Exemple #1
# a standard 500 Internal Server Error

# Read the table to query from HTTP request parameters (in the URL)
params = cgi.FieldStorage()
table = params.getvalue('t')

# Return a 400 error if no table parameter was provided
if not table:
        "Invalid request parameters:\n" +
        "You must provide the table name as a parameter 't'")

# Return a 400 error if the provided table does not exist
tables = sqlutils.get_tables()
if table not in tables:
    cgiutils.print_error400("The table '" + table + "' does not exist!")

# Query for all data and parse into JSON
results = sqlutils.exec_readonly_query("SELECT * FROM " + table)
results_json = json.dumps(results)

# Using the database established a connection
# Since we're done with it, we close the connection

# Print the HTTP response
cgiutils.print_response(results_json, "200 OK", "text/json")
Exemple #2
from lib import sqlutils

# Clear all of the data from a given table

# Read the table to query from HTTP request parameters (in the URL)
params = cgi.FieldStorage()
table = params.getvalue('t')

# Return a 400 error if no table parameter was provided
if not table:
        "Invalid request parameters:\n" +
        "You must provide the table name as a parameter 't'")

# Return a 400 error if the provided table does not exist
tables = sqlutils.get_tables()
if table not in tables:
    cgiutils.print_error400("The table '" + table + "' does not exist!")

# Do deletion

# No need to close connection, because when performing volatile operations
# (i.e. changing the state of the database), the connection is closed
# immediately for security

# Print the HTTP response
cgiutils.print_response("OK", "200 OK", "text/plain")
Exemple #3
# Return a 400 error if no table parameter was provided
if not table:
    cgiutils.print_error400("Invalid request parameters:\n"+
        "You must provide a table as a parameter 't'")
# Return a 400 error if no type parameter was provided
if not insertType:
    cgiutils.print_error400("Invalid request parameters:\n"+
        "You must provide an insertion type as a parameter 'type'")

# Return a 400 error if the provided insertion type is invalid
if insertType not in ['bulk','single']:
    cgiutils.print_error400("Invalid insertion type! Must be 'single' or 'bulk'")

# Return a 400 error if the provided table does not exist
tables = sqlutils.get_tables()
if table not in tables:
    cgiutils.print_error400("The table '"+table+"' does not exist!")

# Do insertion and calculate time
before = time()
after = time()
totalTime = str("%.3f" % (after - before))

# Print the HTTP response with a JSON string specifying the time
cgiutils.print_response("{\"time\": \""+totalTime+"\"}", "200 OK", "text/json")
Exemple #4
import json
import cgi
import cgitb

from lib import cgiutils
from lib import sqlutils

# Respond with a list (in JSON format) of the names of all of
# the tables in the database

# Enabling cgitb will cause a web page to be sent back containing error
# information in the event an uncaught error occurs. This is useful for
# debugging, but we don't want to expose details about our code to people
# visiting the site, so comment it out once you know things are working.
# With it disabled, an uncaught error will cause the web server to return
# a standard 500 Internal Server Error

# Get the list of tables and convert to a JSON string
tables = sqlutils.get_tables()
tables_json = json.dumps(tables)

# Calling get_tables() established a database connection.
# Since we're done with it, we close the connection

# Print the HTTP response
cgiutils.print_response(tables_json, "200 OK", "text/json")