def test(segmentation_module, loader, gpu): segmentation_module.eval() pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp / len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) # visualization visualize_result((batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), pred, cfg) pbar.update(1)
def test(segmentation_module, image_path, gpu): segmentation_module.eval() batch_data = load_image(image_path) segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp / 1 #len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) # visualization visualize_result((batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), pred, cfg)
def test(segmentation_module, loader, gpu): segmentation_module.eval() for batch_data in loader: batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, DATASET_CONFIG["num_class"], segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp / len(DATASET_CONFIG["imgSizes"]) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) save_img(batch_data['img_ori'], pred)
def run_inference(self, loader): rospy.loginfo("Processing image...") tic = rospy.get_rostime() self.segmentation_module.eval() pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) # process data for batch_data in loader: batch_data = batch_data[0] h, w = batch_data['img_ori'].shape[:2] segSize = (h, w) new_img = np.zeros((h, w, 3)) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, self.cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, self.gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, self.gpu) # forward pass pred_tmp = self.segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp / len(self.cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) #_, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) #pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) nparr = as_numpy(scores.squeeze(0).cpu()) # Putting drivable in green channel new_img[:, :, 1] = np.sum(nparr[self.DRIVEABLE], axis=0) # Person in red channel new_img[:, :, 0] = nparr[self.PERSON, :, :] # Converting to uint8 uint_img = (new_img * 255).astype('uint8') # Placing original and segmented image side-by-side im_vis = np.concatenate((batch_data['img_ori'], uint_img), axis=1) img_msg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(im_vis, encoding='rgb8') img_msg.header.frame_id = self.frame_id img_msg.header.stamp = self.time_ori self.seg_pub.publish(img_msg) # visualization #self.visualize_result( # (batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), # pred2, # self.cfg #) pbar.update(1) rospy.loginfo('Image latency of %.03f seconds.' % ((rospy.get_rostime() - self.time_ori).to_sec()))
def evaluate(segmentation_module, loader, cfg, gpu, model_name, paper_arxiv_id): acc_meter = AverageMeter() intersection_meter = AverageMeter() union_meter = AverageMeter() time_meter = AverageMeter() evaluator = ADE20KEvaluator(model_name=model_name, paper_arxiv_id=paper_arxiv_id) segmentation_module.eval() pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] seg_label = as_numpy(batch_data['seg_label'][0]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] torch.cuda.synchronize() tic = time.perf_counter() with torch.no_grad(): segSize = (seg_label.shape[0], seg_label.shape[1]) scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass scores_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + scores_tmp / len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) torch.cuda.synchronize() time_meter.update(time.perf_counter() - tic) # calculate accuracy acc, pix = accuracy(pred, seg_label) intersection, union = intersectionAndUnion(pred, seg_label, cfg.DATASET.num_class) acc_meter.update(acc, pix) intersection_meter.update(intersection) union_meter.update(union) evaluator.add(outputs=pred.flatten(), targets=seg_label.flatten()) if evaluator.cache_exists: break pbar.update(1)
def test(segmentation_module, loader, gpu): segmentation_module.eval() print(colors) pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp / 1 #len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) #print(scores.size()) #print(scores) if DEBUG_CRF: unary = unary = np.squeeze(unary, 0) unary = -np.log(unary) unary = unary.transpose(2, 1, 0) w, h, c = unary.shape unary = unary.transpose(2, 0, 1).reshape(4, -1) unary = np.ascontiguousarray(unary) img = np.ascontiguousarray(batch_data['img_ori']) d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(w, h, 4) d.setUnaryEnergy(unary) d.addPairwiseBilateral(sxy=5, srgb=3, rgbim=img, compat=1) q = d.inference(10) pred = np.argmax(q, axis=0).reshape(w, h).transpose(1, 0) print(np.unique(pred)) else: _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) #print(pred.size()) #print(torch.unique(pred)) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) # visualization visualize_result( (batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info'], batch_data['gt_mask']), pred, cfg) pbar.update(1)
