Exemple #1
def parser(args, **kwargs):
    token_sep = re.compile('(?:([{}])\s*|\s+)'.format(''.join(decorations.keys())))
    parsers = [ split_parser(token_sep, compact=False) ]
    fields = list(starmap(parser_from_header, enumerate(args.header))) # starmap(fn, iterable) ~ [ fn(*args) for args in iterable ]
    parsers.append(lambda m: filter(lambda n: n.unit, m)) # get rid of mesaurements without unit set, in this case, the time field

    return compose(*parsers)
        return unit_dict
    return inner

def map_parser(fn):
    #parser = lambda d: map(fn, d)
    def inner(data):
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, 'map_parser({})({})'.format(fn,data))
        result =  map(fn, data)
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, 'result: {}'.format(result))
        return result
    return inner

# 0R5,Th=25.4242C,Vh=12.4242N,Vs=15.4242V
parse_match = re.compile(r'^0R[1-3],(.*)$')
# Th=25.4242C,Vh=12.4242N,Vs=15.4242V
parsers = [split_parser(',')]
# [ 'Th=25.4242C', 'Vh=12.4242N', 'Vs=15.4242V' ]
value_sep = re.compile(r'(?:=|([a-zA-Z/]+))') # split on a single , or = and strings of one or more letters. group the latter.
# [ '', 'Th', '', None, '25.4242', 'C', 
# [ [ 'Th', '25.4242', 'C' ], [ 'Vh', '12.4242', 'N' ], [ 'Vs', '15.4242', 'V' ] ]
fields = [ (ig_float(1), metric_getter(0), unit_getter(0,2)) ]
parsers.append(map_parser(field_parser(fields, container=False)))
# [ [measurement], [measurement], [measurement] ]

def parser(args, **kwargs):
    return { parse_match: compose(*parsers) }

class WeatherStation(Instrument):
Exemple #3
from lewas.models import Measurement
from weather_station import weather_helper

### Discussion: requiring that we pass metrics and units arrays to
### the parser was not a good design: parsing really doesn't
### require that information, it's just the construction of the
### Measurement object that does. I changed the definition of
### parser to just return a list of coerced values

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys

    string1 = "0R5,Th=25.9C,Vh=12.0N,Vs=15.2V\r\n"

    dataregex = re.compile(r'0R[0-5],(.*)')
    weather_parser = split_parser(regexp=dataregex, delim=",", helper=weather_helper)

    measurements = weather_parser(string1)
    for measurement in measurements:

    ### Let's say we have a sensor that just has a simple output
    ### format of comma separated numbers. 

    print("\nAnother sensor")

    string2 = "sensor2: 23.1,34.3,56,34"

    ### We do need to provide the parser an array of units to use and
    ### metrics, presumably we get this from the sensor's
Exemple #4
#    UnitParser(int, ('time','hour'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'month'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'day'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'hour'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'minute'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'second'), None),

# or will each one be passed a grouped item?
# parsing change
start_parsers = []
start_line = r'^[2-9][0-9]{3}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+(([0-9\.\-]+\s+){24}[0-9\.\-]+)'
start_re = re.compile(start_line)
# this will match start line returning everything past the time
# then we split on whitespace
start_parsers.append(split_parser())  # default is to split on whitespace
# we now have a list of numbers

fields = [
    (ig_float(0, stderr=3), ('water', 'downstream velocity'), 'cm/s'),
    (ig_float(1, stderr=4), ('water', 'lateral velocity'), 'cm/s'),
    (ig_float(2, stderr=5), ('water', 'depth'), 'm'),
    (ig_float(6), ('beam', 'signal strength 1'), 'counts'),
    (ig_float(7), ('beam', 'signal strength 2'), 'counts'),
    (ig_float(8), ('beam', 'signal strength 3'), 'counts'),
    #    (float, 'pings', 'good', None),
    #    (stderr_float, 'package', 'heading', None),
    #    (stderr_float, 'package', 'pitch', None),
    #    (stderr_float, 'package', 'roll', None),
    (ig_float(16), ('water', 'temperature'), 'C'),
    #    (stderr_float, 'water', 'pressure', None),
Exemple #5
def map_parser(fn):
    #parser = lambda d: map(fn, d)
    def inner(data):
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, 'map_parser({})({})'.format(fn, data))
        result = map(fn, data)
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, 'result: {}'.format(result))
        return result

    return inner

# 0R5,Th=25.4242C,Vh=12.4242N,Vs=15.4242V
parse_match = re.compile(r'^0R[1-3],(.*)$')
# Th=25.4242C,Vh=12.4242N,Vs=15.4242V
parsers = [split_parser(',')]
# [ 'Th=25.4242C', 'Vh=12.4242N', 'Vs=15.4242V' ]
value_sep = re.compile(
)  # split on a single , or = and strings of one or more letters. group the latter.
# [ '', 'Th', '', None, '25.4242', 'C',
# [ [ 'Th', '25.4242', 'C' ], [ 'Vh', '12.4242', 'N' ], [ 'Vs', '15.4242', 'V' ] ]
fields = [(ig_float(1), metric_getter(0), unit_getter(0, 2))]
parsers.append(map_parser(field_parser(fields, container=False)))
# [ [measurement], [measurement], [measurement] ]

def parser(args, **kwargs):
Exemple #6
#    UnitParser(int, ('time','hour'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'month'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'day'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'hour'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'minute'), None),
#    UnitParser(int, ('time', 'second'), None),

# or will each one be passed a grouped item?
# parsing change
start_parsers = []
start_line = r"^[2-9][0-9]{3}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+(([0-9\.\-]+\s+){24}[0-9\.\-]+)"
start_re = re.compile(start_line)
# start_parsers.append(split_parser(start_re))
# this will match start line returning everything past the time
# then we split on whitespace
start_parsers.append(split_parser())  # default is to split on whitespace
# we now have a list of numbers

fields = [
    (ig_float(0, stderr=3), ("water", "downstream velocity"), "cm/s"),
    (ig_float(1, stderr=4), ("water", "lateral velocity"), "cm/s"),
    (ig_float(2, stderr=5), ("water", "depth"), "m"),
    (ig_float(6), ("beam", "signal strength 1"), "counts"),
    (ig_float(7), ("beam", "signal strength 2"), "counts"),
    (ig_float(8), ("beam", "signal strength 3"), "counts"),
    #    (float, 'pings', 'good', None),
    #    (stderr_float, 'package', 'heading', None),
    #    (stderr_float, 'package', 'pitch', None),
    #    (stderr_float, 'package', 'roll', None),
    (ig_float(16), ("water", "temperature"), "C"),
    #    (stderr_float, 'water', 'pressure', None),