Exemple #1
def task_new():
    Create new task ID
    global procs
    global tasks

    taskid = hexencode(os.urandom(16))
    tasks[taskid] = init_options()
    procs[taskid] = AttribDict()

    _, ipc_database_filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="sqlmapipc-", text=False)

    # Initiate the temporary database for asynchronous I/O with the
    # sqlmap engine
    procs[taskid].ipc_database_connection = sqlite3.connect(ipc_database_filepath, timeout=1, isolation_level=None)
    procs[taskid].ipc_database_cursor = procs[taskid].ipc_database_connection.cursor()
    procs[taskid].ipc_database_cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE logs(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, time TEXT, level TEXT, message TEXT)")
    procs[taskid].ipc_database_cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE stdout(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, time TEXT, message TEXT)")
    procs[taskid].ipc_database_cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE stderr(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, time TEXT, message TEXT)")

    # Set the temporary database to use for asynchronous I/O communication
    tasks[taskid].ipc_database = ipc_database_filepath

    return jsonize({"taskid": taskid})
Exemple #2
def init_options():
    dataype = {"boolean": False, "string": None, "integer": None, "float": None}
    options = AttribDict()

    for _ in optDict:
        for name, type_ in optDict[_].items():
            type_ = unArrayizeValue(type_)
            options[name] = _defaults.get(name, dataype[type_])

    # Enforce batch mode and disable coloring
    options.batch = True
    options.disableColoring = True

    return options
Exemple #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2013 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission

from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict
from lib.core.log import LOGGER

# sqlmap paths sqlmap路径
paths = AttribDict()

# object to store original command line options 对象来存储原始的命令行选项
cmdLineOptions = AttribDict()

# object to store merged options (command line, configuration file and default options) 对象存储合并选项(命令行配置文件和默认选项)
mergedOptions = AttribDict()

# object to share within function and classes command
# line options and settings 对象内部共享函数和类命令行选项和设置
conf = AttribDict()

# object to share within function and classes results 对象内部共享函数和类的结果
kb = AttribDict()

# object with each database management system specific queries 与每个数据库管理系统特定的查询对象
queries = {}

# logger 日志记录
logger = LOGGER
Exemple #4
LEGAL_DISCLAIMER = "Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program"

# After this number of misses reflective removal mechanism is turned off (for speed up reasons)

# Regular expression used for extracting HTML title
HTML_TITLE_REGEX = "<title>(?P<result>[^<]+)</title>"

# Table used for Base64 conversion in WordPress hash cracking routine
ITOA64 = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

PICKLE_REDUCE_WHITELIST = (types.BooleanType, types.DictType, types.FloatType,
                           types.IntType, types.ListType, types.LongType,
                           types.NoneType, types.StringType, types.TupleType,
                           types.UnicodeType, types.XRangeType,
                           type(AttribDict()), type(set()))

# Chars used to quickly distinguish if the user provided tainted parameter values

# Simple check against dummy users
DUMMY_USER_INJECTION = r"(?i)[^\w](AND|OR)\s+[^\s]+[=><]|\bUNION\b.+\bSELECT\b|\bSELECT\b.+\bFROM\b|\b(CONCAT|information_schema|SLEEP|DELAY)\b"

# Extensions skipped by crawler
    "3ds", "3g2", "3gp", "7z", "DS_Store", "a", "aac", "adp", "ai", "aif",
    "aiff", "apk", "ar", "asf", "au", "avi", "bak", "bin", "bk", "bmp", "btif",
    "bz2", "cab", "caf", "cgm", "cmx", "cpio", "cr2", "dat", "deb", "djvu",
    "dll", "dmg", "dmp", "dng", "doc", "docx", "dot", "dotx", "dra", "dsk",
    "dts", "dtshd", "dvb", "dwg", "dxf", "ear", "ecelp4800", "ecelp7470",
    "ecelp9600", "egg", "eol", "eot", "epub", "exe", "f4v", "fbs", "fh", "fla",
Exemple #5
# Keywords expected to be in UPPERCASE in getValue()

LEGAL_DISCLAIMER = "Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program"

# After this number of misses reflective removal mechanism is turned off (for speed up reasons)

# Regular expression used for extracting HTML title
HTML_TITLE_REGEX = r"<title>(?P<result>[^<]+)</title>"

# Table used for Base64 conversion in WordPress hash cracking routine
ITOA64 = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

