def set_job_specific_cost(job_id, provider_code, machine_code, cost, currency, sec_granularity, min_sec_granularity): """ Save specific cost from spot instance :param job_id: The job id of the task used for :type job_id: int :param provider_code: The code of the provider (ex: "aws_eu_spot") :type provider_code: str :param machine_code: The code of the instance to run (ex: "c4.2x") :type machine_code: str :param cost: The cost of the second multiplied by the precision :type cost: int :param currency: The currency of the cost :type currency: str """ g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): machine_uid = g_db.execute("""SELECT uid FROM machines WHERE machine_code = %s AND provider_code = %s LIMIT 1""", [machine_code, provider_code]).fetchval() now = pg_util.get_now(g_db) query_args = [machine_uid, cost, currency, sec_granularity, min_sec_granularity, now, now] g_db.execute("""INSERT INTO provider_costs_history (machine_uid, cost_per_sec, currency, sec_granularity, min_sec_granularity, start_time, end_time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id""", query_args) row_id = g_db.fetchval() cost_id = g_db.execute("SELECT id FROM provider_costs_history WHERE id = %s", [row_id]).fetchval() g_db.execute("UPDATE jobs SET provider_cost_id = %s WHERE id = %s ", [cost_id, job_id])
def cancel_jobs(job_id_list): if not job_id_list: return g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): g_db.execute("DELETE FROM task_queue WHERE job_id IN ("+", ".join(["%s"]*len(job_id_list))+")", job_id_list) g_db.execute("""UPDATE jobs SET status = %s , end_time = now(), progress = 0.0 WHERE id IN ("""+", ".join(["%s"]*len(job_id_list))+")", [JOB_STATUS_CANCELING]+job_id_list) g_db.executemany("""INSERT INTO task_queue VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT(job_id) DO UPDATE SET task = EXCLUDED.task""", [[job_id, TASK_CANCEL, {}] for job_id in job_id_list]) with core.api_util.RedisContext.using_pubsub_conn() as r: channel = core.api_util.RedisContext.get_channel("launcher") for job_id in job_id_list: try: r.publish(channel, str(TASK_CANCEL) + "_" + str(job_id)) log.debug("redis cancellation publish") except StandardError as e: log.warning("Unable to connect to redis server: " + str(e))
def create_job(user_id, project_codename, operation_id, provider_cost_id=None, machine_price_id=None, nbr_machines=1, status=JOB_STATUS_PENDING): """ Create a new job :param user_id: The job owner :type user_id: int :param project_codename: The project unique identifier :type project_codename: str :param operation_id: The identifier of a specific operation. :type operation_id: int :param provider_cost_id: The cost associated with the task. Optional, default None :type provider_cost_id: int|None :param machine_price_id: The price of the worker to launch. Optional, default None :type machine_price_id: int|None :param nbr_machines: The number of workers to launch. Optional, default 1 :type nbr_machines: int :param status: The initial status of the job. Optional, default JOB_STATUS_PENDING :type status: int :return: The created job :rtype: dict[str, any] """ g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): g_db.execute("""INSERT INTO jobs (user_id, project_uid, operation_id, provider_cost_id, machine_price_id, status, nbr_machines) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id""", [user_id, project_codename, operation_id, provider_cost_id, machine_price_id, status, nbr_machines]) job_id = g_db.fetchval() return get_job(job_id)
def remove_machine(provider_name, machine_code): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): machine = get_machine(provider_name, machine_code) if not machine: return pg_util.hist_remove(g_db, "machines", where=[ ("provider_code", "=", provider_name), ("machine_code", "=", machine_code), ]) pg_util.hist_remove(g_db, "machine_prices", where=[("machine_uid", "=", machine["uid"])]) pg_util.hist_remove(g_db, "provider_costs", where=[("machine_uid", "=", machine["uid"])]) g_db.execute( """DELETE FROM operation_machine WHERE machine_uid IN ( SELECT uid FROM machines WHERE provider_code = %s AND machine_code = %s)""", [provider_name, machine_code])
