Exemple #1
 def set_server_preconditions(self):
     Set any server preconditions before running the tests
     LOG.info('Stop maintenance windows')
     result = self.server_ssh.run_command('avmaint sched stop --ava')
     LOG.info('Result: %s' % result)
 def generate_cmd(self, cmd, optionlist=[]):
     This function is used to generate command 
     if optionlist:
         for option in optionlist:
             cmd = cmd + ' ' + option
         LOG.info("%s" % cmd)
     return cmd
Exemple #3
 def mapall_root(self, cmd):
     Execute mapall --user=root command.
     @cmd: The command to execute, if have special characters, need escape.
     cmd = r'echo %s | su - root -c "ssh-agent bash -c \"ssh-add /root/.ssh/rootid;mapall --user=root \'%s\'\""' \
         % (self.root_password, cmd)
     result = self.server_ssh.run_command(cmd)
     LOG.info('Run cmd: %s, result: %s' % (cmd, str(result)))
     return result[2]
Exemple #4
 def show_summary_result(self):
     Show summary result of backup, restore, replicate speed.
     Save summary result in json format on server.
     LOG.info('Log directory: %s' % self.log_dir)
     LOG.info('Data set size: %s %s' % (self.total_size, self.size_unit))
     LOG.info('Backup speed: %s GB/hour' % self.backup_speed)
     LOG.info('Restore speed: %s GB/hour' % self.restore_speed)
     LOG.info('Replicate speed: %s GB/hour' % self.replicate_speed)
     with open(self.test_summary, 'wb') as fp:
         json.dump(self.summary, fp)
Exemple #5
 def check_gsan_log(self, msg):
     Check whether the given message exist in gsan logs.
     @msg: The message to find in gsan logs.
     LOG.info('Check %s in gsan log' % msg)
     cmd = 'eval `ssh-agent`;eval `ssh-add ~/.ssh/dpnid`;mapall "tail -1000 /data01/cur/gsan.log|egrep \\\"%s\\\""' % msg
     result = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
     if result[2] != 0:
         return False
         return True
Exemple #6
 def create_directory(self, directory):
     Create directory on remote server.
     @directory: Directory path.
     cmd = 'mkdir -p %s' % directory
     result = self.server_ssh.run_command(cmd)
     if result[2] != 0:
         LOG.error('Failed to created directory: %s' % directory)
         return False
     LOG.info('Created directory: %s' % directory)
     return True
Exemple #7
 def rotate_key(self):
     Generate a new key on KMIP server and retrieved/rotated into GSAN.
     cmd = 'avmaint atrestencryption --akmkey --ava'
     std_out, std_err, ret_code = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
     LOG.info('Output: %s, Error: %s, Return code: %s' % (std_out, std_err, ret_code))
     if ret_code == 0:
         if 'ERROR' in std_out.upper() or 'ERROR' in std_err.upper():
             return False
         return True
         return False
Exemple #8
 def wipe_workdir(self, directory):
     Wipe work directory on remote server.
     @directory: Directory path.
     cmd = 'mv %s %s_%s; mkdir -p %s' % (directory, directory, self.ts,
     # cmd = 'rm -rf %s/*' % directory
     result = self.server_ssh.run_command(cmd)
     if result[2] != 0:
         LOG.error('Failed to wipe work directory: %s' % directory)
         return False
     LOG.info('Wiped work directory: %s' % directory)
     return True
Exemple #9
    def perf_restore(self):
        Extract from Avamar server with some data and calculate restore rate.
        elapsed_minutes = []
        restore_dir = '/home/admin/data_set/restore'
        sn_list = self.avtar.get_backup_sequence_number(
            self.server, self.root_user, self.root_password, self.account)

        for index, sn in enumerate(sn_list[0:self.count]):
            self.dg.remove_data(restore_dir, force=True)
            Utils.create_directory(self.client_ssh, restore_dir)
            log_file = 'avtar_restore_%s.log' % sn
            log_file = os.path.join(self.log_dir, log_file)
            res = self.avtar.extract_backup(self.server,
                                            options='--logfile=%s' % log_file)

            if res != 0:
                LOG.error('Restore file failed, sequence number %s.' % sn)
                return False
            elapsed = self.analyze_log(self.client_ssh, log_file)
            if elapsed is None:
                LOG.error('Can not get elapsed time from log file.')
