Exemple #1
def Get_Tournament_Games(_tournaments, _tournament_name):
    games = []
    for i in _tournaments:
        if i.name == _tournament_name:
            games = lp.get_games(i.overviewPage)
    return games
def test_get_details(tournament_name):
    games = leaguepedia_parser.get_games(tournament_name)

    # First, test without pageId

    # Then test with pageId
    game = leaguepedia_parser.get_game_details(games[0], True)

    assert "picksBans" in game

    for team in "BLUE", "RED":
        assert len(game["teams"][team]["players"]) == 5
        for player in game["teams"][team]["players"]:
            assert "irlName" in player["uniqueIdentifiers"]["leaguepedia"]
            assert "birthday" in player["uniqueIdentifiers"]["leaguepedia"]
            assert "pageId" in player["uniqueIdentifiers"]["leaguepedia"]
Exemple #3
import leaguepedia_parser as lp
import pprint

# Setup:
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
tournaments = lp.get_tournaments("North America", year=2020)
tourney = []
flyBans = []
flyBans_versus = []
gameData = []
for x in tournaments:
tourneyIDX = tourney.index("LCS/2020 Season/Summer Playoffs")
games = lp.get_games(tourney[tourneyIDX])

#n = 0 # different numbers correspond to different games
# for any game x, list(x.values()) will present an array with information for the game
# As of now, index 8 contains a dictionary with blue and red side draft

#y = list(games[n].values())[8]
#n2 = 0 # Set to 1 for blue side, and set to 2 for red side
#z = list(y.values())[n2]

# if you do [ z.get('name') == "FlyQuest": ] # obtain picks and bans for this side
# From here, we can do "z.get("bansNames")" to obtain bans for one side of a game.
# :)

# Bans for all games of one team (teamChoice) in a given tournament
def get_tournament_games(tournament):
    # Gets all games for a tournament. Get the name from get_tournaments()
    return leaguepedia_parser.get_games(tournament)
Exemple #5
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import leaguepedia_parser as lp
import json
import requests

#FORMAT ARGUMENT: "LEC/2021 Season/Spring Season"
argument = sys.argv[1] + "/" + sys.argv[2] + " Season/" + sys.argv[
    3] + " Season"
games = lp.get_games(argument)

outfile = open('../py/datosCompletos.json', "w")

for i in games:
    game = lp.get_game_details(i)
    json.dump(game, outfile)
tournament_name = sys.argv[1].split(",")[1].strip()
tournament_games = []
tournaments = lp.get_tournaments(region, 2021)
tournament_games = gf.Get_Tournament_Games(tournaments, tournament_name)

#tournaments = lp.get_tournaments(region, 2021)
for i in tournaments:
    if i.name == tournament_name:
        tournament_games = lp.get_games(i.overviewPage)
games = []
for i in tqdm(range(len(tournament_games)), desc="In Progress"):
    #some tournament sometimes do a blind pick first match in a series and therefore there is no pick ban for this, however every subsequent games does there fore we need to skip this games
    #but also tell the user why we skipped
    game = lp.get_game_details(tournament_games[i])
    #print("PICK AND BANS: " + str(game.picksBans))
    #print("GAME WINNER: " + str(game.winner))
    pb_order = game.picksBans
    side_win = game.winner
    teams = game.teams
    pb_json = gf.Generate_Pick_Ban_Data(pb_order, side_win, teams)
    #if lp.get_game_details(tournament_games[i].picksBans) is not None:
def test_games(tournament_name):
    games = leaguepedia_parser.get_games(tournament_name)

    assert len(games) > 0