def set_operation_machines(provider_name, operation_name, allowed_machines): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): machines = list_machines(provider_name) existing_machine_codes = [m["machine_code"] for m in machines] for machine_code in allowed_machines: if machine_code not in existing_machine_codes: raise RuntimeError("Unknown machine " + machine_code) count_op = g_db.execute( """SELECT count(*) FROM operations WHERE operation_name = %s""", [operation_name]).fetchval() if count_op == 0: raise RuntimeError("Unknown operation " + str(operation_name)) g_db.execute( """DELETE FROM operation_machine WHERE operation_name = %s AND machine_uid IN ( SELECT uid FROM machines WHERE provider_code = %s)""", [operation_name, provider_name]) g_db.executemany( """INSERT INTO operation_machine (operation_name, machine_uid) SELECT %s, uid FROM machines WHERE machine_code = %s AND provider_code = %s""", [(operation_name, x, provider_name) for x in allowed_machines])
def save_report_date(report_date): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): with g_db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("DELETE FROM last_report") cur.execute("INSERT INTO last_report (report_date) VALUES (%s)", [report_date])
def set_operation_cluster_limit(provider_name, operation_name, cluster_limit): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): for rank in users.all_ranks(): pg_util.hist_upsert(g_db, "operations", values={"cluster_limit": cluster_limit}, where=[("operation_name", "=", operation_name), ("provider_code", "=", provider_name), ("user_rank", "=", rank)])
def append_file_to_project(user_id, project_codename, file_path, filename=None, key=None, overwrite=False): """ Add a file to project file list and save it into distant storage """ project = get_project(user_id, project_codename) if not project: raise RuntimeError("No project " + project_codename) storage = core.api_util.get_storage(project['storage']) if filename is None: _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path) if not file_extension: file_extension = "" if file_extension: file_extension = "." + file_extension.lstrip(".") filename = project_codename + "-" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + file_extension old_file = None g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with storage.uploading_file(file_path, filename): file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) if key and overwrite: with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): old_file = g_db.execute( """SELECT * FROM project_files WHERE project_uid = %s AND key = %s""", [project_codename, key]).fetchone() if old_file: g_db.execute("DELETE FROM project_files WHERE id = %s", [old_file['id']]) row_id = g_db.execute( """INSERT INTO project_files (project_uid, filename, key, size) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id""", [project_codename, filename, key, file_size]).fetchval() else: row_id = g_db.execute( """INSERT INTO project_files (project_uid, filename, key, size) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id""", [project_codename, filename, key, file_size]).fetchval() if old_file: storage = core.api_util.get_storage(project['storage']) storage.delete_file(old_file["filename"]) result = g_db.execute("SELECT * FROM project_files WHERE id = %s", [row_id]).fetchone() return pg_util.row_to_dict(result)
def create_calc(user_id, project_codename, mesh_id, calc_name, overwrite=True): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): project = projects.get_project(user_id, project_codename) if not project: raise RuntimeError("Unknown project " + project_codename) if overwrite: delete_calc(user_id, project_codename, calc_name) calc_id = g_db.execute( "INSERT INTO calculations (project_uid, mesh_id, name) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) RETURNING id", [project_codename, mesh_id, calc_name]).fetchval() return g_db.execute("SELECT * FROM calculations WHERE id = %s", [calc_id]).fetchone()
def create_mesh(user_id, project_codename, mesh_name, overwrite=True): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): project = projects.get_project(user_id, project_codename) if not project: raise RuntimeError("Unknown project " + project_codename) if overwrite: log.warning("Deleting mesh " + mesh_name + " from overwrite") delete_mesh(user_id, project_codename, mesh_name) mesh_id = g_db.execute( "INSERT INTO meshes (project_uid, name) VALUES (%s, %s) RETURNING id", [project_codename, mesh_name]).fetchval() return g_db.execute("SELECT * FROM meshes WHERE id = %s", [mesh_id]).fetchone()
