def delete_calc(user_id, project_codename, calc_name): running_calc_status = [STATUS_PENDING, STATUS_RUNNING] project = projects.get_project(user_id, project_codename) if not project: raise RuntimeError("Unknown project " + project_codename) g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() calculations = g_db.execute( """SELECT * FROM calculations WHERE project_uid = %s AND name = %s AND delete_date IS NULL""", [project_codename, calc_name]).fetchall() # Cancelling jobs running_job_ids = [] for calc in calculations: if calc['status'] in running_calc_status and calc['job_id'] is not None: running_job_ids.append(calc['job_id']) if running_job_ids:"Killing jobs " + repr(running_job_ids) + " from deleting calc " + calc_name + "of project " + project_codename) jobs.cancel_jobs(running_job_ids) for calc in calculations: status_file_id = calc['status_file_id'] result_file_id = calc['result_file_id'] iterations_file_id = calc['iterations_file_id'] reduce_file_id = calc['reduce_file_id'] internal_file_id = calc['internal_file_id'] if status_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, status_file_id) if result_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, result_file_id) if iterations_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, iterations_file_id) if reduce_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, reduce_file_id) if internal_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, internal_file_id) pg_util.delete_with_date(g_db, "calculations", calc['id'])
def remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, file_id): project = get_project(user_id, project_codename) if not project: return g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() project_file = g_db.execute( """SELECT * FROM project_files WHERE id = %s AND project_uid = %s AND delete_date IS NULL""", [file_id, project_codename]).fetchone() if not project_file: return storage = core.api_util.get_storage(project['storage']) if storage.file_exists(project_file["filename"]): storage.delete_file(project_file["filename"]) pg_util.delete_with_date(g_db, "project_files", file_id)
def delete_mesh(user_id, project_codename, mesh_name): running_calc_status = [calc.STATUS_PENDING, calc.STATUS_RUNNING] running_mesh_status = [STATUS_PENDING, STATUS_RUNNING] project = projects.get_project(user_id, project_codename) if not project: raise RuntimeError("Unknown project " + project_codename) g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() proj_meshes = g_db.execute( """SELECT * FROM meshes WHERE project_uid = %s AND name = %s AND delete_date IS NULL""", [project_codename, mesh_name]).fetchall() # Cancelling computations mesh_ids = [m['id'] for m in proj_meshes] if not mesh_ids: return calculations = g_db.execute( """SELECT * FROM calculations WHERE project_uid = %s AND mesh_id IN (""" + ", ".join(["%s"] * len(mesh_ids)) + """) AND delete_date IS NULL""", [project_codename] + mesh_ids).fetchall() running_job_ids = [ m['job_id'] for m in proj_meshes if m['status'] in running_mesh_status ] running_job_ids += [ c['job_id'] for c in calculations if c['status'] in running_calc_status ] if running_job_ids:"killing jobs " + repr(running_job_ids) + " from deleting mesh " + mesh_name + " of project " + project_codename) jobs.cancel_jobs(running_job_ids) # Cleaning calculations for proj_calc in calculations: status_file_id = proj_calc['status_file_id'] result_file_id = proj_calc['result_file_id'] iterations_file_id = proj_calc['iterations_file_id'] reduce_file_id = proj_calc['reduce_file_id'] internal_file_id = proj_calc['internal_file_id'] if status_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, status_file_id) if result_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, result_file_id) if iterations_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, iterations_file_id) if reduce_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, reduce_file_id) if internal_file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, internal_file_id) pg_util.delete_with_date(g_db, "calculations", proj_calc['id']) # Cleaning meshes for proj_mesh in proj_meshes: file_id = proj_mesh['result_file_id'] if file_id is not None: projects.remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, file_id) pg_util.delete_with_date(g_db, "meshes", proj_mesh['id'])
def delete_user(user_id): g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() pg_util.delete_with_date(g_db, "users", user_id)
def delete_project(user_id, project_codename): project = get_project(user_id, project_codename, include_deleted=True) if not project: raise RuntimeError("Unknown project " + project_codename) # Canceling all running jobs running_status = [ jobs.JOB_STATUS_PENDING, jobs.JOB_STATUS_LAUNCHING, jobs.JOB_STATUS_RUNNING ] query = "SELECT id FROM jobs WHERE project_uid = %s AND status IN (" + ", ".join( ["%s"] * len(running_status)) + ")" g_db = core.api_util.DatabaseContext.get_conn() running_jobs = g_db.execute(query, [project_codename] + running_status).fetchall() running_job_ids = [job['id'] for job in running_jobs] if running_job_ids:"killing jobs " + repr(running_job_ids) + " from deleting project " + project_codename) jobs.cancel_jobs(running_job_ids) # Cleaning calculations calculations = g_db.execute( """SELECT * FROM calculations WHERE project_uid = %s AND delete_date IS NULL""", [project_codename]).fetchall() for calc in calculations: status_file_id = calc['status_file_id'] result_file_id = calc['result_file_id'] iterations_file_id = calc['iterations_file_id'] reduce_file_id = calc['reduce_file_id'] internal_file_id = calc['internal_file_id'] if status_file_id is not None: remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, status_file_id) if result_file_id is not None: remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, result_file_id) if iterations_file_id is not None: remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, iterations_file_id) if reduce_file_id is not None: remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, reduce_file_id) if internal_file_id is not None: remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, internal_file_id) pg_util.delete_with_date(g_db, "calculations", calc['id']) # Cleaning meshes meshes = g_db.execute( "SELECT * FROM meshes WHERE project_uid = %s AND delete_date IS NULL", [project_codename]).fetchall() for mesh in meshes: file_id = mesh['result_file_id'] if file_id is not None: remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, file_id) pg_util.delete_with_date(g_db, "meshes", mesh['id']) # Cleaning project itself anal_file = get_file_by_key(user_id, project_codename, PROJECT_FILE_ANALYSED) if anal_file: remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, anal_file['id']) project_file = get_file_by_key(user_id, project_codename, PROJECT_FILE_RAW) if project_file: remove_file_from_project(user_id, project_codename, project_file['id']) pg_util.hist_remove(g_db, "projects", [('uid', "=", project_codename)])