Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):

        See instance variable documentation for more details on parameters.

        self.parameters = Map()
        """ Map of parameters in this component type.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Parameter) """

        self.properties = Map()
        """ Map of properties in this component type.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Property) """

        self.derived_parameters = Map()
        """ Map of derived_parameters in this component type.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Parameter) """

        self.index_parameters = Map()
        """ Map of index_parameters in this component type.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.IndexParameter) """

        self.constants = Map()
        """ Map of constants in this component type.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Constant) """

        self.exposures = Map()
        """ Map of exposures in this component type.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Exposure) """

        self.requirements = Map()
        """ Map of requirements.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Requirement) """

        self.component_requirements = Map()
        """ Map of component requirements.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.ComponentRequirement) """

        self.instance_requirements = Map()
        """ Map of instance requirements.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.InstanceRequirement) """

        self.children = Map()
        """ Map of children.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Children) """

        self.texts = Map()
        """ Map of text entries.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Text) """

        self.links = Map()
        """ Map of links.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Link) """

        self.paths = Map()
        """ Map of path entries.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Path) """

        self.event_ports = Map()
        """ Map of event ports.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.EventPort """

        self.component_references = Map()
        """ Map of component references.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.ComponentReference) """

        self.attachments = Map()
        """ Map of attachment type specifications.
        @type: Map(str -> lems.model.component.Attachments) """

        self.dynamics = Dynamics()
        """ Behavioural dynamics object.
        @type: lems.model.dynamics.Dynamics """

        self.structure = Structure()
        """ Structural properties object.
        @type: lems.model.structure.Structure """

        self.simulation = Simulation()
        """ Simulation attributes.
        @type: lems.model.simulation.Simulation """

        self.types = set()
        """ Set of compatible component types.
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, name, parent=None, context_type=GLOBAL):

        self.name = name
        """ Name identifying this context.
        @type: string """

        self.parent = parent
        """ Reference to parent context.
        @type: lems.model.context.Context """

        self.component_types = {}
        """ Dictionary of component types defined in this conext.
        @type: dict(string -> lems.model.component.ComponentType) """

        self.components = {}
        """ Dictionary of components defined in this context.
        @type: dict(string -> lems.model.component.Component) """

        self.component_refs = {}
        """ Dictionary of component references defined in this context.
        @type: dict(string -> string) """

        self.child_defs = {}
        """ Dictionary of single-instance child object definitions in this
        @type: dict(string -> string) """

        self.children_defs = {}
        """ Dictionary of multi-instance child objects definitions in this
        @type: dict(string -> string) """

        self.children = []
        """ List of child objects defined in this context.
        @type: list(lems.model.component.Component) """

        self.parameters = {}
        """ Dictionary of references to parameters defined in this context.
        @type: dict(string -> lems.model.parameter.Parameter) """

        self.context_type = context_type
        """ Context type (Global, component type or component)
        @type: enum(Context.GLOBAL, Context.COMPONENT_TYPE or
        Context.COMPONENT_TYPE) """

        self.behavior_profiles = {}
        """ Stores the various behavior profiles of the current object.
        @type: dict(string -> lems.model.behavior.Behavior) """

        self.selected_behavior_profile = None
        """ Name of the selected behavior profile.
        @type: lems.model.behavior.Behavior """

        self.exposures = []
        """ List of names of exposed variables.
        @type: list(string) """

        self.texts = {}
        """ Dictionary of text parameters.
        @type: dict(string -> string) """

        self.paths = {}
        """ Dictionary of path parameters.
        @type: dict(string -> string) """

        self.links = {}
        """ Dictionary of link parameters.
        @type: dict(string -> string) """

        self.event_in_ports = []
        """ List of incoming event port names.
        @type: list(string) """

        self.event_out_ports = []
        """ List of outgoing event port names.
        @type: list(string) """

        self.structure = Structure()
        """ Structure object detailing structural aspects of this component.