def create_instance_from_saved_state():
    saved_state = load_state()
    cloud = saved_state['cloud']
    specified_cloud = env.config.get('cloud')
    if specified_cloud and specified_cloud != cloud:
        log_red("The specified cloud: {} does not match the cloud "
                "specified in the saved state file: {}".format(
                    specified_cloud, cloud))

    distro = Distribution(saved_state['distro'])
    region = saved_state['region']

    config = _get_platform_config(cloud, region, distro)

    log_green('Reusing instance from saved state...')
    instance_factory = _get_cloud_instance_factory(cloud)
    instance = instance_factory.create_from_saved_state(
        config, saved_state['state'])


    specified_distribution = env.config.get('distribution')
    if (specified_distribution and
            specified_distribution != instance.distro.value):
        log_red("The specified distribution: {} does not match the distro "
                "specified in the saved state file: {}".format(
                    specified_distribution, instance.distro.value))
    return instance
def get_config():
    if not has_state():
        raise Exception("Can't get a config without a state file")
    saved_state = load_state()
    cloud = saved_state['cloud']
    config = parse_config(CLOUD_YAML_FILE[cloud])
    return config
def status():
    """ returns current status of the instance """
    config = get_config()
    pp = PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
    if has_state():
        state = load_state()