def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', dest='outfn', help='Output filename', default='TMP/nexp.fits') parser.add_argument('--merge', action='store_true', help='Merge sub-tables') parser.add_argument('--plot', action='store_true', help='Plot results') parser.add_argument('files', metavar='nexp-file.fits.gz', nargs='+', help='List of nexp files to process') opt = parser.parse_args() fns = opt.files if opt.merge: from astrometry.util.fits import merge_tables TT = [] for fn in fns: T = fits_table(fn) print(fn, '->', len(T)) TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) T.writeto(opt.outfn) print('Wrote', opt.outfn) if opt.plot: T = fits_table(opt.files[0]) import pylab as plt import matplotlib ax = [360, 0, -21, 36] def radec_plot(): plt.axis(ax) plt.xlabel('RA (deg)') plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 361, 45)) plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)') gl = np.arange(361) gb = np.zeros_like(gl) from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import lbtoradec rr, dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb) plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k-', alpha=0.5, lw=1) rr, dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb + 10) plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k-', alpha=0.25, lw=1) rr, dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb - 10) plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k-', alpha=0.25, lw=1) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.98, top=0.93) # Map of the tile centers we want to observe... O = fits_table('obstatus/decam-tiles_obstatus.fits') O.cut(O.in_desi == 1) rr, dd = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(ax[1], ax[0], 700), np.linspace(ax[2], ax[3], 200)) from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec I, J, d = match_radec(O.ra, O.dec, rr.ravel(), dd.ravel(), 1.) desimap = np.zeros(rr.shape, bool) desimap.flat[J] = True def desi_map(): # Show the DESI tile map in the background. from astrometry.util.plotutils import antigray plt.imshow(desimap, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', extent=[ax[1], ax[0], ax[2], ax[3]], aspect='auto', cmap=antigray, vmax=8) for band in 'grz': plt.clf() desi_map() N = T.get('nexp_%s' % band) I = np.flatnonzero(N > 0) #cm ='jet', 6) #cm ='winter', 5) cm = cm =, 5) plt.scatter(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], c=N[I], s=2, edgecolors='none', vmin=0.5, vmax=5.5, cmap=cm) radec_plot() cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.06) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, ticks=range(6)) #plt.colorbar(ticks=range(6)) plt.title('DECaLS DR3: Number of exposures in %s' % band) plt.savefig('nexp-%s.png' % band) plt.clf() desi_map() plt.scatter(T.ra, T.dec, c=T.get('nexp_%s' % band), s=2, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=2.) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title('DECaLS DR3: PSF size, band %s' % band) plt.savefig('psfsize-%s.png' % band) return 0 for col in ['nobjs', 'npsf', 'nsimp', 'nexp', 'ndev', 'ncomp']: plt.clf() desi_map() N = T.get(col) mx = np.percentile(N, 99.5) plt.scatter(T.ra, T.dec, c=N, s=2, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=mx) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title('DECaLS DR3: Number of objects of type %s' % col[1:]) plt.savefig('nobjs-%s.png' % col[1:]) Ntot = T.nobjs for col in ['npsf', 'nsimp', 'nexp', 'ndev', 'ncomp']: plt.clf() desi_map() N = T.get(col) / Ntot.astype(np.float32) mx = np.percentile(N, 99.5) plt.scatter(T.ra, T.dec, c=N, s=2, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=mx) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title('DECaLS DR3: Fraction of objects of type %s' % col[1:]) plt.savefig('fobjs-%s.png' % col[1:]) return 0 # fnpats = opt.files # fns = [] # for pat in fnpats: # pfns = glob(pat) # fns.extend(pfns) # print('Pattern', pat, '->', len(pfns), 'files') #fns = glob('coadd/*/*/*-nexp*') #fns = glob('coadd/000/*/*-nexp*') #fns = glob('coadd/000/0001*/*-nexp*') fns.sort() print(len(fns), 'nexp files') brickset = set() bricklist = [] gn = [] rn = [] zn = [] gnhist = [] rnhist = [] znhist = [] nnhist = 6 gdepth = [] rdepth = [] zdepth = [] ibricks = [] nsrcs = [] npsf = [] nsimp = [] nexp = [] ndev = [] ncomp = [] gpsfsize = [] rpsfsize = [] zpsfsize = [] ebv = [] gtrans = [] rtrans = [] ztrans = [] bricks = fits_table('survey-bricks.fits.gz') #sfd = SFDMap() W = H = 3600 # H=3600 # xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H)) unique = np.ones((H, W), bool) tlast = 0 for fn in fns: print('File', fn) words = fn.split('/') dirprefix = '/'.join(words[:-4]) print('Directory prefix:', dirprefix) words = words[-4:] brick = words[2] print('Brick', brick) if not brick in brickset: brickset.add(brick) bricklist.append(brick) gn.append(0) rn.append(0) zn.append(0) gnhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)]) rnhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)]) znhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)]) index = -1 ibrick = np.nonzero(bricks.brickname == brick)[0][0] ibricks.append(ibrick) tfn = os.path.join(dirprefix, 'tractor', brick[:3], 'tractor-%s.fits' % brick) print('Tractor filename', tfn) T = fits_table(tfn, columns=[ 'brick_primary', 'type', 'decam_psfsize', 'ebv', 'decam_mw_transmission' ]) T.cut(T.brick_primary) nsrcs.append(len(T)) types = Counter([t.strip() for t in T.type]) npsf.append(types['PSF']) nsimp.append(types['SIMP']) nexp.append(types['EXP']) ndev.append(types['DEV']) ncomp.append(types['COMP']) print('N sources', nsrcs[-1]) gpsfsize.append(np.median(T.decam_psfsize[:, 1])) rpsfsize.append(np.median(T.decam_psfsize[:, 2])) zpsfsize.append(np.median(T.decam_psfsize[:, 4])) ebv.append(np.median(T.ebv)) gtrans.append(np.median(T.decam_mw_transmission[:, 1])) rtrans.append(np.median(T.decam_mw_transmission[:, 2])) ztrans.append(np.median(T.decam_mw_transmission[:, 4])) br = bricks[ibrick] print('Computing unique brick pixels...') #wcs = Tan(fn, 0) #W,H = int(wcs.get_width()), int(wcs.get_height()) pixscale = 0.262 / 3600. wcs = Tan(br.ra, br.dec, W / 2. + 0.5, H / 2. + 0.5, -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale, float(W), float(H)) import time t0 = time.clock() unique[:, :] = True find_unique_pixels(wcs, W, H, unique, br.ra1, br.ra2, br.dec1, br.dec2) # for i in range(W/2): # allin = True # lo,hi = i, W-i-1 # # one slice per side # side = slice(lo,hi+1) # top = (lo, side) # bot = (hi, side) # left = (side, lo) # right = (side, hi) # for slc in [top, bot, left, right]: # #print('xx,yy', xx[slc], yy[slc]) # rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx[slc]+1, yy[slc]+1) # U = (rr >= br.ra1 ) * (rr < br.ra2 ) * (dd >= br.dec1) * (dd < br.dec2) # #print('Pixel', i, ':', np.sum(U), 'of', len(U), 'pixels are unique') # allin *= np.all(U) # unique[slc] = U # if allin: # print('Scanned to pixel', i) # break t1 = time.clock() U = np.flatnonzero(unique) t2 = time.clock() print(len(U), 'of', W * H, 'pixels are unique to this brick') # #t3 = time.clock() #rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx+1, yy+1) # #t4 = time.clock() # #u = (rr >= br.ra1 ) * (rr < br.ra2 ) * (dd >= br.dec1) * (dd < br.dec2) # #t5 = time.clock() # #U2 = np.flatnonzero(u) #U2 = np.flatnonzero((rr >= br.ra1 ) * (rr < br.ra2 ) * # (dd >= br.dec1) * (dd < br.dec2)) #assert(np.all(U == U2)) #assert(len(U) == len(U2)) # #t6 = time.clock() # print(len(U2), 'of', W*H, 'pixels are unique to this brick') # #print(t0-tlast, 'other time') #tlast = time.clock() #t2 #print('t1:', t1-t0, 't2', t2-t1) # #print('t4:', t4-t3, 't5', t5-t4, 't6', t6-t5) # else: index = bricklist.index(brick) assert (index == len(bricklist) - 1) index = bricklist.index(brick) assert (index == len(bricklist) - 1) filepart = words[-1] filepart = filepart.replace('.fits.gz', '') print('File:', filepart) band = filepart[-1] assert (band in 'grz') nlist, nhist = dict(g=(gn, gnhist), r=(rn, rnhist), z=(zn, znhist))[band] upix =[U] med = np.median(upix) print('Band', band, ': Median', med) nlist[index] = med hist = nhist[index] for i in range(nnhist): if i < nnhist - 1: hist[i] = np.sum(upix == i) else: hist[i] = np.sum(upix >= i) assert (sum(hist) == len(upix)) print('Number of exposures histogram:', hist) ibricks = np.array(ibricks) print('Maximum number of sources:', max(nsrcs)) T = fits_table() T.brickname = np.array(bricklist) T.ra = bricks.ra[ibricks] T.dec = bricks.dec[ibricks] T.nexp_g = np.array(gn).astype(np.int16) T.nexp_r = np.array(rn).astype(np.int16) T.nexp_z = np.array(zn).astype(np.int16) T.nexphist_g = np.array(gnhist).astype(np.int32) T.nexphist_r = np.array(rnhist).astype(np.int32) T.nexphist_z = np.array(znhist).astype(np.int32) T.nobjs = np.array(nsrcs).astype(np.int16) T.npsf = np.array(npsf).astype(np.int16) T.nsimp = np.array(nsimp).astype(np.int16) T.nexp = np.array(nexp).astype(np.int16) T.ndev = np.array(ndev).astype(np.int16) T.ncomp = np.array(ncomp).astype(np.int16) T.psfsize_g = np.array(gpsfsize).astype(np.float32) T.psfsize_r = np.array(rpsfsize).astype(np.float32) T.psfsize_z = np.array(zpsfsize).astype(np.float32) T.ebv = np.array(ebv).astype(np.float32) T.trans_g = np.array(gtrans).astype(np.float32) T.trans_r = np.array(rtrans).astype(np.float32) T.trans_z = np.array(ztrans).astype(np.float32) T.writeto(opt.outfn)
def sky_fibers_for_brick( survey, brickname, bands=['g', 'r', 'z'], apertures_arcsec=[0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.5, 2., 3.5, 5., 7.]): ''' Produces a table of possible DESI sky fiber locations for a given "brickname" (eg, "0001p000") read from the given LegacySurveyData object *survey*. ''' import fitsio from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table from astrometry.util.util import Tan import photutils from legacypipe.utils import find_unique_pixels fn = survey.find_file('blobmap', brick=brickname) blobs = print('Blobs:', blobs.min(), blobs.max()) header = fitsio.read_header(fn) wcs = Tan(header) goodpix = (blobs == -1) for band in bands: fn = survey.find_file('nexp', brick=brickname, band=band) if not os.path.exists(fn): # Skip continue nexp = goodpix[nexp == 0] = False # Cut to unique brick area... required since the blob map drops # blobs that are completely outside the brick's unique area, thus # those locations are not masked. brick = survey.get_brick_by_name(brickname) H, W = wcs.shape U = find_unique_pixels(wcs, W, H, None, brick.ra1, brick.ra2, brick.dec1, brick.dec2) goodpix[U == 0] = False del U x, y, blobdist = sky_fiber_locations(goodpix) skyfibers = fits_table() skyfibers.brickid = np.zeros(len(x), np.int32) + brick.brickid skyfibers.brickname = np.array([brickname] * len(x)) skyfibers.x = x.astype(np.int16) skyfibers.y = y.astype(np.int16) skyfibers.blobdist = blobdist skyfibers.ra, skyfibers.dec = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x + 1, y + 1) pixscale = wcs.pixel_scale() apertures = np.array(apertures_arcsec) / pixscale # Now, do aperture photometry at these points in the coadd images for band in bands: imfn = survey.find_file('image', brick=brickname, band=band) ivfn = survey.find_file('invvar', brick=brickname, band=band) if not (os.path.exists(imfn) and os.path.exists(ivfn)): continue coimg = coiv = apflux = np.zeros((len(skyfibers), len(apertures)), np.float32) apiv = np.zeros((len(skyfibers), len(apertures)), np.float32) skyfibers.set('apflux_%s' % band, apflux) skyfibers.set('apflux_ivar_%s' % band, apiv) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): imsigma = 1. / np.sqrt(coiv) imsigma[coiv == 0] = 0 apxy = np.vstack((skyfibers.x, skyfibers.y)).T for irad, rad in enumerate(apertures): aper = photutils.CircularAperture(apxy, rad) p = photutils.aperture_photometry(coimg, aper, error=imsigma) apflux[:, irad] = p.field('aperture_sum') err = p.field('aperture_sum_err') apiv[:, irad] = 1. / err**2 header = fitsio.FITSHDR() for i, ap in enumerate(apertures_arcsec): header.add_record( dict(name='AP%i' % i, value=ap, comment='Aperture radius (arcsec)')) skyfibers._header = header return skyfibers
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', dest='outfn', help='Output filename', default='TMP/nexp.fits') parser.add_argument('--merge', action='store_true', help='Merge sub-tables') parser.add_argument('--plot', action='store_true', help='Plot results') parser.add_argument('files', metavar='nexp-file.fits.gz', nargs='+', help='List of nexp files to process') opt = parser.parse_args() fns = opt.files if opt.merge: from astrometry.util.fits import merge_tables TT = [] for fn in fns: T = fits_table(fn) print(fn, '->', len(T)) TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) T.writeto(opt.outfn) print('Wrote', opt.outfn) if opt.plot: T = fits_table(opt.files[0]) import pylab as plt import matplotlib ax = [360, 0, -21, 36] def radec_plot(): plt.axis(ax) plt.xlabel('RA (deg)') plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 361, 45)) plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)') gl = np.arange(361) gb = np.zeros_like(gl) from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import lbtoradec rr,dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb) plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k-', alpha=0.5, lw=1) rr,dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb+10) plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k-', alpha=0.25, lw=1) rr,dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb-10) plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k-', alpha=0.25, lw=1) plt.figure(figsize=(8,5)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.98, top=0.93) # Map of the tile centers we want to observe... O = fits_table('obstatus/decam-tiles_obstatus.fits') O.cut(O.in_desi == 1) rr,dd = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(ax[1],ax[0], 700), np.linspace(ax[2],ax[3], 200)) from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec I,J,d = match_radec(O.ra, O.dec, rr.ravel(), dd.ravel(), 1.) desimap = np.zeros(rr.shape, bool) desimap.flat[J] = True def desi_map(): # Show the DESI tile map in the background. from astrometry.util.plotutils import antigray plt.imshow(desimap, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', extent=[ax[1],ax[0],ax[2],ax[3]], aspect='auto', cmap=antigray, vmax=8) for band in 'grz': plt.clf() desi_map() N = T.get('nexp_%s' % band) I = np.flatnonzero(N > 0) #cm ='jet', 6) #cm ='winter', 5) cm = cm =, 5) plt.scatter(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], c=N[I], s=2, edgecolors='none', vmin=0.5, vmax=5.5, cmap=cm) radec_plot() cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.06) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, ticks=range(6)) #plt.colorbar(ticks=range(6)) plt.title('DECaLS DR3: Number of exposures in %s' % band) plt.savefig('nexp-%s.png' % band) plt.clf() desi_map() plt.scatter(T.ra, T.dec, c=T.get('nexp_%s' % band), s=2, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=2.) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title('DECaLS DR3: PSF size, band %s' % band) plt.savefig('psfsize-%s.png' % band) return 0 for col in ['nobjs', 'npsf', 'nsimp', 'nexp', 'ndev', 'ncomp']: plt.clf() desi_map() N = T.get(col) mx = np.percentile(N, 99.5) plt.scatter(T.ra, T.dec, c=N, s=2, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=mx) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title('DECaLS DR3: Number of objects of type %s' % col[1:]) plt.savefig('nobjs-%s.png' % col[1:]) Ntot = T.nobjs for col in ['npsf', 'nsimp', 'nexp', 'ndev', 'ncomp']: plt.clf() desi_map() N = T.get(col) / Ntot.astype(np.float32) mx = np.percentile(N, 99.5) plt.scatter(T.ra, T.dec, c=N, s=2, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=mx) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title('DECaLS DR3: Fraction of objects of type %s' % col[1:]) plt.savefig('fobjs-%s.png' % col[1:]) return 0 # fnpats = opt.files # fns = [] # for pat in fnpats: # pfns = glob(pat) # fns.extend(pfns) # print('Pattern', pat, '->', len(pfns), 'files') #fns = glob('coadd/*/*/*-nexp*') #fns = glob('coadd/000/*/*-nexp*') #fns = glob('coadd/000/0001*/*-nexp*') fns.sort() print(len(fns), 'nexp files') brickset = set() bricklist = [] gn = [] rn = [] zn = [] gnhist = [] rnhist = [] znhist = [] nnhist = 6 gdepth = [] rdepth = [] zdepth = [] ibricks = [] nsrcs = [] npsf = [] nsimp = [] nexp = [] ndev = [] ncomp = [] gpsfsize = [] rpsfsize = [] zpsfsize = [] ebv = [] gtrans = [] rtrans = [] ztrans = [] bricks = fits_table('survey-bricks.fits.gz') #sfd = SFDMap() W = H = 3600 # H=3600 # xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H)) unique = np.ones((H,W), bool) tlast = 0 for fn in fns: print('File', fn) words = fn.split('/') dirprefix = '/'.join(words[:-4]) print('Directory prefix:', dirprefix) words = words[-4:] brick = words[2] print('Brick', brick) if not brick in brickset: brickset.add(brick) bricklist.append(brick) gn.append(0) rn.append(0) zn.append(0) gnhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)]) rnhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)]) znhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)]) index = -1 ibrick = np.nonzero(bricks.brickname == brick)[0][0] ibricks.append(ibrick) tfn = os.path.join(dirprefix, 'tractor', brick[:3], 'tractor-%s.fits'%brick) print('Tractor filename', tfn) T = fits_table(tfn, columns=['brick_primary', 'type', 'decam_psfsize', 'ebv', 'decam_mw_transmission']) T.cut(T.brick_primary) nsrcs.append(len(T)) types = Counter([t.strip() for t in T.type]) npsf.append(types['PSF']) nsimp.append(types['SIMP']) nexp.append(types['EXP']) ndev.append(types['DEV']) ncomp.append(types['COMP']) print('N sources', nsrcs[-1]) gpsfsize.append(np.median(T.decam_psfsize[:,1])) rpsfsize.append(np.median(T.decam_psfsize[:,2])) zpsfsize.append(np.median(T.decam_psfsize[:,4])) ebv.append(np.median(T.ebv)) gtrans.append(np.median(T.decam_mw_transmission[:,1])) rtrans.append(np.median(T.decam_mw_transmission[:,2])) ztrans.append(np.median(T.decam_mw_transmission[:,4])) br = bricks[ibrick] print('Computing unique brick pixels...') #wcs = Tan(fn, 0) #W,H = int(wcs.get_width()), int(wcs.get_height()) pixscale = 0.262/3600. wcs = Tan(br.ra, br.dec, W/2.+0.5, H/2.+0.5, -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale, float(W), float(H)) import time t0 = time.clock() unique[:,:] = True find_unique_pixels(wcs, W, H, unique, br.ra1, br.ra2, br.dec1, br.dec2) # for i in range(W/2): # allin = True # lo,hi = i, W-i-1 # # one slice per side # side = slice(lo,hi+1) # top = (lo, side) # bot = (hi, side) # left = (side, lo) # right = (side, hi) # for slc in [top, bot, left, right]: # #print('xx,yy', xx[slc], yy[slc]) # rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx[slc]+1, yy[slc]+1) # U = (rr >= br.ra1 ) * (rr < br.ra2 ) * (dd >= br.dec1) * (dd < br.dec2) # #print('Pixel', i, ':', np.sum(U), 'of', len(U), 'pixels are unique') # allin *= np.all(U) # unique[slc] = U # if allin: # print('Scanned to pixel', i) # break t1 = time.clock() U = np.flatnonzero(unique) t2 = time.clock() print(len(U), 'of', W*H, 'pixels are unique to this brick') # #t3 = time.clock() #rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx+1, yy+1) # #t4 = time.clock() # #u = (rr >= br.ra1 ) * (rr < br.ra2 ) * (dd >= br.dec1) * (dd < br.dec2) # #t5 = time.clock() # #U2 = np.flatnonzero(u) #U2 = np.flatnonzero((rr >= br.ra1 ) * (rr < br.ra2 ) * # (dd >= br.dec1) * (dd < br.dec2)) #assert(np.all(U == U2)) #assert(len(U) == len(U2)) # #t6 = time.clock() # print(len(U2), 'of', W*H, 'pixels are unique to this brick') # #print(t0-tlast, 'other time') #tlast = time.clock() #t2 #print('t1:', t1-t0, 't2', t2-t1) # #print('t4:', t4-t3, 't5', t5-t4, 't6', t6-t5) # else: index = bricklist.index(brick) assert(index == len(bricklist)-1) index = bricklist.index(brick) assert(index == len(bricklist)-1) filepart = words[-1] filepart = filepart.replace('.fits.gz', '') print('File:', filepart) band = filepart[-1] assert(band in 'grz') nlist,nhist = dict(g=(gn,gnhist), r=(rn,rnhist), z=(zn,znhist))[band] upix =[U] med = np.median(upix) print('Band', band, ': Median', med) nlist[index] = med hist = nhist[index] for i in range(nnhist): if i < nnhist-1: hist[i] = np.sum(upix == i) else: hist[i] = np.sum(upix >= i) assert(sum(hist) == len(upix)) print('Number of exposures histogram:', hist) ibricks = np.array(ibricks) print('Maximum number of sources:', max(nsrcs)) T = fits_table() T.brickname = np.array(bricklist) T.ra = bricks.ra [ibricks] T.dec = bricks.dec[ibricks] T.nexp_g = np.array(gn).astype(np.int16) T.nexp_r = np.array(rn).astype(np.int16) T.nexp_z = np.array(zn).astype(np.int16) T.nexphist_g = np.array(gnhist).astype(np.int32) T.nexphist_r = np.array(rnhist).astype(np.int32) T.nexphist_z = np.array(znhist).astype(np.int32) T.nobjs = np.array(nsrcs).astype(np.int16) T.npsf = np.array(npsf ).astype(np.int16) T.nsimp = np.array(nsimp).astype(np.int16) T.nexp = np.array(nexp ).astype(np.int16) T.ndev = np.array(ndev ).astype(np.int16) T.ncomp = np.array(ncomp).astype(np.int16) T.psfsize_g = np.array(gpsfsize).astype(np.float32) T.psfsize_r = np.array(rpsfsize).astype(np.float32) T.psfsize_z = np.array(zpsfsize).astype(np.float32) T.ebv = np.array(ebv).astype(np.float32) T.trans_g = np.array(gtrans).astype(np.float32) T.trans_r = np.array(rtrans).astype(np.float32) T.trans_z = np.array(ztrans).astype(np.float32) T.writeto(opt.outfn)
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', dest='outfn', help='Output filename', default='TMP/nexp.fits') parser.add_argument('--merge', action='store_true', help='Merge sub-tables') parser.add_argument('--north', action='store_true', default=False, help='Northern survey?') parser.add_argument('--plot', action='store_true', help='Plot results') parser.add_argument('--depth-hist', action='store_true', help='Depth histograms') parser.add_argument('files', metavar='nexp-file.fits.gz', nargs='+', help='List of nexp files to process') opt = parser.parse_args() fns = opt.files if opt.merge: from astrometry.util.fits import merge_tables TT = [] for fn in fns: T = fits_table(fn) print(fn, '->', len(T)) TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) add_brick_data(T, opt.north) T.writeto(opt.outfn) print('Wrote', opt.outfn) return if opt.plot: plots(opt) depth_hist(opt) return if opt.depth_hist: depth_hist(opt) return fns.sort() print(len(fns), 'nexp files') if len(fns) == 1: if not os.path.exists(fns[0]): print('No such file.') return 0 brickset = set() bricklist = [] gn = [] rn = [] zn = [] gnhist = [] rnhist = [] znhist = [] nnhist = 6 ibricks = [] nsrcs = [] npsf = [] nsimp = [] nrex = [] nexp = [] ndev = [] ncomp = [] nser = [] ndup = [] gpsfsize = [] rpsfsize = [] zpsfsize = [] gpsfdepth = [] rpsfdepth = [] zpsfdepth = [] ggaldepth = [] rgaldepth = [] zgaldepth = [] wise_nobs = [] wise_trans = [] ebv = [] gtrans = [] rtrans = [] ztrans = [] gcosky = [] rcosky = [] zcosky = [] bricks = fits_table('survey-bricks.fits.gz') W = H = 3600 unique = np.ones((H, W), bool) tlast = 0 for ifn, fn in enumerate(fns): print('File', (ifn + 1), 'of', len(fns), ':', fn) words = fn.split('/') dirprefix = '/'.join(words[:-4]) #print('Directory prefix:', dirprefix) words = words[-4:] brick = words[2] #print('Brick', brick) if not brick in brickset: try: tfn = os.path.join(dirprefix, 'tractor', brick[:3], 'tractor-%s.fits' % brick) print('Tractor filename', tfn) T = fits_table( tfn, columns=[ 'brick_primary', 'type', 'psfsize_g', 'psfsize_r', 'psfsize_z', 'psfdepth_g', 'psfdepth_r', 'psfdepth_z', 'galdepth_g', 'galdepth_r', 'galdepth_z', 'ebv', 'mw_transmission_g', 'mw_transmission_r', 'mw_transmission_z', 'nobs_w1', 'nobs_w2', 'nobs_w3', 'nobs_w4', 'mw_transmission_w1', 'mw_transmission_w2', 'mw_transmission_w3', 'mw_transmission_w4' ]) # we need tho primary header, not the table-hdu header! #Thdr = T.get_header() Thdr = fitsio.read_header(tfn) except: print('Failed to read FITS table', tfn) import traceback traceback.print_exc() print('Carrying on.') continue brickset.add(brick) bricklist.append(brick) gn.append(0) rn.append(0) zn.append(0) gnhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)]) rnhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)]) znhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)]) index = -1 ibrick = np.nonzero(bricks.brickname == brick)[0][0] ibricks.append(ibrick) T.cut(T.brick_primary) nsrcs.append(len(T)) types = Counter([t.strip() for t in T.type]) npsf.append(types['PSF']) nsimp.append(types['SIMP']) nrex.append(types['REX']) nexp.append(types['EXP']) ndev.append(types['DEV']) ncomp.append(types['COMP']) nser.append(types['SER']) ndup.append(types['DUP']) print('N sources', nsrcs[-1]) gpsfsize.append(np.median(T.psfsize_g)) rpsfsize.append(np.median(T.psfsize_r)) zpsfsize.append(np.median(T.psfsize_z)) gpsfdepth.append(np.median(T.psfdepth_g)) rpsfdepth.append(np.median(T.psfdepth_r)) zpsfdepth.append(np.median(T.psfdepth_z)) ggaldepth.append(np.median(T.galdepth_g)) rgaldepth.append(np.median(T.galdepth_r)) zgaldepth.append(np.median(T.galdepth_z)) wise_nobs.append( np.median(np.vstack( (T.nobs_w1, T.nobs_w2, T.nobs_w3, T.nobs_w4)).T, axis=0)) wise_trans.append( np.median(np.vstack( (T.mw_transmission_w1, T.mw_transmission_w2, T.mw_transmission_w3, T.mw_transmission_w4)).T, axis=0)) gtrans.append(np.median(T.mw_transmission_g)) rtrans.append(np.median(T.mw_transmission_r)) ztrans.append(np.median(T.mw_transmission_z)) gcosky.append(Thdr.get('COSKY_G', 