def validateConnStr(self,cs):
        '''WFS basic checks. 1 url format,2 api key,3 ask for wfs'''
        if not'^http://',cs,flags=re.IGNORECASE):
            raise MalformedConnectionString('\'http\' declaration required in LDS request')
        #if not'wfs\.data\.linz\.govt\.nz',cs,flags=re.IGNORECASE):
        #    raise MalformedConnectionString('Require \'\' in LDS address string')
        if not'/[a-f0-9]{32}/(v/x|wfs\?)',cs,flags=re.IGNORECASE):
            raise MalformedConnectionString('Require API key (32char hex) in LDS address string')
        if not'wfs\?',cs,flags=re.IGNORECASE):
            raise MalformedConnectionString('Need to specify \'wfs?\' service in LDS request')
        #look for conflicts
        ulayer = LU.getLayerNameFromURL(cs)

        return cs,ulayer
    def parseSourceConfig(self,sc):
        '''If a user supplied their own LDS connection string, parse out relevant values'''

        self.source_str = sc
        #check for dates to set incr  
        ufd = LU.getDateStringFromURL('from',sc)
        if ufd:
            ufds =
            ldslog.warn("Using 'from:' date string from supplied URL "+str(ufds))
            self.fromdate = ufds
        utd = LU.getDateStringFromURL('to',sc)
        if utd:
            utds =
            ldslog.warn("Using 'to:' date string from supplied URL "+str(utds))
            self.todate = utds
        #if doing incremental we also need to check changeset
        if (utd or ufd) and not LU.checkHasChangesetIdentifier(sc):
            raise InputMisconfigurationException("'changeset' identifier required for incremental LDS query")
        #all going well we can now get the layer string. This isn't optional so we just set it
        self.layer = LU.getLayerNameFromURL(sc)
        ldslog.warn('Using layer selection from supplied URL '+str(self.layer))