def load_scripts(self): """ 加载所有 plugins 目录下的 plugin, 并返回包含所有加载成功的 plugin 的 list 包含所有已导入 plugin 的列表 :return: retval 包含所有已导入 plugin 的列表 """ retval = [] # file_list 是包含了所有的 plugins 目录下的 py 文件的列表 file_list = [ f for f in os.listdir(self.files) if not any(s in f for s in self.skip_schema) ] for script in sorted(file_list): script = script[:-3] if self.verbose: debug("loading {} script '{}'".format(self.script_type, script)) try: script = importlib.import_module(self.path.format(script)) retval.append(script) except Exception: warning( "failed to load tamper '{}', pretending it doesn't exist". format(script)) # 包含所有已导入 plugin 的列表 return retval
def produce_results(found_tampers): """ produce the results of the tamper scripts, if any this 输出更好看的格式 :param found_tampers: 发现的所有 tampers :return: None """ spacer = "-" * 30 if len(found_tampers) > 0: success("apparent working tampers for target:") print(spacer) for i, tamper in enumerate(found_tampers, start=1): description, example, load = tamper try: load = str(load).split(" ")[1].split("'")[1] except IndexError: pass print( "(#{}) description: tamper payload by {}\nexample: '{}'\nload path: {}" .format(i, description, example, load)) if i != len(found_tampers): print("\n") print(spacer) else: warning("no valid bypasses discovered with provided payloads")
def create_fingerprint(url, content_obj, status, headers, req_data=None, speak=False): """ create the unknown firewall fingerprint file :param url: url :param content_obj: BeautifulSoup Object :param status: response.status_code :param headers: response.headers :param req_data: 请求方法 + url 形如 -> "GET" :param speak: default False if speak=True, stdout "fingerprint saved to '{}'" information :return: 返回完整的 fingerprint 文件保存路径, 例如 -> ~/.whatwaf/fingerprinters/FILENAME """ # UNKNOWN_PROTECTION_FINGERPRINT_PATH = "{}/fingerprints".format(HOME) # 为什么是指定了 --fingerprint 保存的路径却是 UNKNOW_PROTECTION_FINGERPRINT? if not os.path.exists(UNKNOWN_PROTECTION_FINGERPRINT_PATH): os.makedirs(UNKNOWN_PROTECTION_FINGERPRINT_PATH) __replace_http = lambda x: x.split("/") # 会把 url 中的请求方法给割掉 请求 http? 如果是 https 呢? __replace_specifics = lambda u: "http://{}".format(u.split("/")[2]) try: # 假设原 url -> # 返回形如 -> url = __replace_specifics(url) except Exception: warning( "full URL will be displayed to the public if an issue is created") url = url # 形如 <!--\n{}\nStatus code: {}\n{}\n-->\n{} 这里拼接的一样 fingerprint = "<!--\n{}\nStatus code: {}\n{}\n-->\n{}".format( "GET {} HTTP/1.1".format(url) if req_data is None else "{} HTTP/1.1".format(req_data), str(status), '\n'.join("{}: {}".format(h, k) for h, k in headers.items()), str(content_obj)) # 形如 -> 获取hostname filename = __replace_http(url)[2] # 不需要吧, 有些的域名就不用加 www # if "www" not in filename: # filename = "www.{}".format(filename) full_file_path = "{}/{}".format(UNKNOWN_PROTECTION_FINGERPRINT_PATH, filename) if not os.path.exists(full_file_path): with open(full_file_path, "a+") as log: log.write(fingerprint) if speak: success("fingerprint saved to '{}'".format(full_file_path)) # 返回完整的 fingerprint 文件保存路径 return full_file_path
def threader(self): # not sure why this is wrapped in parentheses while True: url_thread, waf_vector = self.threading_queue.get() try: if self.verbose: debug("trying: '{}'".format(url_thread)) response_retval = get_page( url_thread, user_agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, provided_headers=self.provided_headers, throttle=self.throttle, timeout=self.timeout, request_method=self.request_type, post_data=self.post_data) self.response_retval_list.append(response_retval) _, response_status_code, _, _ = response_retval if self.verbose: info('response status code: {}'.format( response_status_code)) except Exception as e: if "ECONNRESET" in str(e): warning( "possible network level firewall detected (hardware), received an aborted connection" ) self.response_retval_list.append(None) else: error( "failed to obtain target meta-data with payload {}, error: '{}'" .format(waf_vector.strip(), str(e))) self.response_retval_list.append(None) # 暂时关闭 # if self.save_fingerprint: # create_fingerprint( # self.url, # self.response_retval_list[0][2], # self.response_retval_list[0][1], # self.response_retval_list[0][3], # req_data=self.response_retval_list[0][0], # speak=True # ) self.threading_queue.task_done()
def check_version(speak=True): """ check the version number for updates """ version_url = "" req = requests.get(version_url) content = req.text current_version = "VERSION.=.(.......)?", content).group().split("=")[-1].strip().strip('"') my_version = VERSION if not current_version == my_version: if speak: warning("new version: {} is available".format(current_version)) else: return False else: if not speak: return True
def normalization_url(url, ssl=False): """ check if a protocol is given in the URL if it isn't we'll auto assign it """ # 是检测 url 有没有加上 http 或者 https if is None: if ssl: warning("no protocol discovered, assigning HTTPS (SSL)") return "https://{}".format(url.strip()) else: warning("no protocol discovered assigning HTTP") return "http://{}".format(url.strip()) else: if ssl: info("forcing HTTPS (SSL) connection") items = PROTOCOL_DETECTION.split(url) item = items[-1].split("://") item[0] = "https://" return ''.join(item) else: return url.strip()
def display_cached(urls, payloads): """ display the database information in a neat format 其实就是将 cached_payload 和 cached_url 两个表的数据 全部展示, 把他们展示的漂亮点而已 """ if urls is not None: if len(urls) != 0: info("cached URLs:") # enumerate 是将一个可迭代的对象,例如列表或者元组, 加上一个序号索引(从0开始的) for i, cached in enumerate(urls): # i 为索引值, 从0开始的 _, netlock, prots, tamps, server = cached print colored("{}".format("-" * 20), 'white') # 这段的意思是输出表格一样的东西,可视化url print( "{sep} URL: {url}\n{sep} Identified Protections: {protect}\n" "{sep} Working tampers: {tamp}\n{sep} Web server: {server}" .format(sep=colored("|", 'white'), url=netlock, protect=prots, tamp=tamps, server=server)) print colored("{}".format("-" * 20), 'white') else: warning("there are no cached URLs in the database") if payloads is not None: if len(payloads) != 0: info("cached payloads:") print colored("{}".format("-" * 20), 'white') for i, payload in enumerate(payloads, start=1): print("{} {} {}".format(colored("#" + str(i), 'white'), colored("-->", 'white'), payload[-1])) print colored("{}".format("-" * 20), 'white') else: warning("no payloads have been cached into the database")
