Exemple #1
def scan_directory(dir, mask, nomask = ['.', '..', 'CVS'], \
    callback = 0, recurse = True, key = 'filename', min_depth = 0, depth = 0):
   Finds all files that match a given mask in a given directory.
   Directories and files beginning with a period are excluded; this
   prevents hidden files and directories (such as SVN working directories)
   from being scanned.
   @param dir
     The base directory for the scan, without trailing slash.
   @param mask
     The regular expression of the files to find.
   @param nomask
     An array of files/directories to ignore.
   @param callback
     The callback function to call for each match.
   @param recurse
     When True, the directory scan will recurse the entire tree
     starting at the provided directory.
   @param key
     The key to be used for the returned array of files + Possible
     values are "filename", for the path starting with dir,
     "basename", for the basename of the file, and "name" for the name
     of the file without an extension.
   @param min_depth
     Minimum depth of directories to return files from.
   @param depth
     Current depth of recursion + This parameter is only used
     internally and should not be passed.
     An associative array (keyed on the provided key) of objects with
     "path", "basename", and "name" members corresponding to the
     matching files.
  key = (key if php.in_array(key, \
    ('filename', 'basename', 'name')) else 'filename')
  files = []
  if php.is_dir(dir):
    dir_files = php.scandir(dir)
    for file in dir_files:
      if (not php.in_array(file, nomask) and file[0] != '.'):
        if (php.is_dir("%s/%s" % (dir, file)) and recurse):
          # Give priority to files in this folder by
          # merging them in after any subdirectory files.
          files = php.array_merge(file_scan_directory("%s/%s" % (dir, file), \
            mask, nomask, callback, recurse, key, min_depth, depth + 1), files)
        elif (depth >= min_depth and ereg(mask, file)):
          # Always use this match over anything already
          # set in files with the same $key.
          filename = "%s/%s" % (dir, file)
          basename_ = php.basename(file)
          name = php.substr(basename_, 0, php.strrpos(basename_, '.'))
          files[key] = php.stdClass()
          files[key].filename = filename
          files[key].basename = basename_
          files[key].name = name
          if (callback):
  return files
Exemple #2
def directory_temp():
   Determine the default temporary directory.
   @return A string containing a temp directory.
    temporary_directory = variable_get('file_directory_temp', None)
    if (is_None(temporary_directory)):
        directories = []
        # Has PHP been set with an upload_tmp_dir?
        if (ini_get('upload_tmp_dir')):
        # Operating system specific dirs.
        if (php.substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN'):
            path_delimiter = '\\'
            path_delimiter = '/'
        for directory in directories:
            if (not temporary_directory and php.is_dir(directory)):
                temporary_directory = directory
        # if a directory has been found, use it,
        # otherwise default to 'files/tmp' or 'files\\tmp'
        temporary_directory = (temporary_directory if \
          (temporary_directory != None) else \
          (file_directory_path() +  path_delimiter + 'tmp'))
        variable_set('file_directory_temp', temporary_directory)
    return temporary_directory
Exemple #3
def directory_temp():
   Determine the default temporary directory.
   @return A string containing a temp directory.
  temporary_directory = variable_get('file_directory_temp', None)
  if (is_None(temporary_directory)):
    directories = []
    # Has PHP been set with an upload_tmp_dir?
    if (ini_get('upload_tmp_dir')):
      directories.append( ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') )
    # Operating system specific dirs.
    if (php.substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN'):
      directories.append( 'c:\\windows\\temp' )
      directories.append( 'c:\\winnt\\temp' )
      path_delimiter = '\\'
      directories.append( '/tmp' )
      path_delimiter = '/'
    for directory in directories:
      if (not temporary_directory and php.is_dir(directory)):
        temporary_directory = directory
    # if a directory has been found, use it,
    # otherwise default to 'files/tmp' or 'files\\tmp'
    temporary_directory = (temporary_directory if \
      (temporary_directory != None) else \
      (file_directory_path() +  path_delimiter + 'tmp'))
    variable_set('file_directory_temp', temporary_directory)
  return temporary_directory
Exemple #4
def check_directory(directory, mode=0, form_item=None):
   Check that the directory exists and is writable + Directories need to
   have execute permissions to be considered a directory by FTP servers, etc.
   @param directory A string containing the name of a directory path.
   @param mode A Boolean value to indicate if the directory should be created
     if it does not exist or made writable if it is read-only.
   @param form_item An optional string containing the name of a form item that
     any errors will be attached to + This is useful for settings forms that
     require the user to specify a writable directory + If it can't be made to
     work, a form error will be set preventing them from saving the settings.
