def main(): # Invoke argparse argument parsing. arg_parser = argparser_init() try: args = script_utils.ArgumentPasser(PYTHON_EXE, SCRIPT_FILE, arg_parser, sys.argv) except ScriptArgumentError as e: arg_parser.error(e) ## Further parse/adjust argument values. src = args.get(ARGSTR_SRC) if args.get(ARGSTR_ADD_RES_SUFFIX): global STRIP_DEM_SUFFIX if args.get(ARGSTR_TARGET_RESOLUTION) is None: arg_parser.error( "{} argument must be provided to use {} option".format( ARGSTR_TARGET_RESOLUTION, ARGSTR_ADD_RES_SUFFIX)) dem_suffix_base, dem_suffix_ext = os.path.splitext(STRIP_DEM_SUFFIX) STRIP_DEM_SUFFIX = '{}_{}m{}'.format( dem_suffix_base, args.get(ARGSTR_TARGET_RESOLUTION), dem_suffix_ext) if args.get(ARGSTR_STRIPS_NO_BROWSE) or args.get(ARGSTR_STRIPS_BUILD_AUX): if args.get(ARGSTR_ADD_RES_SUFFIX): arg_parser.error("{}/{} and {} options are incompatible".format( ARGSTR_STRIPS_NO_BROWSE, ARGSTR_STRIPS_BUILD_AUX, ARGSTR_ADD_RES_SUFFIX)) if args.get(ARGSTR_TARGET_RESOLUTION) not in (None, 2): arg_parser.error( "{}/{} options are only compatible with a target resolution of 2 meters" .format(ARGSTR_STRIPS_NO_BROWSE, ARGSTR_STRIPS_BUILD_AUX)) if args.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER) is not None: if args.get(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT) is None: jobscript_default = os.path.join( JOBSCRIPT_DIR, 'head_{}.sh'.format(args.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER))) if not os.path.isfile(jobscript_default): arg_parser.error("Default jobscript ({}) does not exist, ". format(jobscript_default) + "please specify one with {} argument".format( ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT)) else: args.set(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT, jobscript_default) print("argument {} set automatically to: {}".format( ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT, args.get(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT))) ## Validate argument values. if args.get(ARGSTR_TASKS_PER_JOB ) is not None and not args.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER): arg_parser.error("{} option requires {} option".format( ARGSTR_TASKS_PER_JOB, ARGSTR_SCHEDULER)) # Gather list of tasks. src_tasks_all = None if os.path.isfile(src) and src.endswith(SETSM_META_SUFFIX): src_tasks_all = [src] elif os.path.isfile(src) and src.endswith('.txt'): bundle_file = src src_tasks_all = script_utils.read_task_bundle(bundle_file, args_delim=' ') elif os.path.isdir(src): srcdir = src src_tasks_all = [] for root, dnames, fnames in os.walk(srcdir): for fn in fnames: if fn.endswith(SETSM_META_SUFFIX): src_tasks_all.append(os.path.join(root, fn)) src_tasks_all.sort() if src_tasks_all is None: arg_parser.error( "argument {} must be a path to either a directory or a file ending with '{}', " "but was '{}'".format(ARGSTR_SRC, SETSM_META_SUFFIX, src)) src_tasks_incomplete = [] test_srs = osr.SpatialReference() for task in src_tasks_all: task_metafile_src = '' task_dstdir = args.get(ARGSTR_DSTDIR) task_target_epsg = args.get(ARGSTR_TARGET_EPSG) if type(task) is list: if len(task) == 2: task_metafile_src, task_dstdir = task elif len(task) == 3: task_metafile_src, task_dstdir, task_target_epsg = task task_target_epsg = int(task_target_epsg) if task_dstdir in ('psn', 'pss') or re.match( RE_UTM_PROJNAME, task_dstdir) is not None: shelved_strip_match = re.match(RE_SHELVED_STRIP, task_metafile_src) if shelved_strip_match is not None: strips_res_dir = shelved_strip_match.groups()[0] task_dstdir = "{}_{}".format(strips_res_dir, task_dstdir) task[1] = task_dstdir else: arg_parser.error( "Source task list can only have up to three columns: " "src_metafile, dstdir, target_epsg") else: task_metafile_src = task task = [task_metafile_src, task_dstdir, task_target_epsg] if not os.path.isfile(task_metafile_src): arg_parser.error( "Source metafile does not exist: {}".format(task_metafile_src)) if task_dstdir is None: arg_parser.error("Destination directory must be specified") if task_target_epsg is None: arg_parser.error("Target EPSG code must be specified") status = test_srs.ImportFromEPSG(task_target_epsg) if status != 0: arg_parser.error( "Target EPSG code is invalid: {}".format(task_target_epsg)) task_dstdir = get_task_dstdir(task_metafile_src, task_dstdir) task_metafile_dst = os.path.join(task_dstdir, os.path.basename(task_metafile_src)) if not os.path.isfile(task_metafile_dst) or args.get(ARGSTR_OVERWRITE): src_tasks_incomplete.append(task) num_tasks = len(src_tasks_incomplete) print("Number of source SETSM metafiles found: {}".format( len(src_tasks_all))) print("Number of incomplete reprojection tasks: {}".format(num_tasks)) if num_tasks == 0: sys.exit(0) elif args.get(ARGSTR_DRYRUN) and args.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER) is not None: print("Exiting dryrun") sys.exit(0) # Pause for user review. print("-----") wait_seconds = 8 print("Sleeping {} seconds before task submission".format(wait_seconds)) sleep(wait_seconds) print("-----") ## Create output directories if they don't already exist. if not args.get(ARGSTR_DRYRUN): for dir_argstr, dir_path in list( zip(ARGGRP_OUTDIR, args.get_as_list(ARGGRP_OUTDIR))): if dir_path is not None and not os.path.isdir(dir_path): print("Creating argument {} directory: {}".format( dir_argstr, dir_path)) os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) ## Process tasks. if args.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER) is not None: # Process tasks in batch. tasks_per_job = args.get(ARGSTR_TASKS_PER_JOB) src_tasks = (src_tasks_incomplete if tasks_per_job is None else script_utils.write_task_bundles( src_tasks_incomplete, tasks_per_job, args.get(ARGSTR_SCRATCH), '{}_{}'.format(JOB_ABBREV, ARGSTR_SRC), task_delim=' ')) jobnum_fmt = script_utils.get_jobnum_fmtstr(src_tasks) last_job_email = args.get(ARGSTR_EMAIL) args_batch = args args_single = copy.deepcopy(args) args_single.unset(*ARGGRP_BATCH) job_num = 0 num_jobs = len(src_tasks) for task in src_tasks: job_num += 1 if type(task) is list: task_metafile_src, task_dstdir, task_target_epsg = task args_single.set(ARGSTR_SRC, task_metafile_src) args_single.set( ARGSTR_DSTDIR, task_dstdir if task_dstdir is not None else args.get(ARGSTR_DSTDIR)) args_single.set( ARGSTR_TARGET_EPSG, task_target_epsg if task_target_epsg is not None else args.get(ARGSTR_TARGET_EPSG)) else: task_bundlefile_src = task args_single.set(ARGSTR_SRC, task_bundlefile_src) if last_job_email and job_num == num_jobs: args_single.set(ARGSTR_EMAIL, last_job_email) cmd_single = args_single.get_cmd() job_name = JOB_ABBREV + jobnum_fmt.format(job_num) cmd = args_single.get_jobsubmit_cmd( args_batch.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER), jobscript=args_batch.get(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT), jobname=job_name, time_hr=JOB_WALLTIME_HR, memory_gb=JOB_MEMORY_GB, email=args.get(ARGSTR_EMAIL), envvars=[ args_batch.get(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT), JOB_ABBREV, cmd_single, PYTHON_VERSION_ACCEPTED_MIN ]) print(cmd) if not args_batch.get(ARGSTR_DRYRUN):, shell=True, cwd=args_batch.get(ARGSTR_LOGDIR)) else: error_trace = None try: # Process tasks in serial. for i, task in enumerate(src_tasks_incomplete): task_metafile_src, task_dstdir, task_target_epsg = task print("Reproject ({}/{}): {}".format(i + 1, num_tasks, task_metafile_src)) # if not args.get(ARGSTR_DRYRUN): reproject_setsm(task_metafile_src, task_dstdir, task_target_epsg, args=args) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as e: with script_utils.capture_stdout_stderr() as out: traceback.print_exc() caught_out, caught_err = out error_trace = caught_err print(error_trace) if e.__class__ is ImportError: print("\nFailed to import necessary module(s)") print( "If running on a Linux system where the jobscripts/ file has been properly" " set up, try running the following command to activate a working environment" " in your current shell session:\n{}".format( "source {} {}".format(JOBSCRIPT_INIT, JOB_ABBREV))) print('') if type(args.get(ARGSTR_EMAIL)) is str: # Send email notification of script completion. email_body = SCRIPT_RUNCMD if error_trace is not None: email_status = "ERROR" email_body += "\n{}\n".format(error_trace) else: email_status = "COMPLETE" email_subj = "{} - {}".format(email_status, SCRIPT_FNAME) script_utils.send_email(args.get(ARGSTR_EMAIL), email_subj, email_body) if error_trace is not None: sys.exit(1)
