def noof_scene_views(scene_id, eval_args): dataset_name = eval_args.get("DATA", "DATASET") cam_type = eval_args.get("DATA", "CAM_TYPE") p = dataset_params.get_dataset_params(dataset_name, model_type="", train_type="", test_type=cam_type, cam_type=cam_type) noof_imgs = len( os.listdir(os.path.dirname(p["test_rgb_mpath"]).format(scene_id))) return noof_imgs
def get_all_scenes_for_obj(eval_args): workspace_path = os.environ.get("AE_WORKSPACE_PATH") dataset_path = u.get_dataset_path(workspace_path) dataset_name = eval_args.get("DATA", "DATASET") cam_type = eval_args.get("DATA", "CAM_TYPE") try: obj_id = eval_args.getint("DATA", "OBJ_ID") except: obj_id = eval(eval_args.get("DATA", "OBJECTS"))[0] cfg_string = str(dataset_name) current_config_hash = hashlib.md5(cfg_string).hexdigest() current_file_name = os.path.join(dataset_path, current_config_hash + ".npy") if os.path.exists(current_file_name): obj_scene_dict = np.load(current_file_name).item() else: p = dataset_params.get_dataset_params(dataset_name, model_type="", train_type="", test_type=cam_type, cam_type=cam_type) obj_scene_dict = {} scene_gts = [] for scene_id in range(1, p["scene_count"] + 1): print(scene_id) scene_gts.append( inout.load_yaml(p["scene_gt_mpath"].format(scene_id))) for obj in range(1, p["obj_count"] + 1): eval_scenes = set() for scene_i, scene_gt in enumerate(scene_gts): for view_gt in scene_gt[0]: if view_gt["obj_id"] == obj: eval_scenes.add(scene_i + 1) obj_scene_dict[obj] = list(eval_scenes), obj_scene_dict) print(obj_scene_dict) eval_scenes = obj_scene_dict[obj_id] return eval_scenes
def load_scenes(scene_id, eval_args, depth=False): dataset_name = eval_args.get("DATA", "DATASET") cam_type = eval_args.get("DATA", "CAM_TYPE") p = dataset_params.get_dataset_params(dataset_name, model_type="", train_type="", test_type=cam_type, cam_type=cam_type) cam_p = inout.load_cam_params(p["cam_params_path"]) noof_imgs = noof_scene_views(scene_id, eval_args) if depth: imgs = np.empty((noof_imgs, ) + p["test_im_size"][::-1], dtype=np.float32) for view_id in range(noof_imgs): depth_path = p["test_depth_mpath"].format(scene_id, view_id) try: imgs[ view_id, ...] = inout.load_depth2(depth_path) * cam_p["depth_scale"] except: print(depth_path, " not found") else: print((noof_imgs, ) + p["test_im_size"][::-1] + (3, )) imgs = np.empty((noof_imgs, ) + p["test_im_size"][::-1] + (3, ), dtype=np.uint8) print(noof_imgs) for view_id in range(noof_imgs): img_path = p["test_rgb_mpath"].format(scene_id, view_id) try: imgs[view_id, ...] = cv2.imread(img_path) except: print(img_path, " not found") return imgs
def get_gt_scene_crops(scene_id, eval_args, train_args): dataset_name = eval_args.get("DATA", "DATASET") cam_type = eval_args.get("DATA", "CAM_TYPE") icp = eval_args.getboolean("EVALUATION", "ICP") delta = eval_args.get("METRIC", "VSD_DELTA") workspace_path = os.environ.get("AE_WORKSPACE_PATH") dataset_path = u.get_dataset_path(workspace_path) H = train_args.getint("Dataset", "H") cfg_string = str([scene_id] + eval_args.items("DATA") + eval_args.items("BBOXES") + [H]) current_config_hash = hashlib.md5(cfg_string).hexdigest() current_file_name = os.path.join(dataset_path, current_config_hash + ".npz") if os.path.exists(current_file_name): data = np.load(current_file_name) test_img_crops = data["test_img_crops"].item() test_img_depth_crops = data["test_img_depth_crops"].item() bb_scores = data["bb_scores"].item() bb_vis = data["visib_gt"].item() bbs = data["bbs"].item() if not osp.exists(current_file_name) or len(test_img_crops) == 0 or len( test_img_depth_crops) == 