def alert_task(alert_data, users): res = GetRedis.connect() res_key = str(hash(str(users))) # to be unique ? if res.get("alert_{0}".format(res_key)) == 1: return True res.set("alert_{0}".format(res_key), 1) # set status running try: msg = render_to_string( "monitor/wx2.html.j2", { "data": alert_data, "users": ', '.join([str(u) for u in list(users)[:10]]) }) # labels = ["zabbix", "prometheus", "elasticsearch", "xxl-job", "else"] # subject = "`{}` `{} `".format(labels[alert_data.get("source")], # str(alert_data.get("ip"))[0:15]) status_code = alert_data.get("status_code") if 0 == status_code: subject = "> `{}` `{} `".format(alert_data.get("status"), str(alert_data.get("ip"))[0:15]) else: subject = '> <font color="info">{} {}</font>'.format( alert_data.get("status"), str(alert_data.get("ip"))[0:15]) to_list = [u.wid for u in users if u.wid] for receiver in to_list: wx(receiver, subject, msg) finally: res.set("alert_{0}".format(res_key), 0) res.set("alert_data_{0}".format(res_key), json.dumps(alert_data, indent=4)) res.set("alert_users_{0}".format(res_key), ','.join([str(u) for u in users])) return True
def exec_status(request, exec_type): r = GetRedis.connect() if exec_type == "1": data = r.get("ansible_{0}".format(request.user.username)) elif exec_type == "2": data = r.get("shell_{0}".format(request.user.username)) else: data = None if not data: data = 0 return HttpResponse(data)
def exec_scripts(request): if os.path.exists(log_path + "/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username)): os.remove(log_path + "/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username)) if request.method == 'POST': server = request.POST.getlist('mserver', []) group = request.POST.getlist('mgroup', []) scripts = request.POST.getlist('mscripts', []) args = request.POST.getlist('margs') shell_command = request.POST.get('mcommand') #connect redis for record shell running status res = GetRedis.connect() res.set("shell_{0}".format(request.user.username), 1) # run async shell tasks shell_task(request, server, group, scripts, args, shell_command) return HttpResponse("ok")
def playbook(request): if os.path.exists(ansible_dir + '/gexec.yml'): os.remove(ansible_dir + '/gexec.yml') if os.path.exists(log_path + "/execlog/ansible_{0}.log".format(request.user.username)): os.remove(log_path + "/execlog/ansible_{0}.log".format(request.user.username)) else: pass if request.method == 'POST': host = request.POST.getlist('mserver', []) group = request.POST.getlist('mgroup', []) pbook = request.POST.getlist('splaybook', []) roles = request.POST.getlist('mroles', []) role_vars = request.POST.get('mvars') res = GetRedis.connect() res.set("ansible_{0}".format(request.user.username), 1) ansible_task(request, host, group, pbook, roles, role_vars, write_role_vars) return HttpResponse("ok")
def ansible_task(request, host, group, pbook, roles, role_vars, write_role_vars): ret = [] res = GetRedis.connect() #write real time ansible display log"==========ansible tasks start==========\n")"User:"******"/ansible.log", 'wb+') as f: f.writelines("==========ansible tasks start==========\n") if host: if roles: if role_vars: write_role_vars(roles, role_vars) for h in host: # wirte ansible-play yaml file with open(ansible_dir + '/gexec.yml', 'w+') as f: flist = ['- hosts: '+h+'\n', ' remote_user: root\n', ' gather_facts: true\n', ' roles:\n'] for r in roles: rs = ' - ' + r + '\n' flist.append(rs)"Role:"+r) f.writelines(flist) cmd = "ansible-playbook"+" " + ansible_dir+'/gexec.yml' p = Popen(cmd, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) data = p.communicate() ret.append(data) for d in data: with open(log_path + "/execlog/ansible_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f1: f1.writelines("***Host: {0} ***\n".format(h)) f1.writelines("=================================\n") f1.writelines(data) else: for h in host: for p in pbook: f = open(playbook_dir + p, 'r+') flist = f.readlines() flist[0] = '- hosts: '+h+'\n' f = open(playbook_dir + p, 'w+') f.writelines(flist) f.close() cmd = "ansible-playbook"+" " + playbook_dir + p pcmd = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) data = pcmd.communicate() ret.append(data) with open(log_path + "/execlog/ansible_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f2: f2.writelines("*** Host: {0} ***\n".format(h)) f2.writelines("=================================\n") f2.writelines(data) for d in data: with open(log_path + "/execlog/ansible_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f3: f3.writelines("==========ansible tasks end============")"==========ansible tasks end============") res.set("ansible_{0}".format(request.user.username), 