PICKLE_REDUCE_WHITELIST = (types.BooleanType, types.DictType, types.FloatType, types.IntType, types.ListType, types.LongType, types.NoneType, types.StringType, types.TupleType, types.UnicodeType, types.XRangeType, type(AttribDict()), type(set()))

# Chars used to quickly distinguish if the user provided tainted parameter values

# Simple check against dummy users
DUMMY_USER_INJECTION = r"(?i)[^\w](AND|OR)\s+[^\s]+[=><]|\bUNION\b.+\bSELECT\b|\bSELECT\b.+\bFROM\b|\b(CONCAT|information_schema|SLEEP|DELAY|FLOOR\(RAND)\b"

# Extensions skipped by crawler
CRAWL_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS = ("3ds", "3g2", "3gp", "7z", "DS_Store", "a", "aac", "adp", "ai", "aif", "aiff", "apk", "ar", "asf", "au", "avi", "bak", "bin", "bk", "bmp", "btif", "bz2", "cab", "caf", "cgm", "cmx", "cpio", "cr2", "dat", "deb", "djvu", "dll", "dmg", "dmp", "dng", "doc", "docx", "dot", "dotx", "dra", "dsk", "dts", "dtshd", "dvb", "dwg", "dxf", "ear", "ecelp4800", "ecelp7470", "ecelp9600", "egg", "eol", "eot", "epub", "exe", "f4v", "fbs", "fh", "fla", "flac", "fli", "flv", "fpx", "fst", "fvt", "g3", "gif", "gz", "h261", "h263", "h264", "ico", "ief", "image", "img", "ipa", "iso", "jar", "jpeg", "jpg", "jpgv", "jpm", "jxr", "ktx", "lvp", "lz", "lzma", "lzo", "m3u", "m4a", "m4v", "mar", "mdi", "mid", "mj2", "mka", "mkv", "mmr", "mng", "mov", "movie", "mp3", "mp4", "mp4a", "mpeg", "mpg", "mpga", "mxu", "nef", "npx", "o", "oga", "ogg", "ogv", "otf", "pbm", "pcx", "pdf", "pea", "pgm", "pic", "png", "pnm", "ppm", "pps", "ppt", "pptx", "ps", "psd", "pya", "pyc", "pyo", "pyv", "qt", "rar", "ras", "raw", "rgb", "rip", "rlc", "rz", "s3m", "s7z", "scm", "scpt", "sgi", "shar", "sil", "smv", "so", "sub", "swf", "tar", "tbz2", "tga", "tgz", "tif", "tiff", "tlz", "ts", "ttf", "uvh", "uvi", "uvm", "uvp", "uvs", "uvu", "viv", "vob", "war", "wav", "wax", "wbmp", "wdp", "weba", "webm", "webp", "whl", "wm", "wma", "wmv", "wmx", "woff", "woff2", "wvx", "xbm", "xif", "xls", "xlsx", "xlt", "xm", "xpi", "xpm", "xwd", "xz", "z", "zip", "zipx")

# Patterns often seen in HTTP headers containing custom injection marking character '*'

# Template used for common table existence check
Exemple #6
 def reset_options(self):
     self.options = AttribDict(self._original_options)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (c) saucerman (https://saucer-man.com)
See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission

from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict
from lib.core.log import LOGGER
# saucerframe paths
paths = AttribDict()

# object to store original command line options
cmdLineOptions = AttribDict()

# object to share within function and classes command
# line options and settings
conf = AttribDict()

# object to control engine
th = AttribDict()

# logger
logger = LOGGER
Exemple #8
#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2020 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission

from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict

_defaults = {
    "csvDel": ',',
    "timeSec": 5,
    "googlePage": 1,
    "verbose": 1,
    "delay": 0,
    "timeout": 30,
    "retries": 3,
    "csrfRetries": 0,
    "saFreq": 0,
    "threads": 1,
    "level": 1,
    "risk": 1,
    "dumpFormat": "CSV",
    "tablePrefix": "sqlmap",
    "technique": "BEUSTQ",
    "torType": "SOCKS5",

defaults = AttribDict(_defaults)
#!/usr/bin/env python

import json
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD
from lib.core.agent import agent 
from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict
from lib.core.common import randomInt
from lib.core.common import randomStr

