Exemple #1
def _replace_unwanted_commands_with_spaces(tex: str) -> str:
    KaTeX isn't programmed to support the entire vocabulary of LaTeX equation markup (though it
    does support a lot, see https://katex.org/docs/support_table.html).

    For those commands that we don't need to have parsed (e.g., 'label'), this function will
    strip those commands out, so that they cause KaTeX to crash or have unexpected behavior.
    'label', for example, if not removed, will have its argument parsed as an equation, and
    will be identified as consisting of many symbols.
        MacroDefinition("ref", "#1"),
        MacroDefinition("label", "#1"),
        MacroDefinition("nonumber", ""),
    macro_extractor = MacroExtractor()
    for macro_definition in UNWANTED_MACROS:
        for macro in macro_extractor.parse(tex, macro_definition):
            tex = _replace_substring_with_space(tex, macro.start, macro.end)

    length_assignment_extractor = EquationLengthAssignmentExtractor()
    length_assignments = length_assignment_extractor.parse(tex)
    for assignment in length_assignments:
        tex = _replace_substring_with_space(tex, assignment.start, assignment.end)

        Pattern("ampersand", "&"),
        Pattern("split_start", begin_environment_regex("split")),
        Pattern("split_end", end_environment_regex("split")),
    unwanted_matches = scan_tex(tex, UNWANTED_PATTERNS)
    for match in unwanted_matches:
        tex = _replace_substring_with_space(tex, match.start, match.end)

    return tex
Exemple #2
 def parse(self, tex: str) -> Optional[EndDocument]:
     pattern = Pattern("begin_document", r"\\end{document}")
     scanner = scan_tex(tex, [pattern], include_unmatched=False)
         match = next(scanner)
         return EndDocument(match.start, match.end)
     except StopIteration:
         return None
Exemple #3
    def parse(self, tex_path: str, tex: str) -> Iterator[Equation]:

        self._stack: List[Match] = []  # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._tex = tex  # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._tex_path = tex_path  # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
        self._equation_index = 0  # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init

        scanner = scan_tex(tex, self.PATTERNS)
        for match in scanner:
            for equation in self._process_token(match):
                yield equation
Exemple #4
 def parse(self, tex: str) -> Iterator[LengthAssignment]:
     parameter_names_pattern = (
         r"(?:" + "|".join([r"\\" + p for p in ARRAY_PARAMETERS]) + ")"
     unit_pattern = r"(?:" + "|".join(LENGTH_UNITS) + ")"
     assignment_pattern = (
         parameter_names_pattern + r"\s*=\s*[0-9\.]+\s*" + unit_pattern
     pattern = Pattern("length_assignment", assignment_pattern)
     scanner = scan_tex(tex, [pattern])
     for match in scanner:
         yield LengthAssignment(match.start, match.end)
Exemple #5
    def parse(self, tex: str) -> Optional[Documentclass]:
        patterns = [
            Pattern("documentclass", r"\\documentclass"),
            Pattern("optional_arg", r"\[[^\]]*?\]"),
            Pattern("required_arg", r"{[^}]*?}"),

        match_stage = "start"
        start: int = -1
        required_arg = None

        scanner = scan_tex(tex, patterns, include_unmatched=True)
        for match in scanner:

            if match_stage == "start":
                if match.pattern.name != "documentclass":
                start = match.start
                match_stage = "awaiting-required-arg"

            # Once we hit a token that's not the document class or argument, return the document
            # class if the required argument has been found; otherwise, abort.
            elif match.pattern.name == "UNKNOWN":
                if match_stage == "awaiting-optional-arg":
                    return Documentclass(start, match.start)
                if not match.text.isspace():

            elif match_stage == "awaiting-required-arg":
                if match.pattern.name == "required_arg":
                    match_stage = "awaiting-optional-arg"
                    required_arg = match

            elif match_stage == "awaiting-optional-arg":
                if match.pattern.name == "optional_arg":
                    end = match.end
                    return Documentclass(start, end)

        if required_arg is not None:
            return Documentclass(start, required_arg.end)
        return None