def display_found_tampers(found_tampers): """ produce the results of the tamper scripts, if any this 这个函数是用来美化输出的, 加入 found_tampers 里面有东西, 就美化输出出来 :param found_tampers: 是个集合, 形如 -> working_tampers.add(( tamper.__type__, tamper.tamper(tamper.__example_payload__), tamper )) :return: None """ spacer = colored("-" * 30, 'white') if len(found_tampers) > 0: success("apparent working tampers for target:") print(spacer) for i, tamper in enumerate(found_tampers, start=1): description, example, load_tamper = tamper # # 会有极大的概率出错 # try: # load_tamper = str(load_tamper).split(" ")[1].split("'")[1] # except IndexError: # pass print( "(#{}) description: tamper payload by {}\nexample: '{}'\nload tamper: {}" .format(i, description, example, load_tamper)) if i != len(found_tampers): print("\n") print(spacer) else: warning("no valid bypasses discovered with provided payloads")
def get_working_tampers(url, norm_response, payloads, **kwargs): """ gather working tamper scripts working_tampers = set() working_tampers.add((tamper.__type__, tamper.tamper(tamper.__example_payload__), tamper)), 是个元组 :param url: url :param norm_response: 正常不带 * 的 url :param payloads: payloads :param kwargs: 各种参数 :return: working_tampers, 见简介 """ proxy = kwargs.get("proxy", None) agent = kwargs.get("agent", None) verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) # 最多搞定到 5 个有效 payload 就退出, 否则全部执行完 tamper_int = kwargs.get("tamper_int", 5) provided_headers = kwargs.get("provided_headers", None) throttle = kwargs.get("throttle", 0) request_timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 15) if request_timeout is None: warning( "issue occured and the timeout resolved to None, defaulting to 15") request_timeout = 15 failed_schema = (re.compile("404", re.I), re.compile("captcha", re.I), re.compile("illegal", re.I), re.compile("blocked", re.I), re.compile("ip.logged", re.I), re.compile("ip.address.logged", re.I), re.compile("not.acceptable", re.I), re.compile("access.denied", re.I), re.compile("forbidden", re.I), re.compile("400", re.I)) info("loading payload tampering scripts") # 返回包含所有 tampers 目录下的 py 文件 list tampers = ScriptQueue(TAMPERS_DIRECTORY, TAMPERS_IMPORT_TEMPLATE, verbose=verbose).load_scripts() success("loading payload tampering scripts success") if tamper_int > len(tampers): warning( "the amount of tampers provided is higher than the amount of tampers available, " "ALL tampers will be tried (slow!)") tamper_int = len(tampers) # working_tampers.add((tamper.__type__, tamper.tamper(tamper.__example_payload__), tamper)), 是个元组 working_tampers = set() _, normal_status, _, _ = norm_response info("running tampering bypass checks") for tamper in tampers: if verbose: try: # 这里会出错 str(tamper).split(" ")[1] 会报 list index out of range 错误 # debug("currently tampering with script '{}".format(str(tamper).split(" ")[1].split(".")[-1])) debug("currently tampering with script '{}".format( str(tamper))) except: pass for vector in payloads: vector = tamper.tamper(vector) if verbose: payload('using payload: {}'.format(vector.strip())) payloaded_url = "{}{}".format(url, vector) # 去请求 带有 payload 的 url # 需要加总请求次数 _, status, html, _ = get_page(payloaded_url, user_agent=agent, proxy=proxy, provided_headers=provided_headers, throttle=throttle, timeout=request_timeout) if not find_failures(str(html), failed_schema): if verbose: if status != 0: debug("response code: {}".format(status)) else: debug("unknown response detected") if status != 404: if status == 200: try: working_tampers.add( (tamper.__type__, tamper.tamper(tamper.__example_payload__), tamper)) except: pass else: if verbose: warning("failure found in response content") if len(working_tampers) == tamper_int: break if len(working_tampers) == tamper_int: break return working_tampers
def detection_main( url, payloads, cursor, request_type="GET", post_data=None, user_agent=get_random_agent(), provided_headers=None, proxy=None, verbose=False, skip_bypass_check=False, verification_number=None, # 暂时屏蔽, 没什么卵用 # fingerprint_waf=False, formatted=False, tamper_int=5, use_yaml=False, use_json=False, use_csv=False, traffic_file=None, throttle=0, request_timeout=15, # 这个 determine_server 应该要默认开启 # determine_server=False, threaded=None, force_file_creation=False, save_file_copy_path=None): """ main detection function :param url: url :param payloads: payloads :param cursor: databse cursor :param request_type: get or post :param post_data: post data you given to :param user_agent: User Agent :param provided_headers: custom headers Dic type :param proxy: proxy :param verbose: verbose mode default False :param skip_bypass_check: skip payload bypass check :param verification_number: :param formatted: :param tamper_int: :param use_yaml: :param use_json: :param use_csv: :param traffic_file: :param throttle: :param request_timeout: :param threaded: :param force_file_creation: :param save_file_copy_path: :return: response count 发送的总请求的数量 """ # 保险, 还是初始化一下 url = normalization_url(url) if url[-1] != "/": url += "/" current_url_netloc = urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc # 如果没有检测出 url 中的参数, 可能会干扰检测结果, 如果是 POST 请求呢? if str(url)) is None and request_type.lower() == "get": warning( "URL does not appear to have a query (parameter), this may interfere with the detection results" ) # 是否在 url 中有 * 的地方放置 attack payload? if '*' in url: choice = prompt( "custom placement marker found in URL `*` would you like to use it to place the attacks", "yN") if choice.lower().startswith("y"): use_placement = True else: use_placement = False else: use_placement = False if use_yaml: file_path = YAML_FILE_PATH elif use_json: file_path = JSON_FILE_PATH elif use_csv: file_path = CSV_FILE_PATH else: file_path = None try: file_start = url.split("/")[2].split(".")