LOGGER.fatal( "You have failed to provide a flag for to the application and have been " "redirected to the help menu.") time.sleep(1.7) subprocess.call("python dagon.py --help") else: try: # Check that you provided a mandatory argument for i, _ in enumerate(sys.argv): if sys.argv[i] in required_args: args_in_params += 1 # If you provided an argument continue.. if args_in_params > 0: if opt.downloadWordList is True: download_rand_wordlist() # Benchmark testing if opt.runBenchMarkTest is True: start_time = time.time() LOGGER.info("Benchmark test start: {}".format(start_time)) # Creating random salts and random placements if opt.randomSaltAndPlacement is True: salt, placement = random_salt_generator( opt.useCharsAsSalt, opt.useIntAsSalt, opt.saltSizeToUse) LOGGER.info( "Using random salt: '{}' and random placement: '{}'..." .format(salt, placement))
show_banner() if opt.hideBanner else show_hidden_banner() integrity_check() if len(sys.argv) <= 1: LOGGER.fatal( "You have failed to provide a flag to the application and have been redirected to the help menu." ) time.sleep(1.7) subprocess.call("python dagon.py --help", shell=True) else: try: # Download a random wordlist if opt.downloadWordList or opt.downloadMultiple: download_rand_wordlist(verbose=opt.runInVerbose, multi=opt.downloadMultiple if opt.downloadMultiple is not None else 1) exit(0) # Output all supported algorithms if opt.showAvailableAlgorithms: show_available_algs(show_all=opt.showAllAlgorithms) exit(0) # Display the version and exit if opt.displayVersionInfo: LOGGER.info(VERSION_STRING) exit(0) # Update Dagon if opt.updateDagon: