Exemple #1
class Dashboard(PDU):
    QUEUE = 'dashboard'

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Dashboard, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.dashboard_cache = DashboardCache()

    def process_message(self, message):
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(RoomPosition, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.session_tracker = SessionTracker()
     self.dashboard_cache = DashboardCache()
class RoomPosition(PDU):
    ''' PDU that reads skeleton messages from kinect and translates the position
        of the torso (from kinect coordinates) to room coordinates using the
        sensor position value that is sent by kinect.

        Message from kinect of skeleton type with sensor_position field
        The sensor_position needs the following fields:
            - X,Y,Z: the position of the sensor wrt the room
            - alpha: the rotation around y axis
            - beta: the rotation around x axis
            - gamma: the rotation around z axis
        The message needs a skeleton_3D key with the positions of the torso

        Sends a message with a subject_position key set to a dictionary with
        X,Y,Z in room coordinates. The message is sent to the subject-position

    QUEUE = 'room-position'
    #torso is always first in list
    JOINTS = ['torso', 'head', 'neck', 'left_shoulder', 'right_shoulder',
              'left_elbow', 'right_elbow', 'left_hand', 'right_hand',
              'left_hip', 'right_hip', 'left_knee', 'right_knee',
              'left_foot', 'right_foot']

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(RoomPosition, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.session_tracker = SessionTracker()
        self.dashboard_cache = DashboardCache()

    def process_message(self, message):
        if message['type'] !=  'skeleton':

        sensor_position = message['sensor_position']
        """ We are doing rotation using the euler angles
            see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
        alpha = sensor_position['alpha']
        beta = sensor_position['beta']
        gamma  = sensor_position['gamma']

        rx = rot_x(beta)
        ry = rot_y(alpha)
        rz = rot_z(gamma)
        trans = tanslation(sensor_position['X'], sensor_position['Y'], sensor_position['Z'])

        # some temp variables manipulation follows as the cv library uses
        # output parameters on multilications

        temp_mat = cv.CreateMat(4,4, cv.CV_64F)
        rot_mat = cv.CreateMat(4,4, cv.CV_64F)

        cv.MatMul(temp_mat, rz, rot_mat)
        cv.MatMul(trans, rot_mat, temp_mat)

        N = len(self.JOINTS)
        pos = cv.CreateMat(4, N, cv.CV_64F)
        temp_pos = cv.CreateMat(4, N, cv.CV_64F)
        skeleton_3D = message['skeleton_3D']

        for i in range(N):
            joint = self.JOINTS[i]
            if joint in skeleton_3D:
                joint_pos = skeleton_3D[joint]
                temp_pos[0,i] = joint_pos['X']
                temp_pos[1,i] = joint_pos['Y']
                temp_pos[2,i] = joint_pos['Z']
                temp_pos[3,i] = 1

        cv.MatMul(temp_mat, temp_pos, pos)
        skeleton_in_room = {}
        for i in range(N):
            joint = self.JOINTS[i]
            if joint in skeleton_3D:
                skeleton_in_room[joint] = {
                    'X': pos[0, i],
                    'Y': pos[1, i],
                    'Z': pos[2, i],

        position_message = {
            'X': pos[0,0],
            'Y': pos[1,0],
            'Z': pos[2,0],

        self.log('Found position %s' % position_message)

        if message.get('session_id', None):
            sid = message['session_id']
            time = message['created_at']
            self.session_tracker.track_event(sid, time, {'skeleton_in_room': skeleton_in_room})
            # Keep it simple and put X, Y, Z as top-level keys for this
            # measurement of the current tracking session.
            self.session_tracker.track_event(sid, time, position_message)

        dashboard_message = {
            'created_at': message['created_at'],
            'sensor_id': message['sensor_id'],
            'sensor_position': sensor_position,

        # Send subject position to Redis

        return None
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(RoomPosition, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.dashboard_cache = DashboardCache()
class RoomPosition(PDU):
    ''' PDU that reads skeleton messages from kinect and translates the position 
        of the torso (from kinect coordinates) to room coordinates using the
        sensor position value that is sent by kinect.
        Message from kinect of skeleton type with sensor_position field
        The sensor_position needs the following fields:
            - X,Y,Z: the position of the sensor wrt the room
            - alpha: the rotation around y axis
            - beta: the rotation around x axis
            - gamma: the rotation around z axis
        The message needs a skeleton_3D key with the positions of the torso
        Sends a message with a subject_position key set to a dictionary with 
        X,Y,Z in room coordinates. The message is sent to the subject-position
    QUEUE = 'room-position'

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(RoomPosition, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.dashboard_cache = DashboardCache()

    def process_message(self, message):
        sensor_position = message['sensor_position']
        """ We are doing rotation using the euler angles
            see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
        alpha = sensor_position['alpha']
        beta = sensor_position['beta']
        gamma  = sensor_position['gamma']
        rx = rot_x(beta)
        ry = rot_y(alpha)
        rz = rot_z(gamma)
        # some temp variables manipulation follows as the cv library uses
        # output parameters on multilications'''
        temp_mat = cv.CreateMat(3,3, cv.CV_64F)
        rot_mat = cv.CreateMat(3,3, cv.CV_64F)
        cv.MatMul(temp_mat, rz, rot_mat)
        pos = cv.CreateMat(3,1, cv.CV_64F)
        temp_pos = cv.CreateMat(3,1, cv.CV_64F)
        torso_pos = message['skeleton_3D']['torso']
        pos[0,0] = torso_pos['X']
        pos[1,0] = torso_pos['Y']
        pos[2,0] = torso_pos['Z']
        cv.MatMul(rot_mat, pos, temp_pos)
        pos[0,0] = temp_pos[0,0] + sensor_position['X']
        pos[1,0] = temp_pos[1,0] + sensor_position['Y']
        pos[2,0] = temp_pos[2,0] + sensor_position['Z']
        position_message = {
            'type': 'subject_position',
            'sensor_id': message['sensor_id'],
            'created_at': message['created_at'],
            'X': pos[0,0],
            'Y': pos[1,0],
            'Z': pos[2,0],
        # Send subject position to Redis
        self.log('Found position %s' % position_message)
        return None
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(Dashboard, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.dashboard_cache = DashboardCache()