0: test_imgs = load_scenes(scene_id, eval_args) test_imgs_depth = load_scenes(scene_id, eval_args, depth=True) if icp else None data_params = dataset_params.get_dataset_params(dataset_name, model_type="", train_type="", test_type=cam_type, cam_type=cam_type) # only available for primesense, sixdtoolkit can generate visib_gt = inout.load_yaml(data_params["scene_gt_stats_mpath"].format( scene_id, delta)) bb_gt = inout.load_gt(data_params["scene_gt_mpath"].format(scene_id)) test_img_crops, test_img_depth_crops, bbs, bb_scores, bb_vis = generate_scene_crops( test_imgs, test_imgs_depth, bb_gt, eval_args, train_args, visib_gt=visib_gt) np.savez( current_file_name, test_img_crops=test_img_crops, test_img_depth_crops=test_img_depth_crops, bbs=bbs, bb_scores=bb_scores, visib_gt=bb_vis, ) current_cfg_file_name = os.path.join(dataset_path, current_config_hash + ".cfg") with open(current_cfg_file_name, "w") as f: f.write(cfg_string) print("created new ground truth crops!") else: print("loaded previously generated ground truth crops!") print(len(test_img_crops), len(test_img_depth_crops)) return (test_img_crops, test_img_depth_crops, bbs, bb_scores, bb_vis)
def plot_vsd_err_hist(eval_dir, scene_ids, obj_id, dataset_name="linemod", top_n=1, delta=15, tau=20, cost="step", cam_type="primesense"): # top_n_eval = eval_args.getint('EVALUATION', 'TOP_N_EVAL') # top_n = eval_args.getint('METRIC', 'TOP_N') # delta = eval_args.getint('METRIC', 'VSD_DELTA') # tau = eval_args.getint('METRIC', 'VSD_TAU') # cost = eval_args.get('METRIC', 'VSD_COST') # cam_type = eval_args.get('DATA', 'cam_type') # dataset_name = eval_args.get('DATA', 'dataset') # obj_id = eval_args.getint('DATA', 'obj_id') # if top_n_eval < 1: # return data_params = dataset_params.get_dataset_params(dataset_name, model_type="", train_type="", test_type=cam_type, cam_type=cam_type) vsd_errs = [] for scene_id in scene_ids: if dataset_name in ["linemod", "hinterstoisser"]: # NOTE: linemod scene_id == obj_id if obj_id != scene_id: continue error_file_path = osp.join( eval_dir, "error=vsd_ntop=%s_delta=%s_tau=%s_cost=%s" % (top_n, delta, tau, cost), "errors_{:02d}.yml".format(scene_id), ) if not osp.exists(error_file_path): print("WARNING: " + error_file_path + " not found") continue gts = inout.load_gt(data_params["scene_gt_mpath"].format(scene_id)) visib_gts = inout.load_yaml(data_params["scene_gt_stats_mpath"].format( scene_id, 15)) # delta=15 vsd_dict = inout.load_yaml(error_file_path) for view, vsd_e in enumerate(vsd_dict): vsds = vsd_dict[view * top_n:(view + 1) * top_n] for gt, visib_gt in zip(gts[view], visib_gts[view]): if gt["obj_id"] == obj_id: if visib_gt["visib_fract"] > 0.1: for vsd_e in vsds: vsd_errs += [list(vsd_e["errors"].values())[0]] if len(vsd_errs) == 0: return vsd_errs = np.array(vsd_errs)"vsd errs: {}".format(len(vsd_errs))) fig = plt.figure() # noqa ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim((0.0, 1.0)) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("vsd err") plt.ylabel("recall") plt.title("obj: {}, VSD Error vs Recall".format(obj_id)) legend = [] for n in np.unique(np.array([top_n, 1])): total_views = int(len(vsd_errs) / top_n) min_vsd_errs = np.empty((total_views, )) for view in range(total_views): top_n_errors = vsd_errs[view * top_n:(view + 1) * top_n] if n == 1: top_n_errors = top_n_errors[np.newaxis, 0] min_vsd_errs[view] = np.min(top_n_errors) min_vsd_errs_sorted = np.sort(min_vsd_errs) recall = np.float32(np.arange(total_views) + 1.0) / total_views # fill curve min_vsd_errs_sorted = np.hstack((min_vsd_errs_sorted, np.array([1.0]))) recall = np.hstack((recall, np.array([1.0]))) AUC_vsd = np.trapz(recall, min_vsd_errs_sorted) plt.plot(min_vsd_errs_sorted, recall) legend += ["top {0} vsd err, AUC = {1:.4f}".format(n, AUC_vsd)]"obj:{} top {} vsd err, AUC = {:.4f}".format( obj_id, n, AUC_vsd)) plt.legend(legend) out_file = osp.join(eval_dir, "latex", "vsd_err_hist_obj_{:02d}.tex".format(obj_id)) mkdir_p(osp.dirname(out_file)) tikz_save(out_file, figurewidth="0.45\\textheight", figureheight="0.45\\textheight", show_info=False)