[1] if use_json: ext = ".json" elif use_yaml: ext = ".yaml" elif use_csv: ext = ".csv" else: ext = '.txt' filename = "{}{}".format(file_start, ext) except: if use_json: file_type = "json" elif use_csv: file_type = 'csv' elif use_yaml: file_type = 'yaml' else: file_type = 'txt' filename = random_string(length=10, file_type=file_type) info("request type: {}".format(request_type)) # 检查是否为无效 POST data if request_type.lower() == 'post': if len(post_data) == 0: warning("no POST string supplied generating random") post_data = generate_random_post_string() info("random POST string to be sent: '{}'".format(post_data)) elif post_data is not None and post_data != "": info("POST string to be sent: '{}'".format(post_data)) # 如果不是有效 url, 就抛出异常 if validate_url(url) is None: raise InvalidURLProvided info("gathering HTTP responses") if threaded: # 如果指定了 thread responses_list = DetectionQueue( url, payloads, proxy=proxy, agent=user_agent, verbose=verbose, provided_headers=provided_headers, traffic_file=traffic_file, throttle=throttle, timeout=request_timeout, request_type=request_type, post_data=post_data, threaded=threaded, placement=use_placement).threaded_get_response() else: # 这个 response 是形如多个 -> ('GET', '200 OK', 'soup对象', "{'User_Agent': 'f**k'}") # 这样的集合 responses_list = DetectionQueue( url, payloads, request_type=request_type, post_data=post_data, provided_headers=provided_headers, agent=user_agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=verbose, # save_fingerprint=fingerprint_waf, # --traffic FILENAME # traffic_file=traffic_file, throttle=throttle, timeout=request_timeout, placement=use_placement).get_response() # 指定了 --traffic, 保存进文件 if traffic_file is not None: with open(traffic_file, "a+") as traffic: for i, item in enumerate(responses_list, start=1): param, status_code, content, headers = item traffic.write( "HTTP Request #{}\n{}\nRequest Status Code: {}\n<!--\n{} HTTP/1.1\n{}\n-->{}\n\n\n" .format( i, "-" * 30, status_code, param, "\n".join([ "{}: {}".format(h, v) for h, v in headers.items() ]), content)) info("gathering normal response to compare against") # 上面是请求的带有 payload 的路径和 爆破 admin 路径的 url, 这里是请求原有的 url, 但是那url中的 * 怎么办? normal_response = get_page(url, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent, provided_headers=provided_headers, throttle=throttle, timeout=request_timeout, request_method=request_type, post_data=post_data) # --determine-webserver # 就是检查 response headers 中的 server, 例如 Apache2 什么的 # 默认带上 # if determine_server: found_webserver = None # 这个 response_list 是形如多个 -> ('GET', '200 OK', 'soup对象', "{'User_Agent': 'f**k'}") # 这样的集合 headers = {} for resp in responses_list: headers = resp[-1] for k in headers.keys(): if k.lower() == "server": found_webserver = headers[k] break if found_webserver is None: warning("unable to determine web server") else: success("web server determined as: {}".format(found_webserver)) # 加载 所有的 plugins, 然后返回所有的已导入的 plugin 的列表 info("loading firewall detection scripts") loaded_plugins = ScriptQueue(PLUGINS_DIRECTORY, PLUGINS_IMPORT_TEMPLATE, verbose=verbose).load_scripts() success("loading firewall detection scripts success") info("running firewall detection checks") # plus one for get_page() call request_count = len(responses_list) + 1 amount_of_products = 0 detected_protections = set() # temp = [] for item in responses_list: item = item if item is not None else normal_response _, status, html, headers = item for plugin in loaded_plugins: try: if plugin.detect(str(html), status=status, headers=headers) is True: # 先丢着 # temp.append(plugin.__product__) # plugin 的介绍不可能是 Unknown Firewall # if plugin.__product__ == UNKNOWN_FIREWALL_NAME and len(temp) == 1 and status != 0: # warning("unknown firewall detected saving fingerprint to log file") # path = create_fingerprint(url, html, status, headers) # return request_firewall_issue_creation(path) # else: # detected_protections.add(plugin.__product__) detected_protections.add(plugin.__product__) except Exception: pass if len(detected_protections) > 0: if UNKNOWN_FIREWALL_NAME not in detected_protections: amount_of_products += 1 if len(detected_protections) > 1: for i, _ in enumerate(list(detected_protections)): amount_of_products += 1 if amount_of_products == 1: # 获取检测到的产品的 __product__ 一般只有一个 detected_protections = list(detected_protections)[0] success( "detected website protection identified as '{}', searching for bypasses" .format(detected_protections)) # 如果没有指定 --skip if not skip_bypass_check: # get_working_tampers() 返回一个 working_tampers 集合 # working_tampers = set() # working_tampers.add((tamper.__type__, tamper.tamper(tamper.__example_payload__), tamper)), 是个元组 found_working_tampers = get_working_tampers( url, normal_response, payloads, proxy=proxy, agent=user_agent, verbose=verbose, tamper_int=tamper_int, provided_headers=provided_headers, throttle=throttle, timeout=request_timeout) # 没加 --format 就只是美化输出 if not formatted: # display_found_tampers 是美化输出的, 输出 found_working_tampers display_found_tampers(found_working_tampers) else: # dictify_output return json_retval 是由一个字典组成的 # 这个字典包含 { # "url": url, # "identified firewall": detect_firewalls, # "is protected": True, # "apparent working tampers": "自己输入的 payload" # } dict_data_output = dictify_output(url, detected_protections, found_working_tampers) # 写入文件 # 注意, 这个 filename 可能是 None, 不一定会指定 CSV、JSON 或者 YAML if file_path: written_file_path = write_to_file( filename, file_path, dict_data_output, write_csv=use_csv, write_yaml=use_yaml, write_json=use_json, save_copy_to=save_file_copy_path) if written_file_path is not None: info("data has been written to file: '{}'".format( written_file_path)) """ cached_urls table field -> id uri working_tampers DEFAULT 'N/A', " identified_protections DEFAULT 'N/A'," identified_webserver DEFAULT 'N/A'" """ inserted_into_database_results = insert_url( # found_webserver 是检查是否 response 