Exemple #1
def dfaker(landmarks, face, channels=4):
    """ Dfaker model mask
        Embeds the mask into the face alpha channel

        channels: 1, 3 or 4:
                1 - Return a single channel mask
                3 - Return a 3 channel mask
                4 - Return the original image with the mask in the alpha channel
    padding = int(face.shape[0] * 0.1875)
    coverage = face.shape[0] - (padding * 2)
    logger.trace("face_shape: %s, coverage: %s, landmarks: %s", face.shape,
                 coverage, landmarks)

    mat = umeyama(landmarks[17:], True)[0:2]
    mat = mat.reshape(-1).reshape(2, 3)
    mat = mat * coverage
    mat[:, 2] += padding

    mask = np.zeros(face.shape[0:2] + (1, ), dtype=np.float32)
    hull = cv2.convexHull(landmarks).reshape(1, -1, 2)  # pylint: disable=no-member
    hull = cv2.transform(hull, mat).reshape(-1, 2)  # pylint: disable=no-member
    cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, hull, 255.)  # pylint: disable=no-member

    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (15, 15))  # pylint: disable=no-member
    mask = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, borderType=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT)  # pylint: disable=no-member
    mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1)

    return merge_mask(face, mask, channels)
Exemple #2
    def random_warp(self, image):
        """ get pair of random warped images from aligned face image """
        logger.trace("Randomly warping image")
        height, width = image.shape[0:2]
        coverage = self.get_coverage(image)
            assert height == width and height % 2 == 0
        except AssertionError as err:
            msg = (
                "Training images should be square with an even number of pixels across each "
                "side. An image was found with width: {}, height: {}."
                "\nMost likely this is a frame rather than a face within your training set. "
                "\nMake sure that the only images within your training set are faces generated "
                "from the Extract process.".format(width, height))
            raise FaceswapError(msg) from err

        range_ = np.linspace(height // 2 - coverage // 2,
                             height // 2 + coverage // 2,
        mapx = np.broadcast_to(range_, (5, 5)).copy()
        mapy = mapx.T
        # mapx, mapy = np.float32(np.meshgrid(range_,range_)) # instead of broadcast

        pad = int(1.25 * self.input_size)
        slices = slice(pad // 10, -pad // 10)
        dst_slices = [
            slice(0, (size + 1), (size // 4)) for size in self.output_sizes
        interp = np.empty((2, self.input_size, self.input_size),

        for i, map_ in enumerate([mapx, mapy]):
            map_ = map_ + np.random.normal(size=(5, 5), scale=self.scale)
            interp[i] = cv2.resize(map_, (pad, pad))[slices, slices]  # pylint:disable=no-member

        warped_image = cv2.remap(  # pylint:disable=no-member
            image, interp[0], interp[1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR)  # pylint:disable=no-member
        logger.trace("Warped image shape: %s", warped_image.shape)

        src_points = np.stack([mapx.ravel(), mapy.ravel()], axis=-1)
        dst_points = [
            np.mgrid[dst_slice, dst_slice] for dst_slice in dst_slices
        mats = [
            umeyama(src_points, True, dst_pts.T.reshape(-1, 2))[0:2]
            for dst_pts in dst_points

        target_images = [
                image,  # pylint:disable=no-member
                (self.output_sizes[idx], self.output_sizes[idx]))
            for idx, mat in enumerate(mats)

        logger.trace("Target image shapes: %s",
                     [tgt.shape for tgt in target_images])
        return self.compile_images(warped_image, target_images)
Exemple #3
def get_align_mat(face, size, should_align_eyes):
    mat_umeyama = umeyama(numpy.array(face.landmarks_as_xy()[17:]), landmarks_2D, True)[0:2]

    if should_align_eyes is False:
        return mat_umeyama

    mat_umeyama = mat_umeyama * size

    # Convert to matrix
    landmarks = numpy.matrix(face.landmarks_as_xy())

    # cv2 expects points to be in the form np.array([ [[x1, y1]], [[x2, y2]], ... ]), we'll expand the dim
    landmarks = numpy.expand_dims(landmarks, axis=1)