                return False
            speed = self.calculate_speed(self.size, elapsed)
            LOG.info('[%s] Restored %s %s in %s minutes: %s GB/hour.' %
                     (index + 1, self.size, self.size_unit, elapsed, speed))
        overall_elapsed = sum(elapsed_minutes)
        overall_speed = self.calculate_speed(self.total_size, overall_elapsed)
        self.restore_elapsed = overall_elapsed
        self.restore_speed = overall_speed
        self.summary['Restore'] = {
            'Type': 'Restore',
            'File Size': self.size_str,
            'File Count': self.count,
            'Total Size': self.total_size_str,
            'Test Time (mins)': overall_elapsed,
            'Rate (GB/Hr)': overall_speed
            'Restored %s %s in %s minutes: %s GB/hour.' %
            (self.total_size, self.size_unit, overall_elapsed, overall_speed))
        self.dg.remove_data(restore_dir, force=True)
        return True
 def get_memory_total(self):
     Get total memory size from /proc/meminfo, convert unit to GB
     cmd = "cat /proc/meminfo|grep MemTotal|awk '{print $2}'"
     result = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
     if result[2]:
         LOG.error('Failed with return code:%s, stdout:[%s], stderr:[%s]' %
                   (result[2], result[0], result[1]))
         return -1
         size = float(result[0]) / 1024 / 1024
         LOG.info('Total memory size: %s' % size)
         return size
Exemple #11
 def add_ops(self, op, object_name, *args, **kwargs):
     Add operation for task, called by taskgroup class
     if op != "add_class" and op != "add_method" and op != "ssh_reconn":
         raise Exception, "Invalid op:%s ,should be add_class or add_method" % (
     if type(object_name) == StringType:
         LOG.info("Add operation %s:%s" % (op, object_name))
         LOG.info("Add operation %s" % (op))
     oplist = (op, object_name, args, kwargs, None, None)
     return True
Exemple #12
 def run_install_akm(self, root_password, address, username, password):
     Use installAKM.sh script installs, configures, and starts Avamar
     Key Manager. Return result without checking.
     @root_password: Avamar server root user password.
     @address: IP Address or FQDN and port of the kmip server.
     @username: User Name in client public PEM.
     @password: Password for the Avamar system’s private key certificate.
     cmd = 'echo %s | su - root -c "ssh-agent bash -c \\\"ssh-add /root/.ssh/rootid;echo \'%s\' | installAKM.sh --ip=%s --username=%s\\\""' \
         % (root_password, password, address, username)
     LOG.info('Execute command: %s' % cmd)
     result = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
     LOG.info('Install AKM result: %s' % result)
     return result
Exemple #13
 def get_salts_number(self):
     Get number of salts retrieved from KMIP server.
     cmd = 'avmaint nodelist | grep salts'
     std_out, std_err, ret_code = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
     LOG.info('Output: %s, Error: %s, Return code: %s' % (std_out, std_err, ret_code))
     if ret_code == 0:
         m = re.search('nr-salts="(\d+)"/>', std_out)
         if m:
             return int(m.group(1))
             return False
         return False
Exemple #14
 def perf_backup(self):
     Fill the Avamar server with some data and calculate backup rate.
     elapsed_minutes = []
     for index in range(self.count):
         data_set = '/home/admin/data_set/backup'
         log_file = 'avtar_backup_%s%s_%s.log' % (self.size, self.size_unit,
         log_file = os.path.join(self.log_dir, log_file)
         options = '--logfile=%s --nocache=true' % log_file
         if self.ddr:
             options += ' --ddr --ddr-index=%s' % self.ddr_index
         self.dg.generate_file(data_set, self.size, self.size_unit, 1)
         res = self.avtar.create_backup(self.server,
         if res != 0:
             LOG.error('Backup file failed.')