PAYLOADS_XML = ".\\xml\\payloads.xml"
boundaries = [] 
tests = []
kb = AttribDict()
kb.data = AttribDict()

def cleanupVals(text, tag):
    if tag in ("clause", "where"):
        text = text.split(',')

    if isinstance(text, basestring):
        text = int(text) if text.isdigit() else str(text)

    elif isinstance(text, list):
        count = 0

        for _ in text:
            text[count] = int(_) if _.isdigit() else str(_)
            count += 1
        if len(text) == 1 and tag not in ("clause", "where"):
Exemple #10
def prepare_fb(options):
    fb = AttribDict()
    fb.targets = options.targets.split(",")
        fb.task_id = options.task_id
    except AttributeError:
        fb.task_id = None
    fb.vids = options.vids.strip().split(",")
    fb.mode = options.mode
    fb.verbose = False if options.quiet else True
    fb.console = options.from_console

    fb.poc_setting = AttribDict()
    fb.poc_setting.dir_name = options.poc_dir_name
    fb.poc_setting.timeout = options.timeout
    fb.poc_setting.thread_num = options.thread
    fb.poc_setting.return_resp = options.poc_return_dump

    fb.spider = options.spider

    return fb
Exemple #11
HEURISTIC_CHECK_ALPHABET = ('"', '\'', ')', '(', ',', '.')
BANNER = re.sub(
    r"\[.\]", lambda _: "[\033[01;41m%s\033[01;49m]" % random.sample(

    1: ["-T4 -F "],
    2: ["-T4 -A -v -Pn"],
    3: ["-p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v -sS -Pn"]


CONF = AttribDict()

TARGETS = AttribDict()
TARGETS.END = AttribDict()
TARGETS.ERROR = AttribDict()

RESULT = AttribDict()

target_end = AttribDict()

DNS_SERVERS = "data/subDomain/dns_server.txt"
DNS_SUB_FILE = "data/subDomain/next_sub_full.txt"
DNS_SUB_FULL_FILE = "data/subDomain/subnames_full.txt"

DIR_FILE = "data/webScan/dict.txt"
Exemple #12
# coding=utf-8
from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict

# 项目中的路径信息
paths = AttribDict()

# 配置信息数据
conf = AttribDict()

# 共享数据
kb = AttribDict()
Exemple #13
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict
from lib.core.defaults import defaults

# object to share within function and classes command
# line options and settings
conf = AttribDict()

# Dictionary storing
# (1)targets<队列形式的目标>, (2)targetName<options中的值>, (3) CurrentPlugin<当前插件的信息>
# (4)results, (5)expNumbers<插件数目>
# (6)multiThreadMode \ threadContinue \ threadException
kb = AttribDict()

registeredPocs = {}

# zeroscan paths,本质上还是个字典类型
paths = AttribDict()

defaults = AttribDict(defaults)

savedReq = AttribDict()
Exemple #14
def initOptions(CmdOptions=AttribDict()):
from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import hook
from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import post
from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import request
from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import response
from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import run
from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import static_file
from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import template


# Local global variables
adminid = ""
pipes = dict()
procs = dict()
tasks = AttribDict()

# Generic functions
def is_admin(taskid):
    global adminid
    if adminid != taskid:
        return False
        return True

def init_options():
    dataype = {
        "boolean": False,
        "string": None,
Exemple #16
from lib.core.compat import WichmannHill
from lib.core.compat import xrange
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapBaseException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapConnectionException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapThreadException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUserQuitException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapValueException
from lib.core.settings import MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS
from lib.core.settings import PYVERSION

shared = AttribDict()

class _ThreadData(threading.local):
    Represents thread independent data
    def __init__(self):

    def reset(self):
        Resets thread data model

        self.disableStdOut = False
Exemple #17
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from lib.core.log import SHEEP_LOGGER
from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict


paths = AttribDict()

conf = AttribDict()

scr = AttribDict()

th = AttribDict()
from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict
from configparser import ConfigParser
import queue

