Exemple #1
def _one_dim_lens_eq_calcs(args, phi):
    """Calculates intermediate quantities that are needed for several of the subsequent functions"""
    b, t, y1, y2, q, gamma1, gamma2 = args
    y = (y1 + y2 * 1j)

    rhat = 1 / (1 - gamma1**2 - gamma2**2) * (
        ((1 + gamma1) * np.cos(phi) + gamma2 * np.sin(phi)) + 1j *
        (gamma2 * np.cos(phi) + (1 - gamma1) * np.sin(phi)))
    thetahat = 1 / (1 - gamma1**2 - gamma2**2) * (
        ((1 + gamma1) * np.sin(phi) - gamma2 * np.cos(phi)) + 1j *
        (gamma2 * np.sin(phi) - (1 - gamma1) * np.cos(phi)))

    frac_Roverrsh, phiell = pol_to_ell(1, phi, q)
    Omega = omega(phiell, t, q)
    const = 2 * b / (1 + q)
    if abs(t - 1) > 1e-4:
        b_over_r_pow_tm1 = -cdot(y, thetahat) / (const * cdot(Omega, thetahat))
        R = b * np.abs(b_over_r_pow_tm1)**(1 /
                                           (1 - t)) * np.sign(b_over_r_pow_tm1)
        Omega_ort = 1j * Omega
        x = ((1 - gamma1) * np.cos(phi) -
             gamma2 * np.sin(phi)) + 1j * (-gamma2 * np.cos(phi) +
                                           (1 + gamma1) * np.sin(phi))
        R = cdot(Omega_ort, y) / cdot(Omega_ort, x) * frac_Roverrsh
    r, theta = ell_to_pol(R, phiell, q)
    return Omega, const, phiell, q, r, rhat, t, b, thetahat, y
Exemple #2
def _one_dim_lens_eq_both(phi, args):
    """Calculates and returns simultaneously both the smooth and the not-smooth 1-dimensional lens equation
    that needs to be solved"""
    Omega, const, phiell, q, r, rhat, t, b, thetahat, y = _one_dim_lens_eq_calcs(
        args, phi)
    rr, thetaa = ell_to_pol(1, phiell, q)
    ip = cdot(y, rhat) * cdot(Omega, thetahat) - cdot(Omega, rhat) * cdot(
        y, thetahat)
    # The derivations are lost somewhere in my notes...
    eq = (rr * b)**(2 / t - 2) * ps(
        (cdot(y, thetahat) / const), 2 / t) * ip**2 + ps(ip, 2 / t) * cdot(
            Omega, thetahat)**2
    eq_notsmooth = ps(rr * b, 1 - t) * (cdot(y, thetahat) / const) * np.abs(
        ip)**t + ip * np.abs(cdot(Omega, thetahat))**(+t)
    return eq, eq_notsmooth
Exemple #3
def _one_dim_lens_eq_unsmooth(phi, args):
    """Calculates the not-smooth 1-dimensional lens equation to to solve - to be used by a root-finder.
    For some parameters and solutions, numerical issues make solving this one feasible while the other is not."""
    Omega, const, phiell, q, r, rhat, t, b, thetahat, y = _one_dim_lens_eq_calcs(
        args, phi)

    rr, thetaa = ell_to_pol(1, phiell, q)
    ip = cdot(y, rhat) * cdot(Omega, thetahat) - cdot(Omega, rhat) * cdot(
        y, thetahat)
    eq_notsmooth = ps(rr * b, 1 - t) * (cdot(y, thetahat) / const) * np.abs(
        ip)**t + ip * np.abs(cdot(Omega, thetahat))**(+t)
    return eq_notsmooth
Exemple #4
def _one_dim_lens_eq(phi, args):
    """Calculates the smooth 1-dimensional lens equation to solve - to be used by a root-finder"""
    Omega, const, phiell, q, r, rhat, t, b, thetahat, y = _one_dim_lens_eq_calcs(
        args, phi)

    rr, thetaa = ell_to_pol(1, phiell, q)
    ip = cdot(y, rhat) * cdot(Omega, thetahat) - cdot(Omega, rhat) * cdot(
        y, thetahat)
    eq = (rr * b)**(2 / t - 2) * ps(
        (cdot(y, thetahat) / const), 2 / t) * ip**2 + ps(ip, 2 / t) * cdot(
            Omega, thetahat)**2
    return eq
Exemple #5
def caustics_epl_shear(kwargs_lens,
    Analytically calculates the caustics of an EPL+shear lens model.
    Since for gamma>2, the outer critical curve does not exist, the option to find the curves for a set, finite magnification exists, by supplying maginf, so that the routine finds the curve of this magnification, rather than the true caustic.

