def __init__(self, version): Publisher.__init__(self) self.conf = Configuration(version) self.lastfocus = None self.unknown = None self.nav = {"bo": "bs", "bs": "lo", "lo": "ls", "ls": "bo"} self.index3 = { (True, True, True, False): ("ls", self.__calcLS), (True, True, False, True): ("lo", self.__calcLO), (True, False, True, True): ("bs", self.__calcBS), (False, True, True, True): ("bo", self.__calcBO) }
def photo(ctx, photo): """ Publish a photo. """ config = ctx.obj['config'] local_file = config.path('data:path', "photos/%s" % (photo)) remote_file = config.path('publisher:remote_path', 'static/%s/photos/%s' % (, photo)) with Publisher(config.get('publisher')) as publish: publish.file(local_file, remote_file) print("Successfully published '%s' to '%s'" % (local_file, remote_file))
def txt(ctx): """ Publish the text version.""" config = ctx.obj['config'] local_file = config.path('data:path', '') remote_file = config.path('publisher:remote_path', 'MemberDirectory.txt') with Publisher(config.get('publisher')) as publish: publish.file(local_file, remote_file) print("Successfully published '%s' to '%s'" % (local_file, remote_file))
def data(ctx): """ Publish the data file, directory.json. """ config = ctx.obj['config'] local_file = config.path('data:path', 'directory.json') remote_file = config.path('publisher:remote_path', 'static/%s/directory.json' % ( with Publisher(config.get('publisher')) as publish: publish.file(local_file, remote_file) print("Successfully published '%s' to '%s'" % (local_file, remote_file))
def pdf(ctx): """ Publish the PDF version. """ config = ctx.obj['config'] dir_local_file = config.path('data:path', '%s.pdf' % ( dir_remote_file = config.path('publisher:remote_path', 'MemberDirectory.pdf') bdays_local_file = config.path('data:path', '%s-BDays.pdf' % ( bdays_remote_file = config.path('publisher:remote_path', 'Birthdays.pdf') with Publisher(config.get('publisher')) as publish: publish.file(dir_local_file, dir_remote_file, binmode=True) print("Successfully published '%s' to '%s'" % (dir_local_file, dir_remote_file)) publish.file(bdays_local_file, bdays_remote_file, binmode=True) print("Successfully published '%s' to '%s'" % (bdays_local_file, bdays_remote_file))
def app(ctx): """ Publish the Plebeians Web App. """ config = ctx.obj['config'] # Organization data will NOT be published. org_path = "static/%s" % ( local_base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__+'../../..')) local_base_path += "/dist" remote_base_path = config.get('publisher:remote_path') count = 0 with Publisher(config.get('publisher')) as publish: count =, remote_base_path, [org_path]) print("Successfully published %d files from '%s' to '%s'" % (count, local_base_path, remote_base_path))
def __init__(self, name, config): = name self.config = config # Overall config self.options = config.clients[name] # Client options self.publisher = Publisher() # Initialize Irc connection object self.server = config.servers[self.options['server']] self.irc = Irc(self.server, self.publisher) # Configuration self.nick = self.options['nick'] self.stdio = StdIO() self.sending = Queue() self.receiving = Queue() # Plugins self.plugins = {} plugins = ['Base'] + self.options['plugins'].keys() [self.load_plugin(p) for p in plugins] self.instance = None
class Client(object): """An IRC Client, designed to be pluggable""" def __init__(self, name, config): = name self.config = config # Overall config self.options = config.clients[name] # Client options self.publisher = Publisher() # Initialize Irc connection object self.server = config.servers[self.options['server']] self.irc = Irc(self.server, self.publisher) # Configuration self.nick = self.options['nick'] self.stdio = StdIO() self.sending = Queue() self.receiving = Queue() # Plugins self.plugins = {} plugins = ['Base'] + self.options['plugins'].keys() [self.load_plugin(p) for p in plugins] self.instance = None def start(self): if self.instance is not None: raise self.publisher.subscribe(self.irc.sender, self.sending) self.publisher.subscribe(self.receiving, self.irc.receiver) # TODO: Remove, debugging self.publisher.subscribe(self.stdio.output, self.irc.receiver, str) self.publisher.subscribe(self.stdio.output, self.irc.sender, str) from lib.irc import Msg self.publisher.subscribe(self.sending, self.stdio.input, Msg.from_msg) self.irc.connect() self.instance = gevent.spawn(self._event_loop) return self.instance def kill(self): """Completely close connection to server""" while not self.sending.empty(): gevent.sleep(0.5) self.irc.kill() # TODO: Remove, debugging self.publisher.unsubscribe(self.irc.sender, self.sending) self.publisher.unsubscribe(self.receiving, self.irc.receiver) self.publisher.unsubscribe(self.stdio.output, self.irc.receiver) self.publisher.unsubscribe(self.stdio.output, self.irc.sender) self.stdio.stop() self.receiving.put(FinishLoop) def load_plugin(self, plugin): if self._load_module(plugin): if hasattr(self.plugins[plugin], 'setup'): settings = None if plugin in self.config.plugins: settings = self.config.plugins[plugin] botSettings = None if plugin in self.options['plugins']: botSettings = self.options['plugins'][plugin] self.plugins[plugin].setup(settings, botSettings) def _event_loop(self): gevent.spawn(self.plugins['Base'].on_connect) for msg in self.receiving: if msg is FinishLoop: break for plugin in self.plugins.values(): cmd = 'on_' + msg.cmd.lower() if hasattr(plugin, cmd): func = getattr(plugin, cmd) gevent.spawn(func, msg) if msg.ctcp is not None: cmd = 'on_ctcp_' + msg.ctcp[0].lower() if hasattr(plugin, cmd): func = getattr(plugin, cmd) gevent.spawn(func, msg) def _load_module(self, plugin): try: p_name = 'plugin.' + plugin.lower() p = __import__(p_name, fromlist=[plugin], level=-1) self.plugins[plugin] = getattr(p, plugin)(self) return True except ImportError as e: print str(e) return False
# borrowed from from flask import Flask, request import json import lib.poisson as poisson from lib.publisher import Publisher import time import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) app = Flask(__name__) dispatcher = Publisher(logging) #TODO: There's probably a better way to encapsulate logging @app.route("/") def index(): return "This is job trigger, please use /startjobs to trigger all the jobs" @app.route("/startjobs", methods=['POST']) def post_event(): arrival_interval = 0 for num in range(0,13): arrival_interval = arrival_interval + poisson.next_arrival_time()*10 time.sleep(arrival_interval) app.logger.debug("Job ID: workload-%s produced at %s seconds" %(num, int(arrival_interval))) #message = request.get_json() message = "schedule : workload-%s" %num app.logger.debug("request had the following data: {0}".format(message)) #dispatcher.push(message)