class lives: def __init__(self, ledPins): self.led1 = LED(ledPins[0]) self.led2 = LED(ledPins[1]) self.count = 3 # The default self.led1.on() self.led2.on() def update(self): if self.count >= 1: self.count = self.count - 1 if (self.count == 3): self.led1.on() self.led2.on() elif (self.count == 2): self.led1.on() elif (self.count == 1): elif (self.count == 0): def reset(self): self.count = 3 self.led1.on() self.led2.on()
def send(self, data, port=2): """ Send data over the network. """ if (port < 2) or (port > len(self.s)): raise ValueError('Unknown LoRa port') if not self.s[port]: raise OSError('No socket') rts = True try: self.s[port].send(data) LED.blink(2, 0.1, 0x0000ff) # print("Sending data") # print(data) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 11: print("Caught exception while sending") print("errno: ", e.errno) rts = False data = self.s[port].recv(64) # print("Received data:", data) if self.callback and data: self.callback(port, data) return rts
def runMe(): global lora, sleep_time, oled global useDust setup() # Setup network & sensors while True: toSleep = time() dData = DoDust() mData = DoMeteo() # Send packet if lora != None: if lora.send(DoPack(dData,mData,LocUpdate())): else: display(" LoRa send ERROR") LED.blink(5,0.2,0x9c5c00,False) toSleep = sleep_time - (time() - toSleep) if useDust: if toSleep > 30: toSleep -= 15 useDust.Standby() # switch off laser and fan elif toSleep < 15: toSleep = 15 if not ProgressBar(0,63,128,2,toSleep,0xebcf5b,10): display('stopped SENSING', (0,0), clear=True) LED.blink(5,0.3,0xff0000,True) if STOP: sleep(60) oled.poweroff() # and put ESP in deep sleep: machine.deepsleep() return False
def DoDust(): global useDust, Dust, dust, nl, STOP, STOPPED, useGPS, lastGPS dData = {} display('PM sensing',(0,0),clear=True,prt=False) if useDust and (useDust.mode != useDust.NORMAL): useDust.Normal() if not showSleep(secs=15,text='starting up fan'): display('stopped SENSING', (0,0), clear=True) LED.blink(5,0.3,0xff0000,True) return [0,0,0] else: if useGPS != None: display("G:%.4f/%.4f" % (lastGPS[LAT],lastGPS[LON])) display('measure PM') if useDust: LED.blink(3,0.1,0x005500) # display('%d sec sample' % sample_time,prt=False) try: STOPPED = False try: SleepThread(sample_time,'%d sec sample' % sample_time) except: STOPPED = True display('%d sec sample' % sample_time) dData = useDust.getData() for cnt in range(10): if STOPPED: break STOP = True print('waiting for thread') sleep(2) STOP = False except Exception as e: display("%s ERROR" % Dust[dust]) print(e) LED.blink(3,0.1,0xff0000) dData = {} LED.blink(3,0.1,0x00ff00) if len(dData): for k in dData.keys(): if dData[k] == None: dData[k] = 0 try: if 'pm1' in dData.keys(): # and dData['pm1'] > 0: display(" PM1 PM2.5 PM10", (0,0), clear=True) display("% 2.1f % 5.1f% 5.1f" % (dData['pm1'],dData['pm25'],dData['pm10'])) else: display("ug/m3 PM2.5 PM10", (0,0), clear=True) display(" % 5.1f % 5.1f" % (dData['pm25'],dData['pm10'])) dData['pm1'] = 0 except: dData = {} if not dData: display("No PM values") LED.blink(5,0.1,0xff0000,True) dData = [0,0,0] else: dData = [round(dData['pm1'],1),round(dData['pm25'],1),round(dData['pm10'],1)] return dData
def connect(self, dev_eui, app_eui, app_key, ports=1, callback=None): """ Connect device to LoRa. Set the socket and lora instances. """ dev_eui = unhexlify(dev_eui) app_eui = unhexlify(app_eui) app_key = unhexlify(app_key) self.callback = callback # call back routine on LoRa reply callback(port,response) # Disable blue blinking and turn LED off LED.heartbeat(False) # Initialize LoRa in LORAWAN mode self.lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN) # Join a network using OTAA (Over the Air Activation) self.lora.join(activation=LoRa.OTAA, auth=(dev_eui, app_eui, app_key), timeout=0) # Wait until the module has joined the network count = 0 while not self.lora.has_joined(): LED.blink(1, 2.5, 0xff0000) if count > 20: return False print("Trying to join: ", count) count += 1 # Create a LoRa socket LED.blink(2, 0.1, 0x009900) self.s = [] self.s.append(socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)) # Set the LoRaWAN data rate self.s[0].setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5) # Make the socket non-blocking self.s[0].setblocking(False) print("Success after %d tries" % count) # print("Create LoRaWAN socket") # Create a raw LoRa socket # default port 2 self.s.append(None) for nr in range(ports): print("Setting up port %d" % (nr + 2)) self.s.append(socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)) self.s[nr + 2].setblocking(False) if nr: self.s[nr + 2].bind(nr + 2) return True