             return False
         elapsed = self.analyze_log(self.client_ssh, log_file)
         if elapsed is None:
             LOG.error('Can not get elapsed time from log file.')
             return False
         speed = self.calculate_speed(self.size, elapsed)
         LOG.info('[%s] Backed-up %s %s in %s minutes: %s GB/hour.' %
                  (index + 1, self.size, self.size_unit, elapsed, speed))
     overall_elapsed = sum(elapsed_minutes)
     overall_speed = self.calculate_speed(self.total_size, overall_elapsed)
     self.backup_elapsed = overall_elapsed
     self.backup_speed = overall_speed
     self.summary['Backup'] = {
         'Type': 'Backup',
         'File Size': self.size_str,
         'File Count': self.count,
         'Total Size': self.total_size_str,
         'Test Time (mins)': overall_elapsed,
         'Rate (GB/Hr)': overall_speed
         'Backed-up %s %s in %s minutes: %s GB/hour.' %
         (self.total_size, self.size_unit, overall_elapsed, overall_speed))
     return True
Exemple #15
 def get_cp_attribute(self, cp_name, attribute):
     Get the attribute value  of the specific check point. call command "avmaint lscp"
     @cp_name:    String;The checkpoint name to be search
     @attribute:      String;The attribute name of the specific check point.
     @output:    String or False; The attribute value of the specific check point
     cpobjs = self._get_all_status()
     if (cpobjs == False): return False
     for cpobj in cpobjs:
         LOG.info("cpobj.tag:%s" % (cpobj.tag))
         if (cpobj.tag == cp_name):
             for name, value in vars(cpobj).items():
                 LOG.info("name=%s value=%s" % (name, value))
                 if (name == attribute): return value
     LOG.warn("%s: Failed to get checkpoint:%s attribute %s" %
              (self.__classname, cp_name, attribute))
     return False
Exemple #16
 def set_password(self, password):
     Set a new password to access the salt table in the persistent store.
     @password:  The new salt table password. password can contain any
                 character (ASCII as well as multibyte character sets are
                 supported) and should be enclosed in single quotes.
                 Empty strings are not allowed.
     @return:    The command execution result.
     cmd = "avmaint atrestencryption --restpassword='******' --ava" % password
     LOG.info('Execute command: %s' % cmd)
     std_out, std_err, ret_code = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
     LOG.info('Output: %s, Error: %s, Return code: %s' %
              (std_out, std_err, ret_code))
     if ret_code == 0:
         if 'ERROR' in std_out.upper() or 'ERROR' in std_err.upper():
             return False
         return True
         return False
Exemple #17
 def change_password(self, root_password, cert_password):
     Replaces the private key certificate password that Avamar Key Manager
     stores with a new one.
     @root_password: Avamar server root user password.
     @server: The fully qualified domain name, or IP address in
         dotted-quad format of external key management server.
     @cert_password: The new private key certificate password.
     cmd = 'echo %s | su - root -c "ssh-agent bash -c \\\"ssh-add /root/.ssh/rootid;echo \'%s\' | installAKM.sh --ip=%s --updatepassword=%s\\\""' \
         % (root_password, cert_password)
     LOG.info('Execute command: %s' % cmd)
     self.ssh.read_until_regexp('Would you like to continue?\[y/n\]')
     self.ssh.read_until_regexp('Please enter the AKM Password\:')
     akm_output = self.ssh.read_until_prompt()
     LOG.info('Update AKM password output: %s' % akm_output)
     return akm_output
Exemple #18
 def check_status(self):
     Check data-at-rest encryption status.
     @return:    data-at-rest encryption status.
     cmd = 'avmaint nodelist --xmlperline=9999 | grep atrestencryption'
     LOG.info("Execute command: %s" % cmd)
     std_out, std_err, ret_code = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
     LOG.info('Output: %s, Error: %s, Return code: %s' %
              (std_out, std_err, ret_code))
     if ret_code == 0:
         m = re.search(
             '<atrestencryption-status enabled="(true|false)" nr-salts="(\d+)"/>',
         if m:
             return str(m.group(1)) == 'true', int(m.group(2))
             return False, -1
         return False, -1
Exemple #19
 def install_certificate(self, root_password):
     Copy certificates to remote Avamar server.