def main(): # Invoke argparse argument parsing. arg_parser = argparser_init() try: args = script_utils.ArgumentPasser(PYTHON_EXE, SCRIPT_FILE, arg_parser, sys.argv) except ScriptArgumentError as e: arg_parser.error(e) ## Further parse/adjust argument values. src = args.get(ARGSTR_SRC) global SUFFIX_PRIORITY_BITMASK mask_suffix_raw = args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX) mask_suffix_fixed = '_' + mask_suffix_raw.lstrip('_') use_raw_suffixes = False if args.provided(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX): if mask_suffix_fixed in SUFFIX_PRIORITY_BITMASK: SUFFIX_PRIORITY_BITMASK.remove(mask_suffix_fixed) SUFFIX_PRIORITY_BITMASK.insert(0, mask_suffix_fixed) else: use_raw_suffixes = True SUFFIX_PRIORITY_BITMASK = [args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX)] if not use_raw_suffixes and mask_suffix_fixed != mask_suffix_raw: args.set(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX, mask_suffix_fixed) if args.get(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX) is None or args.get( ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX).strip() == '': args.set(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, SRC_SUFFIX_CATCH_ALL) print( "argument {} set automatically from null value to catch-all default: '{}'" .format(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, args.get(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX))) if args.get(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX) is None: suffix_maskval_dict = {SRC_SUFFIX_CATCH_ALL: None} else: src_suffixToptmaskval = [[ ss.strip() for ss in s.strip().split('=') ] for s in args.get(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX).split('/')] suffix_maskval_dict = {} for suffixToptmaskval in src_suffixToptmaskval: suffix = suffixToptmaskval[0] if not use_raw_suffixes and not suffix.startswith('*'): suffix = '_' + suffix.lstrip('_') maskval = suffixToptmaskval[1] if len( suffixToptmaskval) == 2 else args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_VALUE) if maskval is not None: if startswith_one_of_coll(maskval, ['nodata', 'no-data'], case_sensitive=False): maskval = None else: try: maskval_num = float(maskval) maskval = maskval_num except ValueError: arg_parser.error( "argument {} masking value '{}' is invalid".format( ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, maskval)) suffix_maskval_dict[suffix] = maskval if args.get(ARGGRP_FILTER_COMP).count(True) > 0 and args.get( ARGSTR_FILTER_OFF): arg_parser.error( "argument {} is incompatible with filter options {}".format( ARGSTR_FILTER_OFF, ARGGRP_FILTER_COMP)) if args.get(ARGSTR_DST_SUFFIX) is None: if args.get(ARGGRP_FILTER_COMP).count(True) > 0: args.set( ARGSTR_DST_SUFFIX, MASKED_SUFFIX_DEFAULT + get_mask_bitstring(*args.get(ARGGRP_FILTER_COMP))) else: args.set(ARGSTR_DST_SUFFIX, MASKED_SUFFIX_DEFAULT * (not args.get(ARGSTR_FILTER_OFF))) print("argument {} set automatically to: '{}'".format( ARGSTR_DST_SUFFIX, args.get(ARGSTR_DST_SUFFIX))) dst_suffix_raw = args.get(ARGSTR_DST_SUFFIX) dst_suffix_fixed = '_' + dst_suffix_raw.lstrip( '_') if dst_suffix_raw != '' else '' if dst_suffix_fixed != dst_suffix_raw: args.set(ARGSTR_DST_SUFFIX, dst_suffix_fixed) if args.get(ARGGRP_FILTER_COMP).count( True) == 0 and not args.get(ARGSTR_FILTER_OFF): args.set(ARGGRP_FILTER_COMP) if args.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER) is not None: if args.get(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT) is None: jobscript_default = os.path.join( JOBSCRIPT_DIR, 'head_{}.sh'.format(args.