def main(): action = request.values['action'] led = LED(17) if action == 'on': led.on() if action == 'off': return 'success'
def connect(self, dev_eui, app_eui, app_key): """ Connect device to LoRa. Set the socket and lora instances. """ dev_eui = unhexlify(dev_eui) app_eui = unhexlify(app_eui) app_key = unhexlify(app_key) # Disable blue blinking and turn LED off LED.heartbeat(False) # Initialize LoRa in LORAWAN mode self.lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN) # Join a network using OTAA (Over the Air Activation) self.lora.join(activation=LoRa.OTAA, auth=(dev_eui, app_eui, app_key), timeout=0) # Wait until the module has joined the network count = 0 while not self.lora.has_joined(): LED.blink(1, 2.5, 0xff0000) # print("Trying to join: " , count) count = count + 1 # Create a LoRa socket LED.blink(2, 0.1) self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW) # Set the LoRaWAN data rate self.s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5) # Make the socket non-blocking self.s.setblocking(False) # print ("Joined! ", count) # print("Create LoRaWAN socket") # Create a raw LoRa socket self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW) self.s.setblocking(False)
def send(self, data): """ Send data over the network. """ try: self.s.send(data) LED.blink(2, 0.1, 0x00ff00) print("Sending data:") print(data) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 11: print("Caught exception while sending") print("errno: ", e.errno) data = self.s.recv(64) print("Received data:", data) return data
def DoMeteo(): global useMeteo, nl, LF global Meteo, meteo global M_SDA, M_SCL mData = [0,0,0,0,0]; sData = "" if not useMeteo or not meteo: return mData # Measure temp oC, rel hum %, pres pHa, gas Ohm, aqi % LED.blink(3,0.1,0x002200,False) error = None try: nr = indexBus(i2cPINs,i2c,(M_SDA,M_SCL)) if (meteo == 4) and (not useMeteo.gas_base): # BME680 display("AQI base: wait"); nl -= LF i2c[nr].init(nr, pins=i2cPINs[nr]) # SPI oled causes bus errors sleep(1) try: mData[TEMP] = float(useMeteo.temperature) # string '20.12' sData += "%4.1f " % round(mData[TEMP],1) except: mData[TEMP] = 0; error = TEMP sData += " ? " try: mData[HUM] = float(useMeteo.humidity) # string '25' sData += "%2d " % round(mData[HUM]) except: mData[HUM] = 0; error = HUM sData += " ? " try: mData[PRES] = float(useMeteo.pressure) # string '1021.60' sData += "%4d " % round(mData[PRES]) except: mData[PRES] = 0; error = PRES sData += " ? " if meteo == 4: # BME680 try: mData[GAS] = float(useMeteo.gas) # Ohm 29123 # sData += "%4.1f " % round(mData[GAS]/1000.0,1) except: mData[GAS] = 0; error = GAS #sData += " ? " try: mData[AQI] = round(float(useMeteo.AQI),1) # 0-100% ok sData += "%2d" % round(mData[AQI]) except: mData[AQI] = 0; error = AQI sData += " ?" rectangle(0,nl,128,LF,0) except Exception as e: display("%s ERROR" % Meteo[meteo]) print(e) LED.blink(5,0.1,0xff00ff,True) return [0,0,0,0,0] if error != None: print("no value for %s" % ['oC','RH','hPa','gas','AQI'][error]) LED.blink(5,0.1,0xff0099,True) nl += 6 # oled spacing display(" C hum%% pHa%s" % (' AQI' if mData[GAS] > 0 else '')) display("o",(8,-5),prt=False) display(sData) return mData # temp, hum, pres, gas, aqia
''' 功能介绍: LED闪烁例程 版本: v1 版本说明: 逐行控制高低电平与延迟 ''' import utime from led import LED # 声明一个LED对象 (P2) led = LED(0) while True: # 点亮LED led.on() # 延时 500ms utime.sleep_ms(500) # 关闭LED # 延时500ms utime.sleep_ms(500)
# start all def buzzing(buzz): while buzz.status == "ON": buzz.blink() else: return try: thread.start_new_thread(buzzing, (buzz, )) while True: distance = if distance == -1: print "Distance Is Out Of Range" else: buzz.setDelay(float(distance * 0.03)) if distance <= 22 and distance >= 12: warningLed.on() elif distance < 12: dangerLed.on() else: print "Distance:", distance, "cm" except Exception: