def loadConfigs(pt, model):

    if DEBUG_Mario:
        print("\n--- load configs ---")
        print("in pt:", pt)
        print("in model:", model)

    dcdic = dcfgs.dcdic
    print("\nCurrent pruning configuration (loaded from lib/cfgs.c.dcdic)")
    for key, value in dcdic.items():
        print(key, value)

    changeConfigs = checkOperation(
        question='\nModify the prunig configuration?', default='no')

    if changeConfigs:
        net = Net(pt, model=model, phase=caffe.TEST)
        convs = net.convs

        for conv in convs:
                'input number remaining filters of %s after pruning [original number of filters %d ]'
                % (conv, net.conv_param_num_output(conv)))
            dc = input("[leave blank to skip]:  ")
            if dc == '':
                dcdic[conv] = dcdic[conv]
                dcdic[conv] = int(dc)
    return dcdic
def checkSensitivity(pt, model, graph_title='<Model>-<Dataset>'):
    This funtion prunes the model layer by layer, from 100% to
    100/p_Nx % of its filter. It then plots the sensibility curves and
    saves the plot data to a pickle file for later analysis.

    NOTE: The pruning performed here does not alter the model shape, simply
    makes filters zero, enough for accuracy evaluation.


    p_dic = {}  #ploting dictionary
    p_Nx = 20  #number of points to plot (step for decreasing % of prune weights; 5% in this case)
    n_batches = 100  #number of test batches

    net = Net(pt, model=model, noTF=1)  # ground truth net
    convs = net.convs
    net, BNs_dic = registerBNs(net)

    noBNs = net.noBNs

    #initial accuracy test
    print('@ Grand-truth model @')
    acc1_init, acc5_init = accuracy(net, n_batches)

    for conv, convnext in zip(convs[0:], convs[1:]):

        net = Net(pt, model=model, noTF=1)  #reset the model
        bn, affine = checkIfBN(noBNs, conv, BNs_dic)

        dc_init = net.conv_param_num_output(conv)
        dc = dc_init
        p_x = [dc_init]  #plot points of x_axis
        p_acc1 = [acc1_init]
        p_acc5 = [acc5_init]

        for i in range(
                p_Nx - 1
        ):  #the first point was already added (initial conditions), reduce range by 1
            dc = round(dc - dc_init / p_Nx)
            net = pseudoPruneLayer(net, conv, convnext, bn, affine, dc)

            acc1, acc5 = accuracy(net, n_batches)


        if DEBUG_Mario: print("Layer %s done.", conv)

        p_dic[conv] = [p_x, p_acc1,
                       p_acc5]  # load the dictionary with the ploting data

        if convnext == convs[
                -1]:  # If conv is the last of the list prune convnext before leaving the loop
            #(convnext will be the last pruned layer)

            net = Net(pt, model=model, noTF=1)  #reset the model
            bn, affine = checkIfBN(noBNs, convnext, BNs_dic)

            dc_init = net.conv_param_num_output(convnext)
            dc = dc_init
            p_x = [dc_init]  #plot points of x_axis
            p_acc1 = [acc1_init]
            p_acc5 = [acc5_init]

            for i in range(
                    p_Nx - 1
            ):  #the first point was already added (initial conditions), reduce range by 1
                dc = round(dc - dc_init / p_Nx)
                net = pseudoPruneLastLayer(net, convnext, bn, affine, dc)

                acc1, acc5 = accuracy(net, n_batches)


            if DEBUG_Mario: print("Last layer %s done.", convnext)

            p_dic[convnext] = [p_x, p_acc1, p_acc5
                               ]  # load the dictionary with the ploting data
    ### End of the for-loop####

    saver(graph_title, p_dic)

    return p_dic