def runMainLoop(self, directory): #setup directory for correlated traces dataFolderDirectory = directory #create arrays that contain all the .trc files for both chan 1 and chan 2 (Separate) globPathNameChanOne = dataFolderDirectory + '/C1*.trc' globPathNameChanTwo = dataFolderDirectory + '/C2*.trc' fileArrayOne = glob.glob(globPathNameChanOne) fileArrayTwo = glob.glob(globPathNameChanTwo) #setup to progress through entire array of .trc files numTraces = len(fileArrayOne) fileArrayIndex = 0 #perform a while loop to progress through the individual correlated trace measurements while (fileArrayIndex < numTraces): #extract data from .trc files associated with the current index counter into arrays of data fileChanOne = fileArrayOne[fileArrayIndex] fileChanTwo = fileArrayTwo[fileArrayIndex] timeAxis = lecroyparser.ScopeData(fileChanOne).x dataChanOne = lecroyparser.ScopeData(fileChanOne).y dataChanTwo = lecroyparser.ScopeData(fileChanTwo).y if fileArrayIndex == 0: sumChanOne = dataChanOne[0:self.numSamples] sumChanTwo = dataChanTwo[0:self.numSamples] else: sumChanOne += dataChanOne[0:self.numSamples] sumChanTwo += dataChanTwo[0:self.numSamples] if (fileArrayIndex % updateEveryXTraces == 0) : updatePlotsFlag = True else: updatePlotsFlag = False #process correlated channels as desired #show user what traces look like self.plotBothChannels(dataChanOne, dataChanTwo, updatePlotsFlag) #go into the ringing range and add that fourier component to an ongoign sum self.addNewTraceRinging(dataChanTwo, updatePlotsFlag, dataChanOne, fileArrayIndex) #process the current traces to add their hits to the growing histograms self.addToHistograms(dataChanOne, dataChanTwo, updatePlotsFlag) #increment the file array index to proceed to the next trace fileArrayIndex += 1 if updatePlotsFlag : plt.plot(self.timeAxis, sumChanOne) plt.plot(self.timeAxis, sumChanTwo) plt.xlim([0, 1e-7]) plt.draw() #plt.waitforbuttonpress() plt.pause(0.1) return self.energyHistogramOne, self.energyVector
def getHeaderBytesTimes(fname): data = lecroyparser.ScopeData(fname) nvals = len(data.y) f = open(fname, 'br') buf = f.close() nseek = int(len(buf) - 2 * nvals) return (nseek, nvals, data.x)
def get_channel(self, channel='C1'): # read channel data if (self.scope): cmd = self.scope.write('{0}:WF? DATA1'.format(channel)) trc = self.scope.read_raw() newFile = open("filename.txt", "wb") newFile.write(trc) time.sleep(2) data = lecroyparser.ScopeData('filename.txt') return [data.x, data.y] else: return None
def readInDataFromFolderWithTime(): global fileArrayIndex fileNameNow = fileArray[fileArrayIndex] dataNow = lecroyparser.ScopeData(fileNameNow) fileArrayIndex += 1 return dataNow.y, dataNow.x
def runMainLoop(self, directory): #setup directory for correlated traces dataFolderDirectory = directory #create arrays that contain all the .trc files for both chan 1 and chan 2 (Separate) globPathNameChanOne = dataFolderDirectory + '/C1*.trc' globPathNameChanTwo = dataFolderDirectory + '/C2*.trc' fileArrayOne = glob.glob(globPathNameChanOne) fileArrayTwo = glob.glob(globPathNameChanTwo) #setup to progress through entire array of .trc files numTraces = len(fileArrayOne) freqCutoffLow = 0 freqCutoffHigh = 400 freqSamplesToKeep = freqCutoffHigh - freqCutoffLow fileArrayIndex = 0 traceStrengths = np.zeros(numTraces) ringingStrengths = np.zeros(numTraces) amplitudesSpans = np.zeros(numTraces) #perform a while loop to progress through the individual correlated trace measurements while (fileArrayIndex < numTraces): #extract data from .trc files associated with the current index counter into arrays of data fileChanOne = fileArrayOne[fileArrayIndex] fileChanTwo = fileArrayTwo[fileArrayIndex] timeAxis = lecroyparser.ScopeData(fileChanOne).x timeAxis = timeAxis * 1e9 dataChanOne = lecroyparser.ScopeData(fileChanOne).y dataChanTwo = lecroyparser.ScopeData(fileChanTwo).y if fileArrayIndex == 0: #create frequency axis numSamples = timeAxis.size self.freqAxis = Fs* np.linspace(0, numSamples-1, numSamples) / numSamples spectralMap = np.zeros((numTraces, freqSamplesToKeep)) triggerStrength = np.sum(dataChanTwo) ampSpan = np.amax(dataChanOne) - np.amin(dataChanOne) chanOneSpectral = fft(dataChanOne) absFFT = np.absolute(chanOneSpectral) powerSpectrum = np.square(absFFT) traceStrengths[fileArrayIndex] = -1*triggerStrength*0.025 spectralMap[fileArrayIndex, :] = powerSpectrum[freqCutoffLow:freqCutoffHigh] ringingStrengths[fileArrayIndex] = np.sum(powerSpectrum[freqCutoffLow:freqCutoffHigh]) amplitudesSpans[fileArrayIndex] = ampSpan if False and ((fileArrayIndex % updateEveryXTraces) == 0): #clear previous lines linesOld = self.axisTracesHigh.lines for i in range(len(linesOld)): lineToDel = linesOld.pop(0) del lineToDel linesOld = self.axisTracesLow.lines for i in range(len(linesOld)): lineToDel = linesOld.pop(0) del lineToDel plt.plot(timeAxis, dataChanTwo, c='tab:blue') plt.xticks(fontsize=26) plt.yticks(fontsize=26) # self.axisTracesHigh.set_xlim((25e-9, 1e-7)) plt.plot(timeAxis, 1000*dataChanOne, c='tab:orange') plt.xticks(fontsize=26) plt.yticks(fontsize=26) # self.axisTracesLow.set_xlim((25e-9, 1e-7)) plt.draw() linesOld = self.axisPowerSpectrum.lines for i in range(len(linesOld)): lineToDel = linesOld.pop(0) del lineToDel plt.figure(self.figHandleFourier.number) plt.plot(self.freqAxis/1e9, powerSpectrum) plt.xticks(fontsize=26) plt.yticks(fontsize=26) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) # plt.waitforbuttonpress() breakpoint() #increment the file array index to proceed to the next trace fileArrayIndex += 1 sortKeys = np.argsort(traceStrengths) sortedSpectralMap = spectralMap[sortKeys, :] # breakpoint() heatMapHandle = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6)) heatMapHandle.add_axes([0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 0.7]) temp = np.linspace(0, numTraces-1, numTraces) tempFreq = self.freqAxis[freqCutoffLow:freqCutoffHigh] plt.pcolormesh(tempFreq*1e-9, temp, np.log(sortedSpectralMap), shading='auto', vmin=-1, vmax=2.5) plt.colorbar() plt.xlim(freqLimits) plt.title("Tracking log(Spectral Power)", fontsize=30) plt.xlabel("Frequency (GHz)", fontsize=30) plt.ylabel("Unique Measurements\n", fontsize=30) plt.yticks([], fontsize=26) plt.xticks(freqTicks, fontsize=26) plt.draw() plt.figure(figHandleRingStrength.number) scatNow = plt.scatter(traceStrengths, ringingStrengths, s=1) scatterList.append(scatNow) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001)
def _set_orderOfMagnitude(self, range): """Over-riding this to avoid having orderOfMagnitude reset elsewhere""" self.orderOfMagnitude = self._order_of_mag if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: %s <filename>", sys.argv[0]) path = sys.argv[1] c2path = path.replace("C3--Trace", "C2--Trace") c3path = path.replace("C2--Trace", "C3--Trace") print(c2path) print(c3path) c2 = lecroyparser.ScopeData(c2path) c3 = lecroyparser.ScopeData(c3path) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() color = 'tab:red' ax1.set_xlabel('Time in s', fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_ylabel('EM-Signal (Volt)', color=color, fontsize=fontsize) ax1.plot(c2.x, c2.y, color=color) ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) ax2 = ax1.twinx() # instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis color = 'tab:blue' ax2.set_ylabel('Volt', color=color, fontsize=fontsize) # we already handled the x-label with ax1
plt.xticks([i*1e-9 for i in range(0,3600,500)],fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks([i*0.01 for i in range(-10,8,2)],fontsize=fontsize) if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: %s <path>",sys.argv[0]) prefix = sys.argv[1] if prefix[-1] != "/": prefix += "/" for i in range(15,-1,-1): numstr = str(i) while len(numstr) < 5: numstr = "0"+numstr curpath = prefix + "C2--Trace--"+numstr+".trc" print(curpath) data = lecroyparser.ScopeData(curpath) plt.plot(data.x,data.y) plt.xlabel('Time in s', fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel('EM-Signal (Volt)', fontsize=fontsize) title = "Multiple block decryptions" plt.title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
def parse_file(datafile: str, vendor: str) -> object: if vendor == 'lecroy': data = lecroyparser.ScopeData(datafile) if vendor == 'tek': data = tek.ScopeData(datafile) return data