def rotation(self, i, motion_index=0):
        """Set up the rotation for state i."""

        # Loop until a valid rotation matrix is found.
        while True:
            # The random rotation matrix.

            # Rotation in the eigenframe.
            R_eigen = dot(transpose(self.axes), dot(self.R, self.axes))

            # The angles.
            phi, theta, sigma = R_to_tilt_torsion(R_eigen)

            # Skip the rotation if the isotropic cone angle is violated.
            if theta > self.THETA_Y:

            # Determine theta_max.
            theta_max = 1.0 / sqrt((cos(phi) / self.THETA_X)**2 + (sin(phi) / self.THETA_Y)**2)

            # Skip the rotation if the cone angle is violated.
            if theta > theta_max:

            # Reconstruct the rotation matrix, in the eigenframe, without sigma.
            tilt_torsion_to_R(phi, theta, 0.0, R_eigen)

            # Rotate back out of the eigenframe.
            self.R = dot(self.axes, dot(R_eigen, transpose(self.axes)))

            # Rotation is ok, so stop looping.
Exemple #2
    def rotation(self, i, motion_index=0):
        """Set up the rotation for state i."""

        # Loop until a valid rotation matrix is found.
        while True:
            # The random rotation matrix.

            # Rotation in the eigenframe.
            R_eigen = dot(transpose(self.axes), dot(self.R, self.axes))

            # The angles.
            phi, theta, sigma = R_to_tilt_torsion(R_eigen)

            # Skip the rotation if the isotropic cone angle is violated.
            if theta > self.THETA_Y:

            # Determine theta_max.
            theta_max = 1.0 / sqrt((cos(phi) / self.THETA_X)**2 +
                                   (sin(phi) / self.THETA_Y)**2)

            # Skip the rotation if the cone angle is violated.
            if theta > theta_max:

            # Reconstruct the rotation matrix, in the eigenframe, without sigma.
            tilt_torsion_to_R(phi, theta, 0.0, R_eigen)

            # Rotate back out of the eigenframe.
            self.R = dot(self.axes, dot(R_eigen, transpose(self.axes)))

            # Rotation is ok, so stop looping.
Exemple #3
    def rotation_hypersphere_torsionless(self):
        """Random rotation using 4D hypersphere point picking and return of torsion-tilt angles."""

        # Obtain the random torsion-tilt angles from the random hypersphere method.
        theta, phi, sigma = self.rotation_hypersphere()

        # Reconstruct a rotation matrix, setting the torsion angle to zero.
        tilt_torsion_to_R(phi, theta, 0.0, self.rot)

        # Rotate the frame.
        self.rot = dot(EIG_FRAME, dot(self.rot, self.eig_frame_T))

        # Return the angles.
        return theta, phi, 0.0
Exemple #4
    def rotation_hypersphere_torsionless(self):
        """Random rotation using 4D hypersphere point picking and return of torsion-tilt angles."""

        # Obtain the random torsion-tilt angles from the random hypersphere method.
        theta, phi, sigma = self.rotation_hypersphere()

        # Reconstruct a rotation matrix, setting the torsion angle to zero.
        tilt_torsion_to_R(phi, theta, 0.0, self.rot)

        # Rotate the frame.
        self.rot = dot(EIG_FRAME, dot(self.rot, self.eig_frame_T))

        # Return the angles.
        return theta, phi, 0.0
Exemple #5
def brownian(file=None,
    """Pseudo-Brownian dynamics simulation of the frame order motions.

    @keyword file:          The opened and writable file object to place the snapshots into.
    @type file:             str
    @keyword structure:     The internal structural object containing the domain to simulate as a single model.
    @type structure:        lib.structure.internal.object.Internal instance
    @keyword model:         The frame order model to simulate.
    @type model:            str
    @keyword parameters:    The dictionary of model parameter values.  The key is the parameter name and the value is the value.
    @type parameters:       dict of float
    @keyword eigenframe:    The full 3D eigenframe of the frame order motions.
    @type eigenframe:       numpy rank-2, 3D float64 array
    @keyword pivot:         The list of pivot points of the frame order motions.
    @type pivot:            numpy rank-2 (N, 3) float64 array
    @keyword atom_id:       The atom ID string for the atoms in the structure to rotate - i.e. the moving domain.
    @type atom_id:          None or str
    @keyword step_size:     The rotation will be of a random direction but with this fixed angle.  The value is in degrees.
    @type step_size:        float
    @keyword snapshot:      The number of steps in the simulation when snapshots will be taken.
    @type snapshot:         int
    @keyword total:         The total number of snapshots to take before stopping the simulation.
    @type total:            int

    # Check the structural object.
    if structure.num_models() > 1:
        raise RelaxError("Only a single model is supported.")

