def testExpiredTerm(self, mock_warn): aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + EXPIRED_TERM, self.naming), EXP_INFO) mock_warn.assert_called_once_with( 'WARNING: Term %s in policy %s is expired and will not ' 'be rendered.', 'is-expired', 'test-filter')
def testBuildTokens(self): aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_SIMPLE, self.naming), EXP_INFO) st, sst = aru._BuildTokens() self.assertEqual(SUPPORTED_TOKENS, st) self.assertEqual(SUPPORTED_SUB_TOKENS, sst)
def testBuildTokens(self): """Test also covers all platform subclasses.""" pol1 = aruba.Aruba(policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_IPV4 + GOOD_TERM_IPV4, self.naming), EXP_INFO) st, sst = pol1._BuildTokens() self.assertEquals(st, SUPPORTED_TOKENS) self.assertEquals(sst, SUPPORTED_SUB_TOKENS)
def testMultipleTermsIPv6(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ netdestination6 good-terms-combined-1_src host 2001:: network 2002::/64 ! netdestination6 good-terms-combined-1_dst host 2001:: network 2002::/64 ! ip access-list session test-filter ipv6 alias good-terms-combined-1_src alias good-terms-combined-1_dst udp 69 permit ipv6 any any any deny ! """ self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = [ nacaddr.IP('2002::/64'), nacaddr.IP('2001::/128') ] self.naming.GetServiceByProto.return_value = ['69'] aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy( GOOD_HEADER_V6 + GOOD_TERMS_COMBINED_SINGLE_CASE, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testNetdestination6(self): self.naming.GetNetAddr('SERVERS').AndReturn(TEST_IPS) self.mox.ReplayAll() acl = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_IPV6 + GOOD_TERM_IPV6, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertTrue('netdestination6 SERVER-LIST_6' in str(acl)) self.assertTrue(' host 2001:4860:8000::5' in str(acl)) self.assertFalse(' host' in str(acl))
def testExpiringTerm(self, mock_info): exp_date = + datetime.timedelta(weeks=EXP_INFO) aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy( GOOD_HEADER_V4 + EXPIRING_TERM % exp_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), self.naming), EXP_INFO) mock_info.assert_called_once_with( 'INFO: Term %s in policy %s expires in ' 'less than two weeks.', 'is-expiring', 'test-filter')
def testNetdestination(self): self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = TEST_IPS acl = aruba.Aruba(policy.ParsePolicy( GOOD_HEADER_IPV4 + GOOD_TERM_IPV4, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertTrue('netdestination SERVER-LIST' in str(acl)) self.assertTrue(' host' in str(acl)) self.assertFalse(' host fc01:2345:8000::5' in str(acl)) self.naming.GetNetAddr.assert_called_once_with('SERVERS')
def testNegateAny(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ ip access-list session test-filter no any any any permit ! """ aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_NEGATE_2, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testTermDenyAnyAnyIPv6(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ ip access-list session test-filter ipv6 any any any deny ! """ aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V6 + GOOD_TERM_DENY_ANY_ANY, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testTermAllowAnyAnyIPv4(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ ip access-list session test-filter any any any permit ! """ aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_ALLOW_ANY_ANY, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testProtocolMap(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ ip access-list session test-filter any any 1 permit any any 47 permit any any 50 permit ! """ aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_PROTOCOL_MAP, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testShortComment(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ ip access-list session test-filter # It will be huge. # Owner: djtrump any any any deny ! """ aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_SHORT_COMMENT, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testVerbatim(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ ip access-list session test-filter aruba uses some odd ACL format which is kinda like, weird any any any permit ! """ aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy( GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_VERBATIM + GOOD_TERM_ALLOW_ANY_ANY, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testNegateWithNetwork(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ netdestination good-term-negate_src network ! ip access-list session test-filter no alias good-term-negate_src any any deny ! """ self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = [nacaddr.IP('')] aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_NEGATE_1, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testLongWrappedComment(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ ip access-list session test-filter # Two households, both alike in dignity, # In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, # From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil # hands unclean. # Owner: wshakespeare any any any permit ! """ aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_LONG_COMMENT, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testProtocolIsContiguousRange(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ netdestination good-term-destination-is-user_src network ! ip access-list session test-filter alias good-term-destination-is-user_src user tcp 53 55 permit ! """ self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = [nacaddr.IP('')] self.naming.GetServiceByProto.return_value = ['53-55', '54'] aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_DESTINATION_IS_USER, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testSingleNetdestinationIPv6(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ netdestination6 gt-one-netd_src host 2001:: ! ip access-list session test-filter ipv6 alias gt-one-netd_src any 1 permit ! """ self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = [nacaddr.IP('2001::/128')] aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy( GOOD_HEADER_V6 + GOOD_TERM_SINGLE_NETDESTINATION, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testSourceIsUser(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ netdestination good-term-source-is-user_dst network ! ip access-list session test-filter user alias good-term-source-is-user_dst tcp 53 permit ! """ self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = [nacaddr.IP('')] self.naming.GetServiceByProto.return_value = ['53'] aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_SOURCE_IS_USER, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testMultipleCallsSingleNetdestinationsBlock(self): expected_result = textwrap.dedent("""\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ netdestination gt-one-netd_src host ! ip access-list session test-filter alias gt-one-netd_src any 1 permit ! """) self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = [nacaddr.IP('')] aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy( GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_SINGLE_NETDESTINATION, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(expected_result, str(aru)) self.assertEqual(expected_result, str(aru))
def testTwoNetdestinationsIPv4(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ netdestination gt-two-netd_src host ! netdestination gt-two-netd_dst host ! ip access-list session test-filter alias gt-two-netd_src alias gt-two-netd_dst 1 permit ! """ self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = [nacaddr.IP('')] aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy(GOOD_HEADER_V4 + GOOD_TERM_TWO_NETDESTINATIONS, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testTwoNetworkNetdestinationsIPv6(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ netdestination6 gt-mix-netd_src network 2001::/64 ! netdestination6 gt-mix-netd_dst network 2001::/64 ! ip access-list session test-filter ipv6 alias gt-mix-netd_src alias gt-mix-netd_dst 1 permit ! """ self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = [nacaddr.IP('2001::/64')] aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy( GOOD_HEADER_V6 + GOOD_TERM_TWO_NETWORK_NETDESTINATIONS, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def testCombinedNetdestinationsIPv6(self): expected_result = """\ # $Id:$ # $Date:$ # $Revision:$ netdestination6 good-term-combined-netdestinations_src host 2001:: network 2002::/64 ! ip access-list session test-filter ipv6 alias good-term-combined-netdestinations_src any tcp 80 deny ! """ self.naming.GetNetAddr.return_value = [ nacaddr.IP('2002::/64'), nacaddr.IP('2001::/128') ] self.naming.GetServiceByProto.return_value = ['80'] aru = aruba.Aruba( policy.ParsePolicy( GOOD_HEADER_V6 + GOOD_TERM_COMBINED_NETDESTINATIONS, self.naming), EXP_INFO) self.assertEqual(textwrap.dedent(expected_result), str(aru))
def RenderFile(input_file, output_directory, definitions, exp_info, write_files): """Render a single file. Args: input_file: the name of the input policy file. output_directory: the directory in which we place the rendered file. definitions: the definitions from naming.Naming(). exp_info: print a info message when a term is set to expire in that many weeks. write_files: a list of file tuples, (output_file, acl_text), to write """ logging.debug('rendering file: %s into %s', input_file, output_directory) pol = None jcl = False acl = False asacl = False aacl = False bacl = False eacl = False gcefw = False ips = False ipt = False spd = False nsx = False pcap_accept = False pcap_deny = False pf = False srx = False jsl = False nft = False win_afw = False xacl = False paloalto = False try: conf = open(input_file).read() logging.debug('opened and read %s', input_file) except IOError as e: logging.warn('bad file: \n%s', e) raise try: pol = policy.ParsePolicy(conf, definitions, optimize=FLAGS.optimize, base_dir=FLAGS.base_directory, shade_check=FLAGS.shade_check) except policy.ShadingError as e: logging.warn('shading errors for %s:\n%s', input_file, e) return except (policy.Error, naming.Error): raise ACLParserError( 'Error parsing policy file %s:\n%s%s' % (input_file, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) platforms = set() for header in pol.headers: platforms.update(header.platforms) if 'juniper' in platforms: jcl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'cisco' in platforms: acl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'ciscoasa' in platforms: asacl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'brocade' in platforms: bacl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'arista' in platforms: eacl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'aruba' in platforms: aacl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'ipset' in platforms: ips = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'iptables' in platforms: ipt = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'nsxv' in platforms: nsx = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'packetfilter' in platforms: pf = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'pcap' in platforms: pcap_accept = copy.deepcopy(pol) pcap_deny = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'speedway' in platforms: spd = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'srx' in platforms: srx = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'srxlo' in platforms: jsl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'windows_advfirewall' in platforms: win_afw = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'ciscoxr' in