def verify(self, req): """ Verifies returned user and extracts user information @param req: the GET data from the page call. @return: The users information @rtype: dict """ from lib.urlparse import parse_qsl from django.utils import simplejson as json auth_token = req["oauth_token"] auth_verifier = req["oauth_verifier"] dataset = OAuthTW.get_by_key_name(auth_token) token = Token(auth_token, dataset.secret) token.set_verifier(auth_verifier) self.client = Client(self.consumer, token) resp, content = self.client.request(self.access_token_url, "POST") #@UnusedVariable auth = dict(parse_qsl(content)) token = Token(auth['oauth_token'], auth['oauth_token_secret']) self.client = Client(self.consumer, token) resp, content = self.client.request(self.userinfo_url, "GET") #@UnusedVariable info = json.loads(content) info.update(auth) dataset.delete() return info
def __init__(self, pub, pri, auth_token, auth_token_secret): """ @param pub: Applications public key @param pri: Applications private key @param auth_token: Users oAuth tooken @param auth_token_secret: Users oAuth token secretm """ self.consumer = Consumer(key=pub, secret=pri) self.token = Token(key=auth_token, secret=auth_token_secret) self.client = Client(self.consumer, token=self.token) = pub self.ato = auth_token
def redirect(self, callback): """ Initiates a oAuth authentication request. @param callback: The callback URL @return: The URL to redirect the user to """ from lib.urlparse import parse_qsl from urllib import urlencode #@UnresolvedImport self.client = Client(self.consumer) resp, content = self.client.request(self.request_token_url, "POST", body=urlencode({"oauth_callback": callback})) if resp['status'] != '200': raise Exception("Invalid response %s." % resp['status']) request_token = dict(parse_qsl(content)) OAuthTW( key_name=request_token['oauth_token'], secret=request_token['oauth_token_secret'], service="twitter" ).put() return "%s?oauth_token=%s" % (self.authorize_url, request_token['oauth_token'])
class connect: """ Twitter connection establisher Provides an API to preform oAuth authentication requests to twitter. """ authorize_url = '' request_token_url = '' access_token_url = '' userinfo_url = '' def __init__(self, pub, pri): """ @param pub: Applications Public key @param pri: Applications private key """ self.consumer = Consumer(key=pub, secret=pri) def redirect(self, callback): """ Initiates a oAuth authentication request. @param callback: The callback URL @return: The URL to redirect the user to """ from lib.urlparse import parse_qsl from urllib import urlencode #@UnresolvedImport self.client = Client(self.consumer) resp, content = self.client.request(self.request_token_url, "POST", body=urlencode({"oauth_callback": callback})) if resp['status'] != '200': raise Exception("Invalid response %s." % resp['status']) request_token = dict(parse_qsl(content)) OAuthTW( key_name=request_token['oauth_token'], secret=request_token['oauth_token_secret'], service="twitter" ).put() return "%s?oauth_token=%s" % (self.authorize_url, request_token['oauth_token']) def verify(self, req): """ Verifies returned user and extracts user information @param req: the GET data from the page call. @return: The users information @rtype: dict """ from lib.urlparse import parse_qsl from django.utils import simplejson as json auth_token = req["oauth_token"] auth_verifier = req["oauth_verifier"] dataset = OAuthTW.get_by_key_name(auth_token) token = Token(auth_token, dataset.secret) token.set_verifier(auth_verifier) self.client = Client(self.consumer, token) resp, content = self.client.request(self.access_token_url, "POST") #@UnusedVariable auth = dict(parse_qsl(content)) token = Token(auth['oauth_token'], auth['oauth_token_secret']) self.client = Client(self.consumer, token) resp, content = self.client.request(self.userinfo_url, "GET") #@UnusedVariable info = json.loads(content) info.update(auth) dataset.delete() return info
class api: """ Twitter REST API interface """ update_url = "" def __init__(self, pub, pri, auth_token, auth_token_secret): """ @param pub: Applications public key @param pri: Applications private key @param auth_token: Users oAuth tooken @param auth_token_secret: Users oAuth token secretm """ self.consumer = Consumer(key=pub, secret=pri) self.token = Token(key=auth_token, secret=auth_token_secret) self.client = Client(self.consumer, token=self.token) = pub self.ato = auth_token def post(self, link, title=None, desc=None, pre=None, post=None): """ Post an RSS object to twitter, formats and auto-crops description. @param link: Shortened link to post @param title: Entry title @param desc: Entry description @param pre: Text in beginning of tweet @param post: Text at end of tweet @return True """ from urllib import urlencode if title and desc: if not pre: pre = "" if not post: post = "" title = title.strip() link = link.strip() dl = 137 - len(title) - len(link) - len(pre) - len(post) if len(desc) > dl: desc = desc[:dl - 4] desc = desc.rpartition(' ')[0] + "..." out = pre + title + " - " + desc + " " + link + post elif title and not desc: if not pre: pre = "" if not post: post = "" title = title.strip() link = link.strip() dl = 136 - len(title) - len(link) - len(pre) - len(post) out = pre + title + " " + link + post elif not title and desc: if not pre: pre = "" if not post: post = "" link = link.strip() dl = 139 - len(link) if len(desc) > dl: desc = desc[:dl - 4] desc = desc.rpartition(' ')[0] + "..." out = desc + " " + link params = { "status":out } params = urlencode(params) resp, content = self.client.request(self.update_url, method="POST", body=params) #@UnusedVariable return True def push(self, text, link): """ Tweets a string + a link @param text: Text string to tweet @param link: Link to tweet """ from urllib import urlencode if 137 - len(link) < len(text): text = text[:133 - len(link)] text = text.rpartition(' ')[0] + "..." out = text + " " + link params = {"status":out} params = urlencode(params) resp, content = self.client.request(self.update_url, method="POST", body=params) #@UnusedVariable return True