     @root_password: Avamar server root password, installAKM.sh should
         be run as root user.
     self.remote_dir = '/usr/local/avamar/etc/akm/'
     self.tmp_dir = '/tmp'
     for cert in os.listdir(self.cert_dir):
         LOG.info('+++' + str(cert))
         if cert.endswith('xml'):
         local_cert = os.path.join(self.cert_dir, cert)
         tmp_cert = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, cert)
         remote_cert = os.path.join(self.remote_dir, cert)
         self.ssh.put_file(local_cert, destination=self.tmp_dir)
         cmd = 'echo %s | su - root -c "mv %s %s;chown root:root %s;chmod 444 %s"' \
               % (root_password, tmp_cert, remote_cert, remote_cert, remote_cert)
Exemple #20
 def set_salt(self, salt):
     Set a new salt to create secure encryption key.
     @salt:      salt is a user-defined character string (salt), which is
                 used to create secure encryption key. salt can contain
                 any character (ASCII as well as multibyte character sets
                 are supported) and should be enclosed in single quotes.
                 Empty strings are not allowed.
     @return:    The command execution result.
     cmd = "avmaint atrestencryption --restsalt='%s' --ava" % salt
     LOG.info("Execute command: %s" % cmd)
     std_out, std_err, ret_code = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
     LOG.info('Output: %s, Error: %s, Return code: %s' %
              (std_out, std_err, ret_code))
     if ret_code == 0:
         if 'ERROR' in std_out.upper() or 'ERROR' in std_err.upper():
             return False
         return True
         return False
Exemple #21
 def perf_replicate(self, dst_server, dst_user, dst_password):
     Run basic replicate to destination Avamar server and calculate speed.
     avrepl --operation=replicate --hfsaddr=src_addr --id=root --ap=Chang3M3Now.
     --dstaddr=dst_addr --dstid=repluser --dstap=Chang3M3Now. --dpnname=src_addr
     --[replscript]dstencrypt=tls --logfile=/tmp/replicate.log account 2>&1
     @dst_server: Destination server.
     @dst_user: Destination server repl user.
     @dst_password: Destination server repl user password.
     log_file = os.path.join(self.log_dir, 'replicate.log')
     cmd = 'avrepl --operation=replicate --hfsaddr=%s --id=%s ' \
         '--ap=%s --dstaddr=%s --dstid=%s --dstap=%s --dpnname=%s ' \
         '--[replscript]dstencrypt=tls %s > %s 2>&1' \
         % (self.server, self.root_user, self.root_password, dst_server,
            dst_user, dst_password, self.server, self.account, log_file)
     result = self.server_ssh.run_command(cmd)
     if result[2] != 0:
         LOG.error('Replicate to %s failed, please check log file %s.' %
                   (dst_server, log_file))
         LOG.error('Return result: %s' % str(result))
         return False
     elapsed = self.analyze_log(self.server_ssh, log_file)
     if elapsed is None:
         LOG.error('Can not get elapsed time from log file.')
         return False
     speed = self.calculate_speed(self.total_size, elapsed)
     self.replicate_elapsed = elapsed
     self.replicate_speed = speed
     self.summary['Replicate'] = {
         'Type': 'Replicate',
         'File Size': self.size_str,
         'File Count': self.count,
         'Total Size': self.total_size_str,
         'Test Time (mins)': elapsed,
         'Rate (GB/Hr)': speed
     LOG.info('Replicated %s %s in %s minutes: %s GB/hour.' %
              (self.total_size, self.size_unit, elapsed, speed))
     return True
Exemple #22
 def wait_task_group(self):
     Wait for all the tasks to be completed in this group
     @output:   Boolean
         for index in xrange(len(self.__tasks)):
             task_dict = self.__tasks[index]
             p = task_dict['process_objs']
             task_dict['status'] = 'completed'
             task_dict['exit_code'] = p.exitcode
             self.__tasks[index] = task_dict
             LOG.info("task[%d] completed with exit_code=%d" %
                      (index, task_dict['exit_code']))
         return True
     except Exception, e:
         LOG.error("%s:wait_task_group failed with exception" %
         return False
Exemple #23
 def fill_up(self, start_seed, end_seed):
     Run avtar with 1 GB backups to an Avamar server to fill up
     of an Avamar server for acp performance testing.