0.)) rcosky.append(Thdr.get('COSKY_R', 0.)) zcosky.append(Thdr.get('COSKY_Z', 0.)) ebv.append(np.median(T.ebv)) br = bricks[ibrick] #print('Computing unique brick pixels...') pixscale = 0.262 / 3600. wcs = Tan(br.ra, br.dec, W / 2. + 0.5, H / 2. + 0.5, -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale, float(W), float(H)) unique[:, :] = True find_unique_pixels(wcs, W, H, unique, br.ra1, br.ra2, br.dec1, br.dec2) U = np.flatnonzero(unique) #print(len(U), 'of', W*H, 'pixels are unique to this brick') else: index = bricklist.index(brick) assert (index == len(bricklist) - 1) index = bricklist.index(brick) assert (index == len(bricklist) - 1) filepart = words[-1] filepart = filepart.replace('.fits.gz', '') filepart = filepart.replace('.fits.fz', '') print('File:', filepart) band = filepart[-1] assert (band in 'grz') nlist, nhist = dict(g=(gn, gnhist), r=(rn, rnhist), z=(zn, znhist))[band] upix =[U] med = np.median(upix) print('Band', band, ': Median', med) nlist[index] = med hist = nhist[index] for i in range(nnhist): if i < nnhist - 1: hist[i] = np.sum(upix == i) else: hist[i] = np.sum(upix >= i) assert (sum(hist) == len(upix)) print('Number of exposures histogram:', hist) ibricks = np.array(ibricks) T = fits_table() T.brickname = np.array(bricklist) T.ra = bricks.ra[ibricks] T.dec = bricks.dec[ibricks] T.nexp_g = np.array(gn).astype(np.int16) T.nexp_r = np.array(rn).astype(np.int16) T.nexp_z = np.array(zn).astype(np.int16) T.nexphist_g = np.array(gnhist).astype(np.int32) T.nexphist_r = np.array(rnhist).astype(np.int32) T.nexphist_z = np.array(znhist).astype(np.int32) T.nobjs = np.array(nsrcs).astype(np.int32) T.npsf = np.array(npsf).astype(np.int32) T.nsimp = np.array(nsimp).astype(np.int32) T.nrex = np.array(nrex).astype(np.int32) T.nexp = np.array(nexp).astype(np.int32) T.ndev = np.array(ndev).astype(np.int32) T.ncomp = np.array(ncomp).astype(np.int32) T.nser = np.array(nser).astype(np.int32) T.ndup = np.array(ndup).astype(np.int32) T.psfsize_g = np.array(gpsfsize).astype(np.float32) T.psfsize_r = np.array(rpsfsize).astype(np.float32) T.psfsize_z = np.array(zpsfsize).astype(np.float32) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): T.psfdepth_g = ( -2.5 * (-9. + np.log10(5. * np.sqrt(1. / np.array(gpsfdepth))))).astype( np.float32) T.psfdepth_r = ( -2.5 * (-9. + np.log10(5. * np.sqrt(1. / np.array(rpsfdepth))))).astype( np.float32) T.psfdepth_z = ( -2.5 * (-9. + np.log10(5. * np.sqrt(1. / np.array(zpsfdepth))))).astype( np.float32) T.galdepth_g = ( -2.5 * (-9. + np.log10(5. * np.sqrt(1. / np.array(ggaldepth))))).astype( np.float32) T.galdepth_r = ( -2.5 * (-9. + np.log10(5. * np.sqrt(1. / np.array(rgaldepth))))).astype( np.float32) T.galdepth_z = ( -2.5 * (-9. + np.log10(5. * np.sqrt(1. / np.array(zgaldepth))))).astype( np.float32) for k in [ 'psfdepth_g', 'psfdepth_r', 'psfdepth_z', 'galdepth_g', 'galdepth_r', 'galdepth_z' ]: v = T.get(k) v[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(v))] = 0. T.ebv = np.array(ebv).astype(np.float32) T.trans_g = np.array(gtrans).astype(np.float32) T.trans_r = np.array(rtrans).astype(np.float32) T.trans_z = np.array(ztrans).astype(np.float32) T.cosky_g = np.array(gcosky).astype(np.float32) T.cosky_r = np.array(rcosky).astype(np.float32) T.cosky_z = np.array(zcosky).astype(np.float32) T.ext_g = -2.5 * np.log10(T.trans_g) T.ext_r = -2.5 * np.log10(T.trans_r) T.ext_z = -2.5 * np.log10(T.trans_z) T.wise_nobs = np.array(wise_nobs).astype(np.int16) T.trans_wise = np.array(wise_trans).astype(np.float32) T.ext_w1 = -2.5 * np.log10(T.trans_wise[:, 0]) T.ext_w2 = -2.5 * np.log10(T.trans_wise[:, 1]) T.ext_w3 = -2.5 * np.log10(T.trans_wise[:, 2]) T.ext_w4 = -2.5 * np.log10(T.trans_wise[:, 3]) T.writeto(opt.outfn)
def make_depth_cut(survey, ccds, bands, targetrd, brick, W, H, pixscale, plots, ps, splinesky, gaussPsf, pixPsf, normalizePsf, do_calibs, gitver, targetwcs, old_calibs_ok, get_depth_maps=False, margin=0.5, use_approx_wcs=False): if plots: import pylab as plt # Add some margin to our DESI depth requirements target_depth_map = dict(g=24.0 + margin, r=23.4 + margin, z=22.5 + margin) # List extra (redundant) target percentiles so that increasing the depth at # any of these percentiles causes the image to be kept. target_percentiles = np.array(list(range(2, 10)) + list(range(10, 30, 5)) + list(range(30, 101, 10))) target_ddepths = np.zeros(len(target_percentiles), np.float32) target_ddepths[target_percentiles < 10] = -0.3 target_ddepths[target_percentiles < 5] = -0.6 #print('Target percentiles:', target_percentiles) #print('Target ddepths:', target_ddepths) cH,cW = H//10, W//10 coarsewcs = targetwcs.scale(0.1) coarsewcs.imagew = cW coarsewcs.imageh = cH # Unique pixels in this brick (U: cH x cW boolean) U = find_unique_pixels(coarsewcs, cW, cH, None, brick.ra1, brick.ra2, brick.dec1, brick.dec2) pixscale = 3600. * np.sqrt(np.abs(ccds.cd1_1*ccds.cd2_2 - ccds.cd1_2*ccds.cd2_1)) seeing = ccds.fwhm * pixscale # Compute the rectangle in *coarsewcs* covered by each CCD slices = [] overlapping_ccds = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool) for i,ccd in enumerate(ccds): wcs = survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd) hh,ww = wcs.shape rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec([1,ww,ww,1], [1,1,hh,hh]) ok,xx,yy = coarsewcs.radec2pixelxy(rr, dd) y0 = int(np.round(np.clip(yy.min(), 0, cH-1))) y1 = int(np.round(np.clip(yy.max(), 0, cH-1))) x0 = int(np.round(np.clip(xx.min(), 0, cW-1))) x1 = int(np.round(np.clip(xx.max(), 0, cW-1))) if y0 == y1 or x0 == x1: slices.append(None) continue # Check whether this CCD overlaps the unique area of this brick... if not np.any(U[y0:y1+1, x0:x1+1]): info('No overlap with unique area for CCD', ccd.expnum, ccd.ccdname) slices.append(None) continue overlapping_ccds[i] = True slices.append((slice(y0, y1+1), slice(x0, x1+1))) keep_ccds = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool) depthmaps = [] for band in bands: # scalar target_depth = target_depth_map[band] # vector target_depths = target_depth + target_ddepths depthiv = np.zeros((cH,cW), np.float32) depthmap = np.zeros_like(depthiv) depthvalue = np.zeros_like(depthiv) last_pcts = np.zeros_like(target_depths) # indices of CCDs we still want to look at in the current band b_inds = np.where(ccds.filter == band)[0] info(len(b_inds), 'CCDs in', band, 'band') if len(b_inds) == 0: continue b_inds = np.array([i for i in b_inds if slices[i] is not None]) info(len(b_inds), 'CCDs in', band, 'band overlap target') if len(b_inds) == 0: continue # CCDs that we will try before searching for good ones -- CCDs # from the same exposure number as CCDs we have chosen to # take. try_ccds = set() # Try DECaLS data first! Idecals = np.where(ccds.propid[b_inds] == '2014B-0404')[0] if len(Idecals): try_ccds.update(b_inds[Idecals]) debug('Added', len(try_ccds), 'DECaLS CCDs to try-list') plot_vals = [] if plots: plt.clf() for i in b_inds: sy,sx = slices[i] x0,x1 = sx.start, sx.stop y0,y1 = sy.start, sy.stop plt.plot([x0,x0,x1,x1,x0], [y0,y1,y1,y0,y0], 'b-', alpha=0.5) plt.title('CCDs overlapping brick: %i in %s band' % (len(b_inds), band)) ps.savefig() nccds = np.zeros((cH,cW), np.int16) plt.clf() for i in b_inds: nccds[slices[i]] += 1 plt.imshow(nccds, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0) plt.colorbar() plt.title('CCDs overlapping brick: %i in %s band (%i / %i / %i)' % (len(b_inds), band, nccds.min(), np.median(nccds), nccds.max())) ps.savefig() #continue while len(b_inds): if len(try_ccds) == 0: # Choose the next CCD to look at in this band. # A rough point-source depth proxy would be: # metric = np.sqrt(ccds.extime[b_inds]) / seeing[b_inds] # If we want to put more weight on choosing good-seeing images, we could do: #metric = np.sqrt(ccds.exptime[b_inds]) / seeing[b_inds]**2 # depth would be ~ 1 / (sig1 * seeing); we privilege good seeing here. metric = 1. / (ccds.sig1[b_inds] * seeing[b_inds]**2) # This metric is *BIG* for *GOOD* ccds! # Here, we try explicitly to include CCDs that cover # pixels that are still shallow by the largest amount # for the largest number of percentiles of interest; # note that pixels with no coverage get depth 0, so # score high in this metric. # # The value is the depth still required to hit the # target, summed over percentiles of interest # (for pixels unique to this brick) depthvalue[:,:] = 0. active = (last_pcts < target_depths) for d in target_depths[active]: depthvalue += U * np.maximum(0, d - depthmap) ccdvalue = np.zeros(len(b_inds), np.float32) for j,i in enumerate(b_inds): #ccdvalue[j] = np.sum(depthvalue[slices[i]]) # mean -- we want the most bang for the buck per pixel? ccdvalue[j] = np.mean(depthvalue[slices[i]]) metric *= ccdvalue # *ibest* is an index into b_inds ibest = np.argmax(metric) # *iccd* is an index into ccds. iccd = b_inds[ibest] ccd = ccds[iccd] debug('Chose best CCD: seeing', seeing[iccd], 'exptime', ccds.exptime[iccd], 'with value', ccdvalue[ibest]) else: iccd = try_ccds.pop() ccd = ccds[iccd] debug('Popping CCD from use_ccds list') # remove *iccd* from b_inds b_inds = b_inds[b_inds != iccd] im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) debug('Band',, 'expnum', im.expnum, 'exptime', im.exptime, 'seeing', im.fwhm*im.pixscale, 'arcsec, propid', im.propid) im.check_for_cached_files(survey) debug(im) if do_calibs: kwa = dict(git_version=gitver, old_calibs_ok=old_calibs_ok) if gaussPsf: kwa.update(psfex=False) if splinesky: kwa.update(splinesky=True) im.run_calibs(**kwa) if use_approx_wcs: debug('Using approximate (TAN) WCS') wcs = survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd) else: debug('Reading WCS