Exemple #1
# A simple program that wanders and avoids obstacles

from lib.finch import Finch
from time import sleep

# Instantiate the Finch object and connect to Finch
tweety = Finch()

# Get the Z-Axis acceleration
zAccel = tweety.acceleration()[2]

# Do the following while the Finch is not upside down (z value in gees above -0.7)
while zAccel > -0.7:

    left_obstacle, right_obstacle = tweety.obstacle()
    # If there's an obstacle on the left, back up and arc
    if left_obstacle:
    # Back up and arc in the opposite direction if there's something on the right
    elif right_obstacle:
        tweety.wheels(-1.0, -0.3)
    # Else just go straight
        tweety.wheels(1.0, 1.0)
    # Keep reading in the Z acceleration
    zAccel = tweety.acceleration()[2]
while laps <= 0:
    laps = int(input('Enter number of laps: '))

    if laps < 0:
        print('Cannot swim a negative number of laps!')
    elif laps == 0:
        print('Zero laps? I want to swim!')

# Move forward until an obstacle is present and measure the time:

start = time()
finch.wheels(0.5, 0.5)
while True:
    left_obstacle, right_obstacle = finch.obstacle()
    if left_obstacle or right_obstacle:
        half_lap_time = time() - start
        finch.wheels(0, 0)

print('Obstacle found, backing up')

# Move backwards for the same amount of time spent moving forward

finch.wheels(-0.5, -0.5)
laps -= 1

# Now lapswim!
# A simple program that randomly changes the LED when the Finch is tapped or shaken
# Try it by setting the Finch on a table and tapping the top
from lib.finch import Finch
from random import randint

# Instantiate the Finch object and connect to Finch
tweety = Finch()

left, right = tweety.obstacle()

# Do the following while no obstacles are detected by Finch
while not left and not right:
    # Get the accelerations
    x, y, z, tap, shake = tweety.acceleration()

    # Print the acceleration data
    print("X is %.2f gees, Y is %.2f gees, Z is %.2f gees, tap is %r shake is %r" % (x, y, z, tap, shake));

    # If a tap or shake has been detected recently, set the LED to a random color
    if tap or shake:
        tweety.led(randint(0,255), randint(0, 255), randint(0,255))

    # Get obstacles to use to exit loop
    left, right = tweety.obstacle()