    # Align the landmarks using umeyama
    umeyama_landmarks = cv2.transform(landmarks, mat_umeyama, landmarks.shape)

    # Determine a rotation matrix to align eyes horizontally
    mat_align_eyes = align_eyes(umeyama_landmarks, size)

    # Extend the 2x3 transform matrices to 3x3 so we can multiply them
    # and combine them as one
    mat_umeyama = numpy.matrix(mat_umeyama)
    mat_umeyama.resize((3, 3))
    mat_align_eyes = numpy.matrix(mat_align_eyes)
    mat_align_eyes.resize((3, 3))
    mat_umeyama[2] = mat_align_eyes[2] = [0, 0, 1]

    # Combine the umeyama transform with the extra rotation matrix
    transform_mat = mat_align_eyes * mat_umeyama

    # Remove the extra row added, shape needs to be 2x3
    transform_mat = numpy.delete(transform_mat, 2, 0)
    transform_mat = transform_mat / size
    return transform_mat
Exemple #4
def get_align_mat(face, size, should_align_eyes):
    mat_umeyama = umeyama(numpy.array(face.landmarks_as_xy()[17:]), landmarks_2D, True)[0:2]

    if should_align_eyes is False:
        return mat_umeyama

    mat_umeyama = mat_umeyama * size

    # Convert to matrix
    landmarks = numpy.matrix(face.landmarks_as_xy())

    # cv2 expects points to be in the form np.array([ [[x1, y1]], [[x2, y2]], ... ]), we'll expand the dim
    landmarks = numpy.expand_dims(landmarks, axis=1)

    # Align the landmarks using umeyama
    umeyama_landmarks = cv2.transform(landmarks, mat_umeyama, landmarks.shape)

    # Determine a rotation matrix to align eyes horizontally
    mat_align_eyes = align_eyes(umeyama_landmarks, size)

    # Extend the 2x3 transform matrices to 3x3 so we can multiply them
    # and combine them as one
    mat_umeyama = numpy.matrix(mat_umeyama)
    mat_umeyama.resize((3, 3))
    mat_align_eyes = numpy.matrix(mat_align_eyes)
    mat_align_eyes.resize((3, 3))
    mat_umeyama[2] = mat_align_eyes[2] = [0, 0, 1]

    # Combine the umeyama transform with the extra rotation matrix
    transform_mat = mat_align_eyes * mat_umeyama

    # Remove the extra row added, shape needs to be 2x3
    transform_mat = numpy.delete(transform_mat, 2, 0)
    transform_mat = transform_mat / size
    return transform_mat
Exemple #5
    def random_warp(self, image):
        """ get pair of random warped images from aligned face image """
        logger.trace("Randomly warping image")
        height, width = image.shape[0:2]
        coverage = self.get_coverage(image)
        assert height == width and height % 2 == 0

        range_ = np.linspace(height // 2 - coverage // 2,
                             height // 2 + coverage // 2,
        mapx = np.broadcast_to(range_, (5, 5)).copy()
        mapy = mapx.T
        # mapx, mapy = np.float32(np.meshgrid(range_,range_)) # instead of broadcast

        pad = int(1.25 * self.input_size)
        slices = slice(pad // 10, -pad // 10)
        dst_slice = slice(0, (self.output_size + 1), (self.output_size // 4))
        interp = np.empty((2, self.input_size, self.input_size),

        for i, map_ in enumerate([mapx, mapy]):
            map_ = map_ + np.random.normal(size=(5, 5), scale=self.scale)
            interp[i] = cv2.resize(map_, (pad, pad))[slices, slices]  # pylint:disable=no-member

        warped_image = cv2.remap(  # pylint:disable=no-member
            image, interp[0], interp[1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR)  # pylint:disable=no-member
        logger.trace("Warped image shape: %s", warped_image.shape)