headers = {
    'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36',
    'Connection': 'close'
cfg = ConfigParser()
paths = AttribDict()
conf = AttribDict()
realman = AttribDict()
realman.queue = queue.Queue()
realman.tlist = []
realman.timo = AttribDict()
realman.exist = []
Exemple #19
#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2017 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict
from lib.core.log import MY_LOGGER

logger = MY_LOGGER

# Ajatar paths
paths = AttribDict()

# Ajatar cmder
cmdLineOptions = AttribDict()

# Ajatar urlconfig
urlconfig = AttribDict()
Ajconfig = AttribDict()

# Ajatar plugins pycode hash
Aj_hash_pycode = dict()
Exemple #20
def checkSqlInjection(place, parameter, value):
    # Store here the details about boundaries and payload used to
    # successfully inject
    injection = InjectionDict()

    # Localized thread data needed for some methods
    threadData = getCurrentThreadData()

    # Set the flag for SQL injection test mode
    kb.testMode = True

    for test in getSortedInjectionTests():
            if kb.endDetection:

            title = test.title
            stype = test.stype
            clause = test.clause
            unionExtended = False

            if stype == PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION:

                if "[CHAR]" in title:
                    if conf.uChar is None:
                        title = title.replace("[CHAR]", conf.uChar)

                elif "[RANDNUM]" in title or "(NULL)" in title:
                    title = title.replace("[RANDNUM]", "random number")

                if test.request.columns == "[COLSTART]-[COLSTOP]":
                    if conf.uCols is None:
                        title = title.replace("[COLSTART]", str(conf.uColsStart))
                        title = title.replace("[COLSTOP]", str(conf.uColsStop))

                elif conf.uCols is not None:
                    debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because the user " % title
                    debugMsg += "provided custom column range %s" % conf.uCols

                match = re.search(r"(\d+)-(\d+)", test.request.columns)
                if injection.data and match:
                    lower, upper = int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2))
                    for _ in (lower, upper):
                        if _ > 1:
                            unionExtended = True
                            test.request.columns = re.sub(r"\b%d\b" % _, str(2 * _), test.request.columns)
                            title = re.sub(r"\b%d\b" % _, str(2 * _), title)
                            test.title = re.sub(r"\b%d\b" % _, str(2 * _), test.title)

            # Skip test if the user's wants to test only for a specific
            # technique
            if conf.tech and isinstance(conf.tech, list) and stype not in conf.tech:
                debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because the user " % title
                debugMsg += "specified to test only for "
                debugMsg += "%s techniques" % " & ".join(map(lambda x: PAYLOAD.SQLINJECTION[x], conf.tech))

            # Skip test if it is the same SQL injection type already
            # identified by another test
            if injection.data and stype in injection.data:
                debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because " % title
                debugMsg += "the payload for %s has " % PAYLOAD.SQLINJECTION[stype]
                debugMsg += "already been identified"

            # Skip tests if title is not included by the given filter
            if conf.testFilter:
                if not any(re.search(conf.testFilter, str(item), re.I) for item in (test.title, test.vector,\
                test.details.dbms if "details" in test and "dbms" in test.details else "")):
                    debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because " % title
                    debugMsg += "its name/vector/dbms is not included by the given filter"
                # Skip test if the risk is higher than the provided (or default)
                # value
                # Parse test's <risk>
                if test.risk > conf.risk:
                    debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because the risk (%d) " % (title, test.risk)
                    debugMsg += "is higher than the provided (%d)" % conf.risk

                # Skip test if the level is higher than the provided (or default)
                # value
                # Parse test's <level>
                if test.level > conf.level:
                    debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because the level (%d) " % (title, test.level)
                    debugMsg += "is higher than the provided (%d)" % conf.level