的 header 中有 server 字段 # found_working_tampers 和 detected_protections 如果不止一个, 就用 , 拼接 cursor, current_url_netloc, found_working_tampers, detected_protections, webserver=found_webserver) else: # 指定了 --skip, 就会跳过 tamper 这个字段的写入 warning("skipping bypass checks") # --format if formatted: # 格式化输出的 dict_data_output = dictify_output(url, detected_protections, []) # 写入文件 # 注意, 这个 filename 可能是 None, 不一定会指定 CSV、JSON 或者 YAML written_file_path = write_to_file( filename, file_path, dict_data_output, write_csv=use_csv, write_yaml=use_yaml, write_json=use_json, save_copy_to=save_file_copy_path) # 也就是 如果指定了 json csv yaml 中的任何一个 if written_file_path is not None: info("data has been written to file: '{}'".format( written_file_path)) if isinstance(detected_protections, str): # 在 list 的基础上再加个 [] detected_protections = [detected_protections] # 因为选择了 --skip 所以跳过 tamper 阶段 inserted_into_database_results = insert_url( cursor, current_url_netloc, [], detected_protections, webserver=found_webserver) elif amount_of_products == 0: # 没找到 warning("no protection identified on target, verifying") if verification_number is None: verification_number = 5 verification_normal_response = get_page( url, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent, provided_headers=provided_headers, throttle=throttle, timeout=request_timeout, request_method=request_type, post_data=post_data) # 随便从默认的 payload 文件中拿第四个 payloaded_url = "{}{}".format(url, WAF_REQUEST_DETECTION_PAYLOADS[3]) verification_payloaded_response = get_page( payloaded_url, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent, provided_headers=provided_headers, throttle=throttle, timeout=request_timeout, request_method=request_type, post_data=post_data) # check_if_matched 返回 response 集合 或者返回 None, 当 normal url 和 加了 payload 的 url 的返回头一样时候, 肯定就 # 是返回的 None results = check_if_matched(verification_normal_response, verification_payloaded_response, verified=verification_number) if results is not None: data_sep = colored("-" * 30, 'white') info( "target seems to be behind some kind of protection for the following reasons:" ) print(data_sep) for i, content in enumerate(results, start=1): print("[{}] {}".format(i, content)) print(data_sep) # 暂时屏蔽 # 这一段是说明, 如果 waf 的指纹没检测出来, 但是进行比较之后 又发现了不同, 说明指纹库不够强大, 这时候会发送 issues 到 # 作者的 github 上 # _, status, html, headers = verification_payloaded_response # if status != 0: # path = create_fingerprint(url, html, status, headers) # request_firewall_issue_creation(path) # else: # warning( # "status code returned as `0` meaning that there is no content in the webpage, " # "issue will not be created" # ) inserted_into_database_results = insert_url( current_url_netloc, [], [], cursor, webserver=found_webserver) else: # 说明没有发现不同 success("no protection identified on target") if formatted: if not force_file_creation: warning( "no data will be written to files since no protection could be identified, " "to force file creation pass the `--force-file` argument" ) else: # if the argument `--force-file` is passed we will create the file # anyways, this should give users who are relying on the JSON files # for thirdparty information a chance to get the data out of the directory # then they can easily parse it without problems. warning( "forcing file creation without successful identification" ) dict_data_output = dictify_output(url, None, []) written_file_path = write_to_file( filename, file_path, dict_data_output, write_csv=use_csv, write_yaml=use_yaml, write_json=use_json, save_copy_to=save_file_copy_path) if written_file_path is not None: info("data has been written to file: '{}'".format( written_file_path)) inserted_into_database_results = insert_url( current_url_netloc, [], [], cursor, webserver=found_webserver) else: # 不止一个 waf protections success("multiple protections identified on target{}:".format( " (unknown firewall will not be displayed)" if UNKNOWN_FIREWALL_NAME in detected_protections else "")) detected_protections = [item for item in list(detected_protections)] for i, protection in enumerate(detected_protections, start=1): if not protection == UNKNOWN_FIREWALL_NAME: success("#{} '{}'".format(i, protection)) if not skip_bypass_check: info("searching for bypasses") found_working_tampers = get_working_tampers( url, normal_response, payloads, proxy=proxy, agent=user_agent, verbose=verbose, tamper_int=tamper_int, throttle=throttle, timeout=request_timeout, provided_headers=provided_headers) if not formatted: # 将 tampers 输出的更加好看 produce_results(found_working_tampers) else: # dictify_ouput 的返回 -> json_retval 是由一个字典组成的 dict_data_output = dictify_output(url, detected_protections, found_working_tampers) written_file_path = write_to_file( filename, file_path, dict_data_output, write_csv=use_csv, write_yaml=use_yaml, write_json=use_json, save_copy_to=save_file_copy_path) if written_file_path is not None: info("data has been written to file: '{}'".format( written_file_path)) # 写入数据库 inserted_into_database_results = insert_url( current_url_netloc, found_working_tampers, detected_protections, cursor, webserver=found_webserver) else: # 跳过 tampers 的检查 warning("skipping bypass tests") if formatted: dict_data_output = dictify_output(url, detected_protections, []) written_file_path = write_to_file( filename, file_path, dict_data_output, write_csv=use_csv, write_yaml=use_yaml, write_json=use_json, save_copy_to=save_file_copy_path) if written_file_path is not None: info("data has been written to file: '{}'".format( written_file_path)) inserted_into_database_results = insert_url( current_url_netloc, [], detected_protections, cursor, webserver=found_webserver) if inserted_into_database_results: info("URL has been cached for future use") # 返回请求的总数量 return request_count
