c, EX.d),

    def test_add_standalone_bnode(self):
        self.p.parseString("""Add {
            [ ex:a ex:b ]
        } .""")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (B("b1"), EX.a, EX.b),

    @skip("Apparently not supported by Turtle")
    def test_add_standalone_list(self):
        self.p.parseString("""Add {
            ( ex:a <http://ex.co/b> )
        } .""")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [
            (B("l1"), RDF.first, EX.a),
            (B("l1"), RDF.rest,  B("l2")),
            (B("l2"), RDF.first, EX.b),
            (B("l2"), RDF.rest,  RDF.nil),

    def test_add_keyword_a(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add { ex:a a ex:A } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "add")
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, RDF.type, EX.A)])

    def test_delete(self):
        self.p.parseString("Delete { <http://ex.co/a> <http://ex.co/b> "
                           "         <http://ex.co/c> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "delete")
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, EX.b, EX.c)])

    def test_delete_abbr(self):
        self.p.parseString("D { <http://ex.co/a> <http://ex.co/b> "
                           "    <http://ex.co/c> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "delete")
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, EX.b, EX.c)])

    # assuming that parsing the 'Delete' graph is the same as
    # parsing the 'Add' the graph, we do not duplicate all the tests ;
    # idem for AddNew and DeleteExisting below.

    def test_addnew(self):
        self.p.parseString("AddNew { <http://ex.co/a> <http://ex.co/b> "
                           "         <http://ex.co/c> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "addnew")
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, EX.b, EX.c)])

    def test_addnew_abbr(self):
        self.p.parseString("AN { <http://ex.co/a> <http://ex.co/b> "
                           "    <http://ex.co/c> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "addnew")
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, EX.b, EX.c)])

    def test_deleteexisting(self):
        self.p.parseString("DeleteExisting { <http://ex.co/a> <http://ex.co/b> "
                           "         <http://ex.co/c> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "deleteexisting")
        eq_(len(graph), 1)
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, EX.b, EX.c)])

    def test_deleteexisting_abbr(self):
        self.p.parseString("DE { <http://ex.co/a> <http://ex.co/b> "
                           "    <http://ex.co/c> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_(cmd, "deleteexisting")
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, EX.b, EX.c)])

    def test_updatelist_point(self):
        self.p.parseString("UpdateList ?x ex:p 3 ( <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"foo\" 42 ) .")
        got = self.e.pop() ; graph = got[-1]
        eq_(len(got), 6)
        eq_(("updatelist", V("x"), EX.p, Slice(3, 4)), got[:4])
        eq_([ EX.a, EX.b, Literal("foo"), Literal(42) ],
            list(Collection(graph, got[-2])))

    def test_updatelist_abbr(self):
        self.p.parseString("UL ?x ex:p 3 ( <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"foo\" 42 ) .")
        got = self.e.pop() ; graph = got[-1]
        eq_(len(got), 6)
        eq_(("updatelist", V("x"), EX.p, Slice(3, 4)), got[:4])
        eq_([ EX.a, EX.b, Literal("foo"), Literal(42) ],
            list(Collection(graph, got[-2])))

    def test_updatelist_til_the_end(self):
        self.p.parseString("UpdateList ?x ex:p 3.. ( <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"foo\" 42 ) .")
        got = self.e.pop() ; graph = got[-1]
        eq_(len(got), 6)
        eq_(("updatelist", V("x"), EX.p, Slice(3, None)), got[:4])
        eq_([ EX.a, EX.b, Literal("foo"), Literal(42) ],
            list(Collection(graph, got[-2])))

    def test_updatelist_slice(self):
        self.p.parseString("UpdateList ?x ex:p 3..7 ( <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"foo\" 42 ) .")
        got = self.e.pop() ; graph = got[-1]
        eq_(len(got), 6)
        eq_(("updatelist", V("x"), EX.p, Slice(3, 7)), got[:4])
        eq_([ EX.a, EX.b, Literal("foo"), Literal(42) ],
            list(Collection(graph, got[-2])))

    def test_updatelist_at_the_end(self):
        self.p.parseString("UpdateList ?x ex:p .. ( <http://ex.co/a> ex:b \"foo\" 42 ) .")
        got = self.e.pop() ; graph = got[-1]
        eq_(len(got), 6)
        eq_(("updatelist", V("x"), EX.p, Slice(None, None)), got[:4])
        eq_([ EX.a, EX.b, Literal("foo"), Literal(42) ],
            list(Collection(graph, got[-2])))

    def test_updatelist_empty(self):
        self.p.parseString("UpdateList ?x ex:p 3 () .")
        got = self.e.pop() ; graph = got[-1]
        eq_(len(got), 6)
        eq_(("updatelist", V("x"), EX.p, Slice(3, 4)), got[:4])
        eq_([], list(Collection(graph, got[-2])))

    def test_add_multiline(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add {\n"
                           "  <http://ex.co/a>\n"
                           "    <http://ex.co/b>\n"
                           "      <http://ex.co/c> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, EX.b, EX.c)])

    def test_comment(self):
        self.p.parseString("# hello world\n")

    def test_comment_in_the_middle(self):
        self.p.parseString("Add {\n"
                           "  <http://ex.co/a>\n"
                           "  # hello world\n"
                           "    <http://ex.co/b>\n"
                           "      <http://ex.co/c> } .")
        cmd, graph = self.e.pop()
        eq_("add", cmd)
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.a, EX.b, EX.c)])

    def test_add_clears_graph(self):
            Add { ex:a ex:b ex:c }.
            Add { ex:d ex:e ex:f }.
        # check that the second graph is not poluted by the first one
        _, graph = self.e.pop()
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.d, EX.e, EX.f)])

    def test_del_clears_graph(self):
            Delete { ex:a ex:b ex:c }.
            Add { ex:d ex:e ex:f }.
        # check that the second graph is not poluted by the first one
        _, graph = self.e.pop()
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.d, EX.e, EX.f)])

    def test_updatelist_clears_graph(self):
            UpdateList ex:a ex:b 1..2 ( ex:a ex:b ex:c ).
            Add { ex:d ex:e ex:f }.
        # check that the second graph is not poluted by the first one
        _, graph = self.e.pop()
        eqg_(graph, [(EX.d, EX.e, EX.f)])