Exemple #1
	def get_setting(self):
		get device setting via adb
		db_name = "/data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db"
		system_settings = {}
		out = adb.shell("sqlite3 %s \"select * from %s\"" % (db_name, "system"))
		out_lines = out.splitlines()
		for line in out.splitlines():
			segs = line.split("|")
			if len(segs) != 3:
			system_settings[segs[1]] = segs[2]

		secure_settings = {}
		out = adb.shell("sqlite3 %s \"select * from %s\"" % (db_name, "secure"))
		out_lines = out.splitlines()
		for line in out_lines:
			segs = line.split("|")
			if len(segs) != 3:
			secure_settings[segs[1]] = segs[2]

		self.settings["system"] = system_settings
		self.settings["secure"] = secure_settings
		return self.settings
Exemple #2
    def dump(self, window = -1, sleep = 1):
        if sleep > 0:
        version = adb.getSDKVersion()
        if version >= 23:
            pathname = '/storage/self'
            filename = 'window_dump.xml'
            cmd = 'sh /system/bin/uiautomator dump --compressed %s/%s >/dev/null' % (pathname, filename)
            cmd = 'cat %s/%s' % (pathname, filename)
            received = adb.shell(cmd)
            if version >= 18:
                adb.shell('sh /system/bin/uiautomator dump --compressed window_dump.xml')
                received = adb.shell('cat window_dump.xml')
                adb.shell('sh /system/bin/uiautomator dump window_dump.xml')
                received = adb.shell('cat window_dump.xml')

        if received:
            received = unicode(received, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'replace')
        if not received:
            raise RuntimeError('ERROR: Empty UiAutomator dump was received')


        return self.views
Exemple #3
	def change_settings(self, table_name, name, value):
		dangerous method, by calling this, change settings.db in device
		be very careful for sql injection
		:param table_name: table name to work on, usually it is system or secure
		:param name: settings name to set
		:param value: settings value to set
		db_name = "/data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db"

		adb.shell("sqlite3 %s \"update %s set value='%s' where name='%s'" 
										% (db_name, table_name, value, name))
		return True
Exemple #4
	def send_intent(self, intent):
		send an intent to device via am (ActivityManager)
		:param intent: instance of Intent
		assert intent is not None
		cmd = intent.get_cmd()
		return adb.shell(cmd)
Exemple #5
	def start_activity_via_monkey(self, package):
		use monkey to start activity
		cmd = "monkey"
		if package:
			cmd += " -p %s" % package
		out = adb.shell(cmd)
		if re.search(r"(Error)|(Cannot find 'App')", out, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE):
			raise RuntimeError(out)
Exemple #6
	def get_package_path(self, package_name):
		get installation path of a package (app)
		:param package_name:
		:return: package path of app in device
		dat = adb.shell("pm path %s" % package_name)
		package_path_RE = re.compile("^package:(.+)$")
		m = package_path_RE.match(dat)
		if m:
			path = m.group(1)
			return path.strip()
		return None
Exemple #7
 def send(self, device):
     data = adb.shell(self.intent)
     return True
Exemple #8
    def __dumpWindowsInformation(self, debug=False):
        self.windows = {}
        self.currentFocus = None
        dww = adb.shell('dumpsys window windows')
        lines = dww.splitlines()
        widRE = re.compile('^ *Window #%s Window\{%s (u\d+ )?%s?.*\}:' %
                            (_nd('num'), _nh('winId'), _ns('activity', greedy=True)))
        currentFocusRE = re.compile('^  mCurrentFocus=Window\{%s .*' % _nh('winId'))
        viewVisibilityRE = re.compile(' mViewVisibility=0x%s ' % _nh('visibility'))
        # This is for 4.0.4 API-15
        containingFrameRE = re.compile('^   *mContainingFrame=\[%s,%s\]\[%s,%s\] mParentFrame=\[%s,%s\]\[%s,%s\]' %
                             (_nd('cx'), _nd('cy'), _nd('cw'), _nd('ch'), _nd('px'), _nd('py'), _nd('pw'), _nd('ph')))
        contentFrameRE = re.compile('^   *mContentFrame=\[%s,%s\]\[%s,%s\] mVisibleFrame=\[%s,%s\]\[%s,%s\]' %
                             (_nd('x'), _nd('y'), _nd('w'), _nd('h'), _nd('vx'), _nd('vy'), _nd('vx1'), _nd('vy1')))
        # This is for 4.1 API-16
        framesRE = re.compile('^   *Frames: containing=\[%s,%s\]\[%s,%s\] parent=\[%s,%s\]\[%s,%s\]' %
                               (_nd('cx'), _nd('cy'), _nd('cw'), _nd('ch'), _nd('px'), _nd('py'), _nd('pw'), _nd('ph')))
        contentRE = re.compile('^     *content=\[%s,%s\]\[%s,%s\] visible=\[%s,%s\]\[%s,%s\]' %
                               (_nd('x'), _nd('y'), _nd('w'), _nd('h'), _nd('vx'), _nd('vy'), _nd('vx1'), _nd('vy1')))
        policyVisibilityRE = re.compile('mPolicyVisibility=%s ' % _ns('policyVisibility', greedy=True))