    # Set the model number.
    structure.set_model(model_orig=None, model_new=1)

    # Generate the internal structural selection object.
    selection = structure.selection(atom_id)

    # The initial states and motional limits.
    num_states = len(pivot)
    states = zeros((num_states, 3, 3), float64)
    theta_max = []
    sigma_max = []
    for i in range(num_states):
        states[i] = eye(3)

    # Initialise the rotation matrix data structures.
    vector = zeros(3, float64)
    R = eye(3, dtype=float64)
    step_size = step_size / 360.0 * 2.0 * pi

    # Axis permutations.
    perm = [None]
    if model == MODEL_DOUBLE_ROTOR:
        perm = [[2, 0, 1], [1, 2, 0]]
        perm_rev = [[1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]]

    # The maximum cone opening angles (isotropic cones).
    if 'cone_theta' in parameters:
        theta_max[0] = parameters['cone_theta']

    # The maximum cone opening angles (isotropic cones).
    theta_x = None
    theta_y = None
    if 'cone_theta_x' in parameters:
        theta_x = parameters['cone_theta_x']
        theta_y = parameters['cone_theta_y']

    # The maximum torsion angle.
    if 'cone_sigma_max' in parameters:
        sigma_max[0] = parameters['cone_sigma_max']
    elif 'free rotor' in model:
        sigma_max[0] = pi

    # The second torsion angle.
    if 'cone_sigma_max_2' in parameters:
        sigma_max[1] = parameters['cone_sigma_max_2']

    # Printout.
    print("\nRunning the simulation:")

    # Simulate.
    current_snapshot = 1
    step = 1
    while True:
        # End the simulation.
        if current_snapshot == total:
            print("\nEnd of simulation.")

        # Loop over each state, or motional mode.
        for i in range(num_states):
            # The random vector.

            # The rotation matrix.
            axis_angle_to_R(vector, step_size, R)

            # Shift the current state.
            states[i] = dot(R, states[i])

            # Rotation in the eigenframe.
            R_eigen = dot(transpose(eigenframe), dot(states[i], eigenframe))

            # Axis permutation to shift each rotation axis to Z.
            if perm[i] != None:
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[:, j] = R_eigen[perm[i], j]
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[j, :] = R_eigen[j, perm[i]]

            # The angles.
            phi, theta, sigma = R_to_tilt_torsion(R_eigen)
            sigma = wrap_angles(sigma, -pi, pi)

            # Determine theta_max for the pseudo-ellipse models.
            if theta_x != None:
                theta_max[i] = 1.0 / sqrt((cos(phi) / theta_x)**2 +
                                          (sin(phi) / theta_y)**2)

            # Set the cone opening angle to the maximum if outside of the limit.
            if theta_max[i] != None:
                if theta > theta_max[i]:
                    theta = theta_max[i]

            # No tilt component.
                theta = 0.0
                phi = 0.0

            # Set the torsion angle to the maximum if outside of the limits.
            if sigma_max[i] != None:
                if sigma > sigma_max[i]:
                    sigma = sigma_max[i]
                elif sigma < -sigma_max[i]:
                    sigma = -sigma_max[i]
                sigma = 0.0

            # Reconstruct the rotation matrix, in the eigenframe, without sigma.
            tilt_torsion_to_R(phi, theta, sigma, R_eigen)

            # Reverse axis permutation to shift each rotation z-axis back.
            if perm[i] != None:
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[:, j] = R_eigen[perm_rev[i], j]
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[j, :] = R_eigen[j, perm_rev[i]]