def cam_test(segmentation_module, cap, args): segmentation_module.eval() # pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) # for batch_data in loader: while cap.isOpened(): # process data # batch_data = batch_data[0] # segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], # batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) # img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] ret, frame = image = frame[:,:,::-1] height, width, _ = image.shape segSize = (height, width) with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, args.gpu) img_resized_list = image_pre_process(image, [300, 400, 500]) # feed_dict = { # 'img_data': feed_image # } # feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, args.gpu) # pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) # scores = scores + pred_tmp for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = {} feed_dict['img_data'] = img feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, args.gpu) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp / len(args.imgSize) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) # visualization person_mask = pred == 12 person_mask = person_mask[:, :, np.newaxis] person_mask = np.tile(person_mask, (1, 1, 3)) # viz_res = visualize_display(image, pred) viz_frame = bg_image.copy() viz_frame[person_mask] = image[person_mask] cv2.imshow("VIZ", viz_frame) if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break
def test(segmentation_module, loader, gpu): segmentation_module.eval() pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) count = 0 for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] print("Size of feed_dict = " + str(feed_dict['img_data'].size())) start_time = time.time() feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) end_time = time.time() print("Time to move inputs to gpu = " + str(end_time - start_time)) # forward pass start_time = time.time() pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) print("Pred size = " + str(pred_tmp.size())) end_time = time.time() print("Time to infer = " + str(end_time - start_time)) scores = scores + pred_tmp / len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) count += 1 if (count): break _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) # visualization visualize_result((batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), pred, cfg) pbar.update(1) break
def evaluate(segmentation_module, loader, cfg, gpu_id, result_queue): segmentation_module.eval() for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] seg_label = as_numpy(batch_data['seg_label'][0]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): segSize = (seg_label.shape[0], seg_label.shape[1]) scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu_id) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu_id) # forward pass #scores_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores_tmp = predict_sliding(segmentation_module, feed_dict, (520, 520), cfg.DATASET.num_class, overlap=1.0 / 3.0) scores_tmp = nn.functional.interpolate(scores_tmp, size=segSize, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) scores = scores + scores_tmp / len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) # calculate accuracy and SEND THEM TO MASTER acc, pix = accuracy(pred, seg_label) intersection, union = intersectionAndUnion(pred, seg_label, cfg.DATASET.num_class) result_queue.put_nowait((acc, pix, intersection, union)) # visualization if cfg.VAL.visualize: visualize_result( (batch_data['img_ori'], seg_label, batch_data['info']), pred, os.path.join(cfg.DIR, 'result'))
def segment_img(net, data, seg_size, args, valid_masks=None, cutoff=0.2): """ return Tensor (Categories, H, W) """ img_resized_list = data['img_data'] pred = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, seg_size[0], seg_size[1]) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, 0) # forward pass pred_tmp = net(feed_dict, segSize=seg_size) pred = pred + pred_tmp.cpu() / len(args.imgSize) if valid_masks is not None: mask = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, seg_size[0], seg_size[1]) mask[:, valid_masks, :, :] = 1 pred *= mask pred = pred / (pred.sum(dim=1) + 1e-6) # cut off pred[pred < cutoff] = 0 return pred.detach().squeeze()
def callback(data): #start = timeit.default_timer() #global i #i+=1 img1 = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") seg = np.zeros((img1.shape[0], img1.shape[1], 1)).astype(np.uint8) seg_size = (img1.shape[0], img1.shape[1]) img = img1.astype(np.float32) img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1)) img = img_transform(torch.from_numpy(img)) img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0) feed_dict = async_copy_to({"img_data": img.half()}, 0) pred = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=seg_size) pred, ind = torch.max(pred, dim=1) ind = as_numpy((ind.squeeze()).cpu()) seg[:, :, 0] = ind im = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(seg, "mono8") #print(np.array_equal(seg, np.int8(seg))) #print(np.array_equal(seg, np.int32(seg))) seg[seg != 1] = 0 # cv2.imshow('im', np.int32(seg)) # cv2.waitKey(1) im_label = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(np.int32(seg), "32SC1") im.header = data.header im_label.header = data.header pub.publish(im) pub_label.publish(im_label)