   @return False when directory not found, or True when directory exists.
    directory._ = php.rtrim(directory._, '/\\')
    # Check if directory exists.
    if (not php.is_dir(directory._)):
        if ((mode & FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) and mkdir(directory._) != False):
            chmod(directory._, 0775)
            # Necessary for non-webserver users.
            if (form_item):
                form_set_error(form_item, \
                  t('The directory %directory does not exist.', \
                  {'%directory' : directory._}))
                watchdog('file system', 'The directory %directory does not exist.', \
                  {'%directory' : directory}, WATCHDOG_ERROR)
            return False
    # Check to see if the directory is writable.
    if (not php.is_writable(directory._)):
        if ((mode & FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS)
                and not php.chmod(directory, 0775)):
            form_set_error(form_item, t('The directory %directory is not writable', \
              {'%directory' : directory._}))
            watchdog('file system', 'The directory %directory is not writable, ' + \
              'because it does not have the correct permissions set.', \
              {'%directory' : directory._}, WATCHDOG_ERROR)
            return False
Exemple #5
def scan_directory(dir, mask, nomask = ['.', '..', 'CVS'], \
    callback = 0, recurse = True, key = 'filename', min_depth = 0, depth = 0):
   Finds all files that match a given mask in a given directory.
   Directories and files beginning with a period are excluded; this
   prevents hidden files and directories (such as SVN working directories)
   from being scanned.
   @param dir
     The base directory for the scan, without trailing slash.
   @param mask
     The regular expression of the files to find.
   @param nomask
     An array of files/directories to ignore.
   @param callback
     The callback function to call for each match.
   @param recurse
     When True, the directory scan will recurse the entire tree
     starting at the provided directory.
   @param key
     The key to be used for the returned array of files + Possible
     values are "filename", for the path starting with dir,
     "basename", for the basename of the file, and "name" for the name
     of the file without an extension.
   @param min_depth
     Minimum depth of directories to return files from.
   @param depth
     Current depth of recursion + This parameter is only used
     internally and should not be passed.
     An associative array (keyed on the provided key) of objects with
     "path", "basename", and "name" members corresponding to the
     matching files.
    key = (key if php.in_array(key, \
      ('filename', 'basename', 'name')) else 'filename')
    files = []
    if php.is_dir(dir):
        dir_files = php.scandir(dir)
        for file in dir_files:
            if (not php.in_array(file, nomask) and file[0] != '.'):
                if (php.is_dir("%s/%s" % (dir, file)) and recurse):
                    # Give priority to files in this folder by
                    # merging them in after any subdirectory files.
                    files = php.array_merge(file_scan_directory("%s/%s" % (dir, file), \
                      mask, nomask, callback, recurse, key, min_depth, depth + 1), files)
                elif (depth >= min_depth and ereg(mask, file)):
                    # Always use this match over anything already
                    # set in files with the same $key.
                    filename = "%s/%s" % (dir, file)
                    basename_ = php.basename(file)
                    name = php.substr(basename_, 0,
                                      php.strrpos(basename_, '.'))
                    files[key] = php.stdClass()
                    files[key].filename = filename
                    files[key].basename = basename_
                    files[key].name = name
                    if (callback):
    return files
Exemple #6
def check_directory(directory, mode = 0, form_item = None):
   Check that the directory exists and is writable + Directories need to
   have execute permissions to be considered a directory by FTP servers, etc.
   @param directory A string containing the name of a directory path.
   @param mode A Boolean value to indicate if the directory should be created
     if it does not exist or made writable if it is read-only.
   @param form_item An optional string containing the name of a form item that
     any errors will be attached to + This is useful for settings forms that
     require the user to specify a writable directory + If it can't be made to
     work, a form error will be set preventing them from saving the settings.
   @return False when directory not found, or True when directory exists.
  directory._ = php.rtrim(directory._, '/\\')
  # Check if directory exists.
  if (not php.is_dir(directory._)):
    if ((mode & FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) and mkdir(directory._) != False):
      chmod(directory._, 0775); # Necessary for non-webserver users.
      if (form_item):
        form_set_error(form_item, \
          t('The directory %directory does not exist.', \
          {'%directory' : directory._}))
        watchdog('file system', 'The directory %directory does not exist.', \
          {'%directory' : directory}, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return False
  # Check to see if the directory is writable.
  if (not php.is_writable(directory._)):
    if ((mode & FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS) and not php.chmod(directory, 0775)):
      form_set_error(form_item, t('The directory %directory is not writable', \
        {'%directory' : directory._}))
      watchdog('file system', 'The directory %directory is not writable, ' + \
        'because it does not have the correct permissions set.', \
        {'%directory' : directory._}, WATCHDOG_ERROR)
      return False
  if ((file_directory_path() == directory._ or \
      file_directory_temp() == directory._) and \
      not php.is_file("directory/.htaccess")):
    htaccess_lines = \
      "SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006\n" + \
      "Options None\nOptions +FollowSymLinks"
    fp = fopen("directory/.htaccess", 'w')
    if (fp and fputs(fp, htaccess_lines)):
      chmod(directory._ + '/.htaccess', 0664)
      variables = {'%directory' : directory._, \
        '!htaccess' : '<br />' + php.nl2br(check_plain(htaccess_lines))}
      form_set_error(form_item, t("Security warning: " + \
        "Couldn't write + htaccess file. " + \
        "Please create a .htaccess file in your " + \
        "%directory directory which contains the following lines: " + \
        "<code>!htaccess</code>", variables))
      watchdog('security', "Security warning: Couldn't write " + \
        ".htaccess file. Please create a .htaccess file in " + \
        "your %directory directory which contains the " + \
        "following lines: <code>not htaccess</code>", \
        variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR)
  return True