            # Rotate back out of the eigenframe.
            states[i] = dot(eigenframe, dot(R_eigen, transpose(eigenframe)))

        # Take a snapshot.
        if step == snapshot:
            # Progress.

            # Increment the snapshot number.
            current_snapshot += 1

            # Copy the original structural data.
            structure.add_model(model=current_snapshot, coords_from=1)

            # Rotate the model.
            for i in range(num_states):

            # Reset the step counter.
            step = 0

        # Increment.
        step += 1

    # Save the result.
Exemple #6
def uniform_distribution(file=None,
    """Uniform distribution of the frame order motions.

    @keyword file:          The opened and writable file object to place the PDB models of the distribution into.
    @type file:             str
    @keyword structure:     The internal structural object containing the domain to distribute as a single model.
    @type structure:        lib.structure.internal.object.Internal instance
    @keyword model:         The frame order model to distribute.
    @type model:            str
    @keyword parameters:    The dictionary of model parameter values.  The key is the parameter name and the value is the value.
    @type parameters:       dict of float
    @keyword eigenframe:    The full 3D eigenframe of the frame order motions.
    @type eigenframe:       numpy rank-2, 3D float64 array
    @keyword pivot:         The list of pivot points of the frame order motions.
    @type pivot:            numpy rank-2 (N, 3) float64 array
    @keyword atom_id:       The atom ID string for the atoms in the structure to rotate - i.e. the moving domain.
    @type atom_id:          None or str
    @keyword total:         The total number of states in the distribution.
    @type total:            int
    @keyword max_rotations: The maximum number of rotations to generate the distribution from.  This prevents an execution for an infinite amount of time when a frame order amplitude parameter is close to zero so that the subset of all rotations within the distribution is close to zero.
    @type max_rotations:    int

    # Check the structural object.
    if structure.num_models() > 1:
        raise RelaxError("Only a single model is supported.")

    # Set the model number.
    structure.set_model(model_orig=None, model_new=1)

    # Generate the internal structural selection object.
    selection = structure.selection(atom_id)

    # The initial states and motional limits.
    num_states = len(pivot)
    states = zeros((num_states, 3, 3), float64)
    theta_max = []
    sigma_max = []
    for i in range(num_states):
        states[i] = eye(3)

    # Initialise the rotation matrix data structures.
    R = eye(3, dtype=float64)

    # Axis permutations.
    perm = [None]
    if model == MODEL_DOUBLE_ROTOR:
        perm = [[2, 0, 1], [1, 2, 0]]
        perm_rev = [[1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]]

    # The maximum cone opening angles (isotropic cones).
    if 'cone_theta' in parameters:
        theta_max[0] = parameters['cone_theta']

    # The maximum cone opening angles (isotropic cones).
    theta_x = None
    theta_y = None
    if 'cone_theta_x' in parameters:
        theta_x = parameters['cone_theta_x']
        theta_y = parameters['cone_theta_y']

    # The maximum torsion angle.
    if 'cone_sigma_max' in parameters:
        sigma_max[0] = parameters['cone_sigma_max']
    elif 'free rotor' in model:
        sigma_max[0] = pi

    # The second torsion angle.
    if 'cone_sigma_max_2' in parameters:
        sigma_max[1] = parameters['cone_sigma_max_2']

    # Printout.
    print("\nGenerating the distribution:")

    # Distribution.
    current_state = 1
    num = -1
    while True:
        # The total number of rotations.
        num += 1

        # End.
        if current_state == total:
        if num >= max_rotations:
                    "Maximum number of rotations encountered - the distribution only contains %i states."
                    % current_state))

        # Loop over each state, or motional mode.
        inside = True
        for i in range(num_states):
            # The random rotation matrix.