def segment_this_img(f): img = imread(f, mode='RGB') img = img[:, :, ::-1] # BGR to RGB!!! ori_height, ori_width, _ = img.shape img_resized_list = [] for this_short_size in args.imgSize: scale = this_short_size / float(min(ori_height, ori_width)) target_height, target_width = int(ori_height * scale), int(ori_width * scale) target_height = round2nearest_multiple(target_height, args.padding_constant) target_width = round2nearest_multiple(target_width, args.padding_constant) img_resized = cv2.resize(img.copy(), (target_width, target_height)) img_resized = img_resized.astype(np.float32) img_resized = img_resized.transpose((2, 0, 1)) img_resized = transform(torch.from_numpy(img_resized)) img_resized = torch.unsqueeze(img_resized, 0) img_resized_list.append(img_resized) input = dict() input['img_ori'] = img.copy() input['img_data'] = [x.contiguous() for x in img_resized_list] segSize = (img.shape[0], img.shape[1]) with torch.no_grad(): pred = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) for timg in img_resized_list: feed_dict = dict() feed_dict['img_data'] = timg.cuda() feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, args.gpu_id) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) pred = pred + pred_tmp.cpu() / len(args.imgSize) _, preds = torch.max(pred, dim=1) preds = as_numpy(preds.squeeze(0)) return preds
def test(segmentation_module, loader, args): segmentation_module.eval() for i, batch_data in enumerate(loader): # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] img_ori = as_numpy(batch_data['img_ori']) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): segSize = (img_ori.shape[0], img_ori.shape[1]) pred = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) pred = Variable(pred).cuda() for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, args.gpu_id) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) pred = pred + pred_tmp / len(args.imgSize) _, preds = torch.max(, dim=1) preds = as_numpy(preds.squeeze(0)) precompute_result(batch_data['info'], preds, args) if args.visualize: visualize_result( (batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), preds, args)
def test(segmentation_module, loader, args): segmentation_module.eval() for i, batch_data in enumerate(loader): # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): pred = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, args.gpu_id) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) pred = pred + pred_tmp.cpu() / len(args.imgSize) _, preds = torch.max(pred, dim=1) preds = as_numpy(preds.squeeze(0)) # visualization visualize_result( (batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), preds, args) print('[{}] iter {}' .format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), i))
def test(segmentation_module, loader, args): segmentation_module.eval() for i, batch_data in enumerate(loader): # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): pred = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, args.gpu_id) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) pred = pred + pred_tmp.cpu() / len(args.imgSize) _, preds = torch.max(pred, dim=1) preds = as_numpy(preds.squeeze(0)) # visualization visualize_result((batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), preds, args) print('[{}] iter {}'.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), i))
def predict(model, img_load, resizeNum, is_silent, gpu=0): """ input: model: model img_load: A dict of image, which has two keys: 'img_ori' and 'img_data' the value of the key 'img_ori' means the original numpy array the value of the key 'img_data' is the list of five resize images output: the mean predictions of the resize image list: 'img_data' """ starttime = time.time() segSize = (img_load['img_ori'].shape[0], img_load['img_ori'].shape[1]) #print('segSize',segSize) img_resized_list = img_load['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1], device=torch.device("cuda", gpu)) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = img_load.copy() feed_dict['img_data']=img del feed_dict['img_ori'] #feed_dict = {'img_data': img} feed_dict=async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass pred_tmp = model(feed_dict, segSize = segSize) #shape of pred_temp is (1, 150, height, width) scores = scores + pred_tmp / resizeNum endtime = time.time() if not is_silent: print('model inference time: {}s' .format(endtime-starttime)) return scores
