Xaxis = np.arange(0, 64, 1) for k in range(Nvmm): # k=0 indexRow = np.int(np.floor(k / 2)) indexCol = np.int(np.mod(k, 2)) # print(str(indexRow) + ' - '+str(indexCol)) selection = data[:, 2] == VMMs[k] dataSelVMMCh = data[selection, 3] hiscounts = hh.hist1(Xaxis, dataSelVMMCh) # Cassette2chipID = {5: ['w', 2, 4, np.arange(0,32), 's', 2, 3, np.arange(32,64),'k'], # 6: ['w', 2, 4, np.arange(32,64), 's', 2, 3, np.arange(0,31),'b'], # 7: ['w', 2, 5, np.arange(0,32), 's', 2, 2, np.arange(32,64),'r'], # 8: ['w', 2, 5, np.arange(32,64), 's', 2, 2, np.arange(0,32),'m']} # col1 = 'r' # col2 = 'b' # cassW = np.logical_and( data[:,2] == c2v[2] , np.in1d(data[:,3],c2v[3]) ) # cassS = np.logical_and( data[:,2] == c2v[6] , np.in1d(data[:,3],c2v[7]) ) for cc in Cassette2chipID: # cc = 7 c2v = Cassette2chipID.get(cc)
'\n \033[1;33mWARNING: check Num of ToFs ... found %d, expected %d \033[1;37m' % (Ntoffi, Ntoffiapriori)) elif flag == -1: SingleFileDurationFromFile = 0 print('\n \t \033[1;33m---> No Data for Digitizer ' + str(digitID[dd]) + ', serial ' + str(acqnum[ac]) + ', to display ... skipped!\033[1;37m') continue ##################################### # histogram raw channels in the file if plotChRaw == 1 and ac == 0: # temp = data[data[:,1] <= 1 ,1] Xaxis = np.arange(0, numWires + numStrips, 1) histxx = hh.hist1(Xaxis, data[:, 1], 1) # if len(digitID)>1: axchraw[0][dd].bar(Xaxis[:32], histxx[:32], 0.8, color='r') axchraw[0][dd].bar(Xaxis[32:], histxx[32:], 0.8, color='b') axchraw[0][dd].set_xlabel('raw ch no.') axchraw[0][dd].set_title('digit ' + str(digitID[dd])) if dd == 0: axchraw[0][dd].set_ylabel('counts') ##################################### # this has to be modified to have always ch wires 0 to 31 and ch strips either 32 to 63 or up to 95 # to map MB300L with 64 strips in multiple digitisers togheter with the readder of the file that has to load the # cassette and not the digit