            # Shift the current state.
            states[i] = dot(R, states[i])

            # Rotation in the eigenframe.
            R_eigen = dot(transpose(eigenframe), dot(states[i], eigenframe))

            # Axis permutation to shift each rotation axis to Z.
            if perm[i] != None:
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[:, j] = R_eigen[perm[i], j]
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[j, :] = R_eigen[j, perm[i]]

            # The angles.
            phi, theta, sigma = R_to_tilt_torsion(R_eigen)
            sigma = wrap_angles(sigma, -pi, pi)

            # Determine theta_max for the pseudo-ellipse models.
            if theta_x != None:
                theta_max[i] = 1.0 / sqrt((cos(phi) / theta_x)**2 +
                                          (sin(phi) / theta_y)**2)

            # The cone opening angle is outside of the limit.
            if theta_max[i] != None:
                if theta > theta_max[i]:
                    inside = False

            # No tilt component.
                theta = 0.0
                phi = 0.0

            # The torsion angle is outside of the limits.
            if sigma_max[i] != None:
                if sigma > sigma_max[i]:
                    inside = False
                elif sigma < -sigma_max[i]:
                    inside = False
                sigma = 0.0

            # Reconstruct the rotation matrix, in the eigenframe, without sigma.
            tilt_torsion_to_R(phi, theta, sigma, R_eigen)

            # Reverse axis permutation to shift each rotation z-axis back.
            if perm[i] != None:
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[:, j] = R_eigen[perm_rev[i], j]
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[j, :] = R_eigen[j, perm_rev[i]]

            # Rotate back out of the eigenframe.
            states[i] = dot(eigenframe, dot(R_eigen, transpose(eigenframe)))

        # The state is outside of the distribution.
        if not inside:

        # Progress.

        # Increment the snapshot number.
        current_state += 1

        # Copy the original structural data.
        structure.add_model(model=current_state, coords_from=1)

        # Rotate the model.
        for i in range(num_states):

    # Save the result.
def pcs_pivot_motion_full_qrint(theta_i=None, phi_i=None, sigma_i=None, full_in_ref_frame=None, r_pivot_atom=None, r_pivot_atom_rev=None, r_ln_pivot=None, A=None, R_eigen=None, RT_eigen=None, Ri_prime=None, pcs_theta=None, pcs_theta_err=None, missing_pcs=None, error_flag=False):
    """Calculate the PCS value after a pivoted motion for the isotropic cone model.

    @keyword theta_i:           The half cone opening angle (polar angle).
    @type theta_i:              float
    @keyword phi_i:             The cone azimuthal angle.
    @type phi_i:                float
    @keyword sigma_i:           The torsion angle for state i.
    @type sigma_i:              float
    @keyword full_in_ref_frame: An array of flags specifying if the tensor in the reference frame is the full or reduced tensor.
    @type full_in_ref_frame:    numpy rank-1 array
    @keyword r_pivot_atom:      The pivot point to atom vector.
    @type r_pivot_atom:         numpy rank-2, 3D array
    @keyword r_pivot_atom_rev:  The reversed pivot point to atom vector.
    @type r_pivot_atom_rev:     numpy rank-2, 3D array
    @keyword r_ln_pivot:        The lanthanide position to pivot point vector.
    @type r_ln_pivot:           numpy rank-2, 3D array
    @keyword A:                 The full alignment tensor of the non-moving domain.
    @type A:                    numpy rank-2, 3D array
    @keyword R_eigen:           The eigenframe rotation matrix.
    @type R_eigen:              numpy rank-2, 3D array
    @keyword RT_eigen:          The transpose of the eigenframe rotation matrix (for faster calculations).
    @type RT_eigen:             numpy rank-2, 3D array
    @keyword Ri_prime:          The empty rotation matrix for the in-frame isotropic cone motion for state i.
    @type Ri_prime:             numpy rank-2, 3D array
    @keyword pcs_theta:         The storage structure for the back-calculated PCS values.
    @type pcs_theta:            numpy rank-2 array
    @keyword pcs_theta_err:     The storage structure for the back-calculated PCS errors.
    @type pcs_theta_err:        numpy rank-2 array
    @keyword missing_pcs:       A structure used to indicate which PCS values are missing.
    @type missing_pcs:          numpy rank-2 array
    @keyword error_flag:        A flag which if True will cause the PCS errors to be estimated and stored in pcs_theta_err.
    @type error_flag:           bool