            # Skip DBMS-specific test if it does not match either the
            # previously identified or the user's provided DBMS (either
            # from program switch or from parsed error message(s))
            if "details" in test and "dbms" in test.details:
                dbms = test.details.dbms
                dbms = None

            if dbms is not None:
                if injection.dbms is not None and not intersect(injection.dbms, dbms):
                    debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because " % title
                    debugMsg += "the back-end DBMS identified is "
                    debugMsg += "%s" % injection.dbms

                if conf.dbms is not None and not intersect(conf.dbms.lower(), [value.lower() for value in arrayizeValue(dbms)]):
                    debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because " % title
                    debugMsg += "the provided DBMS is %s" % conf.dbms

                if len(Backend.getErrorParsedDBMSes()) > 0 and not intersect(dbms, Backend.getErrorParsedDBMSes()) and kb.skipOthersDbms is None:
                    msg = "parsed error message(s) showed that the "
                    msg += "back-end DBMS could be %s. " % Format.getErrorParsedDBMSes()
                    msg += "Do you want to skip test payloads specific for other DBMSes? [Y/n]"

                    if readInput(msg, default="Y") in ("y", "Y"):
                        kb.skipOthersDbms = Backend.getErrorParsedDBMSes()
                        kb.skipOthersDbms = []

                if kb.skipOthersDbms and not intersect(dbms, kb.skipOthersDbms):
                    debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because " % title
                    debugMsg += "the parsed error message(s) showed "
                    debugMsg += "that the back-end DBMS could be "
                    debugMsg += "%s" % Format.getErrorParsedDBMSes()

            # Skip test if it does not match the same SQL injection clause
            # already identified by another test
            clauseMatch = False

            for clauseTest in clause:
                if injection.clause is not None and clauseTest in injection.clause:
                    clauseMatch = True

            if clause != [0] and injection.clause and injection.clause != [0] and not clauseMatch:
                debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because the clauses " % title
                debugMsg += "differs from the clause already identified"

            # Skip test if the user provided custom character
            if conf.uChar is not None and ("random number" in title or "(NULL)" in title):
                debugMsg = "skipping test '%s' because the user " % title
                debugMsg += "provided a specific character, %s" % conf.uChar

            infoMsg = "testing '%s'" % title

            # Force back-end DBMS according to the current
            # test value for proper payload unescaping
            Backend.forceDbms(dbms[0] if isinstance(dbms, list) else dbms)

            # Parse test's <request>
            comment = agent.getComment(test.request) if len(conf.boundaries) > 1 else None
            fstPayload = agent.cleanupPayload(test.request.payload, origValue=value)

            # Favoring non-string specific boundaries in case of digit-like parameter values
            if value.isdigit():
                boundaries = sorted(copy.deepcopy(conf.boundaries), key=lambda x: any(_ in (x.prefix or "") or _ in (x.suffix or "") for _ in ('"', '\'')))
                boundaries = conf.boundaries

            for boundary in boundaries:
                injectable = False

                # Skip boundary if the level is higher than the provided (or
                # default) value
                # Parse boundary's <level>
                if boundary.level > conf.level:

                # Skip boundary if it does not match against test's <clause>
                # Parse test's <clause> and boundary's <clause>
                clauseMatch = False

                for clauseTest in test.clause:
                    if clauseTest in boundary.clause:
                        clauseMatch = True

                if test.clause != [0] and boundary.clause != [0] and not clauseMatch:

                # Skip boundary if it does not match against test's <where>
                # Parse test's <where> and boundary's <where>
                whereMatch = False

                for where in test.where:
                    if where in boundary.where:
                        whereMatch = True

                if not whereMatch:

                # Parse boundary's <prefix>, <suffix> and <ptype>
                prefix = boundary.prefix if boundary.prefix else ""
                suffix = boundary.suffix if boundary.suffix else ""

                # Options --prefix/--suffix have a higher priority (if set by user)
                prefix = conf.prefix if conf.prefix is not None else prefix
                suffix = conf.suffix if conf.suffix is not None else suffix
                comment = None if conf.suffix is not None else comment

                ptype = boundary.ptype

                # If the previous injections succeeded, we know which prefix,
                # suffix and parameter type to use for further tests, no
                # need to cycle through the boundaries for the following tests
                condBound = (injection.prefix is not None and injection.suffix is not None)
                condBound &= (injection.prefix != prefix or injection.suffix != suffix)
                condType = injection.ptype is not None and injection.ptype != ptype

                if condBound or condType:

                # For each test's <where>
                for where in test.where:
                    templatePayload = None
                    vector = None