def evaluate(segmentation_module, loader, args, dev_id, result_queue): segmentation_module.eval() for i, data_torch in enumerate(loader): data_torch = data_torch[0] # TODO(LYC):: support batch size > 1 data_np = as_numpy(data_torch) seg_size = data_np['seg_object'].shape[0:2] with torch.no_grad(): pred_ms = {} for k in ['material']: pred_ms[k] = torch.zeros(1, args.nr_classes[k], *seg_size) for img in data_torch['img_resized_list']: # forward pass feed_dict = async_copy_to({"img": img.unsqueeze(0)}, dev_id) pred = segmentation_module(feed_dict, seg_size=seg_size) for k in ['material']: pred_ms[k] = pred_ms[k] + pred[k].cpu() / len(args.imgSize) for k in ['material']: _, p_max = torch.max(pred_ms[k].cpu(), dim=1) pred_ms[k] = p_max.squeeze(0) pred_ms = as_numpy(pred_ms) # calculate accuracy and SEND THEM TO MASTER result_queue.put_nowait(get_metrics(pred_ms, data_np))
def test(segmentation_module, loader, gpu, gpu_flag, args, progress): segmentation_module.eval() pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) process_count = 0 for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) if gpu_flag: scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() # feed_dict['img_data'] = img feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] if gpu_flag: feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass try: pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp / len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) except RuntimeError as e: print( '出现运行错误,假如出现CUDA OUT OF MEMORY则为爆显存,会输出错误分割结果,请尝试用CPU处理该图片。错误信息:', e) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) if gpu_flag: pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) else: pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0)) # visualization visualize_result((batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), pred, cfg, args) process_count += 1 progress.setValue(int(process_count / len(loader) * 100)) pbar.update(1)
def test(segmentation_module, loader, gpu): segmentation_module.eval() # pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] import os chain = batch_data['info'].split("/")[8] h_id = batch_data['info'].split("/")[9] img = batch_data['info'].split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] path = os.path.join("features", chain, h_id, img) # print(path) features.path = path if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp / len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) a = compute(features.feat_2048, features.feat_162, features.path), features.path + "/"), features.path + "/") # visualization visualize_result((batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), pred, cfg)
def test(segmentation_module, loader, args): segmentation_module.eval() pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, args.gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, args.gpu) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp / len(args.imgSize) numpy_scores = scores.cpu().numpy() cand_indice = house_labelmap selected_c = [] for y in range(numpy_scores.shape[2]): y_arr = [] for x in range(numpy_scores.shape[3]): vec = numpy_scores[0, :, y, x] rank = np.argsort(vec) within_top = rank[-10:] if np.any(np.isin(cand_indice, within_top)): selected_ind = cand_indice[np.argmax(vec[cand_indice])] else: selected_ind = np.argmax(vec) y_arr.append(selected_ind) selected_c.append(y_arr) pred = np.array(selected_c) # visualization visualize_result((batch_data['img_ori'], batch_data['info']), pred, args) pbar.update(1)
def evaluate(segmentation_module, loader, args): acc_meter = AverageMeter() intersection_meter = AverageMeter() union_meter = AverageMeter() segmentation_module.eval() for i, batch_data in enumerate(loader): # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] seg_label = as_numpy(batch_data['seg_label'][0]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): segSize = (seg_label.shape[0], seg_label.shape[1]) pred = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) pred = Variable(pred).cuda() for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, args.gpu_id) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) pred = pred + pred_tmp / len(args.imgSize) _, preds = torch.max(, dim=1) preds = as_numpy(preds.squeeze(0)) # calculate accuracy acc, pix = accuracy(preds, seg_label) intersection, union = intersectionAndUnion(preds, seg_label, args.num_class) acc_meter.update(acc, pix) intersection_meter.update(intersection) union_meter.update(union) print('[{}] iter {}, accuracy: {}'.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), i, acc)) # visualization if args.visualize: visualize_result( (batch_data['img_ori'], seg_label, batch_data['info']), preds, args) if args.precompute: precompute_result(batch_data['info'], preds, args) iou = intersection_meter.sum / (union_meter.sum + 1e-10) for i, _iou in enumerate(iou): print('class [{}], IoU: {}'.format(i, _iou)) print('[Eval Summary]:') print('Mean IoU: {:.4}, Accuracy: {:.2f}%'.format( iou.mean(), acc_meter.average() * 100))
