def test_vector_multiply(self): # Check that vector_multiply calculates the right values
        inputMatrix = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_matrix(lgsvl.Transform(lgsvl.Vector(1,2,3), lgsvl.Vector(4,5,6)))
        inputVector = lgsvl.Vector(10,20,30)
        expectedVector = lgsvl.Vector(11.560345883724906, 20.792029959836434, 33.58330761714148)

        vector = lgsvl.utils.vector_multiply(inputVector, inputMatrix)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(vector.x, expectedVector.x)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(vector.y, expectedVector.y)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(vector.z, expectedVector.z)
 def test_matrix_inverse(self): # Check that matrix_inverse calculates the right values
     inputMatrix = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_matrix(lgsvl.Transform(lgsvl.Vector(1,2,3), lgsvl.Vector(4,5,6)))
     expectedMatrix = [[0.9913729386253347, -0.0980843287345578, 0.08694343573875718, 0.0], \
                         [0.10427383718471564, 0.9920992900156518, -0.0697564737441253, 0.0], \
                         [-0.07941450396586013, 0.07822060602635744, 0.9937680178757644, 0.0], \
                         [-0.9616771010971856, -2.120776069375818, -2.9287345418778, 1.0]]
     matrix = lgsvl.utils.matrix_inverse(inputMatrix)
     for i in range(4):
         for j in range(4):
                 self.assertAlmostEqual(matrix[i][j], expectedMatrix[i][j])
 def test_matrix_multiply(self): # Check that matrix_multiply calculates the right values
     inputMatrix = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_matrix(lgsvl.Transform(lgsvl.Vector(1,2,3), lgsvl.Vector(4,5,6)))
     expectedMatrix = [[0.9656881042915112, 0.21236393599051254, -0.1494926216255657, 0.0], \
                         [-0.18774677387638924, 0.9685769782741936, 0.1631250626244768, 0.0], \
                         [0.1794369920860106, -0.12946117505974142, 0.9752139098799174, 0.0], \
                         [2.0560345883724906, 3.8792029959836434, 6.058330761714148, 1.0]]
     matrix = lgsvl.utils.matrix_multiply(inputMatrix, inputMatrix)
     for i in range(4):
         for j in range(4):
                 self.assertAlmostEqual(matrix[i][j], expectedMatrix[i][j])
    def test_transform_to_matrix(self):
        transform = lgsvl.Transform(lgsvl.Vector(1,2,3), lgsvl.Vector(4,5,6))
        expectedMatrix = [[0.9913729386253347, 0.10427383718471564, -0.07941450396586013, 0.0], \
                            [-0.0980843287345578, 0.9920992900156518, 0.07822060602635744, 0.0], \
                            [0.08694343573875718, -0.0697564737441253, 0.9937680178757644, 0.0], \
                            [1, 2, 3, 1.0]]

        matrix = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_matrix(transform)
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(matrix[i][j], expectedMatrix[i][j])
Exemple #5
    def get_ego_random_transform(self):
        origin = lgsvl.Transform()
        sx = origin.position.x
        sy = origin.position.y
        sz = origin.position.z

        mindist = 0.0
        maxdist = 700.0
        angle = random.uniform(0.0, 2 * math.pi)
        dist = random.uniform(mindist, maxdist)
        point = lgsvl.Vector(sx + dist * math.cos(angle), sy,
                             sz + dist * math.sin(angle))

        transform = self.sim.map_point_on_lane(point)

        return transform
print("Python API Quickstart #34: Setting the fixed camera position")
env = Env()

sim = lgsvl.Simulator(
if sim.current_scene == lgsvl.wise.DefaultAssets.map_borregasave:

# This creates a transform in Unity world coordinates
tr = lgsvl.Transform(lgsvl.Vector(10, 50, 0), lgsvl.Vector(90, 0, 0))

spawns = sim.get_spawn()

state = lgsvl.AgentState()
state.transform = spawns[0]
forward = lgsvl.utils.transform_to_forward(spawns[0])
state.velocity = 20 * forward
ego = sim.add_agent(
    lgsvl.AgentType.EGO, state)

# This function sets the camera to free state and applies the transform to the camera rig
print("Set transform: {}".format(tr))
Exemple #7
    def set_destination(self, x_long_east, z_lat_north, y=0, coord_type=CoordType.Unity):
        This function can accept a variety of Coordinate systems

        If using Unity World Coordinate System:
        x_long_east = x
        z_lat_north = z
        y = y

        If using Latitude/Longitude:
        x_long_east = Longitude
        z_lat_north = Latitude

        If using Easting/Northing:
        x_long_east = Easting
        z_lat_north = Northing
        current_pos = self.ego.state.transform
        current_gps = self.sim.map_to_gps(current_pos)
        heading = math.radians(current_gps.orientation)

        # Start position should be the position of the GPS
        # Unity returns the position of the center of the vehicle so adjustment is required
        northing_adjustment = (
            math.sin(heading) * self.gps_offset.z - math.cos(heading) * self.gps_offset.x
        easting_adjustment = (
            math.cos(heading) * self.gps_offset.z + math.sin(heading) * self.gps_offset.x

        if coord_type == CoordType.Unity:
            transform = lgsvl.Transform(
                lgsvl.Vector(x_long_east, y, z_lat_north), lgsvl.Vector(0, 0, 0)
            gps = self.sim.map_to_gps(transform)
            dest_x = gps.easting
            dest_y = gps.northing

        elif coord_type == CoordType.Northing:
            dest_x = x_long_east
            dest_y = z_lat_north

        elif coord_type == CoordType.Latitude:
            transform = self.sim.map_from_gps(longitude=x_long_east, latitude=z_lat_north)
            gps = self.sim.map_to_gps(transform)
            dest_x = gps.easting
            dest_y = gps.northing

                "Please input a valid Coordinate Type: Unity position, Easting/Northing, or Longitude/Latitude"
                    "type": "SendRoutingRequest",
                    "start": {
                        "x": current_gps.easting + easting_adjustment,
                        "y": current_gps.northing + northing_adjustment,
                        "z": 0,
                        "heading": heading,
                    "end": {"x": dest_x, "y": dest_y, "z": 0},
                    "waypoint": "[]",