        src_points = np.stack([mapx.ravel(), mapy.ravel()], axis=-1)
        dst_points = np.mgrid[dst_slice, dst_slice]
        mat = umeyama(src_points, True, dst_points.T.reshape(-1, 2))[0:2]
        target_image = cv2.warpAffine(  # pylint:disable=no-member
            image, mat, (self.output_size, self.output_size))
        logger.trace("Target image shape: %s", target_image.shape)

        warped_image, warped_mask = self.separate_mask(warped_image)
        target_image, target_mask = self.separate_mask(target_image)

        if target_mask is None:
            logger.trace("Randomly warped image")
            return [warped_image, target_image]

        logger.trace("Target mask shape: %s", target_mask.shape)
        logger.trace("Randomly warped image and mask")
        return [warped_image, target_image, target_mask]
    def random_warp(self, image):
        """ get pair of random warped images from aligned face image """
        logger.trace("Randomly warping image")
        height, width = image.shape[0:2]
        coverage = self.get_coverage(image)
        assert height == width and height % 2 == 0

        range_ = np.linspace(height // 2 - coverage // 2,
                             height // 2 + coverage // 2,
                             5, dtype='float32')
        mapx = np.broadcast_to(range_, (5, 5)).copy()
        mapy = mapx.T
        # mapx, mapy = np.float32(np.meshgrid(range_,range_)) # instead of broadcast

        pad = int(1.25 * self.input_size)
        slices = slice(pad // 10, -pad // 10)
        dst_slice = slice(0, (self.output_size + 1), (self.output_size // 4))
        interp = np.empty((2, self.input_size, self.input_size), dtype='float32')

        for i, map_ in enumerate([mapx, mapy]):
            map_ = map_ + np.random.normal(size=(5, 5), scale=self.scale)
            interp[i] = cv2.resize(map_, (pad, pad))[slices, slices]  # pylint: disable=no-member

        warped_image = cv2.remap(  # pylint: disable=no-member
            image, interp[0], interp[1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR)  # pylint: disable=no-member
        logger.trace("Warped image shape: %s", warped_image.shape)

        src_points = np.stack([mapx.ravel(), mapy.ravel()], axis=-1)
        dst_points = np.mgrid[dst_slice, dst_slice]
        mat = umeyama(src_points, True, dst_points.T.reshape(-1, 2))[0:2]
        target_image = cv2.warpAffine(  # pylint: disable=no-member
            image, mat, (self.output_size, self.output_size))
        logger.trace("Target image shape: %s", target_image.shape)

        warped_image, warped_mask = self.separate_mask(warped_image)
        target_image, target_mask = self.separate_mask(target_image)

        if target_mask is None:
            logger.trace("Randomly warped image")
            return [warped_image, target_image]

        logger.trace("Target mask shape: %s", target_mask.shape)
        logger.trace("Randomly warped image and mask")
        return [warped_image, target_image, target_mask]
Exemple #7
def get_align_mat(face, size, should_align_eyes):
    """ Return the alignment Matrix """
    logger.trace("size: %s, should_align_eyes: %s", size, should_align_eyes)
    mat_umeyama = umeyama(np.array(face.landmarks_xy[17:]), True)[0:2]

    if should_align_eyes is False:
        return mat_umeyama

    mat_umeyama = mat_umeyama * size

    # Convert to matrix
    landmarks = np.matrix(face.landmarks_xy)

    # cv2 expects points to be in the form
    # np.array([ [[x1, y1]], [[x2, y2]], ... ]), we'll expand the dim
    landmarks = np.expand_dims(landmarks, axis=1)

    # Align the landmarks using umeyama
    umeyama_landmarks = cv2.transform(  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Determine a rotation matrix to align eyes horizontally
    mat_align_eyes = func_align_eyes(umeyama_landmarks, size)

    # Extend the 2x3 transform matrices to 3x3 so we can multiply them
    # and combine them as one
    mat_umeyama = np.matrix(mat_umeyama)
    mat_umeyama.resize((3, 3))
    mat_align_eyes = np.matrix(mat_align_eyes)
    mat_align_eyes.resize((3, 3))
    mat_umeyama[2] = mat_align_eyes[2] = [0, 0, 1]

