print datum if command == 'ID': datum = unpack('cc', parameter) print datum #The packet is data recieved from the radio elif name == 'rx': src_addr = packet.get('source_addr') rssi = packet.get('rssi') options = packet.get('options') data = packet.get('rf_data') #Handle packet in whatever way is appropriate print 'Packet received on channel:' base.getChannel('a') #Initialize the basestation and the helper functions xb = BaseStation('/dev/tty.usbserial-A800fdFZ', 230400, DEST_ADDR, xbee_received) base = BaseFunctions(xb) robot = RobotFunctions(xb) if __name__ == '__main__': base.setChannel('\x17') while true: time.sleep(1) print '\n' sys.exit()
print command print len(parameter) #The packet is data recieved from the radio elif name == 'rx': src_addr = packet.get('source_addr') rssi = packet.get('rssi') options = packet.get('options') data = packet.get('rf_data') #Handle packet in whatever way is appropriate print 'Packet received' #Initialize the basestation and the helper functions xb = BaseStation('/dev/tty.usbserial-A800fdFZ', 230400, DEST_ADDR, xbee_received) base = BaseFunctions(xb) robot = RobotFunctions(xb) if __name__ == '__main__': base.getChannel('a') base.getSrcAddr('b') base.getPanID('c') base.setChannel('\x17') robot.go(40) time.sleep(1) robot.stop()
if command == 'ID': datum = unpack('cc',parameter) print datum #The packet is data recieved from the radio elif name == 'rx': src_addr = packet.get('source_addr') rssi = packet.get('rssi') options = packet.get('options') data = packet.get('rf_data') #Handle packet in whatever way is appropriate print 'Packet received on channel:' base.getChannel('a') #Initialize the basestation and the helper functions xb = BaseStation('/dev/tty.usbserial-A800fdFZ', 230400, DEST_ADDR, xbee_received) base = BaseFunctions(xb) robot = RobotFunctions(xb) if __name__ == '__main__': base.setChannel('\x17') while true: time.sleep(1) print '\n' sys.exit()