    :param kwargs_lens: List of kwargs in lenstronomy style, following ['EPL', 'SHEAR'] format
    :param num_th: resolution.
    :param maginf: the outer critical curve for t>1 will be replaced with the curve where the inverse magnification is maginf
    :param sourceplane: if True (default), ray-shoot the calculated critical curves to the source plane
    :param return_which: options 'quad' (boundary of area within which there are 4 images), 'double' (boundary of area within which there are 2 images),
     'caustic' (the diamond caustic) and 'cut' (the cut, if it exists, that is if t<2, else, if t>2, returns the caustic) and None (in that case: return quad, caustic, cut)
    :return: (2,N) array if return_which set, else a tuple of (caustic, cut, quad)
    e1, e2 = kwargs_lens[0]['e1'], kwargs_lens[0]['e2']
    if len(kwargs_lens) > 1:
        gamma1unr, gamma2unr = kwargs_lens[1]['gamma1'], kwargs_lens[1][
        gamma1unr, gamma2unr = 0, 0
    t = kwargs_lens[0]['gamma'] - 1 if 'gamma' in kwargs_lens[0] else 1
    theta_ell, q = ellipticity2phi_q(e1, e2)
    theta_gamma, gamma_mag = shear_cartesian2polar(gamma1unr, gamma2unr)
    b = np.sqrt(q) * kwargs_lens[0]['theta_E']
    cen = np.expand_dims(
        np.array([kwargs_lens[0]['center_x'], kwargs_lens[0]['center_y']]), 1)
    theta_gamma -= theta_ell
    gamma1, gamma2 = shear_polar2cartesian(theta_gamma, gamma_mag)
    M = rotmat(-theta_ell)
    phiell, q = ellipticity2phi_q(e1, e2)
    theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num_th, endpoint=False)
    r = 1
    R, phi = pol_to_ell(1, theta, q)
    Omega = omega(phi, t, q)
    aa = 1
    bb = -(2 - t)
    frac_roverR = r / R
    cc = (1 - t) * (2 - t) * (cdot(np.exp(1j * theta),
                                   Omega)) / frac_roverR * 2 / (1 + q)
    cc -= (1 - t)**2 * (2 / (1 + q))**2 * np.abs(Omega)**2 / frac_roverR**2
    # Shear stuff:
    gammaint_fac = (-np.exp(2j * theta) * (2 - t) / 2 +
                    (1 - t) * np.exp(1j * theta) * 2 /
                    (1 + q) * Omega / frac_roverR)
    gamma = gamma1 + 1j * gamma2
    aa -= np.abs(gamma)**2
    bb -= 2 * cdot(gamma, gammaint_fac)
    usol = np.array(solvequadeq(cc, bb, aa)).T
    xcr_4, ycr_4 = pol_to_cart(b * usol[:, 1]**(-1 / t) * frac_roverR, theta)
    if t > 1:  # If t>1, get the approximate outer caustic instead (where inverse magnification = maginf).
        usol = np.array(solvequadeq(cc, bb, aa - maginf)).T
        xcr_cut, ycr_cut = pol_to_cart(b * usol[:, 1]**(-1 / t) * frac_roverR,
        usol = np.array(solvequadeq(cc, bb, aa + maginf)).T
        xcr_cut, ycr_cut = pol_to_cart(b * usol[:, 0]**(-1 / t) * frac_roverR,
    al_cut = _alpha_epl_shear(xcr_cut,
    al_4 = _alpha_epl_shear(xcr_4, ycr_4, b, q, t, gamma1, gamma2, Omega=Omega)
    if sourceplane:
        xca_cut, yca_cut = xcr_cut - al_cut.real, ycr_cut - al_cut.imag
        xca_4, yca_4 = xcr_4 - al_4.real, ycr_4 - al_4.imag
        xca_cut, yca_cut = xcr_cut, ycr_cut
        xca_4, yca_4 = xcr_4, ycr_4
    if return_which == 'caustic':
        return M @ (xca_4, yca_4) + cen
    if return_which == 'cut':
        return M @ (xca_cut, yca_cut) + cen

    rcut, thcut = cart_to_pol(xca_cut, yca_cut)
    r, th = cart_to_pol(xca_4, yca_4)
    r2 = np.interp(th, thcut, rcut, period=2 * np.pi)

    if return_which == 'double':
        r = np.fmax(r, r2)
    else:  # Quad
        r = np.fmin(r, r2)

    pos_tosample = np.empty((2, num_th))
    pos_tosample[0], pos_tosample[1] = pol_to_cart(r, th)
    if return_which in ('double', 'quad'):
        return M @ pos_tosample + cen

    return M @ (xca_4, yca_4) + cen, M @ (
        xca_cut, yca_cut
    ) + cen, M @ pos_tosample + cen  # Mostly for some backward compatibility