def charge_user_computing(user_id, job_id, description):"Charging user %s. Reason: %s" % (str(user_id), description)) g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): with g_db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( "SELECT machine_price_id, start_time, nbr_machines FROM jobs WHERE id = %s", [job_id]) job = pg_util.row_to_dict(cur.fetchone()) with g_db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM machine_prices_history WHERE id = %s", [job["machine_price_id"]]) price = pg_util.row_to_dict(cur.fetchone()) now = pg_util.get_now(g_db) with g_db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( "SELECT MAX(computing_end) FROM user_accounts WHERE job_id = %s", [job_id]) last_comp = cur.fetchone() if last_comp is not None: last_comp = last_comp[0] if last_comp is None: start_time = job["start_time"] if job["start_time"] else now end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta( seconds=price["min_sec_granularity"]) else: start_time = last_comp end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta( seconds=price["sec_granularity"]) while end_time < now: end_time += datetime.timedelta(seconds=price["sec_granularity"]) charged_price = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() * int( price["sec_price"]) * int(job["nbr_machines"]) price_snapshot = { "price": pg_util.row_to_dict(price), "start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time } with g_db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( """INSERT INTO user_accounts (user_id, amount, description, job_id, price_snapshot, computing_start, computing_end) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", [ user_id, charged_price * -1, description, job_id, price_snapshot, start_time, end_time ]) return end_time
def set_machine_and_prices(provider_name, machine_code, nbr_cores, ram_size, nbr_available, provider_cost_per_sec, provider_currency, provider_sec_granularity, provider_min_sec_granularity, price_sec_granularity, price_min_sec_granularity, prices, auto_update): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): set_machine(provider_name, machine_code, nbr_cores, ram_size, nbr_available, provider_cost_per_sec, provider_currency, provider_sec_granularity, provider_min_sec_granularity) for rank, price in prices.items(): set_machine_price(provider_name, machine_code, rank, price, price_sec_granularity, price_min_sec_granularity, auto_update)
def set_machine_price(provider_name, machine_code, user_rank, price, sec_granularity, min_sec_granularity=None, auto_update=True): if min_sec_granularity is None: min_sec_granularity = sec_granularity machine = get_machine(provider_name, machine_code) if machine is None: raise RuntimeError("Unknown machine " + str(machine_code)) if util.float_equals(price, 0) or price < 0: raise RuntimeError("A price should never be zero or less") g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): pg_util.hist_upsert(g_db, "machine_prices", values={ "sec_price": price, "sec_granularity": sec_granularity, "min_sec_granularity": min_sec_granularity, "auto_update": auto_update }, where=[("machine_uid", "=", machine["uid"]), ("user_rank", "=", user_rank)]) g_db.execute("""DELETE FROM machine_price_auto_update WHERE machine_price_id NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM machine_prices WHERE auto_update = TRUE )""") g_db.execute( """INSERT INTO machine_price_auto_update(machine_price_id, cost_id, to_zcoins) SELECT AS machine_price_id, AS cost_id, cer.to_zcoins AS to_zcoins FROM machine_prices AS mp LEFT JOIN provider_costs AS pc ON mp.machine_uid = pc.machine_uid JOIN currency_exchange_rates AS cer ON pc.currency = cer.currency WHERE mp.auto_update = TRUE AND NOT IN ( SELECT machine_price_id FROM machine_price_auto_update )""")