        for l in range(len(lines)):
            m = widRE.search(lines[l])
            if m:
                num = int(m.group('num'))
                winId = m.group('winId')
                activity = m.group('activity')
                wvx = 0
                wvy = 0
                wvw = 0
                wvh = 0
                px = 0
                py = 0
                visibility = -1
                policyVisibility = 0x0

                for l2 in range(l+1, len(lines)):
                    m = widRE.search(lines[l2])
                    if m:
                        l += (l2-1)
                    m = viewVisibilityRE.search(lines[l2])
                    if m:
                        visibility = int(m.group('visibility'))
                    if self.build[VERSION_SDK_PROPERTY] >= 17:
                        m = framesRE.search(lines[l2])
                        if m:
                            px, py = obtainPxPy(m)
                            m = contentRE.search(lines[l2+2])
                            if m:
                                wvx, wvy = obtainVxVy(m)
                                wvw, wvh = obtainVwVh(m)
                    elif self.build[VERSION_SDK_PROPERTY] >= 16:
                        m = framesRE.search(lines[l2])
                        if m:
                            px, py = self.__obtainPxPy(m)
                            m = contentRE.search(lines[l2+1])
                            if m:
                                # FIXME: the information provided by 'dumpsys window windows' in 4.2.1 (API 16)
                                # when there's a system dialog may not be correct and causes the View coordinates
                                # be offset by this amount, see
                                # https://github.com/dtmilano/AndroidViewClient/issues/29
                                wvx, wvy = self.__obtainVxVy(m)
                                wvw, wvh = self.__obtainVwVh(m)
                    elif self.build[VERSION_SDK_PROPERTY] == 15:
                        m = containingFrameRE.search(lines[l2])
                        if m:
                            px, py = self.__obtainPxPy(m)
                            m = contentFrameRE.search(lines[l2+1])
                            if m:
                                wvx, wvy = self.__obtainVxVy(m)
                                wvw, wvh = self.__obtainVwVh(m)
                    elif self.build[VERSION_SDK_PROPERTY] == 10:
                        m = containingFrameRE.search(lines[l2])
                        if m:
                            px, py = self.__obtainPxPy(m)
                            m = contentFrameRE.search(lines[l2+1])
                            if m:
                                wvx, wvy = self.__obtainVxVy(m)
                                wvw, wvh = self.__obtainVwVh(m)
                        warnings.warn("Unsupported Android version %d" % self.build[VERSION_SDK_PROPERTY])

                    #print >> sys.stderr, "Searching policyVisibility in", lines[l2]
                    m = policyVisibilityRE.search(lines[l2])
                    if m:
                        policyVisibility = 0x0 if m.group('policyVisibility') == 'true' else 0x8

                self.windows[winId] = Window(num, winId, activity, wvx, wvy, wvw, wvh, px, py, visibility + policyVisibility)
                m = currentFocusRE.search(lines[l])
                if m:
                    self.currentFocus = m.group('winId')

        if  self.windowId and self.windowId in self.windows and self.windows[self.windowId].visibility == 0:
            w = self.windows[self.windowId]
            return (w.wvx, w.wvy)
        elif self.currentFocus in self.windows and self.windows[self.currentFocus].visibility == 0:
            w = self.windows[self.currentFocus]
            return (w.wvx, w.wvy)
            return (0,0)