Exemple #1
def test_sentence_morethan():
    '''Test Cases
    # bad max value
    # no sentences over max
    # all sentences over max
    # some sentences over max

    text = '''
    This is a sample text. Do you like it? I hope so.
    We're having so much trouble getting this program finished. Bye for now!!

    # bad max value
    lg = LeGuinCounter(text)
    max = 0
    assert_raises(ValueError, lg.sentences_more_than, max)

    # no sentences over max
    max = 100
    expected = []
    assert_equal(lg.sentences_more_than(max), expected)

    # all sentences over max
    max = 1
    actual = len(lg.sentences_more_than(max))
    expected = 5
    assert_equal(actual, expected)

    # some sentences over
    max = 3
    actual = len(lg.sentences_more_than(max))
    expected = 3
    assert_equal(actual, expected)
Exemple #2
def test_parse():
    '''Test Cases:
        # Pass valid argument
        # Pass invalid argument

    # Pass valid argument
    text = "Blah! Blah, blah."
    lg = LeGuinCounter(text)
    expected = ["Blah!", " Blah, blah."]
    assert_equal(lg.sentences, expected)

    # Pass invalid argument
    text = None
    assert_raises(TypeError, lg.parse, text)
 def setup():
     input_text = "Once upon a time, there was a dog called Tutu. He was nice. If you met him, you would like him too."
     max = 7; index = 0; sentences = LeGuinCounter(input_text).sentences
     return {
             "input_text" : input_text,
             'max' : max,
             'index': index,
             'sent_list[]': sentences,
             'submit_button': button
Exemple #4
def test_init():
    '''Test Cases:
        - Returns expected object
        - Check contents of attribute text
        - Check contentes of attribute sentences
        - Pass invalid argument
        - Pass empty string ""
        - Pass empty string "   \n\t  \r\n  "

    # Returns expected object
    text = "Blah! Blah, blah."
    lg = LeGuinCounter(text)
    expected = True
    assert_equal(isinstance(lg, LeGuinCounter), expected)

    # Check contents of attribute text
    expected = "Blah! Blah, blah."
    assert_equal(lg.text, expected)

    # Check contents of attribute sentences
    expected = ["Blah!", " Blah, blah."]
    assert_equal(lg.sentences, expected)

    # Pass invalid Argument
    text = None
    assert_raises(TypeError, LeGuinCounter, text)

    # Pass empty string ""
    text = ""
    expected = ("", [])
    lg = LeGuinCounter(text)
    assert_equal((lg.text, lg.sentences), expected)

    # Pass empty string  "   \n\t  \r\n  "
    text = "   \n\t  \r\n  "
    expected = expected = ("   \n\t  \r\n  ", [])
    lg = LeGuinCounter(text)
    assert_equal((lg.text, lg.sentences), expected)
 def setup():
     input_text = "Once upon a time, there was a dog called Tutu. He was nice.[1] If you met him, you would like him too."
     max = 7
     index = 1
     sub = 'He was nice.[1]'
     sentences = LeGuinCounter(input_text).sentences
     return {
             "input_text" : input_text,
             'max' : max,
             'sentindex': index,
             'sent_list[]': sentences,
             'submit_button': 'Split',
             'firstpart': sub
Exemple #6
def test_morethan():
    '''Test Cases
    # valid sentence, invalid max = less than 1
    # empty sentece, valid max
    # valid input; sentence equal to max
    # valid input; sentence less than max
    # valid input; greater than max
    # bad input types
    # default max

    # valid sentence, invalid max = less than 1
    text = "My name is Alex. What's yours?"
    lg = LeGuinCounter(text)
    max = 0
    assert_raises(ValueError, lg.more_than, text, max)

    # empty sentece, valid max
    text = ""
    max = 3
    assert_equal(lg.more_than(text, max), False)

    # valid input; sentence equal to max
    text = "My name is Alex. What's yours?"
    max = 6
    assert_equal(lg.more_than(text, max), False)

    # valid input; sentence less than max
    text = "My name is Alex. What's yours?"
    max = 10
    assert_equal(lg.more_than(text, max), False)

    # valid input; sentence less than max
    text = "My name is Alex. What's yours?"
    max = 3
    assert_equal(lg.more_than(text, max), True)

    # bad input types
    assert_raises(TypeError, lg.more_than, 7, "whua?")

    # default max (20 words)
    assert_equal(lg.more_than(text), False)
Exemple #7
def test_count_words():
    '''Test Cases:
        - invalid input
        - empty string
        - empty string with spaces
        - non-empty string = 1 word
        - non-empty = random number of words

    # invalid input
    text = "Blah! Blah, blah."
    lg = LeGuinCounter(text)
    assert_raises(TypeError, lg.count_words, 7)

    # empty string
    text = ""
    expected = 0
    assert_equal(lg.count_words(text), expected)

    # empty string with spaces
    text = '''

    expected = 0
    assert_equal(lg.count_words(text), expected)

    # non-empty string = 1 word
    text = "Eeyore"
    expected = 1
    assert_equal(lg.count_words(text), expected)

    # random number of words
    val = randint(2, 1000)
    text = "Pizza! " * val
    expected = val
    assert_equal(lg.count_words(text), expected)
Exemple #8
def test_split_sentence():
    # 1. Normal case, minimal white spacing
    # Check first sentence
    # Check second sentence
    # Check list size

    # Setup
    text = "This is a sentence with a footnote.[1] Crazy!"
    i = 0
    sub = "This is a sentence with a footnote.[1]"
    lg = LeGuinCounter(text)
    lg.split_sentence(i, sub)

    # Check first sentence
    expected = 'This is a sentence with a footnote.[1]'
    result = lg.sentences[i]
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Check second sentence
    expected = ' Crazy!'
    result = lg.sentences[i + 1]
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Check size of list
    expected = 2
    result = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # 2. Normal case, complicated whitespacing
    text = '''This is a sentence with a footnote.[1] Crazy! It's followed by another.[2] And another.[3] This sentence is free.
Just insane.
Here's one last sentence with a footnote.[3]
This sentence is on a separate line, but still atttached to the previous sentence.'''

    # Check size BEFORE split
    expected = 4
    result = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Split sentence 0 at split_pos = 38
    sub = 'This is a sentence with a footnote.[1]'
    i = 0
    lg.split_sentence(i, sub)

    # Test whether split worked: check sentences and list size
    # Check first sentence
    expected = 'This is a sentence with a footnote.[1]'
    result = lg.sentences[i]
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Check second sentence
    expected = ' Crazy!'
    result = lg.sentences[i + 1]
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Check size of list
    expected = 5
    result = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Test splitting the last sentence (4) at split pos 45
    i = 4
    sub = "Here's one last sentence with a footnote.[3]"
    lg.split_sentence(i, sub)

    # Check first sentence
    expected = "\nHere's one last sentence with a footnote.[3]"
    result = lg.sentences[i]
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Check second sentence
    expected = '''
This sentence is on a separate line, but still atttached to the previous sentence.'''
    result = lg.sentences[i + 1]
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Check size of list
    expected = 6
    result = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    #Test error conditions

    # Sentence index out of bounds
    i = -1
    sub = "Hello."
    assert_raises(IndexError, lg.split_sentence, i, sub)

    i = 1000
    assert_raises(IndexError, lg.split_sentence, i, sub)

    # No sentences
    lg.sentences = []
    i = 0
    sub = "Hello"
    assert_raises(ValueError, lg.split_sentence, i, sub)

    #Substring empty
    text = "This is a sentence with a footnote.[1] Crazy!"
    lg.parse("This is a sentence with a footnote.[1] Crazy!")
    i = 0
    sub = ""
    expected = ["This is a sentence with a footnote.[1] Crazy!"]
    result = lg.sentences
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    #Substring white characters only
    lg.sentences = []
    i = 0
    sub = " \n \r\t \n"
    assert_raises(ValueError, lg.split_sentence, i, sub)

    # Test: multiple splits
    text = ""

    #Check size BEFORE split
    expected = 1
    result = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Do multiple splits
    lg.split_sentence(0, "0.")
    lg.split_sentence(1, "1.")
    lg.split_sentence(2, "2.")
    lg.split_sentence(3, "3.")

    expected = 5
    result = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    expected = ["0.", "1.", "2.", "3.", "4."]
    result = lg.sentences
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Split when there's nothing to split
    lg.split_sentence(2, "2.")
    expected = ["0.", "1.", "2.", "3.", "4."]
    result = lg.sentences
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    #Split again and again
    lg.split_sentence(2, "2")
    lg.split_sentence(2, "2")
    expected = ["0.", "1.", "2", ".", "3.", "4."]
    result = lg.sentences
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    # Split with blank characters
    text = "You!\n\t\r\n123!\n\t\r\n"
    i = 1
    sub = "123!"
    lg.split_sentence(i, sub)

    # Check sentence list length
    expected = 2
    result = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(result, expected)

    expected = ["You!", "\n\t\r\n123!"]
    result = lg.sentences
    assert_equal(result, expected)
Exemple #9
def test_mergenext():
    '''Text Cases
    # Nothing to merge
    # Out of bounds to index: < 0
    # Out of bounds to index: > len(sentences)
    # Out of bounds index: trying to merge the last element with something else
    # Merging when there is only one sentence in list
    # Merging when there are multiple sentences in list
    # Multiple merges until everything is just one sentence

    # Nothing to merge
    text = ""
    lg = LeGuinCounter(text)
    before = len(lg.sentences)
    val = 0
    assert_raises(ValueError, lg.merge_next, val)
    #after = len(lg.sentences)
    #assert_equal(before, after)

    text = '''
    This is a sample text. Do you like it? I hope so.
    We're having so much trouble getting this program finished. Bye for now!!

    # Out of bounds to index: < 0
    val = -100
    assert_raises(IndexError, lg.merge_next, val)

    # Out of bounds to index: > len(sentences)
    val = 100
    assert_raises(IndexError, lg.merge_next, val)

    # Out of bounds index: trying to merge the last element with something else
    val = len(lg.sentences) - 1
    before = len(lg.sentences)
    after = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(before, after)

    # Merging when there is only one sentence in list
    text = "This is a single sentence."
    before = len(lg.sentences)
    after = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(before, after)

    # Merging when there are multiple sentences in list
    text = '''
    This is a sample text. Do you like it? I hope so.
    We're having so much trouble getting this program finished. Bye for now!!
    expected = 4
    actual = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(actual, expected)

    # Multiple merges until sentences can be merged no more!
    for n in range(10):

    expected = 1
    actual = len(lg.sentences)
    assert_equal(actual, expected)
Exemple #10
def test_results():
    # Test cases

    # Valid input - Normal merge
    button = 'Merge'
    input_text = "Once upon a time, there was a dog called Tutu. He was nice. If you met him, you would like him too."
    max = 7
    index = 1
    sentences = LeGuinCounter(input_text).sentences
    data = {"input_text" : input_text, 'max' : max, 'index': index, 'sent_list[]': sentences, 'submit_button': button}
    expected = b"He was nice. If you met him, you would like him too. (# words: 12)"
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(expected, rv.data)

    # Valid input except bad index - out of bounds
    data['index'] = 3
    expected = b"IndexError"
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(expected, rv.data)
    data['index'] = -4
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(expected, rv.data)

    # Merge with no sentences
    input_text = ''
    index = 0
    sentences = LeGuinCounter(input_text).sentences
    data = {"input_text" : input_text, 'max' : max, 'index': index, 'sent_list[]': sentences, 'submit_button': button}
    expected = b"Merge cannot be performed on an empty sentence list."
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(expected, rv.data)

    # Try mergeing when there is only one sentence
    input_text = "Once upon a time, there was a dog called Tutu."
    max = 7
    index = 0
    sentences = LeGuinCounter(input_text).sentences
    data = {"input_text" : input_text, 'max' : max, 'index': index, 'sent_list[]': sentences, 'submit_button': button}
    expected = b"Once upon a time, there was a dog called Tutu. (# words: 10)"

    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(expected, rv.data)

    # Merging with None-types

    #Initial state
    def setup():
        input_text = "Once upon a time, there was a dog called Tutu. He was nice. If you met him, you would like him too."
        max = 7; index = 0; sentences = LeGuinCounter(input_text).sentences
        return {
                "input_text" : input_text,
                'max' : max,
                'index': index,
                'sent_list[]': sentences,
                'submit_button': button

    # Max = None
    data = setup()
    data['max'] = None
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'Bad Request', rv.data)

    # index is None
    data = setup()
    data['index'] = None
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'Bad Request', rv.data)

    # sent_list -- This should not happen!
    data = setup()
    data['sent_list[]'] = None
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'Merge cannot be performed on an empty sentence list.', rv.data)

    # submit_button is None
    data = setup()
    data['submit_button'] = None
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'Bad Request', rv.data)

    # input_text is None
    data = setup()
    data['input_text'] = None
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'Bad Request', rv.data)

    # BAD DATA

    # Index passed non-integer type
    data = setup()
    data['index'] = 'r'
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'ValueError', rv.data)

    # Max - negative value
    data = setup()
    data['max'] = -5
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'ValueError', rv.data)
    # Max - letter
    data['max'] = 'go'
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'ValueError', rv.data)

    # submit_button - bad name
    data = setup()
    data['submit_button'] = "CRAZYTOWN!!"
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'submit_button neither Count, Merge nor Split!', rv.data)

    # sent_list doesn't match original text
    data = setup()
    data['sent_list[]'] = ['A.', ' B.' , ' C.']
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'NotInTextError', rv.data)

    # input_text doesn't match sent_list
    data = setup()
    data['input_text'] = "A. B. C."
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'NotInTextError', rv.data)

    # Merging with last sentence
    # NB This may fail in future as users shouldn't have the option of merging
    # with the last sentence in the text
    data = setup()
    data['index'] = len(data['sent_list[]']) - 1
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'If you met him, you would like him too.', rv.data)

    # See whether word counts for original and parsed texts work
    button = 'Count'

    data = setup()
    data['input_text'] = data['input_text'][:-1] # take away period at end
    data['sent_list[]'] = LeGuinCounter(data['input_text']).sentences
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'13 words', rv.data)

    data = setup()
    data['input_text'] = ""# take away period at end
    data['sent_list[]'] = LeGuinCounter(data['input_text']).sentences
    rv = web.post(resource_name, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
    assert_in(b'Nothing to process', rv.data)