def plot_R_err_hist(eval_args, eval_dir, scene_ids): top_n_eval = eval_args.getint("EVALUATION", "TOP_N_EVAL") top_n = eval_args.getint("METRIC", "TOP_N") cam_type = eval_args.get("DATA", "cam_type") dataset_name = eval_args.get("DATA", "dataset") obj_id = eval_args.getint("DATA", "obj_id") if top_n_eval < 1: return data_params = dataset_params.get_dataset_params(dataset_name, model_type="", train_type="", test_type=cam_type, cam_type=cam_type) angle_errs = [] for scene_id in scene_ids: error_file_path = os.path.join(eval_dir, "error=re_ntop=%s" % top_n, "errors_{:02d}.yml".format(scene_id)) if not os.path.exists(error_file_path): print("WARNING: " + error_file_path + " not found") continue # angle_errs_dict = inout.load_yaml(error_file_path) # angle_errs += [list(angle_e['errors'].values())[0] for angle_e in angle_errs_dict] gts = inout.load_gt(data_params["scene_gt_mpath"].format(scene_id)) visib_gts = inout.load_yaml(data_params["scene_gt_stats_mpath"].format( scene_id, 15)) re_dict = inout.load_yaml(error_file_path) for view in range(len(gts)): res = re_dict[view * top_n:(view + 1) * top_n] for gt, visib_gt in zip(gts[view], visib_gts[view]): if gt["obj_id"] == obj_id: if visib_gt["visib_fract"] > 0.1: for re_e in res: angle_errs += [list(re_e["errors"].values())[0]] if len(angle_errs) == 0: return angle_errs = np.array(angle_errs) fig = plt.figure() # noqa plt.grid() plt.xlabel("angle err [deg]") plt.ylabel("recall") plt.title("Angle Error vs Recall") legend = [] for n in np.unique(np.array([top_n, 1])): total_views = len(angle_errs) / top_n min_angle_errs = np.empty((total_views, )) min_angle_errs_rect = np.empty((total_views, )) for view in range(total_views): top_n_errors = angle_errs[view * top_n:(view + 1) * top_n] if n == 1: top_n_errors = top_n_errors[np.newaxis, 0] min_angle_errs[view] = np.min(top_n_errors) min_angle_errs_rect[view] = np.min( np.hstack((top_n_errors, 180 - top_n_errors))) min_angle_errs_sorted = np.sort(min_angle_errs) min_angle_errs_rect_sorted = np.sort(min_angle_errs_rect) recall = (np.arange(total_views) + 1.0) / total_views # fill curve min_angle_errs_sorted = np.hstack( (min_angle_errs_sorted, np.array([180.0]))) min_angle_errs_rect_sorted = np.hstack( (min_angle_errs_rect_sorted, np.array([90.0]))) recall = np.hstack((recall, np.array([1.0]))) AUC_angle = np.trapz(recall, min_angle_errs_sorted / 180.0) AUC_angle_rect = np.trapz(recall, min_angle_errs_rect_sorted / 90.0) plt.plot(min_angle_errs_sorted, recall) plt.plot(min_angle_errs_rect_sorted, recall) legend += [ "top {0} angle err, AUC = {1:.4f}".format(n, AUC_angle), "top {0} rectified angle err, AUC = {1:.4f}".format( n, AUC_angle_rect), ] plt.legend(legend) tikz_save( osp.join(eval_dir, "latex", "R_err_hist.tex"), figurewidth="0.45\\textheight", figureheight="0.45\\textheight", show_info=False, )
def plot_scene_with_3DBoxes(scene_res_dirs, dataset_name="tless", scene_id=1, save=False): # sixd_img_path = '/home_local/sund_ma/data/linemod_dataset/test' # model_path = '/home_local/sund_ma/data/linemod_dataset/models' # inout.save_results_sixd17(res_path, preds, run_time=run_time) # obj_gts = [] # obj_infos = [] # for object_id in range(1,noofobjects+1): # obj_gts.append(inout.load_gt(os.path.join(sixd_img_path,'{:02d}'.format(object_id),'gt.yml'))) # obj_infos.append(inout.load_info(os.path.join(sixd_img_path,'{:02d}'.format(object_id),'info.yml'))) # print( len(obj_gts)) # dataset_name = eval_args.get('DATA','DATASET') # cam_type = eval_args.get('DATA','CAM_TYPE') # data_params = dataset_params.get_dataset_params(dataset_name, model_type='', train_type='', test_type='primesense', cam_type='primesense') data_params = dataset_params.get_dataset_params(dataset_name, model_type="", train_type="") models_cad_files = sorted( glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data_params["model_mpath"]), "*.ply"))) W, H = data_params["test_im_size"] from lib.meshrenderer import box3d_renderer renderer_line = box3d_renderer.Renderer(models_cad_files, 1, W, H) scene_result_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(scene_res_dirs)) print(data_params["test_rgb_mpath"]) print(data_params["scene_gt_mpath"]) # for scene_id in range(1,21): # sixd_img_path = data_params['test_rgb_mpath'].format(scene_id) scene_gts = inout.load_gt(data_params["scene_gt_mpath"].format(scene_id)) scene_infos = inout.load_info( data_params["scene_info_mpath"].format(scene_id)) scene_dirs = [ d for d in scene_result_dirs if "%02d" % scene_id == d.split("/")[-1] ] print(scene_dirs) for view in range(len(scene_infos)): sixd_img_path = data_params["test_rgb_mpath"].format(scene_id, view) img = cv2.imread(sixd_img_path) box_img = img.copy() # cv2.imshow('',img) # cv2.waitKey(0) K = scene_infos[view]["cam_K"] for bb in scene_gts[view]: xmin = int(bb["obj_bb"][0]) ymin = int(bb["obj_bb"][1]) xmax = int(bb["obj_bb"][0] + bb["obj_bb"][2]) ymax = int(bb["obj_bb"][1] + bb["obj_bb"][3]) cv2.rectangle(box_img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.putText(box_img, "%s" % (bb["obj_id"]), (xmin, ymax + 20), cv2.FONT_ITALIC, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 2) # for gt in scene_gts[view]: # if gt['obj_id'] not in [1,8,9]: # lines_gt = renderer_line.render(gt['obj_id']-1,K,gt['cam_R_m2c'],gt['cam_t_m2c'],10,5000) # lines_gt_mask = (np.sum(lines_gt,axis=2) < 20)[:,:,None] # print( lines_gt.shape) # lines_gt = lines_gt[:,:,[1,0,2]] # img = lines_gt_mask*img + lines_gt for scene_dir in scene_dirs: try: res_path = glob.glob( os.path.join(scene_dir, "%04d_*.yml" % view)) print(res_path) res_path = res_path[0] # print( 'here', res_path) obj_id = int(res_path.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]) results = inout.load_results_sixd17(res_path) print(results) e = results["ests"][0] R_est = e["R"] t_est = e["t"] K = scene_infos[view]["cam_K"] lines = renderer_line.render(obj_id - 1, K, R_est, t_est, 10, 5000) lines_mask = (np.sum(lines, axis=2) < 20)[:, :, None] # img[lines>0] = lines[lines>0] if obj_id % 7 == 1: lines[:, :, 0] = lines[:, :, 1] elif obj_id % 7 == 2: lines[:, :, 2] = lines[:, :, 1] elif obj_id % 7 == 3: lines[:, :, 0] = lines[:, :, 1] lines[:, :, 1] = lines[:, :, 2] img = lines_mask * img + lines except: print("undeteceted obj: ", scene_dir) cv2.imshow("", img) if cv2.waitKey(1) == 32: cv2.waitKey(0) if save: if "icp" in scene_res_dirs: if not os.path.exists("%02d" % scene_id): os.makedirs("%02d" % scene_id) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join("%02d" % scene_id, "%04d.png" % view), img) else: if not os.path.exists("%02d_rgb" % scene_id): os.makedirs("%02d_rgb" % scene_id) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join("%02d_rgb" % scene_id, "%04d.png" % view), img)
