Exemple #1
# compute an average transform between original camera attitude estimate
# and optimized camera attitude estimate
quats = []
for i, image in enumerate(proj.image_list):
    if image.name in group_list[0]:
        ned, ypr, q0 = image.get_camera_pose(opt=False)
        ned, ypr, q1 = image.get_camera_pose(opt=True)
        # rx = q1 * conj(q0)
        conj_q0 = transformations.quaternion_conjugate(q0)
        rx = transformations.quaternion_multiply(q1, conj_q0)
        rx /= transformations.vector_norm(rx)
        print(' ', rx)
        (yaw_rad, pitch_rad,
         roll_rad) = transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rx, 'rzyx')
        print('euler (ypr):', yaw_rad * r2d, pitch_rad * r2d, roll_rad * r2d)

# https://github.com/christophhagen/averaging-quaternions/blob/master/averageQuaternions.py
# Q is a Nx4 numpy matrix and contains the quaternions to average in the rows.
# The quaternions are arranged as (w,x,y,z), with w being the scalar
# The result will be the average quaternion of the input. Note that the signs
# of the output quaternion can be reversed, since q and -q describe the same orientation

def averageQuaternions(Q):
    # Number of quaternions to average
    M = Q.shape[0]
    print('averaging # quats:', M)
            my_mat_2 = quaternion_matrix(my_r_2)

            my_mat_2[0:3, 3] = my_t_2

            my_mat_final = np.dot(my_mat, my_mat_2)
            my_r_final = copy.deepcopy(my_mat_final)
            my_r_final[0:3, 3] = 0
            my_r_final = quaternion_from_matrix(my_r_final, True)
            my_t_final = np.array(
                [my_mat_final[0][3], my_mat_final[1][3], my_mat_final[2][3]])

            my_pred = np.append(my_r_final, my_t_final)
            my_r = my_r_final
            my_t = my_t_final

            my_euler_form_r = euler_from_quaternion(my_r)
            print("my_euler_form_r", my_euler_form_r)
            #my_euler_form_r <class 'tuple'>: (0.9198490563735781, -0.007832527911272334, -0.47081842893943104)
            my_euler_yaw = list(my_euler_form_r)[2]
            my_rotation_matrix_from_euler = euler_matrix(
                my_euler_form_r[0], my_euler_form_r[1], my_euler_form_r[2])
            # [[0.90679773  0.18969227 - 0.37647672  0.]
            #  [-0.41995766  0.48440958 - 0.76745223  0.]
            # [0.03678917 0.85402822 0.51892423 0.]
            # [0.          0.          0.          1.]]
            x = np.dot(my_rotation_matrix_from_euler,
                       np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1]]).transpose()).flatten()
            y = np.dot(my_rotation_matrix_from_euler,
                       np.array([[0, 1, 0, 1]]).transpose()).flatten()
            z = np.dot(my_rotation_matrix_from_euler,
                       np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1]]).transpose()).flatten()