def get_seg_model_loss(segmentation_module, gpu, content_img): segSize = (as_numpy(content_img.squeeze(0).cpu()).shape[0], as_numpy(content_img.squeeze(0).cpu()).shape[1]) feed_dict = {'img_data': content_img.clone()} feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) target_seg = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) seg_loss = SegLoss(target_seg) return seg_loss
def closure(): # correct the values of updated input image, 1) optimizer.zero_grad() model(input_img) style_score = 0 content_score = 0 seg_score = 0 for sl in style_losses: style_score += sl.loss for cl in content_losses: content_score += cl.loss style_score *= style_weight content_score *= content_weight if seg_weight != 0: #get seg score segSize = (as_numpy(input_img.squeeze(0).cpu()).shape[0], as_numpy(input_img.squeeze(0).cpu()).shape[1]) feed_dict = {'img_data': input_img} feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) input_seg = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) seg_score = seg_loss.forward(input_seg) seg_score *= seg_weight if seg_weight != 0: loss = style_score + content_score + seg_score else: loss = style_score + content_score loss.backward(retain_graph=True) loss_vs_run['style'].append(style_score.item()) loss_vs_run['content'].append(content_score.item()) if seg_weight != 0: loss_vs_run['segmentation'].append(seg_score.item()) if run[0] % 50 == 0: print("run {}:".format(run)) if seg_weight != 0: print( 'Style Loss : {:4f} Content Loss: {:4f} Segmentation Loss: {:4f}' .format(style_score.item(), content_score.item(), seg_score.item())) else: print('Style Loss : {:4f} Content Loss: {:4f}'.format( style_score.item(), content_score.item())) print() plt.clf() imshow(input_img, title='Output Image') plt.savefig(img_savepath + 'transferred/%d.png' % int(run[0] / 10)) run[0] += 1 return style_score + content_score + seg_score
def evaluate(segmentation_module, loader, cfg, gpu_id, result_queue): segmentation_module.eval() for i, batch_data in enumerate(loader): # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] seg_label = as_numpy(batch_data['seg_label'][0]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] img_ref_resized_list = batch_data['img_refs'] with torch.no_grad(): segSize = (seg_label.shape[0], seg_label.shape[1]) scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu_id) zip_list = zip(img_resized_list, img_ref_resized_list) for img, img_refs in zip_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img feed_dict['img_refs'] = img_refs del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu_id) scores_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + scores_tmp / len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) #scores = scores_tmp _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) # calculate accuracy and SEND THEM TO MASTER acc, pix = accuracy(pred, seg_label) intersection, union = intersectionAndUnion(pred, seg_label, cfg.DATASET.num_class) result_queue.put_nowait((acc, pix, intersection, union)) # visualization if cfg.VAL.visualize: visualize_result( (batch_data['img_ori'], seg_label, batch_data['info']), pred, os.path.join(cfg.DIR, 'result'))
def test(segmentation_module, loader, gpu): segmentation_module.eval() for batch_data in loader: print('test') # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = async_copy_to(img, gpu) torch.onnx.export(segmentation_module, feed_dict, 'upernet.9.full.onnx', input_names=('input_1',),output_names=('output_1',), opset_version=9) break
def evaluate(segmentation_module, loader_val, args): acc_meter = AverageMeter() intersection_meter = AverageMeter() union_meter = AverageMeter() time_meter = AverageMeter() segmentation_module.eval() pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader_val)) for batch_data in loader_val: batch_data = batch_data[0] seg_label = as_numpy(batch_data["mask"][0]) torch.cuda.synchronize() batch_data["image"] = batch_data["image"].unsqueeze(0).cuda() #batch_data["mask"][0] = batch_data["mask"][0].cuda() #batch_data["mask"][1] = batch_data["mask"][1].cuda() with torch.no_grad(): segSize = (seg_label.shape[0], seg_label.shape[1]) scores = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, args.gpu) feed_dict = batch_data.copy() #print(torch.max(feed_dict['image'])) # forward pass scores, edge, att, loss = segmentation_module(feed_dict, epoch=0, segSize=segSize) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) torch.cuda.synchronize() # calculate accuracy acc, pix = accuracy(pred, seg_label) intersection, union = intersectionAndUnion(pred, seg_label, args.num_class) intersection_meter.update(intersection) union_meter.update(union) acc_meter.update(acc) # visualization if True:# args.visualize visualize_result( (batch_data['image'], seg_label, batch_data["name"]), pred, edge, att, args) #Free up memroy #del sal pbar.update(1) # summary iou = intersection_meter.sum / (union_meter.sum + 1e-10) for i, _iou in enumerate(iou): print('class [{}], IoU: {:.4f}'.format(i, _iou)) print('[Eval Summary]:') print('Mean IoU: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {:.2f}%, Inference Time: {:.4f}s' .format(iou.mean(), acc_meter.average()*100, time_meter.average()))
def test(segmentation_module, loader, gpu): segmentation_module.eval() TotalTime = 0.0 pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass start_time = time.time() pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) TotalTime += time.time() - start_time scores = scores + pred_tmp / len(cfg.DATASET.imgSizes) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) pred = np.uint8(pred) img_name = batch_data['info'].split('/')[-1] Image.fromarray(pred, mode='L').save( os.path.join(cfg.TEST.result, img_name.replace('.jpg', '.png'))) pbar.update(1) return TotalTime
def evaluate(segmentation_module, loader, args, gpu_id, result_queue): segmentation_module.eval() for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] seg_label = as_numpy(batch_data['seg_label'][0]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): segSize = (seg_label.shape[0], seg_label.shape[1]) scores = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu_id) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu_id) # forward pass scores_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + scores_tmp / len(args.imgSize) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) # calculate accuracy and SEND THEM TO MASTER acc, pix = accuracy(pred, seg_label) intersection, union = intersectionAndUnion(pred, seg_label, args.num_class) result_queue.put_nowait((acc, pix, intersection, union)) # visualization if args.visualize: visualize_result( (batch_data['img_ori'], seg_label, batch_data['info']), pred, args)
def test(segmentation_module, loader, gpu): segmentation_module.eval() pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for batch_data in loader: # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] segSize = (batch_data['img_ori'].shape[0], batch_data['img_ori'].shape[1]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): scores = torch.zeros(1, cfg.DATASET.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, gpu) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, gpu) # forward pass feed_dict = async_copy_to(img, gpu) s = pred = segmentation_module(feed_dict) e = cost = e - s print('latency {} ms, FPS {}'.format( cost.microseconds / 1000.0, 1.0 * 1000 * 1000 / cost.microseconds)) break pbar.update(1)
def eval(loader_val, segmentation_module, args, crit): intersection_meter = AverageMeter() union_meter = AverageMeter() loss_meter = AverageMeter() segmentation_module.eval() for batch_data in loader_val: batch_data = batch_data[0] seg_label = as_numpy(batch_data["mask"][0]) torch.cuda.synchronize() batch_data["image"] = batch_data["image"].unsqueeze(0).cuda() print(batch_data["image"].shape) with torch.no_grad(): segSize = (seg_label.shape[0], seg_label.shape[1]) scores = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, args.gpu) print("the score:", scores) feed_dict = batch_data.copy() # forward pass scores_tmp, loss = segmentation_module(feed_dict, epoch=0, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + scores_tmp print("the new score:", scores) loss_meter.update(loss) _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) print("pred shape:", pred.shape) visualize_result(batch_data["image"].cpu().numpy(), seg_label, pred, args) torch.cuda.synchronize() # calculate accuracy intersection, union = intersectionAndUnion(pred, seg_label, args.num_class) intersection_meter.update(intersection) union_meter.update(union) # summary iou = intersection_meter.sum / (union_meter.sum + 1e-10) for i, _iou in enumerate(iou): if i >= 1: print('class [{}], IoU: {:.4f}'.format(i, _iou)) print('loss: {:.4f}'.format(loss_meter.average())) return iou[1:], loss_meter.average()
def segmentation_frame(self, img): #image = cv2.resize(image, (height, width)) ori_height, ori_width, _ = img.shape this_short_size = 600 imgMaxSize = 1000 scale = min(this_short_size / float(min(ori_height, ori_width)), imgMaxSize / float(max(ori_height, ori_width))) target_height, target_width = int(ori_height * scale), int(ori_width * scale) # to avoid rounding in network target_height = self.round2nearest_multiple(target_height, self.padding_constant) target_width = self.round2nearest_multiple(target_width, self.padding_constant) # resize image = cv2.resize(img.copy(), (target_width, target_height)) # image transform image = self.img_transform(image).cuda() image = torch.unsqueeze(image, 0) #image = torch.tensor(image). print('image ', image.shape) #segSize = (image.shape[2],image.shape[3]) segSize = (ori_height, ori_width) scores = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) scores = async_copy_to(scores, args.gpu) feed_dict = {} feed_dict['img_data'] = image # forward pass pred_tmp = self.segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) scores = scores + pred_tmp _, pred = torch.max(scores, dim=1) pred = as_numpy(pred.squeeze(0).cpu()) print('pred ', pred.shape) pred_color = colorEncode(pred, colors).astype(np.uint8) pub_image = CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(pred_color, "bgr8") pub_image.header.frame_id = self.frame_id pub_image.header.stamp = self.stamp self.image_pub.publish(pub_image)