    # The rotation matrix.
    tilt_torsion_to_R(phi_i, theta_i, sigma_i, Ri_prime)

    # The rotation.
    R_i = dot(R_eigen, dot(Ri_prime, RT_eigen))

    # Pre-calculate all the new vectors (forwards and reverse).
    rot_vect_rev = transpose(dot(R_i, r_pivot_atom_rev) + r_ln_pivot)
    rot_vect = transpose(dot(R_i, r_pivot_atom) + r_ln_pivot)

    # Loop over the atoms.
    for j in range(len(r_pivot_atom[0])):
        # The vector length (to the 5th power).
        length_rev = 1.0 / sqrt(inner(rot_vect_rev[j], rot_vect_rev[j]))**5
        length = 1.0 / sqrt(inner(rot_vect[j], rot_vect[j]))**5

        # Loop over the alignments.
        for i in range(len(pcs_theta)):
            # Skip missing data.
            if missing_pcs[i, j]:

            # The projection.
            if full_in_ref_frame[i]:
                proj = dot(rot_vect[j], dot(A[i], rot_vect[j]))
                length_i = length
                proj = dot(rot_vect_rev[j], dot(A[i], rot_vect_rev[j]))
                length_i = length_rev

            # The PCS.
            pcs_theta[i, j] += proj * length_i

            # The square.
            if error_flag:
                pcs_theta_err[i, j] += (proj * length_i)**2
Exemple #8
def brownian(file=None, model=None, structure=None, parameters={}, eigenframe=None, pivot=None, atom_id=None, step_size=2.0, snapshot=10, total=1000):
    """Pseudo-Brownian dynamics simulation of the frame order motions.

    @keyword file:          The opened and writable file object to place the snapshots into.
    @type file:             str
    @keyword structure:     The internal structural object containing the domain to simulate as a single model.
    @type structure:        lib.structure.internal.object.Internal instance
    @keyword model:         The frame order model to simulate.
    @type model:            str
    @keyword parameters:    The dictionary of model parameter values.  The key is the parameter name and the value is the value.
    @type parameters:       dict of float
    @keyword eigenframe:    The full 3D eigenframe of the frame order motions.
    @type eigenframe:       numpy rank-2, 3D float64 array
    @keyword pivot:         The list of pivot points of the frame order motions.
    @type pivot:            numpy rank-2 (N, 3) float64 array
    @keyword atom_id:       The atom ID string for the atoms in the structure to rotate - i.e. the moving domain.
    @type atom_id:          None or str
    @keyword step_size:     The rotation will be of a random direction but with this fixed angle.  The value is in degrees.
    @type step_size:        float
    @keyword snapshot:      The number of steps in the simulation when snapshots will be taken.
    @type snapshot:         int
    @keyword total:         The total number of snapshots to take before stopping the simulation.
    @type total:            int

    # Check the structural object.
    if structure.num_models() > 1:
        raise RelaxError("Only a single model is supported.")

    # Set the model number.
    structure.set_model(model_orig=None, model_new=1)

    # Generate the internal structural selection object.
    selection = structure.selection(atom_id)

    # The initial states and motional limits.
    num_states = len(pivot)
    states = zeros((num_states, 3, 3), float64)
    theta_max = []
    sigma_max = []
    for i in range(num_states):
        states[i] = eye(3)

    # Initialise the rotation matrix data structures.
    vector = zeros(3, float64)
    R = eye(3, dtype=float64)
    step_size = step_size / 360.0 * 2.0 * pi

    # Axis permutations.
    perm = [None]
    if model == MODEL_DOUBLE_ROTOR:
        perm = [[2, 0, 1], [1, 2, 0]]
        perm_rev = [[1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]]

    # The maximum cone opening angles (isotropic cones).
    if 'cone_theta' in parameters:
        theta_max[0] = parameters['cone_theta']

    # The maximum cone opening angles (isotropic cones).
    theta_x = None
    theta_y = None
    if 'cone_theta_x' in parameters:
        theta_x = parameters['cone_theta_x']
        theta_y = parameters['cone_theta_y']

    # The maximum torsion angle.
    if 'cone_sigma_max' in parameters:
        sigma_max[0] = parameters['cone_sigma_max']
    elif 'free rotor' in model:
        sigma_max[0] = pi

    # The second torsion angle.
    if 'cone_sigma_max_2' in parameters:
        sigma_max[1] = parameters['cone_sigma_max_2']

    # Printout.
    print("\nRunning the simulation:")

    # Simulate.
    current_snapshot = 1
    step = 1
    while True:
        # End the simulation.
        if current_snapshot == total:
            print("\nEnd of simulation.")