platforms: xacl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'nftables' in platforms: nft = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'gce' in platforms: gcefw = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'paloalto' in platforms: paloalto = copy.deepcopy(pol) if not output_directory.endswith('/'): output_directory += '/' try: if jcl: acl_obj = juniper.Juniper(jcl, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if srx: acl_obj = junipersrx.JuniperSRX(srx, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if acl: acl_obj = cisco.Cisco(acl, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if asacl: acl_obj = ciscoasa.CiscoASA(acl, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if aacl: acl_obj = aruba.Aruba(aacl, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if bacl: acl_obj = brocade.Brocade(bacl, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if eacl: acl_obj = arista.Arista(eacl, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if ips: acl_obj = ipset.Ipset(ips, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if ipt: acl_obj = iptables.Iptables(ipt, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if nsx: acl_obj = nsxv.Nsxv(nsx, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if spd: acl_obj = speedway.Speedway(spd, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if pcap_accept: acl_obj = pcap.PcapFilter(pcap_accept, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), '-accept' + acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if pcap_deny: acl_obj = pcap.PcapFilter(pcap_deny, exp_info, invert=True) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), '-deny' + acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if pf: acl_obj = packetfilter.PacketFilter(pf, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if win_afw: acl_obj = windows_advfirewall.WindowsAdvFirewall(win_afw, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if jsl: acl_obj = srxlo.SRXlo(jsl, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if xacl: acl_obj = ciscoxr.CiscoXR(xacl, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if nft: acl_obj = nftables.Nftables(nft, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if gcefw: acl_obj = gce.GCE(gcefw, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) if paloalto: acl_obj = paloaltofw.PaloAltoFW(paloalto, exp_info) RenderACL(str(acl_obj), acl_obj.SUFFIX, output_directory, input_file, write_files) # TODO(robankeny) add additional errors. except (juniper.Error, junipersrx.Error, cisco.Error, ipset.Error, iptables.Error, speedway.Error, pcap.Error, aclgenerator.Error, aruba.Error, nftables.Error, gce.Error): raise ACLGeneratorError( 'Error generating target ACL for %s:\n%s%s' % (input_file, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def render_filters(source_file, definitions_obj, shade_check, exp_info): count = 0 [(eacl, aacl, bacl, jcl, acl, asa, xacl, ipt, ips, pf, spd, spk, srx, dem) ] = [(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)] pol = policy.ParsePolicy(open(source_file).read(), definitions_obj, shade_check=shade_check) for header in pol.headers: if 'arista' in header.platforms: eacl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'aruba' in header.platforms: aacl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'brocade' in header.platforms: bacl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'juniper' in header.platforms: jcl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'cisco' in header.platforms: acl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'ciscoasa' in header.platforms: asa = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'ciscoxr' in header.platforms: xacl = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'iptables' in header.platforms: ipt = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'ipset' in header.platforms: ips = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'packetfilter' in header.platforms: pf = copy.deepcopy(pol) if 'speedway' in header.platforms: spd = copy.deepcopy(pol) # SRX needs to be un-optimized for correct building of the address book # entries. if 'srx' in header.platforms: unoptimized_pol = policy.ParsePolicy(open(source_file).read(), definitions_obj, optimize=False) srx = copy.deepcopy(unoptimized_pol) if 'demo' in header.platforms: dem = copy.deepcopy(pol) if eacl: fw = arista.Arista(eacl, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if aacl: fw = aruba.Aruba(aacl, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if bacl: fw = brocade.Brocade(bacl, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if jcl: fw = juniper.Juniper(jcl, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if acl: fw = cisco.Cisco(acl, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if asa: fw = ciscoasa.CiscoASA(asa, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if xacl: fw = ciscoxr.CiscoXR(xacl, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if ipt: fw = iptables.Iptables(ipt, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if ips: fw = ipset.Ipset(ips, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if pf: fw = packetfilter.PacketFilter(pf, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if spd: fw = speedway.Speedway(spd, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if srx: fw = junipersrx.JuniperSRX(srx, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 if dem: fw = demo.Demo(dem, exp_info) do_output_filter(str(fw), filter_name(source_file, fw._SUFFIX)) count += 1 return count
def testBuildWarningTokens(self): t = GOOD_HEADER_IPV4 + GOOD_TERM_IPV4_1 pol1 = aruba.Aruba(policy.ParsePolicy(t, self.naming), EXP_INFO) st, sst = pol1._BuildTokens() self.assertEquals(st, SUPPORTED_TOKENS) self.assertEquals(sst, SUPPORTED_SUB_TOKENS)