def update_machine_prices(): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): result = g_db.execute("""SELECT ref_mph.machine_uid AS machine_uid, ref_mph.user_rank AS user_rank, CAST(ROUND(CAST (ref_mph.sec_price AS FLOAT) / ref_pch.cost_per_sec / mpau.to_zcoins * new_pch.cost_per_sec * cer.to_zcoins) AS INT) AS new_sec_price FROM machine_price_auto_update AS mpau LEFT JOIN machine_prices_history AS ref_mph ON mpau.machine_price_id = LEFT JOIN provider_costs_history AS ref_pch ON mpau.cost_id = LEFT JOIN provider_costs_history AS new_pch ON ref_mph.machine_uid = new_pch.machine_uid LEFT JOIN currency_exchange_rates AS cer ON new_pch.currency = cer.currency LEFT JOIN machine_prices_history AS curr_mph ON ref_mph.machine_uid = curr_mph.machine_uid AND ref_mph.user_rank = curr_mph.user_rank WHERE new_pch.end_time IS NULL AND curr_mph.end_time IS NULL AND ref_pch.cost_per_sec != 0 AND mpau.to_zcoins != 0 AND CAST(ROUND(CAST (ref_mph.sec_price AS FLOAT) / ref_pch.cost_per_sec / mpau.to_zcoins * new_pch.cost_per_sec * cer.to_zcoins) AS INT) != curr_mph.sec_price ORDER BY ref_mph.machine_uid, ref_mph.user_rank""" ).fetchall() # Usefull columns meaning: # ref_pch.currency AS currency, # ref_pch.cost_per_sec AS ref_cost_per_sec, # mpau.to_zcoins AS ref_to_zcoins, # ref_mph.sec_price AS ref_sec_price, # new_pch.cost_per_sec AS new_cost_per_sec, # cer.to_zcoins AS new_to_zcoins, # curr_mph.sec_price AS current_sec_price, for row in result: pg_util.hist_upsert(g_db, "machine_prices", values={ "sec_price": int(row["new_sec_price"]), "auto_priced": True }, where=[("machine_uid", "=", row["machine_uid"]), ("user_rank", "=", row["user_rank"])])
def cancel_job(job_id): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): log.debug("adding cancellation in task queue") g_db.execute("""INSERT INTO task_queue VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT(job_id) DO UPDATE SET task = EXCLUDED.task""", [job_id, TASK_CANCEL, {}]) g_db.execute("""UPDATE jobs SET status = %s, end_time = now(), progress = 0.0 WHERE id = %s """, [JOB_STATUS_CANCELING, job_id]) with core.api_util.RedisContext.using_pubsub_conn() as r: try: channel = core.api_util.RedisContext.get_channel("launcher") r.publish(channel, str(TASK_CANCEL) + "_" + str(job_id)) log.debug("redis cancellation publish") except StandardError as e: log.warning("Unable to connect to redis server: " + str(e))
def update_machine(provider_name, machine_code, params): log.error("SAM: update_params: " + repr(params)) g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): update_params = {} for param in ["nbr_cores", "ram_size", "nbr_available"]: if param in params.keys(): update_params[param] = params[param] if update_params: results = pg_util.hist_update(g_db, "machines", values=update_params, where=[("provider_code", "=", provider_name), ("machine_code", "=", machine_code)]) machine_uid = results[0]["uid"] else: result = get_machine(provider_name, machine_code) machine_uid = result["uid"] update_params = {} for param in [ "provider_cost_per_sec", "provider_currency", "provider_sec_granularity", "provider_min_sec_granularity" ]: update_params[param[len('provider_'):]] = params[param] if update_params: pg_util.hist_upsert(g_db, "provider_costs", update_params, where=[("machine_uid", "=", machine_uid)]) update_params = {} for param in ["provider_min_sec_granularity", "price_sec_granularity"]: update_params[param[len('price_'):]] = params[param] for rank in users.all_ranks(): rank_update_params = copy.deepcopy(update_params) if "prices" in params and rank in params['prices']: rank_update_params['sec_price'] = params['prices'][rank] if "auto_update" in params: rank_update_params['auto_update'] = params['auto_update'] log.error("SAM: rank_update_params: " + repr(rank_update_params)) if rank_update_params: pg_util.hist_upsert(g_db, "machine_prices", values=rank_update_params, where=[("machine_uid", "=", machine_uid), ("user_rank", "=", rank)]) if "auto_update" in params.keys(): with pg_util.Transaction(g_db): g_db.execute("""DELETE FROM machine_price_auto_update WHERE machine_price_id NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM machine_prices WHERE auto_update = TRUE )""") g_db.execute( """INSERT INTO machine_price_auto_update(machine_price_id, cost_id, to_zcoins) SELECT AS machine_price_id, AS cost_id, cer.to_zcoins AS to_zcoins FROM machine_prices AS mp LEFT JOIN provider_costs AS pc ON mp.machine_uid = pc.machine_uid JOIN currency_exchange_rates AS cer ON pc.currency = cer.currency WHERE mp.auto_update = TRUE AND NOT IN ( SELECT machine_price_id FROM machine_price_auto_update )""" ) if params["auto_update"] and "prices" not in params.keys(): update_machine_prices()