0) return True if group: if roles: if role_vars: write_role_vars(roles, role_vars) for g in group: f = open(ansible_dir + '/gexec.yml', 'w+') flist = ['- hosts: '+g+'\n', ' remote_user: root\n', ' gather_facts: true\n', ' roles:\n'] for r in roles: rs = ' - ' + r + '\n' flist.append(rs)"Role:"+r) f.writelines(flist) f.close() cmd = "ansible-playbook"+" " + ansible_dir+'/gexec.yml' p = Popen(cmd, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) data = p.communicate() ret.append(data) with open(log_path + "/execlog/ansible_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f4: f4.writelines("*** Group: {0} ***\n".format(g)) f4.writelines("=================================\n") f4.writelines(data) for d in data: else: for g in group: for p in pbook: f = open(playbook_dir + p, 'r+') flist = f.readlines() flist[0] = '- hosts: '+g+'\n' f = open(playbook_dir + p, 'w+') f.writelines(flist) f.close() cmd = "ansible-playbook"+" " + playbook_dir + p pcmd = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) data = pcmd.communicate() ret.append(data) with open(log_path + "/execlog/ansible_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f5: f5.writelines("*** Group: {0} ***\n".format(g)) f5.writelines("=================================\n") f5.writelines(data) for d in data: with open(log_path + "/execlog/ansible_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f6: f6.writelines("==========ansible tasks end============")"==========ansible tasks end============") res.set("ansible_{0}".format(request.user.username), 0) return True
def shell_task(request, server, group, scripts, args, shell_command): ret = [] res = GetRedis.connect() #write real time ansible display log"==========Shell Tasks Start==========\n")"User:"******"/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'wb+') as f: f.writelines("==========Shell Tasks Start==========\n") if server: if scripts: for name in server: host = Host.objects.get(hostname=name) ret.append(host.hostname)"Host:"+host.hostname) with open(log_path + "/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f7: f7.writelines("*** Host: {0} ***\n".format(host.hostname)) f7.writelines("=================================\n") for s in scripts: try: sh.scp(scripts_dir+s, "root@{}:/tmp/".format(host.ip)+s) except: pass cmd = "ssh root@"+host.ip+" "+'"sh /tmp/{} {}"'.format(s, args) p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) data = p.communicate() ret.append(data)"Scripts:"+s) for d in data: with open(log_path + "/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f7: f7.writelines(data) else: for name in server: host = Host.objects.get(hostname=name) ret.append(host.hostname) command_list = shell_command.split('\n') with open(log_path + "/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f8: f8.writelines("*** Host: {0} ***\n".format(host.hostname)) f8.writelines("=================================\n") for cmd in command_list: dcmd = "ssh root@"+host.ip+" "+'"{}"'.format(cmd.strip()) p = Popen(dcmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) data = p.communicate() ret.append(data)"command:"+cmd) for d in data: with open(log_path + "/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f10: f10.writelines(data) if group: if scripts: for g in group: get_group = HostGroup.objects.get(name=g) hosts = get_group.serverList.all() ret.append(g) for host in hosts: ret.append(host.hostname) for s in scripts: try: sh.scp(scripts_dir+s, "root@{}:/tmp/".format(host.ip)+s) except: pass cmd = "ssh root@"+host.ip+" "+'"sh /tmp/{} {}"'.format(s, args) p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) data = p.communicate() ret.append(data) with open(log_path + "/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f11: f11.writelines(data)"command:"+cmd) for d in data: else: command_list = [] command_list = shell_command.split('\n') for g in group:"==========Shell Start==========")"User:"******"Group:"+g) get_group = HostGroup.objects.get(name=g) hosts = get_group.serverList.all() ret.append(g) for host in hosts: ret.append(host.hostname) for cmd in command_list: cmd = "ssh root@"+host.ip+" "+'"{}"'.format(cmd) p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) data = p.communicate() ret.append(data) with open(log_path + "/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f12: f12.writelines(data)"command:"+cmd) for d in data: with open(log_path + "/execlog/shell_{0}.log".format(request.user.username), 'ab+') as f6: f6.writelines("==========Shell Tasks Finished========")"==========Shell Tasks Finished========") res.set("shell_{0}".format(request.user.username), 0) return True