     @start_seed: The seed of the *first* backup to perform.
     @end_seed: The seed of the *last* backup to perform.
     if self.ddr:
         script = 'gc-crunch-backups-1gb-chunks7k-auto-dd.sh'
         script = 'gc-crunch-backups-1gb-chunks7k-auto.sh'
     script = os.path.join(self.remote_dir, 'fill-up-1.0', 'scripts',
     if self.ddr:
         cmd = 'eval `ssh-agent`; eval `ssh-add /home/admin/.ssh/dpnid`; %s %s %s %s 27000 %s 2>&1' \
               % (script, start_seed, end_seed, self.server, self.ddr_index)
         cmd = 'eval `ssh-agent`; eval `ssh-add /home/admin/.ssh/dpnid`; %s %s %s %s 27000 2>&1' \
               % (script, start_seed, end_seed, self.server)
     result = self.server_ssh.run_command(cmd)
     LOG.info('Fill up server result: %s' % result)
     return False if result[2] else True
Exemple #24
    def enable_akm(self, root_password, address, username, password):
        Use installAKM.sh script installs, configures, and starts Avamar
        Key Manager. Check script execution result.
        @root_password: Avamar server root user password.
        @address: IP Address or FQDN and port of the kmip server.
        @username: User Name in client public PEM.
        @password: Password for the Avamar system’s private key certificate.
        # Check whether akm is already enabled
        status = self.status_akm()
        if re.search('akm \(pid \d+\) is running', status):
            return True

        # Copy certificates to server
        # Check whether akm configuration file is initialized
        if not self.is_initial_conf():

        cmd = 'echo %s | su - root -c "ssh-agent bash -c \\\"ssh-add /root/.ssh/rootid;echo \'%s\' | installAKM.sh --ip=%s --username=%s\\\""' \
            % (root_password, password, address, username)
        LOG.info('Execute command: %s' % cmd)
        result = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
        LOG.info('Install AKM result: %s' % result)

        # Check script result
        if 'Successfully started AKM' not in result[0]:
            return False
        # Check akm service status
        status = self.status_akm()
        if not re.search('akm \(pid \d+\) is running', status):
            return False
        # Check configuration file
        akm_conf = self.get_conf()
        if akm_conf['Address'] != address or akm_conf['UserName'] != username:
            return False
        return True
Exemple #25
    def call_instance_method(self, instance, method, *args, **kwargs):
        Call the method specified by install and method name with the specified arguments
        @instance:    The instance object
        @method:      String ,The method name in the instance object
        @output:      The output returned by the method
        clsname = self.__current_classname
        result = False
            func = getattr(instance, method, False)
            if func:
                result = func(*args, **kwargs)
                LOG.error("No method:%s for class:%s" % (method, clsname))

            LOG.info("Start method successfuly:%s, result=%s" %
                     (method, result))
        except Exception, e:
            LOG.error("%s:Execute %s.%s %s %s failed with exception" \
            return False
Exemple #26
 def restart_dpn_with_akm_stop(self):
     Start gsan using dpnctl.
     cmd = 'eval `ssh-agent`;eval `ssh-add ~/.ssh/dpnid`;restart.dpn'
     elapsed = 0
     interval = 30
     timeout = 900
     ret_value = True
     while elapsed < timeout:
         elapsed += interval
         if self.check_gsan_log('ERROR: <0001>'):
             LOG.info('Found akm not available in gsan log')
         ret_value = False
     cmd = "ps -ef | grep restart.dpn | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9"
     result = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
     if result[2]:
         LOG.info('Kill restart.dpn failed: %s' % str(result))
         ret_value = False
     return ret_value
Exemple #27
    def perf_check_account(self, account):
        Check for client account used for avtar, create account if not exist.
