Exemple #1
    def put(self, role_id):
        .. http:put:: /roles/1

           Update a role

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /roles/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "This is a new description"

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                 "id": 1,
                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "this is a new description"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        permission = ViewRoleCredentialsPermission(role_id)
        if permission.can():
            self.reqparse.add_argument('users', type=list, location='json')
            args = self.reqparse.parse_args()
            return service.update(role_id, args['name'],
                                  args.get('description'), args.get('users'))
Exemple #2
    def put(self, role_id):
        .. http:put:: /roles/1

           Update a role

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /roles/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "This is a new description"

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                 "id": 1,
                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "this is a new description"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        permission = ViewRoleCredentialsPermission(role_id)
        if permission.can():
            self.reqparse.add_argument('name', type=str, location='json', required=True)
            self.reqparse.add_argument('description', type=str, location='json')
            self.reqparse.add_argument('users', type=list, location='json')
            args = self.reqparse.parse_args()
            return service.update(role_id, args['name'], args.get('description'), args.get('users'))
Exemple #3
    def put(self, role_id, data=None):
        .. http:put:: /roles/1

           Update a role

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /roles/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript
              Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "This is a new description"

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                 "id": 1,
                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "this is a new description"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        permission = RoleMemberPermission(role_id)
        if permission.can():
            return service.update(
                role_id, data["name"], data.get("description"), data.get("users")
        return dict(message="You are not authorized to modify this role."), 403
Exemple #4
    def put(self, role_id, data=None):
        .. http:put:: /roles/1

           Update a role

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /roles/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "This is a new description"

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                 "id": 1,
                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "this is a new description"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        permission = ViewRoleCredentialsPermission(role_id)
        if permission.can():
            return service.update(role_id, data['name'],
                                  data.get('description'), data.get('users'))
Exemple #5
    def put(self, role_id, data=None):
        .. http:put:: /roles/1

           Update a role

           **Example request**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              PUT /roles/1 HTTP/1.1
              Host: example.com
              Accept: application/json, text/javascript

                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "This is a new description"

           **Example response**:

           .. sourcecode:: http

              HTTP/1.1 200 OK
              Vary: Accept
              Content-Type: text/javascript

                 "id": 1,
                 "name": "role1",
                 "description": "this is a new description"

           :reqheader Authorization: OAuth token to authenticate
           :statuscode 200: no error
           :statuscode 403: unauthenticated
        permission = ViewRoleCredentialsPermission(role_id)
        if permission.can():
            return service.update(role_id, data['name'], data.get('description'), data.get('users'))