Exemple #1
def last(obj):
    msg = obj.msg.split(' ')
    if len(msg) == 2:
        m = getMessage(obj.chan, msg[1])
        if m is None:
            return c.send(obj.chan, 'Error! Oh noez!')
        c.send(obj.chan, '"%s: %s"' % (m.nick, m.msg))
        c.send(obj.chan, obj.usage)
Exemple #2
def register(obj):
    print 'BoooooYahhhh'
    msg = obj.msg.split(' ')
    #if not obj.chan == c.nick:
     #   c.send(obj.chan, 'Please register in a private message...')
    if len(msg) == 2: #!register mypass
        if 6 <= len(msg[1]) <= 35: #Is mypass valid?
            if not db.hasUser(obj.nick): #Does the user exist?
                db.addUser(obj.nick).setpass(msg[1]) #Add the user
                return c.send(obj.nick, 'You have been registered with the given password! Login in the future with the !authorize command.')
                return c.send(obj.chan, 'User already exsists! Please login with !authorize.')
    c.send(obj.chan, obj.usage)      
Exemple #3
def auth(obj):
    msg = obj.msg.split(' ')
    if len(msg) == 2:
        nick = obj.nick
        pas = msg[1]
    elif len(msg) == 3:
        nick = msg[1]
        pas = msg[2]
        c.send(obj.nick, obj.usage)

    if db.hasUser(nick):
        if db.getUser(nick).auth(pas):
            obj.user.authed = True
            return c.send(obj.nick, 'Welcome back %s' % nick)
    c.send(obj.nick, 'Incorrect login info!')
Exemple #4
def setpass(obj):
    msg = obj.msg.split(' ')
    if len(msg) == 2:
        if obj.user.isAuthed():
            c.send(obj.nick, 'You have reset your password.')
            c.send(obj.nick, 'Please !authorize before trying to reset your password.')
        c.send(obj.nick, obj.usage)
Exemple #5
def about(obj):
    msg = obj.msg.split(' ')
    if len(msg) == 1:
        c.send(obj.chan, 'About topics: Security, Performance')
    elif len(msg) == 2:
        if msg[1].lower() == "security":
            c.send(obj.chan, 'P3-Bot uses a high-level cryptographic framework called "bCrypt" for hashing passwords. \
            Meaning that even if someone was able to obtain a copy of the user database, it could take up to 270+ years \
            to decrypt *ONE* password. All of this is useless if you don\'t use SSL between your client and the IRC server, \
            keep this in mind as you choose a password and use the bot. Passwords are NEVER stored on disk, or in any form unencrypted.')
        elif msg[1].lower() == "performance":
            c.send(obj.chan, 'P3-Bot uses a few cool technologies to improve performance and allow cross-channel high-traffic responses. \
            Every command that the bot parses is threaded, removing a major bottle-neck in other bots.')