from', im.imgfn, 'HDU', im.hdu) wcs = im.get_wcs() x0,x1,y0,y1,slc = im.get_image_extent(wcs=wcs, radecpoly=targetrd) if x0==x1 or y0==y1: debug('No actual overlap') continue wcs = wcs.get_subimage(int(x0), int(y0), int(x1-x0), int(y1-y0)) if 'galnorm_mean' in ccds.get_columns(): galnorm = ccd.galnorm_mean debug('Using galnorm_mean from CCDs table:', galnorm) else: psf = im.read_psf_model(x0, y0, gaussPsf=gaussPsf, pixPsf=pixPsf, normalizePsf=normalizePsf) psf = psf.constantPsfAt((x1-x0)//2, (y1-y0)//2) # create a fake tim to compute galnorm from tractor import PixPos, Flux, ModelMask, Image, NullWCS from legacypipe.survey import SimpleGalaxy h,w = 50,50 gal = SimpleGalaxy(PixPos(w//2,h//2), Flux(1.)) tim = Image(data=np.zeros((h,w), np.float32), psf=psf, wcs=NullWCS(pixscale=im.pixscale)) mm = ModelMask(0, 0, w, h) galmod = gal.getModelPatch(tim, modelMask=mm).patch galmod = np.maximum(0, galmod) galmod /= galmod.sum() galnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(galmod**2)) detiv = 1. / (im.sig1 / galnorm)**2 galdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(5. * im.sig1 / galnorm) - 9.) debug('Galnorm:', galnorm, 'sig1:', im.sig1, 'galdepth', galdepth) # Add this image the the depth map... from astrometry.util.resample import resample_with_wcs, OverlapError try: Yo,Xo,_,_,_ = resample_with_wcs(coarsewcs, wcs) debug(len(Yo), 'of', (cW*cH), 'pixels covered by this image') except OverlapError: debug('No overlap') continue depthiv[Yo,Xo] += detiv # compute the new depth map & percentiles (including the proposed new CCD) depthmap[:,:] = 0. depthmap[depthiv > 0] = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(5./np.sqrt(depthiv[depthiv > 0])) depthpcts = np.percentile(depthmap[U], target_percentiles) for i,(p,d,t) in enumerate(zip(target_percentiles, depthpcts, target_depths)): info(' pct % 3i, prev %5.2f -> %5.2f vs target %5.2f %s' % (p, last_pcts[i], d, t, ('ok' if d >= t else ''))) keep = False # Did we increase the depth of any target percentile that did not already exceed its target depth? if np.any((depthpcts > last_pcts) * (last_pcts < target_depths)): keep = True # Add any other CCDs from this same expnum to the try_ccds list. # (before making the plot) I = np.where(ccd.expnum == ccds.expnum[b_inds])[0] try_ccds.update(b_inds[I]) debug('Adding', len(I), 'CCDs with the same expnum to try_ccds list') if plots: cc = '1' if keep else '0' xx = [Xo.min(), Xo.min(), Xo.max(), Xo.max(), Xo.min()] yy = [Yo.min(), Yo.max(), Yo.max(), Yo.min(), Yo.min()] plot_vals.append(((xx,yy,cc),(last_pcts,depthpcts,keep),im.ccdname)) if plots and ( (len(try_ccds) == 0) or np.all(depthpcts >= target_depths)): plt.clf() plt.subplot2grid((2,2),(0,0)) plt.imshow(depthvalue, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0) plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('heuristic value') plt.subplot2grid((2,2),(0,1)) plt.imshow(depthmap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=target_depth - 2, vmax=target_depth + 0.5) ax = plt.axis() for (xx,yy,cc) in [p[0] for p in plot_vals]: plt.plot(xx,yy, '-', color=cc, lw=3) plt.axis(ax) plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('depth map') plt.subplot2grid((2,2),(1,0), colspan=2) ax = plt.gca() plt.plot(target_percentiles, target_depths, 'ro', label='Target') plt.plot(target_percentiles, target_depths, 'r-') for (lp,dp,k) in [p[1] for p in plot_vals]: plt.plot(target_percentiles, lp, 'k-', label='Previous percentiles') for (lp,dp,k) in [p[1] for p in plot_vals]: cc = 'b' if k else 'r' plt.plot(target_percentiles, dp, '-', color=cc, label='Depth percentiles') ccdnames = ','.join([p[2] for p in plot_vals]) plot_vals = [] plt.ylim(target_depth - 2, target_depth + 0.5) plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel('Percentile') plt.ylabel('Depth') plt.title('depth percentiles') plt.suptitle('%s %i-%s, exptime %.0f, seeing %.2f, band %s' % (, im.expnum, ccdnames, im.exptime, im.pixscale * im.fwhm, band)) ps.savefig() if keep: info('Keeping this exposure') else: info('Not keeping this exposure') depthiv[Yo,Xo] -= detiv continue keep_ccds[iccd] = True last_pcts = depthpcts if np.all(depthpcts >= target_depths): info('Reached all target depth percentiles for band', band) break if get_depth_maps: if np.any(depthiv > 0): depthmap[:,:] = 0. depthmap[depthiv > 0] = 22.5 -2.5*np.log10(5./np.sqrt(depthiv[depthiv > 0])) depthmap[np.logical_not(U)] = np.nan depthmaps.append((band, depthmap.copy())) if plots: I = np.where(ccds.filter == band)[0] plt.clf() plt.plot(seeing[I], ccds.exptime[I], 'k.') # which CCDs from this band are we keeping? kept, = np.nonzero(keep_ccds) if len(kept): kept = kept[ccds.filter[kept] == band] plt.plot(seeing[kept], ccds.exptime[kept], 'ro') plt.xlabel('Seeing (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Exptime (sec)') plt.title('CCDs kept for band %s' % band) plt.ylim(0, np.max(ccds.exptime[I]) * 1.1) ps.savefig() if get_depth_maps: return (keep_ccds, overlapping_ccds, depthmaps) return keep_ccds, overlapping_ccds