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER))) if not os.path.isfile(jobscript_default): arg_parser.error("Default jobscript ({}) does not exist, ". format(jobscript_default) + "please specify one with {} argument".format( ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT)) else: args.set(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT, jobscript_default) print("argument {} set automatically to: {}".format( ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT, args.get(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT))) ## Validate argument values. if args.get(ARGSTR_TASKS_PER_JOB ) is not None and not args.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER): arg_parser.error("{} option requires {} option".format( ARGSTR_TASKS_PER_JOB, ARGSTR_SCHEDULER)) # Gather list of masks to apply to a (range of) source raster suffix(es). src_bitmasks = None if os.path.isfile(src) and src.endswith(args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX)): src_bitmask = src src_bitmasks = [src_bitmask] if suffix_maskval_dict is None: # maskFile_base = src_bitmask.replace(args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX), '') # suffix_maskval_dict = {src_rasterFile.replace(maskFile_base, ''): None # for src_rasterFile in glob.glob(maskFile_base+'*.tif') # if not src_rasterFile.endswith(args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX))} suffix_maskval_dict = {SRC_SUFFIX_CATCH_ALL: None} elif os.path.isfile(src) and not src.endswith('.txt'): if args.provided(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX): raise ScriptArgumentError( "{} option cannot be used when argument {} is a path to " "a source raster file".format(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, ARGSTR_SRC)) args.set(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, None) suffix_maskval_dict = None src_raster = src src_suffix = None src_raster_dir = os.path.dirname(src_raster) src_raster_fname = os.path.basename(src_raster) beg, end = 0, len(src_raster_fname) # end = None while end >= 0: # end = max(src_raster_fname.rfind('_', beg, end), src_raster_fname.rfind('.', beg, end)) # if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(src_raster_dir, src_raster_fname[beg:end].rstrip('_')+args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX))): if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( src_raster_dir, src_raster_fname[beg:end] + args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX))): src_suffix = src_raster_fname[end:] break end -= 1 if src_suffix is None: arg_parser.error( "Path of {} component for argument {} raster file " "could not be determined".format(args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX), ARGSTR_SRC)) src_bitmask = src_raster.replace(src_suffix, args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX)) bitmaskSuffix = getBitmaskSuffix(src_bitmask) maskFile_base = src_bitmask.replace(bitmaskSuffix, '') src_suffix = src_raster.replace(maskFile_base, '') args.set(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX, bitmaskSuffix) args.set(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, src_suffix) suffix_maskval_dict = {src_suffix: None} if not os.path.isfile(src_bitmask): arg_parser.error( "{} mask component for argument {} raster file does not exist: {}" .format(args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX), ARGSTR_SRC, src_bitmask)) src_bitmasks = [src_bitmask] elif os.path.isfile(src) and src.endswith('.txt'): bundle_file = src src_bitmasks = script_utils.read_task_bundle(bundle_file) elif os.path.isdir(src): srcdir = src src_bitmasks = [] for root, dnames, fnames in os.walk(srcdir): for fn in fnames: if fn.endswith(args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX)): src_bitmasks.append(os.path.join(root, fn)) src_bitmasks.sort() if src_bitmasks is None: arg_parser.error( "argument {} must be a path to either a directory or a file, " "but was '{}'".format(ARGSTR_SRC, src)) print("-----") print("Mask file suffix: {}".format(args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX))) print("""Selected