def _get_rgb_array(self, cut=True): """ render the current canvas as a rgb array """ buf = pixbufsurface.render_as_pixbuf(self.surface) w = buf.get_width() h = buf.get_height() # convert uint8 matrix whose shape is [w, h, 4] img = np.frombuffer(buf.get_pixels(), np.uint8).reshape(h, w, -1) img = img[:, :, :3] # discard the alpha channel # cut out the canvas if cut: img = img[self.tile_offset:self.tile_offset + self.imsize, self.tile_offset:self.tile_offset + self.imsize, :] return img
def render_brush_preview_pixbuf(brushinfo, max_edge_tiles=4): """Renders brush preview images :param lib.brush.BrushInfo brushinfo: settings to render :param int max_edge_tiles: Use at most this many tiles along an edge :returns: Preview image, at 128x128 pixels :rtype: GdkPixbuf This generates the preview image (128px icon) used for brushes which don't have saved ones. These include brushes picked from .ORA files where the parent_brush_name doesn't correspond to a brush in the user's MyPaint brushes - they're used as the default, and for the Auto button in the Brush Icon editor. Brushstrokes are inherently unpredictable in size, so the allowable area is grown until the brush fits or until the rendering becomes too big. `max_edge_tiles` limits this growth. """ assert max_edge_tiles >= 1 brushinfo = brushinfo.clone() # avoid capturing a ref brush = Brush(brushinfo) surface = lib.tiledsurface.Surface() N = lib.tiledsurface.N for size_in_tiles in range(1, max_edge_tiles): width = N * size_in_tiles height = N * size_in_tiles surface.clear() fg, spiral = _brush_preview_bg_fg(surface, size_in_tiles, brushinfo) brushinfo.set_color_rgb(fg) brush.reset() # Curve shape = _variable_pressure_scribble(width, height, size_in_tiles) surface.begin_atomic() for dt, x, y, p, xt, yt in shape: brush.stroke_to(surface.backend, x, y, p, xt, yt, dt) surface.end_atomic() # Check rendered size tposs = surface.tiledict.keys() outside = min({tx for tx, ty in tposs}) < 0 outside = outside or (min({ty for tx, ty in tposs}) < 0) outside = outside or (max({tx for tx, ty in tposs}) >= size_in_tiles) outside = outside or (max({ty for tx, ty in tposs}) >= size_in_tiles) if not outside: break # Convert to pixbuf at the right scale rect = (0, 0, width, height) pixbuf = render_as_pixbuf(surface, *rect, alpha=True) if max(width, height) != 128: interp = (GdkPixbuf.InterpType.NEAREST if max(width, height) < 128 else GdkPixbuf.InterpType.BILINEAR) pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(128, 128, interp) # Composite over a checquered bg via Cairo: shows erases size = nchecks = int(128 / size) cairo_surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 128, 128) cr = cairo.Context(cairo_surf) render_checks(cr, size, nchecks) Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, pixbuf, 0, 0) cr.paint() cairo_surf.flush() return Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_surface(cairo_surf, 0, 0, 128, 128)