def load_plugin(self, plugin_path): config_file = open( os.path.join(plugin_path, "manifest.conf") ) name = os.path.split(plugin_path)[1] plugin_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() debug( message("Reading plugin %s " % name ) ) # do stuff. # __import__("plugins.%s.plugin" % name) __import__("plugins.%s.plugin" % name) plugin = sys.modules["plugins.%s.plugin" % name] self.plugins[name] = { "config" : plugin_config, "path" : plugin_path, "object" : plugin } if plugin.HasAttr("set_parent") : plugin.set_parent(self.parent) if plugin.hasattr("events") : for event in plugin["events"] : self.set_event_plugin(event, plugin_path) if plugin.hasattr("interfaces") : for interface in plugin["interfaces"] : self.set_interface_plugin(interface, plugin_path)
def process_template (self, str): """ Function doc """ if'\$\{([a-zA-Z_]+)\}', str)!=None : debug( message("processing : %s" % str) ) template = string.Template(str) output = template.substitute(self.__dict__) return output else : debug( message("not a template string","warning") ) return str
def ensure_dir(self, path) : """ Looks for a folder at provided path, creates it if it does not exist. Returns the folder. """ folder = os.path.exists(path) if not folder: debug( message("Folder [ %s ] does not exist, creating it." % path,"warning") ) folder = os.makedirs(path) return folder
def __init__(self,parent,path=None): debug( message("Plugin Manager Loading",'header') ) self.MODULE_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.plugins = {} = {} self.interfaces = {} self.parent = parent self.process_template = self.parent.process_template self.required_plugin_files = [ "manifest.conf", "" ] self.plugin_dir = path self.load_plugins() debug( message("Plugin Manager Ready",'success') )
def quit(): debug.debug("quitting") try: os.remove(app_lock_file) except: debug.error(sys.exc_info()) if (utilsTray.username != "bluepixels"): utilsTray.deleteUserData() idleIn() QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().quit() os._exit(0)
def load_profile (self,name): """ Function doc """ if not name: raise BaseException, "Profile Name Required" profile_name = self.get_expanded_profile_name(name) debug( message("Loading setttings"), name) self.set_current_profile(name) output = {} for item in self.config.options(profile_name): output[item] = self.config.get(profile_name, item) return output
def render_interface(self): self.window = self.builder.get_object('window_main') self.notebook = self.builder.get_object('notebook') plugin_builder = gtk.Builder() for name,data in self.parent.plugins.plugins.items() : plugin_config_path = os.path.join(data["path"],"") # check for and load the if os.path.isfile( plugin_config_path ): debug( message("Loading Config Plugin : "), name ) plugin_builder.add_from_file( plugin_config_path ); Tab = gtk.Label() Tab.set_text(name) Page = gtk.HBox() Page.pack_start( plugin_builder.get_object("plugin") ) self.notebook.append_page(Page, Tab)
def ensure_file (self, path, default_content=None): """ Looks for file at provided path, creates it if it does not exist, files it with default content if provided Returns the file. """ path = self.process_template(path) #expand template vars if not os.path.exists(path) : debug( message("File [ %s ] does not exist, creating it." % path,"warning") ) self.ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(path)) file = open(path, 'w') if default_content != None: file.write(default_content) file.close() file = path else : debug( message("file is available\n\t>%s" % path) ) file = path return file
def __init__(self,parent=None, path = None): self.parent = parent self.USER_HOME = os.path.abspath(os.getenv("HOME")) self.USERNAME = os.path.abspath(os.getenv("USER")) self.MODULE_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if path != None : self.CONFIG_PATH = path else : msg = "Can't continue without a configuration file. Please provide a path to a valid ini based configuration file." debug( message(msg,"error") ) raise BaseException, msg self.APP_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.APP_NAME = parent.APP_NAME self.process_template = self.parent.process_template = None self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() self.DEFAULT_CONFIG="""[main] default-profile=default [profile-default] entry_admin_dn=cn=admin, dc=domain, dc=domain entry_admin_password=password entry_server_dn=dc=hostname, dc=domain entry_server_fqdn=subdomain.hostname.domain """ self.SELECTED_PROFILE_NAME = None self.SELECTED_PROFILE = None self.DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME = "default" self.read_config_file(self.config,self.CONFIG_PATH ) self.set_default_profile_name( self.config.get("main",'default-profile') ) self.set_current_profile_name( self.get_default_profile_name() ) self.set_current_profile()
def load_plugins(self): path = self.plugin_dir debug( message("Processing Plugins", "header"), " : ", message(path) ) #sys.path.append(path) # for directory in os.path.listdirs(self.plupathgin_dir) : for item in os.listdir(path): folder_has_plugin_files = False folder = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isdir( folder ): debug( message("Inspecting : %s" % folder ) ) files = os.listdir( folder ) if len( set(self.required_plugin_files) & set(files) ) == len(self.required_plugin_files) : self.load_plugin( folder ) else: debug( message("folder is not a valid plugin", "error"), name )
def debug(self,*args): debug(args)
def idleOut(): debug.debug("out Idle State") # if (options_dict['render-auto'] == QtCore.Qt.Checked): myHostConfig.hDisable() myHostConfig.hStop()
def idleIn(): debug.debug("in Idle State")
def add_listener(self, listener): # Register a listener debug("Adding listener") self.listeners.append(listener)
def emit(self, msg): # Send a message to all listeners # TODO: rename as broadcast? debug("Received message: %s" % msg) for listener in self.listeners: listener.handle_msg(msg)
def remove_listener(self, listener): # Remove a listener from the list debug("Removing listener") self.listeners.remove(listener)
def add_listeners(self, listeners): # Register a list of listeners debug("Adding listeners") self.listeners.extend(listeners)
def get_current_profile (self): profile = self.SELECTED_PROFILE profile_name = self.get_current_profile_name() debug( message("Retrieving Profile","header"), profile_name ) debug( message(" %s has %s elements" % (profile_name, len( profile.keys() )) ) ) return profile
def set_default_profile_name (self,name): debug( message("Storing Default Profile","header"),name) self.DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME = name self.config.set("main", 'default-profile', name ) self.save_config_file(self.config,self.CONFIG_PATH)