    # Combine the umeyama transform with the extra rotation matrix
    transform_mat = mat_align_eyes * mat_umeyama

    # Remove the extra row added, shape needs to be 2x3
    transform_mat = np.delete(transform_mat, 2, 0)
    transform_mat = transform_mat / size
    logger.trace("Returning: %s", transform_mat)
    return transform_mat
Exemple #8
def get_align_mat(face, size, should_align_eyes):
    """ Return the alignment Matrix """
    logger.trace("size: %s, should_align_eyes: %s", size, should_align_eyes)
    mat_umeyama = umeyama(np.array(face.landmarks_as_xy[17:]), True)[0:2]

    if should_align_eyes is False:
        return mat_umeyama

    mat_umeyama = mat_umeyama * size

    # Convert to matrix
    landmarks = np.matrix(face.landmarks_as_xy)

    # cv2 expects points to be in the form
    # np.array([ [[x1, y1]], [[x2, y2]], ... ]), we'll expand the dim
    landmarks = np.expand_dims(landmarks, axis=1)

    # Align the landmarks using umeyama
    umeyama_landmarks = cv2.transform(  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Determine a rotation matrix to align eyes horizontally
    mat_align_eyes = func_align_eyes(umeyama_landmarks, size)

    # Extend the 2x3 transform matrices to 3x3 so we can multiply them
    # and combine them as one
    mat_umeyama = np.matrix(mat_umeyama)
    mat_umeyama.resize((3, 3))
    mat_align_eyes = np.matrix(mat_align_eyes)
    mat_align_eyes.resize((3, 3))
    mat_umeyama[2] = mat_align_eyes[2] = [0, 0, 1]

    # Combine the umeyama transform with the extra rotation matrix
    transform_mat = mat_align_eyes * mat_umeyama

    # Remove the extra row added, shape needs to be 2x3
    transform_mat = np.delete(transform_mat, 2, 0)
    transform_mat = transform_mat / size
    logger.trace("Returning: %s", transform_mat)
    return transform_mat
Exemple #9
def dfaker(landmarks, face, channels=4):
    """ Dfaker model mask
        Embeds the mask into the face alpha channel

        channels: 1, 3 or 4:
                1 - Return a single channel mask
                3 - Return a 3 channel mask
                4 - Return the original image with the mask in the alpha channel
    padding = int(face.shape[0] * 0.1875)
    coverage = face.shape[0] - (padding * 2)
    logger.trace("face_shape: %s, coverage: %s, landmarks: %s", face.shape,
                 coverage, landmarks)

    mat = umeyama(landmarks[17:], True)[0:2]
    mat = np.array(mat.ravel()).reshape(2, 3)
    mat = mat * coverage
    mat[:, 2] += padding

    points = np.array(landmarks).reshape((-1, 2))
    facepoints = np.array(points).reshape((-1, 2))

    mask = np.zeros_like(face, dtype=np.uint8)

    hull = cv2.convexHull(facepoints.astype(int))  # pylint: disable=no-member
    hull = cv2.transform(
        hull.reshape(1, -1, 2),  # pylint: disable=no-member
        mat).reshape(-1, 2).astype(int)
    cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, hull, (255, 255, 255))  # pylint: disable=no-member

    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (15, 15))  # pylint: disable=no-member
    mask = cv2.dilate(
        mask,  # pylint: disable=no-member
        borderType=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT)  # pylint: disable=no-member
    mask = mask[:, :, :1]

    return merge_mask(face, mask, channels)
Exemple #10
def get_align_mat(face):
    return umeyama(numpy.array(face.landmarksAsXY()[17:]), landmarks_2D,
Exemple #11
def get_align_mat(face):
    """ Return the alignment Matrix """
    mat_umeyama = umeyama(np.array(face.landmarks_xy[17:]), True)[0:2]
    return mat_umeyama