def __drawMarkerOnImage(self, mainImage, marker_id, location):
     config = MarkersConfiguration()
     color = config.color_for_marker(marker_id)
     if marker_id % 2 == 0:
         # even markers are crosses
         mainImage.drawCross(location, color=color)
         # odd markers are squares
         box = Box(location.translateBy(Vector(-9, -9)),
                   location.translateBy(Vector(9, 9)))
         mainImage.drawBoxOnImage(box, color=color, thickness=4)
Exemple #2
    def test_getDriftsCount_twoValuesButVeryDifferent(self):

        vd = VelocityDetector()

        actual = vd.excludeOutliers([Vector(47, -408), Vector(-6, 41)])

        # Assert
        expected = [Vector(47, -408), Vector(-6, 41)]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(expected))
        self.assertEqual(2, len(actual))
Exemple #3
    def ttest_getDriftsCount_outlierIsSymmetricalOverZero(self):
        vd = VelocityDetector()

        actual = vd.excludeOutliers(
            [Vector(0, 30), Vector(0, 30),
             Vector(0, -32)])

        # Assert
        expected = [Vector(0, 30), Vector(0, 30)]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(expected))
        self.assertEqual(2, len(actual))
Exemple #4
    def test_getDriftsCount_outlierIsMinimalTotal3Values(self):

        vd = VelocityDetector()

        actual = vd.excludeOutliers(
            [Vector(47, -408),
             Vector(-6, 41), Vector(-6, 41)])

        expected = [Vector(-6, 41), Vector(-6, 41)]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(expected))
        self.assertEqual(2, len(actual))
    def _drawMarkerOnImage(self, mainImage, marker_id, location):
        if not str(marker_id).isdigit():
            mainImage.drawCross(location, color=MarkersConfiguration.COLOR_RED)

        config = MarkersConfiguration()
        color = config.color_for_marker(int(marker_id))
        if int(marker_id) % 2 == 0:
            # even markers are crosses
            mainImage.drawCross(location, color=color)
            # odd markers are squares
            box = Box(location.translateBy(Vector(-9, -9)),
                      location.translateBy(Vector(9, 9)))
            mainImage.drawBoxOnImage(box, color=color, thickness=4)
 def __driftBetweenFramesInDataFrame(self, endIndex, nextIndex):
     cumulativeYDrift = 0
     cumulativeXDrift = 0
     while nextIndex < endIndex:
         nextIndex = nextIndex + 1
         cumulativeYDrift += self.__getYDrift(nextIndex)
         cumulativeXDrift += self.__getXDrift(nextIndex)
     return Vector(cumulativeXDrift, cumulativeYDrift)
    def driftBetweenFrames(self, fromFrameID, toFrameID):
        # type: (int, int) -> Vector

        if fromFrameID < self.minFrameID() or toFrameID < self.minFrameID():
            #return Vector(0,0)
            return None

        if fromFrameID > self.maxFrameID() or toFrameID > self.maxFrameID():
            #return Vector(0, 0)
            return None

        if (fromFrameID > toFrameID):
            drift = self.driftBetweenFrames(toFrameID, fromFrameID)
            return Vector(-(drift.x), -(drift.y))

        if (fromFrameID == toFrameID):
            return Vector(0, 0)

        return self.__getDriftBetweenTwoFrames(fromFrameID, toFrameID)
    def getCrabLocation_bck(self):
        if self.__user_clicked_in_right_half(
        ) and self.__user_clicked_in_bottom_half():
            # user marked crab is on "imageThis", which is the bottom right image
            offsetOfCrabImageFrom0x0 = Vector(-self.__boxSize, -self.__boxSize)

        if self.__user_clicked_in_left_half(
        ) and self.__user_clicked_in_bottom_half():
            # user marked crab is on "imageFirst", which is bottom left image
            offsetOfCrabImageFrom0x0 = Vector(0, -self.__boxSize)

        if self.__user_clicked_in_right_half(
        ) and self.__user_clicked_in_top_half():
            # user marked crab is on "imageLast", which is top right image
            offsetOfCrabImageFrom0x0 = Vector(-self.__boxSize, 0)

        if self.__user_clicked_in_left_half(
        ) and self.__user_clicked_in_top_half():
            # user marked crab is on "imageMiddle", which is top left image
            offsetOfCrabImageFrom0x0 = Vector(0, 0)
Exemple #9
    def driftBetweenFrames(self, fromFrameID, toFrameID):
        # type: (int, int) -> Vector

        if fromFrameID < self.__driftData.minFrameID(
        ) or toFrameID < self.__driftData.minFrameID():
            # return Vector(0,0)
            return None