        # Loop over each state, or motional mode.
        for i in range(num_states):
            # The random vector.

            # The rotation matrix.
            axis_angle_to_R(vector, step_size, R)

            # Shift the current state.
            states[i] = dot(R, states[i])

            # Rotation in the eigenframe.
            R_eigen = dot(transpose(eigenframe), dot(states[i], eigenframe))

            # Axis permutation to shift each rotation axis to Z.
            if perm[i] != None:
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[:, j] = R_eigen[perm[i], j]
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[j, :] = R_eigen[j, perm[i]]

            # The angles.
            phi, theta, sigma = R_to_tilt_torsion(R_eigen)
            sigma = wrap_angles(sigma, -pi, pi)

            # Determine theta_max for the pseudo-ellipse models.
            if theta_x != None:
                theta_max[i] = 1.0 / sqrt((cos(phi) / theta_x)**2 + (sin(phi) / theta_y)**2)

            # Set the cone opening angle to the maximum if outside of the limit.
            if theta_max[i] != None:
                if theta > theta_max[i]:
                    theta = theta_max[i]

            # No tilt component.
                theta = 0.0
                phi = 0.0

            # Set the torsion angle to the maximum if outside of the limits.
            if sigma_max[i] != None:
                if sigma > sigma_max[i]:
                    sigma = sigma_max[i]
                elif sigma < -sigma_max[i]:
                    sigma = -sigma_max[i]
                sigma = 0.0

            # Reconstruct the rotation matrix, in the eigenframe, without sigma.
            tilt_torsion_to_R(phi, theta, sigma, R_eigen)

            # Reverse axis permutation to shift each rotation z-axis back.
            if perm[i] != None:
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[:, j] = R_eigen[perm_rev[i], j]
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[j, :] = R_eigen[j, perm_rev[i]]

            # Rotate back out of the eigenframe.
            states[i] = dot(eigenframe, dot(R_eigen, transpose(eigenframe)))

        # Take a snapshot.
        if step == snapshot:
            # Progress.

            # Increment the snapshot number.
            current_snapshot += 1

            # Copy the original structural data.
            structure.add_model(model=current_snapshot, coords_from=1)

            # Rotate the model.
            for i in range(num_states):
                structure.rotate(R=states[i], origin=pivot[i], model=current_snapshot, selection=selection)

            # Reset the step counter.
            step = 0

        # Increment.
        step += 1

    # Save the result.
Exemple #9
def uniform_distribution(file=None, model=None, structure=None, parameters={}, eigenframe=None, pivot=None, atom_id=None, total=1000, max_rotations=100000):
    """Uniform distribution of the frame order motions.

    @keyword file:          The opened and writable file object to place the PDB models of the distribution into.
    @type file:             str
    @keyword structure:     The internal structural object containing the domain to distribute as a single model.
    @type structure:        lib.structure.internal.object.Internal instance
    @keyword model:         The frame order model to distribute.
    @type model:            str
    @keyword parameters:    The dictionary of model parameter values.  The key is the parameter name and the value is the value.
    @type parameters:       dict of float
    @keyword eigenframe:    The full 3D eigenframe of the frame order motions.
    @type eigenframe:       numpy rank-2, 3D float64 array
    @keyword pivot:         The list of pivot points of the frame order motions.
    @type pivot:            numpy rank-2 (N, 3) float64 array
    @keyword atom_id:       The atom ID string for the atoms in the structure to rotate - i.e. the moving domain.
    @type atom_id:          None or str
    @keyword total:         The total number of states in the distribution.
    @type total:            int
    @keyword max_rotations: The maximum number of rotations to generate the distribution from.  This prevents an execution for an infinite amount of time when a frame order amplitude parameter is close to zero so that the subset of all rotations within the distribution is close to zero.
    @type max_rotations:    int

    # Check the structural object.
    if structure.num_models() > 1:
        raise RelaxError("Only a single model is supported.")