def get_response(self): for i, waf_vector in enumerate(self.payloads): # 如果给出的 url 没有 * 可 payload 点, 就直接追加到 url 的后面 if not self.placement: primary_url = self.url + "{}".format(waf_vector) else: # 那就是在一个 url 中只会有一个 *, 只有一个可 payload 的点, 会把 * 替换成 payload # 这里需要加强一下, 如果有 多个 * url = self.url.split("*") primary_url = "{}{}{}".format(url[0], waf_vector, url[len(url) - 1]) # secondary_url 是爆破 admin 路径的 但是只选择了一个, 就没什么卵用 secondary_url = strip_url(self.url) secondary_url = "{}//{}".format(secondary_url[0], secondary_url[1]) secondary_url = "{}/{}".format(secondary_url, random.choice(RAND_HOMEPAGES)) # 如果指定了 --verbose, 就打印出传入的 payload 参数 if self.verbose: payload("using payload: {}".format(waf_vector.strip())) try: if self.verbose: debug("trying: '{}'".format(primary_url)) response_retval = get_page( # get_page return 形如 -> # ('GET', '200 OK', 'soup对象', "{'User_Agent': 'f**k'}") primary_url, user_agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, provided_headers=self.provided_headers, throttle=self.throttle, timeout=self.timeout, request_method=self.request_type, post_data=self.post_data) self.response_retval_list.append(response_retval) _, response_status_code, _, _ = response_retval if self.verbose: info("response status code: {}".format( response_status_code)) if self.verbose: debug("trying: {}".format(secondary_url)) # 请求给出 url 的主目录, 用了admin爆破字典, 因为是从 RAND_HOMEPAGES 中随机抽取了一个, 所以不一定会成功返回 200 # response_retval 是一个列表, 列表的元素是元组 response_retval = get_page( # return -> ('GET', '200 OK', 'soup对象', "{'User_Agent': 'f**k'}") secondary_url, user_agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, provided_headers=self.provided_headers, # throttle -> Provide a sleep time per request (*default=0), 发送各种请求的时间间隔 throttle=self.throttle, timeout=self.timeout, request_method=self.request_type, post_data=self.post_data) self.response_retval_list.append(response_retval) _, response_status_code, _, _ = response_retval if self.verbose: info('response status code: {}'.format( response_status_code)) except Exception as e: # 事实上应该返回各种请求码, 例如拒绝, 找不到页面, 而不应该出错 if "ECONNRESET" in str(e): warning( "possible network level firewall detected (hardware), received an aborted connection" ) self.response_retval_list.append(None) else: error( "failed to obtain target meta-data with payload {}, error: '{}'" .format(waf_vector.strip(), str(e))) self.response_retval_list.append(None) # 暂时关闭 # 如果指定了 --fingerprint, 为什么只保存一个? # 这里只会保存第一个 payload 请求和爆破 index 页面请求 # if self.save_fingerprint: # create_fingerprint( # self.url, # # get_page return 形如 -> # # ('GET', '200 OK', 'soup对象', "{'User_Agent': 'f**k'}") # # Soup object # response_retval[0][2], # # response code # response_retval[0][1], # # User Agent # response_retval[0][3], # # 形如 -> GET # req_data=response_retval[0][0], # speak=True # ) # get_page return 形如多个 -> ('GET', '200 OK', 'soup对象', "{'User_Agent': 'f**k'}") # 这样的集合 # 有几个 payload 就请求了几次 return self.response_retval_list
def configure_request_headers(user_agent=None, proxy=None, random_agent=False, tor=None, tor_port=9050): """ configure the HTTP request headers with a user defined proxy, Tor, or a random User-Agent from the user-agent file :param user_agent: User Agent from custom request :param proxy: Whether use proxy, default None :param random_agent: Whether use random User Agent, strong recommend :param tor: Whether use tor proxy, default None :param tor_port: setting custom tor port :return: proxy, user_agent """ supported_proxies = ("socks5", "socks4", "http", "https") invalid_msg = "invalid switches detected, switch {} cannot be used in conjunction with switch {}" proxy_msg = "running behind proxy '{}'" # --proxy 和 --tor 不能同时被设置 if proxy is not None and tor: error(invalid_msg.format("--tor", "--proxy")) exit(1) # --ra 和 --pa 不能在一起 if user_agent is not None and random_agent: error(invalid_msg.format("--ra", "--pa")) exit(1) # tor 默认是 socket5:// 端口 if tor: proxy = "socks5://{}".format(tor_port) if user_agent is None: user_agent = get_random_agent() if random_agent: # 从 whatwaf/content/data/user_agent.txt 中随便挑一个 user_agent 请求头 user_agent = get_random_agent() # proxy 不为空 if proxy is not None: if any(item in proxy for item in supported_proxies): info(proxy_msg.format(proxy)) else: error( "you did not provide a supported proxy protocol, " "supported protocols are '{}'. check your proxy and try again". format(", ".join([p for p in supported_proxies]))) exit(1) else: # proxy 为 Null warning( "it is highly advised to use a proxy when using WhatWaf. do so by passing the proxy flag " "(eg `--proxy`) or by passing the Tor flag (eg `--tor`)" ) # 如果 user_agent 请求头不为空 if user_agent is not None: info("using User-Agent '{}'".format(user_agent)) return proxy, user_agent
def main(): spacer = colored("-" * 30, 'white') print BANNER opts = CmdLineParser().cmd_parser() if not len(sys.argv[1:]): error("You failed to provide an option, redirecting to help menu") # 停顿2秒之后再显示 help banner time.sleep(2) print CmdLineParser().cmd_parser(get_help=True) else: # if you feel that you have to many folders or data in the whatwaf home folder # we'll give you an option to clean it free of charge if opts.cleanHomeFolder: # 对文件的权限或者 移动 拷贝什么的 import shutil try: warning( "cleaning the home folder: {home}, if you have installed with, " "this will erase the executable script along with everything inside " "of the {home} directory (fingerprints, scripts, copies of whatwaf, etc) " "if you are sure you want to do this press ENTER now. If you changed " "your mind press CNTRL-C now".format(home=HOME)) # you have three seconds to change your mind raw_input("") info("attempting to clean up home folder") # 这个 HOME 是程序根目录下的 .whatwaf 文件夹, 例如 /root/.whatwaf # 删了这个 .whatwaf 隐藏目录 shutil.rmtree(HOME) info("home folder removed") except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("cleaning aborted") except OSError: fatal("no home folder detected, already cleaned?") exit(0) # 初始化 sqlite3 数据库, 创建~/.whatwaf/whatwaf.sqlite # 如果没有 cached_payloads 或者 cached_urls 表,就创建,否则跳过, 然后函数 return 一个 cursor 指针操作数据库的 cursor = initialize() # 如果指定了 --export FILE-TYPE 选项 # 这里只导出 cached_payloads 表中的数据 if opts.exportEncodedToFile is not None: # fetch_data(cursor, table_name=None) # return 一个列表, 包含一行一行的数据, 然后列表里面镶嵌着 每一列的元组 payloads = fetch_data(cursor, table_name='cached_payloads') if