Exemple #1
# LFP plot options:
lfpfname = '/home/mspacek/dev/blab/natmov/results/PVCre_0113/s01/PVCre_0113_s01_e11_LFP.mat'
lfpchanis = [31] #range(32) # 0-based
f1 = 59 # Hz
relative2t0 = True
lfpfigsize = 5, 2 # inches
title = False
width, tres = 2, 0.5 # s

# plot LFP spectrograms:
lfp = LFP(None, None)
lfpmat = loadmat(lfpfname)
ename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lfpfname))[0].rstrip('_LFP') + '_specgram'
lfp.data = lfpmat['lfp'] * 1000 # convert from mV to uV
tlfp = intround(lfpmat['tlfp'][0] * 1e6) # convert from s to nearest us
lfp.t0, lfp.t1 = tlfp[0], tlfp[-1]
lfp.tres = intround((np.diff(tlfp)).mean()) # us
lfp.sampfreq = intround(1e6 / lfp.tres) # Hz
for chani in lfpchanis:
    lfp.specgram(f1=f1, chanis=chani, width=width, tres=tres, relative2t0=relative2t0,
                 title=title, reclabel=False, figsize=lfpfigsize)
    titlestr = ename + '_c%d' % (chani+1) # 1-based chan ID

# plot runspeed as a color map:
width, tres = 10, 0.5 # s
minspeed = 1 # cm/s, otherwise considered at rest
runfname = '/home/mspacek/dev/blab/natmov/results/PVCre_0113/s01/PVCre_0113_s01_e11_runspeed.mat'
runmat = loadmat(runfname)
ename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(runfname))[0]