def match_and_eval_performance_scores( eval_dir, error_types=["vsd", "re", "te"], error_thresh={ "vsd": 0.3, "cou": 0.5, "te": 5.0, "re": 5.0 }, # cm # deg error_thresh_fact={ "add": 0.1, "adi": 0.1 }, dataset="linemod", cam_type="primesense", n_top=1, vsd_delta=15, vsd_tau=20, vsd_cost="step", method="", image_subset="bb8", ): """ error_thresh_fact: Factor k; threshold of correctness = k * d, where d is the object diameter """ # Paths to pose errors (calculated using # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # error_bpath = '/path/to/eval/' # error_paths = [ # pjoin(error_bpath, 'hodan-iros15_hinterstoisser'), # # pjoin(error_bpath, 'hodan-iros15_tless_primesense'), # ] assert image_subset in ["sixd_v1", "bb8", "None"] test_type = cam_type idx_th = 0 idx_thf = 0 for error_type in error_types: # Error signature error_sign = "error:" + error_type + "_ntop:" + str(n_top) if error_type == "vsd": error_sign += "_delta:{}_tau:{}_cost:{}".format( vsd_delta, vsd_tau, vsd_cost) error_path = osp.join(eval_dir, error_sign) # error_dir = 'error=vsd_ntop=1_delta=15_tau=20_cost=step' # Other paths # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mask of path to the input file with calculated errors errors_mpath = pjoin("{error_path}", "errors_{scene_id:02d}.yml") # Mask of path to the output file with established matches and calculated scores matches_mpath = pjoin("{error_path}", "matches_{eval_sign}.yml") scores_mpath = pjoin("{error_path}", "scores_{eval_sign}.yml") # Parameters # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # use_image_subset = True # Whether to use the specified subset of images require_all_errors = False # Whether to break if some errors are missing visib_gt_min = 0.1 # Minimum visible surface fraction of valid GT pose visib_delta = 15 # [mm] # # Threshold of correctness # error_thresh = { # 'vsd': 0.3, # 'cou': 0.5, # 'te': 5.0, # [cm] # 're': 5.0 # [deg] # } # # Factor k; threshold of correctness = k * d, where d is the object diameter # error_thresh_fact = { # 'add': 0.1, # 'adi': 0.1 # } # Evaluation # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Evaluation signature if error_type in ["add", "adi"]: if type(error_thresh_fact[error_type]) is list: cur_thres_f = error_thresh_fact[error_type][idx_thf] idx_thf += 1 else: cur_thres_f = error_thresh_fact[error_type] eval_sign = "thf:" + str(cur_thres_f) else: if type(error_thresh[error_type]) is list: cur_thres = error_thresh[error_type][idx_th] idx_th += 1 else: cur_thres = error_thresh[error_type] eval_sign = "th:" + str(cur_thres) eval_sign += "_min-visib:" + str(visib_gt_min)"--- Processing: {}, {}, {}".format( method, dataset, error_type)) # Load dataset parameters dp = get_dataset_params(dataset, test_type=test_type) obj_ids = range(1, dp["obj_count"] + 1) scene_ids = range(1, dp["scene_count"] + 1) # Subset of images to be considered if image_subset == "sixd_v1":"use image subset: {}".format(dp["test_set_fpath"])) im_ids_sets = inout.load_yaml(dp["test_set_fpath"]) total_imgs = sum([len(v) for k, v in im_ids_sets.items()]) "total number of imgs in test set: {}".format(total_imgs)) elif image_subset == "bb8":"use image subset: {}".format( dp["test_set_bb8_fpath"])) im_ids_sets = inout.load_yaml(dp["test_set_bb8_fpath"]) total_imgs = sum([len(v) for k, v in im_ids_sets.items()])"total number of imgs in test set: {}".format( total_imgs)) # 13425 else: im_ids_sets = None # Set threshold of correctness (might be different for each