def test(segmentation_module, loader, args): segmentation_module.eval() for i, data in enumerate(loader): # process data data = data[0] seg_size = data['img_ori'].shape[0:2] with torch.no_grad(): pred_ms = {} for k in ['object', 'material']: pred_ms[k] = torch.zeros(1, args.nr_classes[k], *seg_size) pred_ms['part'] = [] for idx_part, object_label in enumerate(broden_dataset.object_with_part): n_part = len(broden_dataset.object_part[object_label]) pred_ms['part'].append(torch.zeros(1, n_part, *seg_size)) pred_ms['scene'] = torch.zeros(1, args.nr_classes['scene']) for img in data['img_data']: # forward pass feed_dict = async_copy_to({"img": img}, args.gpu_id) pred = segmentation_module(feed_dict, seg_size=seg_size) for k in ['scene', 'object', 'material']: pred_ms[k] = pred_ms[k] + pred[k].cpu() / len(args.imgSize) for idx_part, object_label in enumerate(broden_dataset.object_with_part): pred_ms['part'][idx_part] += pred['part'][idx_part].cpu() / len(args.imgSize) pred_ms['scene'] = pred_ms['scene'].squeeze(0) for k in ['object', 'material']: _, p_max = torch.max(pred_ms[k].cpu(), dim=1) pred_ms[k] = p_max.squeeze(0) for idx_part, object_label in enumerate(broden_dataset.object_with_part): _, p_max = torch.max(pred_ms['part'][idx_part].cpu(), dim=1) pred_ms['part'][idx_part] = p_max.squeeze(0) pred_ms = as_numpy(pred_ms) visualize_result(data, pred_ms, args) print('[{}] iter {}' .format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), i))
def evaluate(segmentation_module, loader, args, dev_id, result_queue): segmentation_module.eval() for i, batch_data in enumerate(loader): # process data batch_data = batch_data[0] seg_label = as_numpy(batch_data['seg_label'][0]) img_resized_list = batch_data['img_data'] with torch.no_grad(): segSize = (seg_label.shape[0], seg_label.shape[1]) pred = torch.zeros(1, args.num_class, segSize[0], segSize[1]) for img in img_resized_list: feed_dict = batch_data.copy() feed_dict['img_data'] = img del feed_dict['img_ori'] del feed_dict['info'] feed_dict = async_copy_to(feed_dict, dev_id) # forward pass pred_tmp = segmentation_module(feed_dict, segSize=segSize) pred = pred + pred_tmp.cpu() / len(args.imgSize) _, preds = torch.max(, dim=1) preds = as_numpy(preds.squeeze(0)) # calculate accuracy and SEND THEM TO MASTER acc, pix = accuracy(preds, seg_label) intersection, union = intersectionAndUnion(preds, seg_label, args.num_class) result_queue.put_nowait((acc, pix, intersection, union)) # visualization if args.visualize: visualize_result( (batch_data['img_ori'], seg_label, batch_data['info']), preds, args)
def evaluate(segmentation_module, loader, args, dev_id, result_queue): segmentation_module.eval() for i, data_torch in enumerate(loader): data_torch = data_torch[0] # TODO(LYC):: support batch size > 1 data_np = as_numpy(data_torch) seg_size = data_np['seg_object'].shape[0:2] with torch.no_grad(): pred_ms = {} for k in ['object', 'material']: pred_ms[k] = torch.zeros(1, args.nr_classes[k], *seg_size) pred_ms['part'] = [] for idx_part, object_label in enumerate(broden_dataset.object_with_part): n_part = len(broden_dataset.object_part[object_label]) pred_ms['part'].append(torch.zeros(1, n_part, *seg_size)) pred_ms['scene'] = torch.zeros(1, args.nr_classes['scene']) for img in data_torch['img_resized_list']: # forward pass feed_dict = async_copy_to({"img": img.unsqueeze(0)}, dev_id) pred = segmentation_module(feed_dict, seg_size=seg_size) for k in ['scene', 'object', 'material']: pred_ms[k] = pred_ms[k] + pred[k].cpu() / len(args.imgSize) for idx_part, object_label in enumerate(broden_dataset.object_with_part): pred_ms['part'][idx_part] += pred['part'][idx_part].cpu() / len(args.imgSize) pred_ms['scene'] = torch.argmax(pred_ms['scene'].squeeze(0)) for k in ['object', 'material']: _, p_max = torch.max(pred_ms[k].cpu(), dim=1) pred_ms[k] = p_max.squeeze(0) for idx_part, object_label in enumerate(broden_dataset.object_with_part): _, p_max = torch.max(pred_ms['part'][idx_part].cpu(), dim=1) pred_ms['part'][idx_part] = p_max.squeeze(0) pred_ms = as_numpy(pred_ms) # calculate accuracy and SEND THEM TO MASTER result_queue.put_nowait(get_metrics(pred_ms, data_np))