    # Set the model number.
    structure.set_model(model_orig=None, model_new=1)

    # Generate the internal structural selection object.
    selection = structure.selection(atom_id)

    # The initial states and motional limits.
    num_states = len(pivot)
    states = zeros((num_states, 3, 3), float64)
    theta_max = []
    sigma_max = []
    for i in range(num_states):
        states[i] = eye(3)

    # Initialise the rotation matrix data structures.
    R = eye(3, dtype=float64)

    # Axis permutations.
    perm = [None]
    if model == MODEL_DOUBLE_ROTOR:
        perm = [[2, 0, 1], [1, 2, 0]]
        perm_rev = [[1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]]

    # The maximum cone opening angles (isotropic cones).
    if 'cone_theta' in parameters:
        theta_max[0] = parameters['cone_theta']

    # The maximum cone opening angles (isotropic cones).
    theta_x = None
    theta_y = None
    if 'cone_theta_x' in parameters:
        theta_x = parameters['cone_theta_x']
        theta_y = parameters['cone_theta_y']

    # The maximum torsion angle.
    if 'cone_sigma_max' in parameters:
        sigma_max[0] = parameters['cone_sigma_max']
    elif 'free rotor' in model:
        sigma_max[0] = pi

    # The second torsion angle.
    if 'cone_sigma_max_2' in parameters:
        sigma_max[1] = parameters['cone_sigma_max_2']

    # Printout.
    print("\nGenerating the distribution:")

    # Distribution.
    current_state = 1
    num = -1
    while True:
        # The total number of rotations.
        num += 1

        # End.
        if current_state == total:
        if num >= max_rotations:
            warn(RelaxWarning("Maximum number of rotations encountered - the distribution only contains %i states." % current_state))

        # Loop over each state, or motional mode.
        inside = True
        for i in range(num_states):
            # The random rotation matrix.

            # Shift the current state.
            states[i] = dot(R, states[i])

            # Rotation in the eigenframe.
            R_eigen = dot(transpose(eigenframe), dot(states[i], eigenframe))

            # Axis permutation to shift each rotation axis to Z.
            if perm[i] != None:
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[:, j] = R_eigen[perm[i], j]
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[j, :] = R_eigen[j, perm[i]]

            # The angles.
            phi, theta, sigma = R_to_tilt_torsion(R_eigen)
            sigma = wrap_angles(sigma, -pi, pi)

            # Determine theta_max for the pseudo-ellipse models.
            if theta_x != None:
                theta_max[i] = 1.0 / sqrt((cos(phi) / theta_x)**2 + (sin(phi) / theta_y)**2)

            # The cone opening angle is outside of the limit.
            if theta_max[i] != None:
                if theta > theta_max[i]:
                    inside = False

            # No tilt component.
                theta = 0.0
                phi = 0.0

            # The torsion angle is outside of the limits.
            if sigma_max[i] != None:
                if sigma > sigma_max[i]:
                    inside = False
                elif sigma < -sigma_max[i]:
                    inside = False
                sigma = 0.0

            # Reconstruct the rotation matrix, in the eigenframe, without sigma.
            tilt_torsion_to_R(phi, theta, sigma, R_eigen)

            # Reverse axis permutation to shift each rotation z-axis back.
            if perm[i] != None:
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[:, j] = R_eigen[perm_rev[i], j]
                for j in range(3):
                    R_eigen[j, :] = R_eigen[j, perm_rev[i]]

            # Rotate back out of the eigenframe.
            states[i] = dot(eigenframe, dot(R_eigen, transpose(eigenframe)))

        # The state is outside of the distribution.
        if not inside:

        # Progress.

        # Increment the snapshot number.
        current_state += 1

        # Copy the original structural data.
        structure.add_model(model=current_state, coords_from=1)

        # Rotate the model.
        for i in range(num_states):
            structure.rotate(R=states[i], origin=pivot[i], model=current_state, selection=selection)

    # Save the result.