        @account: Specifies a hierarchical LOCATION on the Avamar server.
                  If use avtar on Avamar server, need create an account.
                  Otherwise, account will be created once the client
                  registered, should be domain plus client name.
        ret = 1
        self.account = account
        cmd = 'avmgr getu --account=%s' % account
        result = self.server_ssh.run_command(cmd)
        LOG.info('Get account result: %s' % result)

        # Creating client account if not exist
        if result[2] != 0:
            domains = filter(None, account.split('/'))
            for domain in domains[:-1]:
                cmd = 'avmgr newd --account=%s' % domain
                result = self.server_ssh.run_command(cmd)
                # User or account already exists
                if result[2] == 6:
                elif result[2] != 0:
                    LOG.error('Create account failed, %s' % result)
                    return False
            cmd = 'avmgr newm --account=%s' % account
            result = self.server_ssh.run_command(cmd)
            LOG.info('Create account result: %s' % result)
            ret = result[2]
        # Remove the existing data for the client account
            ret = self.avtar.delete_all_backups(self.server, self.root_user,
        return False if ret else True
Exemple #28
 def execute_group(self):
     Execute all the tasks in this group
     @output:   Boolean
         for index in xrange(len(self.__tasks)):
             LOG.info("Executing task[%d]" % (index))
             task_dict = self.__tasks[index]
             task_obj = task_dict['task_obj']
             process_obj = self.__execute_task_back(task_obj)
             task_dict = {
                 'task_obj': task_obj,
                 'process_objs': process_obj,
                 'status': 'running',
                 'exit_code': 255
             self.__tasks[index] = task_dict
         return True
     except Exception, e:
         LOG.error("%s:execute_group failed with exception" %
         return False
Exemple #29
    def scp_debug_script(self):
        Copy debug script to Avamar server.
        # Copy debug script to utility node first

        # If multi-node, copy debug script to each data node
        eval_cmd = 'eval `ssh-agent`;eval `ssh-add ~/.ssh/dpnid`;'
        if self.is_multi:
            for node in self.node_list:
                scn_cmd = 'scn %s %s:%s' % (self.remote_script, node,
                cmd = eval_cmd + scn_cmd
                result = self.ssh.run_command(cmd)
                if result[2]:
                    LOG.error('Falied to copy debug script to node %s' % node)
                    return False
        LOG.info('Copy debug script to all nodes.')
        return True
Exemple #30
    def execute_ops(self):
        Execute the operation list in the task,called by execute_task
        @output:  The output returned by the last method
        result = False
            for index in xrange(len(self.__ops)):
                oplist = self.__ops[index]
                (op, object_name, args, kwargs, l_instance, l_result) = oplist
                result = False

                if op == "ssh_reconn":
                    LOG.info("Executing task: ssh reconnecting")
                    ssh = object_name
                    cls_instance = ssh
                    result = True
                elif op == "add_class":
                    LOG.info("Executing task: init_call_class :%s" %
                    cls_instance = self.init_call_class(
                        object_name, *args, **kwargs)
                    if cls_instance: result = True
                    LOG.info("Executing task: call mothod :%s" % (object_name))
                    cls_instance = self.__current_instance
                    result = self.call_instance_method(cls_instance,
                                                       object_name, *args,
                    result_type = type(result)
                    if result_type is IntType and result == 0:
                        result = True
                if not result:
                    LOG.error("%s:Execute task %s %s failed " %
                              (self.__classname, op, object_name))
                    return False
                u_oplist = (op, object_name, args, kwargs, cls_instance,
                self.__ops[index] = u_oplist
        except Exception, e:
            LOG.error("%s:Execute execute_ops failed with exception" %