bitmask components to mask: [{}] EDGE [{}] WATER [{}] CLOUD""".format(*[ 'X' if opt is True else ' ' for opt in args.get(ARGSTR_EDGE, ARGSTR_WATER, ARGSTR_CLOUD) ])) print("Output file suffix: '{}[.EXT]'".format(args.get(ARGSTR_DST_SUFFIX))) print("-----") print("Any warnings would appear here:") ## Create processing list. if suffix_maskval_dict is None: masks_to_apply = src_bitmasks num_src_rasters = None else: # Build processing list by only adding bitmasks for which # an output masked raster image(s) with the specified mask settings # does not already exist in the destination directory. src_suffixes = list(suffix_maskval_dict.keys()) num_src_rasters = 0 masks_to_apply = [] for maskFile in src_bitmasks: bitmaskSuffix = getBitmaskSuffix(maskFile) bitmask_is_strip_lsf = (bitmaskSuffix == SUFFIX_STRIP_BITMASK_LSF) rasterFiles_checklist = set() switched_to_glob = False for rasterSuffix in src_suffixes: bitmaskSuffix_temp = bitmaskSuffix if rasterSuffix.startswith(STRIP_LSF_PREFIX): if not bitmask_is_strip_lsf: continue elif bitmask_is_strip_lsf: bitmaskSuffix_temp = SUFFIX_STRIP_BITMASK src_rasterFile = maskFile.replace(bitmaskSuffix_temp, rasterSuffix) if '*' in rasterSuffix: src_rasterffile_glob = set(glob.glob(src_rasterFile)) num_src_rasters += len(src_rasterffile_glob) double_dipped = src_rasterffile_glob.intersection( rasterFiles_checklist) if double_dipped: raise ScriptArgumentError( "{} option '{}' matches source raster files that " "are already caught by another provided suffix!". format(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, rasterSuffix)) rasterFiles_checklist = rasterFiles_checklist.union( src_rasterffile_glob) mask_added = False for src_rasterFile in src_rasterffile_glob: if src_rasterFile.endswith( args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX)): continue if args.get(ARGSTR_OVERWRITE): pass else: dst_rasterFile = get_dstFile(src_rasterFile, args) if not os.path.isfile(dst_rasterFile): pass else: continue masks_to_apply.append(maskFile) mask_added = True break if len(src_rasterffile_glob) == 0: warnings.warn( "{} option '{}' did not match any source raster files " "corresponding to at least one mask file".format( ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, rasterSuffix)) if mask_added: break elif os.path.isfile(src_rasterFile): num_src_rasters += 1 double_dipped = (src_rasterFile in rasterFiles_checklist) if double_dipped: raise ScriptArgumentError( "{} option '{}' matches source raster files that " "are already caught by another provided suffix!". format(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, rasterSuffix)) rasterFiles_checklist.add(src_rasterFile) if args.get(ARGSTR_OVERWRITE): pass else: dst_rasterFile = get_dstFile(src_rasterFile, args) if not os.path.isfile(dst_rasterFile): pass else: continue masks_to_apply.append(maskFile) break else: rasterSuffix_glob = '*' + rasterSuffix.lstrip('_') src_rasterFile = maskFile.replace(bitmaskSuffix_temp, rasterSuffix_glob) src_rasterffile_glob = set(glob.glob(src_rasterFile)) num_src_rasters += len(src_rasterffile_glob) double_dipped = src_rasterffile_glob.intersection( rasterFiles_checklist) if double_dipped: raise ScriptArgumentError( "{} option '{}' (auto-globbed) matches source raster files that " "are already caught by another provided suffix!". format(ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, rasterSuffix_glob)) rasterFiles_checklist = rasterFiles_checklist.union( src_rasterffile_glob) mask_added = False for src_rasterFile in src_rasterffile_glob: if src_rasterFile.endswith( args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX)): continue if args.get(ARGSTR_OVERWRITE): pass else: dst_rasterFile = get_dstFile(src_rasterFile, args) if not os.path.isfile(dst_rasterFile): pass else: continue masks_to_apply.append(maskFile) mask_added = True break if len(src_rasterffile_glob) == 0: warnings.warn( "{} option '{}' (auto-globbed) did not match any source raster files " "corresponding