Exemple #1
    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):

        lemma = nltk.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()
        Operations = []
        # get what you need from slots
        course = tracker.get_slot("course")
        knowledge = tracker.get_slot("knowledges")
        time = tracker.get_slot("time")

        # for debugging
        print("action_name:", self.name())
        latest_message = ("example//latest_message:", tracker.latest_message)
        # get what you need from user_input if not exist in slot
        # if slot exists in the latest msg, it will be autofilled in slotList.
        # returnType: tracker.get_latest_entity_values() -> Object<generator> : next( ) or list( )
        course = list(tracker.get_latest_entity_values(
            "course")) if not course else course
        knowledge = list(tracker.get_latest_entity_values(
            "knowledge")) if not knowledge else knowledge
        time = list(
            tracker.get_latest_entity_values("time")) if not time else time

        # preprocess
        if course:
            course = str(course).lower()
        if knowledge:
            knowledge = [lemma.lemmatize(str.lower(key)) for key in knowledge]
            if 'exercise' in knowledge:
        if time:
            time = str(time).lower()
            time = time.replace(' ', '0')
            time = time.strip('[').strip(']')
        print('time: ', time)
        print('knowledge: ', knowledge)
        # If all required info has been stored in slot_set -> respond to question
        # otherwise -> send message for requesting what missed.
        if not (course and (knowledge or time)):
            # sending msg
            message = "Can you provide the course code of that knowledge?(e.g compXXXX)" if not course else "About what or time of lecture(e.g week 2)?"

            # setting slot
            if course:
                Operations.append(SlotSet('course', course))
            if knowledge:
                Operations.append(SlotSet('knowledges', knowledge))

        if course and (knowledge or time):
            #retrieval info in DB
            search = Search()

            if course in search.db_list:
                # search method need imporvement for this: searhing exercises by knowledge or by time.

                print("time:", time)
                if knowledge:
                    data = search._search_by_key(db_name=course,
                    data = search._search_by_time(db_name=course,

                if not len(data):
                    dispatcher.utter_message("Nothing matched :(")
                    dispatcher.utter_message("Is that what you want? (Yes/No)")
                    Operations.append(SlotSet('knowledges', None))
                    Operations.append(SlotSet('time', None))
                    sim, index = search.tf_idf(knowledge, data)
                    if not knowledge:
                        ans_from = f'Here is all the examples in {time}:'
                    title = None
                    time = None
                    num_key = 1
                    for i in index:
                        if ((not title) or title != data[i][2]) and (
                            (not time) or time != data[i][1]):
                            ans_from = f'I got you examples in {data[i][0]} about {data[i][2]}:'
                            title = data[i][2]
                            time = data[i][1]
                            num_key += 1
                    dispatcher.utter_message("Is that what you want? (Yes/No)")
                    Operations.append(SlotSet('knowledges', None))
                    Operations.append(SlotSet('time', None))

            if course not in search.db_list:
                dispatcher.utter_message("Sorry.. I can't find course ")
                dispatcher.utter_message("Is that what you want? (Yes/No)")
                Operations.append(SlotSet('course', None))
        return Operations
Exemple #2
    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):

        lemma = nltk.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()
        Operations = []

        # for debugging
        print("action_name:", self.name())
        latest_message = ("description//latest_message:",


        # get what you need from slots
        course = tracker.get_slot("course")
        knowledge = tracker.get_slot("knowledges")
        # get what you need from user_input if not exist in slot
        # if slot exists in the latest msg, it will be autofilled in slotList.
        # returnType: tracker.get_latest_entity_values() -> Object<generator> : next( ) or list( )
        course = list(tracker.get_latest_entity_values(
            "course")) if not course else course
        knowledge = list(tracker.get_latest_entity_values(
            "knowledge")) if not knowledge else knowledge

        # preprocess input data from users
        if course:
            course = str(course).lower()
        if knowledge:
            knowledge = [lemma.lemmatize(str.lower(key)) for key in knowledge]

        # If all required info has been stored in slot_set -> respond to question
        # otherwise -> send message for requesting what missed.
        if not (course and knowledge):
            # sending msg
            message = "Can you provide the course code of that knowledge?(e.g compXXXX)" if not course else "About what(description)?"
            # setting slot
            if course:
                Operations.append(SlotSet('course', course))
            if knowledge:
                Operations.append(SlotSet('knowledges', knowledge))

        if course and knowledge:
            #search infomation in db
            search = Search()

            if course in search.db_list:
                # search by keywords extracted by NLU
                data = search._search_by_key(db_name=course, key=knowledge)
                # if data matched is not exist, return message 'Nothing matched'
                # then reset solt
                if not len(data):
                    dispatcher.utter_message("Nothing matched :(")
                    dispatcher.utter_message("Is that what you want? (Yes/No)")
                    Operations.append(SlotSet('knowledges', None))
                    Operations.append(SlotSet('time', None))
                # matched data found -> excuting searching function
                #                    -> compute idf
                #                    -> ranking outcome
                #                    -> return outcome
                    sim, index = search.tf_idf(knowledge, data)
                    title = None
                    time = None
                    num_key = 1
                    for i in index:
                        if ((not title) or title != data[i][2]) and (
                            (not time) or time != data[i][0]):
                            ans_from = f'I got you something in {data[i][0]} about {data[i][2]}:'
                            title = data[i][2]
                            time = data[i][0]
                            num_key += 1
                        print(i, data[i])
                    dispatcher.utter_message("Is that what you want? (Yes/No)")
                    Operations.append(SlotSet('knowledges', None))
                    Operations.append(SlotSet('time', None))

            if course not in search.db_list:
                dispatcher.utter_message("Sorry.. I can't find course ")
                dispatcher.utter_message("Is that what you want? (Yes/No)")
                Operations.append(SlotSet('course', None))

        return Operations