                    # Threat the parameter original value according to the
                    # test's <where> tag
                    if where == PAYLOAD.WHERE.ORIGINAL:
                        origValue = value
                    elif where == PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE:
                        # Use different page template than the original
                        # one as we are changing parameters value, which
                        # will likely result in a different content
                        if conf.invalidLogical:
                            origValue = "%s AND %s=%s" % (origValue, randomInt(), randomInt())
                        elif conf.invalidBignum:
                            origValue = "%d.%d" % (randomInt(6), randomInt(1))
                            origValue = "-%s" % randomInt()
                        templatePayload = agent.payload(place, parameter, newValue=origValue, where=where)
                    elif where == PAYLOAD.WHERE.REPLACE:
                        origValue = ""

                    kb.pageTemplate, kb.errorIsNone = getPageTemplate(templatePayload, place)

                    # Forge request payload by prepending with boundary's
                    # prefix and appending the boundary's suffix to the
                    # test's ' <payload><comment> ' string
                    boundPayload = agent.prefixQuery(fstPayload, prefix, where, clause)
                    boundPayload = agent.suffixQuery(boundPayload, comment, suffix, where)
                    reqPayload = agent.payload(place, parameter, newValue=boundPayload, where=where)

                    # Perform the test's request and check whether or not the
                    # payload was successful
                    # Parse test's <response>
                    for method, check in test.response.items():
                        check = agent.cleanupPayload(check, origValue=value)

                        # In case of boolean-based blind SQL injection
                        if method == PAYLOAD.METHOD.COMPARISON:
                            # Generate payload used for comparison
                            def genCmpPayload():
                                sndPayload = agent.cleanupPayload(test.response.comparison, origValue=value)

                                # Forge response payload by prepending with
                                # boundary's prefix and appending the boundary's
                                # suffix to the test's ' <payload><comment> '
                                # string
                                boundPayload = agent.prefixQuery(sndPayload, prefix, where, clause)
                                boundPayload = agent.suffixQuery(boundPayload, comment, suffix, where)
                                cmpPayload = agent.payload(place, parameter, newValue=boundPayload, where=where)

                                return cmpPayload

                            # Useful to set kb.matchRatio at first based on
                            # the False response content
                            kb.matchRatio = None
                            kb.negativeLogic = (where == PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE)
                            Request.queryPage(genCmpPayload(), place, raise404=False)
                            falsePage = threadData.lastComparisonPage or ""

                            # Perform the test's True request
                            trueResult = Request.queryPage(reqPayload, place, raise404=False)
                            truePage = threadData.lastComparisonPage or ""

                            if trueResult:
                                falseResult = Request.queryPage(genCmpPayload(), place, raise404=False)

                                # Perform the test's False request
                                if not falseResult:
                                    infoMsg = "%s parameter '%s' is '%s' injectable " % (place, parameter, title)

                                    injectable = True

                            if not injectable and not any((conf.string, conf.notString, conf.regexp)) and kb.pageStable:
                                trueSet = set(extractTextTagContent(truePage))
                                falseSet = set(extractTextTagContent(falsePage))
                                candidates = filter(None, (_.strip() if _.strip() in (kb.pageTemplate or "") and _.strip() not in falsePage else None for _ in (trueSet - falseSet)))
                                if candidates:
                                    conf.string = random.sample(candidates, 1)[0]
                                    infoMsg = "%s parameter '%s' seems to be '%s' injectable (with --string=\"%s\")" % (place, parameter, title, repr(conf.string).lstrip('u').strip("'"))

                                    injectable = True

                        # In case of error-based SQL injection
                        elif method == PAYLOAD.METHOD.GREP:
                            # Perform the test's request and grep the response
                            # body for the test's <grep> regular expression
                                page, headers = Request.queryPage(reqPayload, place, content=True, raise404=False)
                                output = extractRegexResult(check, page, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) \
                                        or extractRegexResult(check, listToStrValue(headers.headers \
                                        if headers else None), re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) \
                                        or extractRegexResult(check, threadData.lastRedirectMsg[1] \
                                        if threadData.lastRedirectMsg and threadData.lastRedirectMsg[0] == \
                                        threadData.lastRequestUID else None, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)

                                if output:
                                    result = output == "1"

                                    if result:
                                        infoMsg = "%s parameter '%s' is '%s' injectable " % (place, parameter, title)

                                        injectable = True

                            except sqlmapConnectionException, msg:
                                debugMsg = "problem occured most likely because the "
                                debugMsg += "server hasn't recovered as expected from the "
                                debugMsg += "error-based payload used ('%s')" % msg