to at least one mask file".format( ARGSTR_SRC_SUFFIX, rasterSuffix_glob)) else: suffix_maskval_dict[ rasterSuffix_glob] = suffix_maskval_dict[ rasterSuffix] del suffix_maskval_dict[rasterSuffix] switched_to_glob = True if mask_added: break if switched_to_glob: src_suffixes = list(suffix_maskval_dict.keys()) print("-----") if suffix_maskval_dict is None: print( "Masking all *_[RASTER-SUFFIX(.tif)] raster components corresponding to " "source *{} file(s), using source NoData values".format( args.get(ARGSTR_MASK_SUFFIX))) else: print("[Raster Suffix, Masking Value]") for suffix, maskval in suffix_maskval_dict.items(): print("{}, {}".format( suffix, maskval if maskval is not None else '(source NoDataVal)')) print("-----") num_tasks = len(masks_to_apply) print("Number of source mask files found: {}".format(len(src_bitmasks))) if num_src_rasters is not None: print( "Number of source raster files found: {}".format(num_src_rasters)) print("Number of incomplete masking tasks: {}".format(num_tasks)) if num_tasks == 0: sys.exit(0) # Pause for user review. print("-----") wait_seconds = 10 print("Sleeping {} seconds before task submission".format(wait_seconds)) sleep(wait_seconds) print("-----") ## Create output directories if they don't already exist. if not args.get(ARGSTR_DRYRUN): for dir_argstr, dir_path in list( zip(ARGGRP_OUTDIR, args.get_as_list(ARGGRP_OUTDIR))): if dir_path is not None and not os.path.isdir(dir_path): print("Creating argument {} directory: {}".format( dir_argstr, dir_path)) os.makedirs(dir_path) ## Process masks. if args.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER) is not None: # Process masks in batch. tasks_per_job = args.get(ARGSTR_TASKS_PER_JOB) src_files = (masks_to_apply if tasks_per_job is None else script_utils.write_task_bundles( masks_to_apply, tasks_per_job, args.get(ARGSTR_SCRATCH), '{}_{}'.format( JOB_ABBREV, ARGSTR_SRC))) jobnum_fmt = script_utils.get_jobnum_fmtstr(src_files) last_job_email = args.get(ARGSTR_EMAIL) args_batch = args args_single = copy.deepcopy(args) args_single.unset(*ARGGRP_BATCH) job_num = 0 num_jobs = len(src_files) for srcfp in src_files: job_num += 1 args_single.set(ARGSTR_SRC, srcfp) if last_job_email and job_num == num_jobs: args_single.set(ARGSTR_EMAIL, last_job_email) cmd_single = args_single.get_cmd() job_name = JOB_ABBREV + jobnum_fmt.format(job_num) cmd = args_single.get_jobsubmit_cmd( args_batch.get(ARGSTR_SCHEDULER), jobscript=args_batch.get(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT), jobname=job_name, time_hr=JOB_WALLTIME_HR, memory_gb=JOB_MEMORY_GB, email=args.get(ARGSTR_EMAIL), envvars=[ args_batch.get(ARGSTR_JOBSCRIPT), JOB_ABBREV, cmd_single, PYTHON_VERSION_ACCEPTED_MIN ]) print(cmd) if not args_batch.get(ARGSTR_DRYRUN):, shell=True, cwd=args_batch.get(ARGSTR_LOGDIR)) else: error_trace = None try: # Process masks in serial. for i, maskFile in enumerate(masks_to_apply): print("Mask ({}/{}): {}".format(i + 1, num_tasks, maskFile)) if not args.get(ARGSTR_DRYRUN): mask_rasters(maskFile, suffix_maskval_dict, args) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as e: with script_utils.capture_stdout_stderr() as out: traceback.print_exc() caught_out, caught_err = out error_trace = caught_err print(error_trace) if e.__class__ is ImportError: print("\nFailed to import necessary module(s)") print( "If running on a Linux system where the jobscripts/ file has been properly" " set up, try running the following command to activate a working environment" " in your current shell session:\n{}".format( "source {} {}".format(JOBSCRIPT_INIT, JOB_ABBREV))) print('') if type(args.get(ARGSTR_EMAIL)) is str: # Send email notification of script completion. email_body = SCRIPT_RUNCMD if error_trace is not None: email_status = "ERROR" email_body += "\n{}\n".format(error_trace) else: email_status = "COMPLETE" email_subj = "{} - {}".format(email_status, SCRIPT_FNAME) script_utils.send_email(args.get(ARGSTR_EMAIL), email_subj, email_body) if error_trace is not None: sys.exit(1)