len(payloads) != 0: # export_payloads() 把 payload 列的数据写入文件,然后返回这个文件的 filename exported_payloads_path = export_payloads( payloads, opts.exportEncodedToFile) success( "payloads exported to: {}".format(exported_payloads_path)) else: # 数据库里面没有数据 warning( "there appears to be no payloads stored in the database, to create payloads use the " "following options:") proc = subprocess.check_output( ["python", "", "--help"]) parsed_help = CmdLineParser.parse_help_menu( str(proc), "encoding options:", "output options:") print(parsed_help) exit(1) # 如果指定了 -vC --view-cache, 这个选项展示 cached_payload 和 cached_url 两张表的内容 if opts.viewAllCache: cached_payloads = fetch_data(cursor, table_name='cached_payloads') cached_urls = fetch_data(cursor, table_name='cached_urls') # 其实就是将 cached_payload 和 cached_url 两个表的数据 全部展示, 把他们展示的漂亮点而已 display_cached(cached_urls, cached_payloads) exit(0) # 指定了 -pC --payload-cache, 这个选项仅仅只展示 cached_payload 表的内容 if opts.viewCachedPayloads: payloads = fetch_data(cursor, table_name='cached_payloads') if len(payloads) != 0: display_cached(None, payloads) else: warning( "there appears to be no payloads stored in the database, to create payloads use the" " following options:") proc = subprocess.check_output( ["python", "", "--help"]) parsed_help = CmdLineParser.parse_help_menu( proc, "encoding options:", "output options:") print(parsed_help) exit(0) # 指定了 -uC --view-url-cache, 这个选项仅仅只展示 cached_url 表的内容 if opts.viewUrlCache: cached_urls = fetch_data(cursor, table_name='cached_urls') display_cached(cached_urls, None) exit(0) # 指定了 -e --encode # -e PAYLOAD [TAMPER-SCRIPT-LOAD-PATH ...], --encode PAYLOAD [TAMPER-SCRIPT-LOAD-PATH ...] # 这个地方 没有说 要如何指定 payload 和 payload 的路径, 先丢着 if opts.encodePayload is not None: payload = opts.encodePayload[0] # opt.encodePayload[1:] -> payload 的加载路径, 例如 tampers.lowlevelunicodecharencode load_path = opts.encodePayload[1:] # 有可能加载好几个 payload 路径 payload_list = [] for load in load_path: try: # encode(payload, script) 参数, script 应该就是 payload 位置参数 # eccode() 函数返回的是 根据 payload 产生的 绕过 字符串 payload = encode(payload, load) payload_list.append(payload) except (AttributeError, ImportError): warning( "invalid load path given: '{}', skipping it and continuing" .format(load)) success("encoded successfully:") print spacer result = False for i, payload in enumerate(payload_list): # 上面得到 encoded successfully 之后,就把 payload 写入 database result = insert_payload(payload, cursor) print "{}{}".format(colored("#" + str(i) + " ", 'white'), payload) print spacer if result: info("payload has been cached for future use") exit(0) else: fatal("payload throwing error, see below") print colored(result, 'red') exit(1) # 指定 -el --encode-list 指定 payload 文件, payload 要用一行一行的隔开 # -el PATH TAMPER-SCRIPT-LOAD-PATH, --encode-list PATH TAMPER-SCRIPT-LOAD-PATH if opts.encodePayloadList is not None: try: file_path, load_path = opts.encodePayloadList info( "encoding payloads from given file '{}' using given tamper '{}'" .format(colored(file_path, 'white'), colored(load_path, 'white'))) with open(file_path) as payloads: # encode(payload, tamper_path) encoded = [ encode(p.strip(), load_path) for p in payloads.readlines() ] # 如果指定了 --save FILENAME if opts.saveEncodedPayloads is not None: with open(opts.saveEncodedPayloads, "a+") as save: for item in encoded: save.write(item + "\n") success( "saved encoded payloads to file '{}' successfully". format(opts.saveEncodedPayloads)) else: success("payloads encoded successfully:") print(spacer) for i, item in enumerate(encoded, start=1): # 写入数据库 insert_payload(item, cursor) print("{} {}".format( colored("#" + str(i), 'white'), item)) print(spacer) info("payloads have been cached for future use") except IOError: fatal( "provided file '{}' appears to not exist, check the path and try again" .format(file_path)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal( "invalid load path given, check the load path and try again" ) exit(0) # 暂时先屏蔽 # 指定了 --update # if opts.updateWhatWaf: # info("update in progress") # cmd = shlex.split("git pull origin master") # # exit(0) # 指定了 --tampers # 这个 options 的命令是 列出所有的 tamper 可用列表 if opts.listEncodingTechniques: info("gathering available tamper script load paths") # 返回的是所有的 tamper 的名字的集合 -> set() # is_tampers=True 就是返回 tampers 目录下的所有 tamper 名字集合 # is_wafs=True 就是返回 plugins 目录下的所有 plugin 名字的集合 print spacer tamper_list = get_encoding_list(TAMPERS_DIRECTORY, is_tampers=True, is_wafs=False) for tamper in sorted(tamper_list): print(tamper) print spacer exit(0) # 指定了 --wafs # 列出所有的 plugins 目录下的所有的 列表 if opts.viewPossibleWafs: import importlib info("gathering a list of possible detectable wafs") print spacer wafs_list = get_encoding_list(PLUGINS_DIRECTORY, is_tampers=False, is_wafs=True) for i, waf in enumerate(wafs_list, start=1): try: imported = importlib.import_module(waf) print("{}".format(imported.__product__)) except ImportError: pass print spacer exit(0) # 在运行大型扫面之前先检查 更新, 先暂时关闭 # gotta find a better way to check for updates so im a hotfix it # info("checking for updates") # check_version() # -Y --yaml sendToYAML # -C --cvs sendToCSV # -J --json sendToJSON format_opts = [opts.sendToYAML, opts.sendToCSV, opts.sendToJSON] # 指定了 -F --format if opts.formatOutput: amount_used = 0 for item in format_opts: if item is True: amount_used += 1 if amount_used > 1: warning( "multiple file formats have been detected, there is a high probability that this will cause " "issues while saving file information. please use only one format at a time" ) elif amount_used == 0: warning( "output will not be saved to a file as no file format was provided. to save output to file " "pass one of the file format flags (eg `-J` for JSON format)" ) elif any(format_opts) and not opts.formatOutput: warning( "you've chosen to send the output to a file, but have not formatted the output, no file will be saved " "do so by passing the format flag (eg `-F -J` for JSON format)" ) # 指定了 --skip skipBypassChecks 和 --tamper-int amountOfTampersToDisplay if opts.skipBypassChecks and opts.amountOfTampersToDisplay is not None: warning( "you've chosen to skip bypass checks and chosen an amount of tamper to display, tampers will be skipped" ) # there is an extra dependency that you need in order # for requests to run behind socks proxies, we'll just # do a little check to make sure you have it installed # --tor opt.runBehindTor # --proxy opt.runBehindProxy # --tor --proxy 不为空 and socks in opt.runBehindProxy # 如果指定了 --tor --proxy --proxy 必须为 sock 就导入 socks 模块 if opts.runBehindTor or opts.runBehindProxy is not None and "socks" in opts.runBehindProxy: try: import socks except ImportError: # if you don't we will go ahead and exit the system with an error message error( "to run behind socks proxies (like Tor) you need to install pysocks `pip install pysocks`, " "otherwise use a different proxy protocol") sys.exit(1) # configure_request_headers(user_agent=None, proxy=None, random_agent=False, tor=None, tor_port=9050) # return proxy, user_agent # configure_request_headers 判断如果没有指定 --proxy 会出现警告信息, 但是不会出错 # 配置请求头和User Agent, 检查是否符合规范的, 符合的会返回 proxy 和 user_agent proxy, user_agent = configure_request_headers( # opts.usePersonalAgent -pa user_agent=opts.usePersonalAgent, # opts.runBehindProxy --proxy proxy=opts.runBehindProxy, # opts.useRandomAgent -ra 从 whatwaf/content/data/user_agents.txt 中随机挑选一个作为 USER_AGENT 客户请求头 random_agent=opts.useRandomAgent, # opt.runBehindTor --tor, tor 默认是 socket5://, # 所以如果要指定使用 tor 代理, 直接 --tor 用默认的即可 tor=opts.runBehindTor, # opt.configTorPort -tP --tor-port default=9050 tor_port=opts.configTorPort) # 这个要先丢着 # 如果指定了 --tor 就根据 response返回的信息确定是否启用了 Tor # if opts.runBehindTor: # import re # # info("checking Tor connection") # check_url = "" # check_regex = re.compile("This browser is configured to use Tor.", re.I) # # # 这里没判断,如果没有指定 --proxy 应该是要报错的 # # get_page() 是使用request 模块请求, BeautifulSoup 解析的 # _, _, content, _ = get_page(check_url, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent) # # if is not None: # success("it appears that Tor is working properly") # else: # warning("it appears Tor is not configured properly") # 指定 -p --payload # 直说要使用 payload, 却没有说明如何使用 payload 用哪些payload if opts.providedPayloads is not None: # 如果指定了多个 payload 就丢入 payload_list 列表 # 支持输入多个 payload 用逗号隔开存入 payload_list payload_list = [ p.strip() if p[0] == " " else p for p in str(opts.providedPayloads).split(",") ] info("using provided payloads") elif opts.payloadList is not None: # 如果指定了 payload list 文件 # --pl PAYLOAD-LIST-PATH try: open(opts.payloadList).close() except: fatal( "provided file '{}' does not exists, check the path and try again" .format(opts.payloadList)) exit(1) payload_list = [ p.strip("\n") for p in open(opts.payloadList).readlines() ] info("using provided payload file '{}'".format(opts.payloadList)) else: # 如果都没有指定, 就使用默认的 whatwaf/content/data/default_payloads.lst 文件 payload_list = WAF_REQUEST_DETECTION_PAYLOADS info("using default payloads") # 如果指定了 verbose if opts.runInVerbose: for payload in payload_list: info("using payload: {}".format(payload)) # 指定了 --fingerprint 会保存指纹 if opts.saveFingerprints: warning( "fingerprinting is enabled, all fingerprints (WAF related or not) will be saved for further analysis " "if the fingerprint already exists it will be skipped") # 指定了 --traffic FILENAME if opts.trafficFile is not None: info("saving HTTP traffic to '{}'".format(opts.trafficFile)) # 指定了 --throttle INT, default 0 if opts.sleepTimeThrottle != 0: info("sleep throttle has been set to {}s".format( opts.sleepTimeThrottle)) try: if opts.postRequest: request_type = "POST" else: request_type = "GET" request_count = 0 # -u --url if opts.runSingleWebsite: # opt.forceSSL --force-ssl # normalization_url(url, ssl=False) -> 是实现自动添加 http 或者 https 头的 url_to_use = normalization_url(opts.runSingleWebsite, ssl=opts.forceSSL) # 在指定了 -u 的前提下, 指定 -c --url-cache default=False, 默认检查 # if opts.checkCachedUrls: # check_url_against_cached(url, cursor) 如果 cached_urls 表里面有 给的 url 参数的话, # 就返回这个 url 在数据库中的数据行, 如果没有就是返回 Null checked_results = check_url_cached(url_to_use, cursor) # 如果数据库里面有 if checked_results is not None: print( RESULTS_TEMPLATE.format( spacer, # uri str(checked_results[1]), # Identified Protections str(checked_results[2]), # Identified Tampers str(checked_results[3]), # Identified Web Server str(checked_results[4]), spacer)) exit(0) # 在指定了 -u 的前提下, 指定 -T --test default = True, 默认 去测试, 不用特意指定 # if opts.testTargetConnection: info("testing connection to target URL before starting attack") # opt.extraHeaders -H --headers 注意这个headers要字典类型 # 给参数的时候要形如这样的: # --headers {"Content-Length": "23", "User-Agent": "python-requests/2.10.0"} results = test_target_connection( url=url_to_use, post_data=opts.postRequestData, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent, headers=opts.extraHeaders) if results == "nogo": fatal( "connection to target URL failed multiple times, check connection and try again" ) exit(1) elif results == "acceptable": warning( "there appears to be some latency on the connection, this may interfere with results" ) else: success("connection succeeded, continuing") info("running single web application '{}'".format(url_to_use)) # 指定了 -u 然后发送请求, detection_main 是主请求函数 # detection_main(url, payload_list, cursor, **kwargs) # detection_main 返回 response_count 总请求的数量 amount_of_requests = detection_main( url_to_use, payload_list, cursor, request_type=request_type, post_data=opts.postRequestData, user_agent=user_agent, # --headers 后面要跟字典参数 provided_headers=opts.extraHeaders, proxy=proxy, verbose=opts.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opts.skipBypassChecks, # verifyNumber --verify-num INT verification_number=opts.verifyNumber, # --fingerprint # fingerprint_waf=opts.saveFingerprints, formatted=opts.formatOutput, # --tamper-int INT tamper_int=opts.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opts.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opts.sendToYAML, use_csv=opts.sendToCSV, # --traffic FILENAME traffic_file=opts.trafficFile, throttle=opts.sleepTimeThrottle, request_timeout=opts.requestTimeout, # -W --determine-webserver default=False # 这个应该默认开启 # determine_server=opts.determineWebServer, # 线程数 threaded=opts.threaded, # --force-file default=False force_file_creation=opts.forceFileCreation, # -o --output save_file_copy_path=opts.outputDirectory) request_count = amount_of_requests if amount_of_requests is not None else request_count elif any( o is not None for o in [opts.runMultipleWebsites, opts.burpRequestFile]): # 如果不指定 -u 而是指定了 -l --list 或者 --burp FILE-PATH info("reading from '{}'".format(opts.runMultipleWebsites or opts.burpRequestFile)) try: open(opts.runMultipleWebsites or opts.burpRequestFile) except IOError: fatal("file: '{}' did not open, does it exist?".format( opts.runMultipleWebsites)) exit(-1) if opts.runMultipleWebsites is not None: # 需要检测的 url 列表 site_runners = [] with open(opts.runMultipleWebsites) as urls: for url in urls: possible_url = normalization_url(url.strip(), ssl=opts.forceSSL) if opts.checkCachedUrls: url_is_cached = check_url_cached( possible_url, cursor) if url_is_cached is not None: # 数据库里面有 print( RESULTS_TEMPLATE.format( "-" * 20, str(url_is_cached[1]), str(url_is_cached[2]), str(url_is_cached[3]), str(url_is_cached[4]), "-" * 20)) else: site_runners.append(possible_url) else: site_runners.append(possible_url) elif opts.burpRequestFile is not None: # parse_burp_request return: retval -> 包含 url 的列表 site_runners = parse_burp_request(opts.burpRequestFile) else: site_runners = [] if len(site_runners) == 0: fatal("no targets parsed from file, exiting") exit(1) else: info("parsed a total of {} target(s) from file".format( len(site_runners))) for i, url in enumerate(site_runners, start=1): if opts.testTargetConnection: info( "testing connection to target URL before starting attack" ) results = test_target_connection( url, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent, headers=opts.extraHeaders) if results == "nogo": fatal( "connection to target URL failed multiple times, check connection and try again" ) exit(1) elif results == "acceptable": warning( "there appears to be some latency on the connection, this may interfere with results" ) else: success("connection succeeded, continuing") info("currently running on site #{} ('{}')".format(i, url)) requests = detection_main( url, payload_list, cursor, user_agent=user_agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opts.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opts.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opts.verifyNumber, formatted=opts.formatOutput, tamper_int=opts.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opts.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opts.sendToYAML, use_csv=opts.sendToCSV, # fingerprint_waf=opts.saveFingerprints, provided_headers=opts.extraHeaders, traffic_file=opts.trafficFile, throttle=opts.sleepTimeThrottle, request_timeout=opts.requestTimeout, post_data=opts.postRequestData, request_type=request_type, # check_server=opts.determineWebServer, threaded=opts.threaded, force_file_creation=opts.forceFileCreation, save_file_copy_path=opts.outputDirectory) request_count = request_count + requests if requests is not None else request_count print("\n\b") time.sleep(0.5) if request_count != 0: info("total requests sent: {}".format(request_count)) else: warning( "request counter failed to count correctly, deactivating") except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("user aborted scanning") except InvalidURLProvided: fatal( "the provided URL is unable to be validated, check the URL and try again (you may need to unquote the " "HTML entities)") except Exception as e: # traceback 是跟踪堆栈的 import traceback sep = colored("-" * 30, 'white') fatal( "WhatWaf has caught an unhandled exception with the error message: '{}'." .format(str(e))) exception_data = "Traceback (most recent call):\n{}{}".format( "".join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])), str(e)) error("\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(sep, exception_data, sep)) request_issue_creation(exception_data)
def write_to_file(filename, path, data, **kwargs): """ write the data to a file :param filename: :param path: :param data: :param kwargs: :return: """ write_yaml = kwargs.get("write_yaml", False) write_json = kwargs.get("write_json", False) write_csv = kwargs.get("write_csv", False) save_copy = kwargs.get("save_copy_to", None) full_path = "{}/{}".format(path, filename) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) if write_json and not write_yaml and not write_csv: with open(full_path, "a+") as _json: _json_data = json.loads(data) json.dump(_json_data, _json, sort_keys=True, indent=4) elif write_yaml and not write_json and not write_csv: try: # there is an extra dependency that needs to be installed for you to save to YAML # we'll check if you have it or not import yaml with open(full_path, "a+") as _yaml: _yaml_data = yaml.load(data) yaml.dump(_yaml_data, _yaml, default_flow_style=False) except ImportError: # if you don't we'll just skip the saving and warn you warning( "you do not have the needed dependency to save YAML data, to install the dependency run " "`pip install pyyaml`, skipping file writing") return None elif write_csv and not write_json and not write_yaml: import csv _json_data = json.loads(data) try: csv_data = [ ["url", "is_protected", "protection", "working_tampers"], [ _json_data["url"], _json_data["is protected"], _json_data["identified firewall"] if _json_data["identified firewall"] is not None else "None", _json_data["apparent working tampers"] if _json_data["apparent working tampers"] is not None else "None" ] ] except KeyError: pass with open(full_path, "a+") as _csv: writer = csv.writer(_csv) writer.writerows(csv_data) if save_copy is not None: import shutil try: shutil.copy(full_path, save_copy) info("copy of file saved to {}".format(save_copy)) except Exception: error("failed to save copy of file, do you have permissions?") return full_path