                        # In case of time-based blind or stacked queries
                        # SQL injections
                        elif method == PAYLOAD.METHOD.TIME:
                            # Perform the test's request
                            trueResult = Request.queryPage(reqPayload, place, timeBasedCompare=True, raise404=False)

                            if trueResult:
                                # Confirm test's results
                                trueResult = Request.queryPage(reqPayload, place, timeBasedCompare=True, raise404=False)

                                if trueResult:
                                    infoMsg = "%s parameter '%s' is '%s' injectable " % (place, parameter, title)

                                    injectable = True

                        # In case of UNION query SQL injection
                        elif method == PAYLOAD.METHOD.UNION:
                            # Test for UNION injection and set the sample
                            # payload as well as the vector.
                            # NOTE: vector is set to a tuple with 6 elements,
                            # used afterwards by Agent.forgeUnionQuery()
                            # method to forge the UNION query payload

                            configUnion(test.request.char, test.request.columns)

                            if not Backend.getIdentifiedDbms():
                                warnMsg = "using unescaped version of the test "
                                warnMsg += "because of zero knowledge of the "
                                warnMsg += "back-end DBMS. You can try to "
                                warnMsg += "explicitly set it using option '--dbms'"

                            if unionExtended:
                                infoMsg = "automatically extending ranges "
                                infoMsg += "for UNION query injection technique tests as "
                                infoMsg += "there is at least one other potential "
                                infoMsg += "injection technique found"

                            # Test for UNION query SQL injection
                            reqPayload, vector = unionTest(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)

                            if isinstance(reqPayload, basestring):
                                infoMsg = "%s parameter '%s' is '%s' injectable" % (place, parameter, title)

                                injectable = True

                                # Overwrite 'where' because it can be set
                                # by unionTest() directly
                                where = vector[6]

                        kb.previousMethod = method

                    # If the injection test was successful feed the injection
                    # object with the test's details
                    if injectable is True:
                        # Feed with the boundaries details only the first time a
                        # test has been successful
                        if injection.place is None or injection.parameter is None:
                            if place in (PLACE.USER_AGENT, PLACE.REFERER, PLACE.HOST):
                                injection.parameter = place
                                injection.parameter = parameter

                            injection.place = place
                            injection.ptype = ptype
                            injection.prefix = prefix
                            injection.suffix = suffix
                            injection.clause = clause

                        # Feed with test details every time a test is successful
                        if hasattr(test, "details"):
                            for dKey, dValue in test.details.items():
                                if dKey == "dbms":
                                    injection.dbms = dValue
                                    if not isinstance(dValue, list):
                                        Backend.forceDbms(dValue[0], True)
                                elif dKey == "dbms_version" and injection.dbms_version is None and not conf.testFilter:
                                    injection.dbms_version = Backend.setVersion(dValue)
                                elif dKey == "os" and injection.os is None:
                                    injection.os = Backend.setOs(dValue)

                        if vector is None and "vector" in test and test.vector is not None:
                            vector = test.vector

                        injection.data[stype] = AttribDict()
                        injection.data[stype].title = title
                        injection.data[stype].payload = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(reqPayload)
                        injection.data[stype].where = where
                        injection.data[stype].vector = vector
                        injection.data[stype].comment = comment
                        injection.data[stype].templatePayload = templatePayload
                        injection.data[stype].matchRatio = kb.matchRatio

                        injection.conf.textOnly = conf.textOnly
                        injection.conf.titles = conf.titles
                        injection.conf.string = conf.string
                        injection.conf.notString = conf.notString
                        injection.conf.regexp = conf.regexp
                        injection.conf.optimize = conf.optimize

                        if conf.beep:

                        # There is no need to perform this test for other
                        # <where> tags

                if injectable is True:
Exemple #21
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@Author: xxlin
@LastEditors: xxlin
@Date: 2019-04-10 13:27:58
@LastEditTime: 2019-04-10 17:46:40

from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict

# dirmap paths
paths = AttribDict()

# object to store original command line options
cmdLineOptions = AttribDict()

# object to share within function and classes command
# line options and settings
conf = AttribDict()

# object to control engine
th = AttribDict()

payloads = AttribDict()

tasks = AttribDict()
