Exemple #1
def receive_email(event, context):
    This function is triggered when as an SES Action when a new e-mail is
    received. It scrapes the email to find the name and confirmation
    number of the passenger to check-in, and then executes the AWS Step
    state machine provided in the `STATE_MACHINE_ARN` environment variable.

    sfn = boto3.client('stepfunctions')
    ses_notification = event['Records'][0]['ses']
    # ARN of the AWS Step State Machine to execute when an email
    # is successfully parsed and a new check-in should run.
    state_machine_arn = os.getenv('STATE_MACHINE_ARN')

    log.debug("State Machine ARN: {}".format(state_machine_arn))
    log.debug("SES Notification: {}".format(ses_notification))

    ses_msg = email.SesMailNotification(ses_notification['mail'])

        reservation = email.find_name_and_confirmation_number(ses_msg)
        log.info("Found reservation: {}".format(reservation))
    except Exception as e:
        log.error("Error scraping email {}: {}".format(ses_msg.message_id, e))
        if not ses_msg.from_email.endswith('southwest.com'):
        return False

    # Don't add the email if it's straight from southwest.com
    if not ses_msg.from_email.endswith('southwest.com'):
        reservation['email'] = ses_msg.from_email

    execution = sfn.start_execution(

    log.debug("State machine started at: {}".format(execution['startDate']))
    log.debug("Execution ARN: {}".format(execution['executionArn']))

    # Remove the startDate from the return value because datetime objects don't
    # easily serialize to JSON.

    return execution
 def test_source(self):
     msg = email.SesMailNotification(self.data)
     assert msg.source == "[email protected]"
 def test_from_email(self):
     msg = email.SesMailNotification(self.data)
     assert msg.from_email == "*****@*****.**"