        if fromFrameID > self.__driftData.maxFrameID(
        ) or toFrameID > self.__driftData.maxFrameID():
            # return Vector(0, 0)
            return None

        if (fromFrameID == toFrameID):
            return Vector(0, 0)

        driftX = self.getXDriftPixels(fromFrameID, toFrameID)
        driftY = self.getYDriftPixels(fromFrameID, toFrameID)

        return Vector(driftX, driftY)
    def __determineLocationOfTextBox(self, location):
        boxHeight = 25
        boxWidth = 50

        if location.y < boxHeight:
            translateYBy = 5
            translateYBy = (boxHeight + 5) * (-1)

        if location.x < boxWidth:
            translateXBy = 5
            translateXBy = (boxWidth + 5) * (-1)

        topLeftOfTextBox = location.translateBy(
            Vector(translateXBy, translateYBy))
        bottomRightOfTextBox = topLeftOfTextBox.translateBy(
            Vector(boxWidth, boxHeight))
        textBox = Box(topLeftOfTextBox, bottomRightOfTextBox)
        return textBox
    def __driftToNearbyFrame(self, index, nearbyFrameID):

        framesToJump = int(self.__getFrameID(index)) - nearbyFrameID

        yPixelsDriftPerFrame = self.__pixelsYDriftPerFrame(index)
        yPixelsAway = math.floor(yPixelsDriftPerFrame * framesToJump)

        xPixelsDriftPerFrame = self.__pixelsXDriftPerFrame(index)
        xPixelsAway = math.floor(xPixelsDriftPerFrame * framesToJump)

        return Vector(xPixelsAway, yPixelsAway)
    def getCrabLocation(self):
        if self.__user_clicked_in_right_half():
            xOffset = -self.__boxSize
            xOffset = 0

        if self.__user_clicked_in_bottom_half():
            yOffset = -self.__boxSize
            yOffset = 0

        offsetOfCrabImageFrom0x0 = Vector(xOffset, yOffset)
        return self.__crabCoordinatesOnItsFrame(self.getFrameIDOfCrab(),
    def getImgObj(self):
        # type: () -> Image
        imgObj = self.frameDeco.getImgObj().copy()
        frame_id = self.frameDeco.getFrameID()

        distancePix = int(self.__redDotsData.getDistancePixels(frame_id))

        #draw 8 grid squares along X and Y axis.
        for i in range(-4, 4):
            #draw 9 X-lines. One through midpoint between red dots (i=0) and then 4 north-west and 4 south-east
            point = self.__startPoint.translateBy(
                Vector(i * distancePix, i * distancePix))
            self.__drawGridX(imgObj, point, 0)
        return imgObj
Exemple #14
    def test_getDriftsCount_zeroZero(self):
        vd = VelocityDetector()

        actual = vd.excludeOutliers(
            [Vector(0, 0),
             Vector(-6, 41),
             Vector(-6, 41),
             Vector(-6, 41)])

        # Assert
        expected = [Vector(-6, 41), Vector(-6, 41), Vector(-6, 41)]
Exemple #15
    def test_getDriftsCount_2outliersAboveMedian(self):
        vd = VelocityDetector()

        actual = vd.excludeOutliers([
            Vector(-5, 44),
            Vector(-5, 44),
            Vector(-5, 43),
            Vector(30, 526),
            Vector(30, 526)

        # Assert
        expected = [Vector(-5, 44), Vector(-5, 44), Vector(-5, 43)]
        self.assertEqual(3, len(expected))
        self.assertEqual(3, len(actual))
    def __getDriftBetweenTwoFrames(self, fromFrameID, toFrameID):

        #assuming fromFrameID is less than or equal to toFrameID and both are within valid range
        startingFrameIDInDataFrame = self.__nextFrameIDInFile(fromFrameID)
        startIndex = self.__getIndexOfFrame(startingFrameIDInDataFrame)
        endingFrameIDInDataFrame = self.__nextFrameIDInFile(toFrameID)
        endIndex = self.__getIndexOfFrame(endingFrameIDInDataFrame)

        driftToStartingFrame = self.__driftToNearbyFrame(
            startIndex, fromFrameID)

        cumulativeDrift = self.__driftBetweenFramesInDataFrame(
            endIndex, startIndex)

        driftFromEndingFrame = self.__driftToNearbyFrame(endIndex, toFrameID)

        totalYDrift = cumulativeDrift.y + driftToStartingFrame.y - driftFromEndingFrame.y
        totalXDrift = cumulativeDrift.x + driftToStartingFrame.x - driftFromEndingFrame.x

        return Vector(totalXDrift, totalYDrift)