object) error_threshs = {} if error_type in ["add", "adi"]: # Relative to object diameter models_info = inout.load_yaml(dp["models_info_path"]) for obj_id in obj_ids: obj_diameter = models_info[obj_id]["diameter"] error_threshs[obj_id] = cur_thres_f * obj_diameter else: # The same threshold for all objects for obj_id in obj_ids: error_threshs[obj_id] = cur_thres # Go through the test scenes and match estimated poses to GT poses # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- matches = [] # Stores info about the matching estimate for each GT for scene_id in scene_ids: # Load GT poses gts = inout.load_gt(dp["scene_gt_mpath"].format(scene_id)) # Load statistics (e.g. visibility fraction) of the GT poses gt_stats_path = dp["scene_gt_stats_mpath"].format( scene_id, visib_delta) gt_stats = inout.load_yaml(gt_stats_path) # Keep the GT poses and their stats only for the selected images if im_ids_sets is not None: if scene_id not in im_ids_sets.keys(): continue im_ids = im_ids_sets[scene_id] gts = {im_id: gts[im_id] for im_id in im_ids} gt_stats = {im_id: gt_stats[im_id] for im_id in im_ids} # Load pre-calculated errors of the pose estimates scene_errs_path = errors_mpath.format(error_path=error_path, scene_id=scene_id) if osp.isfile(scene_errs_path):"loading error file: {}".format(scene_errs_path)) errs = inout.load_errors(scene_errs_path) matches += match_poses(gts, gt_stats, errs, scene_id, visib_gt_min, error_threshs, n_top) elif require_all_errors: raise IOError( "{} is missing, but errors for all scenes are required" " (require_all_results = True).".format(scene_errs_path)) # Calculate the performance scores # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Split the dataset of Hinterstoisser to the original LINEMOD dataset # and the Occlusion dataset by TUD (i.e. the extended GT for scene #2) if dataset in ["hinterstoisser", "linemod", "linemod_occ"]: if dataset in ["linemod", "hinterstoisser"]:"-- LINEMOD dataset") eval_sign_lm = "linemod_" + eval_sign matches_lm = [ m for m in matches if m["scene_id"] == m["obj_id"] ] scores_lm = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches_lm, n_top, dataset=dataset) # Save scores scores_lm_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path, eval_sign=eval_sign_lm) inout.save_yaml(scores_lm_path, scores_lm) # Save matches matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path, eval_sign=eval_sign_lm) inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_lm) elif dataset == "linemod_occ":"-- Occlusion dataset") eval_sign_occ = "occlusion_" + eval_sign matches_occ = [m for m in matches if m["scene_id"] == 2] scene_ids_occ = [2] # obj_ids_occ = [1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] obj_ids_occ = [1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] scores_occ = calc_scores(scene_ids_occ, obj_ids_occ, matches_occ, n_top, dataset=dataset) # Save scores scores_occ_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path, eval_sign=eval_sign_occ) inout.save_yaml(scores_occ_path, scores_occ) # Save matches matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path, eval_sign=eval_sign_occ) inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_occ) else: scores = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches, n_top) # Save scores scores_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path, eval_sign=eval_sign) inout.save_yaml(scores_path, scores) # Save matches matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path, eval_sign=eval_sign) inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches)"Done.")